02-05-2013, 06:22 PM
Here are the bills that are in the house this week. This is disarmament, We need your help to stop this.
Subject: MN House Bills (
Short Description: Pistols and semiautomatic military-style assault weapon transfer and firearm possession eligibility provisions modified, and criminal penalties provided. (
Short Description: Offenders who unlawfully possess firearms on school properties equal penalties established.
Removed misdemeanor exemption for permit holders carrying on school property. (Also removes "a firearm carried in violation of this paragraph is not subject to forfeiture.") (
Short Description: Persons who possess guns on private property after being ordered to leave the premises equal penalties established.
Adds a gross misdemeanor. for the first time, and a felony charge for the second time for carrying in an establishment that asks you to leave. (
Short Description: Mental health screening improved for persons applying for firearm permits.
Sheriff / Police can require you to get "signed off" state licensed primary care physician or state certified mental health professional before you get a permit. (
Short Description: Assault weapons; crime established for manufacturing, transferring, or possessing assault weapons; existing assault weapon disposal or registration provided for; terms defined; data classified; language clarified; and penalties provided.
Defines "Assault Weapon" as ANY:
Semi-automatic that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has one or more of the following:
a rifle or shotgun with a pistol grip or thumbhole stock,
any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the nontrigger hand,
a folding or telescoping stock,
or a shroud attached to the barrel or that partially or completely encircles the barre.
That has the capacity to accept more than SEVEN rounds of ammunition.
Prohibits the ebove mentioned "Assault Weapons"
No grandfathering...
Any person who, on February 1, 2013, legally owns or is in possession of an assault weapon has until September 1, 2013, to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution under Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133:
(1) remove the weapon from the state;
(2) surrender the weapon to a law enforcement agency for destruction;
(3) render the weapon permanently inoperable; or
(4) if eligible, register the weapon as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133, subdivision 5. (
Short Description: Large-capacity magazine crime established for their manufacture, transfer, or possession; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided.
Large-capacity magazine crime:
"Large-capacity magazine" means any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds.
It is unlawful for a person to manufacture, import, transfer, or possess a large-capacity magazine.
Police / Gov't are exempt.
No grandfathering:
(1) permanently alter the magazine so it cannot accommodate more than ten rounds;
2.33(2) remove the large-capacity magazine from the state; or
2.34(3) surrender the large-capacity magazine to a law enforcement agency for destruction. (
Short Description: Large-capacity magazine crime established for their manufacture, transfer, or possession; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided. (
Short Description: Firearm loss or theft false report crime established, crime of transferring firearms to an ineligible person expanded, and a person convicted of these crimes made ineligible to possess a firearm.
Brought to you by:
Paymar D-64B
Schoen D-54A
Dehn, R. D-59B
Simonson D-07B
Hornstein D-61A
Davnie D-63A
Lesch D-66B
Slocum D-50A
Benson, J. D-44B
Isaacson D-42B
Hausman D-66A
Johnson, S. D-67B
Subject: MN House Bills (
Short Description: Pistols and semiautomatic military-style assault weapon transfer and firearm possession eligibility provisions modified, and criminal penalties provided. (
Short Description: Offenders who unlawfully possess firearms on school properties equal penalties established.
Removed misdemeanor exemption for permit holders carrying on school property. (Also removes "a firearm carried in violation of this paragraph is not subject to forfeiture.") (
Short Description: Persons who possess guns on private property after being ordered to leave the premises equal penalties established.
Adds a gross misdemeanor. for the first time, and a felony charge for the second time for carrying in an establishment that asks you to leave. (
Short Description: Mental health screening improved for persons applying for firearm permits.
Sheriff / Police can require you to get "signed off" state licensed primary care physician or state certified mental health professional before you get a permit. (
Short Description: Assault weapons; crime established for manufacturing, transferring, or possessing assault weapons; existing assault weapon disposal or registration provided for; terms defined; data classified; language clarified; and penalties provided.
Defines "Assault Weapon" as ANY:
Semi-automatic that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has one or more of the following:
a rifle or shotgun with a pistol grip or thumbhole stock,
any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the nontrigger hand,
a folding or telescoping stock,
or a shroud attached to the barrel or that partially or completely encircles the barre.
That has the capacity to accept more than SEVEN rounds of ammunition.
Prohibits the ebove mentioned "Assault Weapons"
No grandfathering...
Any person who, on February 1, 2013, legally owns or is in possession of an assault weapon has until September 1, 2013, to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution under Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133:
(1) remove the weapon from the state;
(2) surrender the weapon to a law enforcement agency for destruction;
(3) render the weapon permanently inoperable; or
(4) if eligible, register the weapon as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133, subdivision 5. (
Short Description: Large-capacity magazine crime established for their manufacture, transfer, or possession; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided.
Large-capacity magazine crime:
"Large-capacity magazine" means any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds.
It is unlawful for a person to manufacture, import, transfer, or possess a large-capacity magazine.
Police / Gov't are exempt.
No grandfathering:
(1) permanently alter the magazine so it cannot accommodate more than ten rounds;
2.33(2) remove the large-capacity magazine from the state; or
2.34(3) surrender the large-capacity magazine to a law enforcement agency for destruction. (
Short Description: Large-capacity magazine crime established for their manufacture, transfer, or possession; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided. (
Short Description: Firearm loss or theft false report crime established, crime of transferring firearms to an ineligible person expanded, and a person convicted of these crimes made ineligible to possess a firearm.
Brought to you by:
Paymar D-64B
Schoen D-54A
Dehn, R. D-59B
Simonson D-07B
Hornstein D-61A
Davnie D-63A
Lesch D-66B
Slocum D-50A
Benson, J. D-44B
Isaacson D-42B
Hausman D-66A
Johnson, S. D-67B