View Full Version : New Jersey want what?

02-04-2013, 03:20 PM
hey did you hear what New Jersey wants to do now they want a limit of five rounds.So what do you have to do weld up one hole on your six shooter. They are NUTS!!!!!!!

02-04-2013, 03:24 PM
I say want in one hand and crap in the other and see which hand fills up first.

Astounding times we live in these days. Kind of like the Survivor show, every season I think they can't find anybody as stupid or as much of an idiot than the last one and they prove me wrong every time.

Funny the pure lack of common sense and most of it in government at all levels.

02-04-2013, 03:28 PM
The inmates run the asylum.

02-04-2013, 03:28 PM
And to cut down on beer consumption, they could limit beer sales to no more than 5 cans.
To reduce nasty air pollution, cars could be limited to 3 wheels.
No more than 19 cigarettes can be included in a pack.

There are lots of subtle barriers that do no comprise an outright ban.

02-04-2013, 03:46 PM
hey did you hear what New Jersey wants to do now they want a limit of five rounds.So what do you have to do weld up one hole on your six shooter. They are NUTS!!!!!!!

Naw dude, they gonna make you go old skool. 5 rounds with hammer down on an empty chamber. Oooooold skool.

They do that, I'll be buyin' me a cowboy hat, some chaps, and strap on a matching set of .357 vaqueros. They haven't seen NUTS until they see us all go cowboy on 'em.


02-04-2013, 03:48 PM
And to cut down on beer consumption, they could limit beer sales to no more than 5 cans.
To reduce nasty air pollution, cars could be limited to 3 wheels.
No more than 19 cigarettes can be included in a pack.

There are lots of subtle barriers that do no comprise an outright ban.

But each and every stupid idea is an infringement. They need to look up that word in their funk and wagnell, it'll be coming up a lot in the future.

MW surveyor
02-04-2013, 04:17 PM
Sadly to say that I don't have. Oops, never mind.

02-04-2013, 04:48 PM
hey did you hear what New Jersey wants to do now they want a limit of five rounds.So what do you have to do weld up one hole on your six shooter. They are NUTS!!!!!!!

I belong to the NJ 2nd Amendment society and we have NOT Heard This at All!
I am awaiting confirmation....
We have a large rally in trenton this FRIDAY 10-1pm Gov Christie will address the crowd (multi Groups will be there):amflag:

mr surveyor
02-04-2013, 06:49 PM
my impression of christie..... in Texas, he would be considered more liberal than most (not all) of our democrats. That man has zero respect from me. Since he's not my governor, I shouldn't have an opinion, but since he's decided to make a national spectacle of himself, I can say damn near anything I want to. He can go suck eggs.


02-04-2013, 06:56 PM
I was gonna suggest a large sign with a picture of a nice big juicy hamburger with a bucket of mashed taters on the side. That will surely get his attention.

02-04-2013, 08:21 PM
Every night I try to watch Cam& Company on sportman's channel nra backed show,this topic was covered aleast three times in the last week and half.I was born and raised in Jersey I know what is is like to deal with fire arms there.I have bought handguns in Jersey not easy thing to do.Last time before I moved to PA it took two months to get one handgun permit that's only good for three months,you can get it stamped for another three months but that's it.In NJ you need the same permit to buy a 44 mag as a 177 pellet pistol,why don't you think you see any bb or pellet pistols?Now in all this news media crap it's hard to get all the facts but I think this one is at least on the back burner for Trenton.Before all this I was hearing from friends that 22lr was a pain to get because it fit a handgun.Gee you need what three forms of ID to reregister for you drivers license don't you?And when you move from Jersey you get hit with a departing tax somewhere around 4% of the sale of your home.I my be wrong but from what I here that's what they want to do.I'm glad to part from there I hope all you gun owners can still have your guns but Jersey has it's own agenda

mr surveyor
02-04-2013, 08:28 PM
I don't see how you folks anywhere in the Northeast (or cali) can put up with that kind of crap. Unbelievable. And I consider just about everything East of the Mississippi River and North of South Carolina to be Northeast. That does include illinoize don't it... even though it's a seperate country, maybe I should get out my globe and check.

02-04-2013, 09:37 PM
Christie is the republican parties latest RINO. He's a fat a$$ freakin moron. Was that too strong, Bawanna?

02-05-2013, 05:49 AM
Hey downtownv
Didn't mean to stir things up but that was what I heard, it's so hard to get the facts anymore. They are hidden between the media and the government. NJ has some of the toughest gun laws going I don't understand how any new laws there are going to help, you all ready have to jump thru the hoops now. I did look around and found this


02-05-2013, 06:39 AM
Hey downtownv
Didn't mean to stir things up but that was what I heard, it's so hard to get he fact anymore. They are hidden between the media and the government. NJ has some of the toughest gun laws going I don't understand how any new laws there are going to help, you all ready have to jump thru the hoops now. I did look around and found this

Harry no problem!
There's always some a whole state legislature; that tries to grab a headline by proposing some asinine law (Makes them look like they're working) We had one libby broad that wanted to add all kinds of bullets to the list of Illegal.... Shot shot herself in the head with her own bullet. She couldn't sound any more ignorant than when she opened he mouth!
Watch the video 2/3rds the way down_ it'll make your head explode!

02-05-2013, 06:53 AM
I saw your location as LBI Long Beach Island I assume.How did you make out with sandy,my friend had a marina in West Creek across the bay lost everything.He said they had 9 foot serge.Hope you made out OK

05-11-2013, 07:20 PM
last i heard they`re gonna ban 50 cal and larger. Does that include shotguns / black powder ?????????

05-11-2013, 07:23 PM
last i heard they`re gonna ban 50 cal and larger. Does that include shotguns / black powder ?????????


05-15-2013, 08:43 AM
guess the hunters in jersey will just have to use 410`s:confused:

05-15-2013, 01:01 PM
And to cut down on beer consumption, they could limit beer sales to no more than 5 cans.
To reduce nasty air pollution, cars could be limited to 3 wheels.
No more than 19 cigarettes can be included in a pack.

Don't give them any more ideas.