View Full Version : Glock 17 & 23 mags at Ivanhoe!

02-06-2013, 10:49 PM
If anyone is interested, Ivanhoe has 40, er, 30 now, Glock 23 Factory magazines... GL23 13-round capacity for $29.95 each + $5 for whole order shipping:


And... I don't even have a Glock... yet! But I'm thinking... GL23C for 13+1 ++++.


02-06-2013, 11:32 PM
Thanks! Just picked up a couple G23 and G17.

02-06-2013, 11:53 PM
I was just there looking around and checked the Glock mags... 41 in stock... 40 GL23 13-rd. I didn't notice what the other was. I did check for GL19 mags. I think that I'm going to get a G23C and was worried about mags. I like to have a bunch on hand.

Dang! I guess the number was of different models. They have/had 40 GL17's too!


02-07-2013, 12:20 AM
They have Glock 17 mags, too.
GL17 17-RD 9MM #MF17117
SKU: MF17117
Our Price: $29.95 Stock: 40



02-07-2013, 06:15 AM
For my crazy Glock G27 I have six barrels in three lengths, finishes and calibers.
And 20+ mags in four lengths and three calibers.
I just got lucky on that.
Even have three 22 round 40 S&W Big Sticks.

Plus I picked up six 13 round 40 mags for my HK P30 a while back too.
Along with 12 12 round P2000 357 mags.

As for my FU Obummer commemorative AKS-74U?
14 30 round waffle mags with 12 more on order.

Life is good.

02-07-2013, 07:08 AM
Thanks for the heads up! Just ordered 3 for my GL34

02-07-2013, 07:53 AM
It's funny, on their wholesale side they show a negative for Glock 17 magazines but ontheir retail side they show a good quantity.

02-07-2013, 08:03 AM
heh, that is funny

get more $$$$ out of us retail folks. lol

les strat
02-07-2013, 08:44 AM
Man, I'm glad I stocked up on all mags before this BS. And ammo.

Here's what I did: every payday, I went and bought a box of ammo or two. Or maybe a mag here and there. If I saw a deal on bulk ammo, I pounced, but I do not have the expendable cash to buy hundreds of dollars of ammo a lot. That's why buying a little along when you find a good deal on mags or ammo pays off in times like these.

02-07-2013, 09:30 AM
However you did it, at least you didn't wait until the shelves were bare! The Glock mags were going for $50 or more at the last gun show. On Gun Broker the prices are crazy... bidding wars!


02-07-2013, 09:31 AM
Man, I'm glad I stocked up on all mags before this BS. And ammo.

Here's what I did: every payday, I went and bought a box of ammo or two. Or maybe a mag here and there. If I saw a deal on bulk ammo, I pounced, but I do not have the expendable cash to buy hundreds of dollars of ammo a lot. That's why buying a little along when you find a good deal on mags or ammo pays off in times like these.

that's really what I've been doing too.
Except I got extra mags just cause I like to have some loaded with SD ammo.
And more for the range.
The plan came together and I didn't really have a plan - LOL!

The Bulgarian AKS-74U, mags and ammo I picked up after ever the Sh1t Hit the Fan.
Had to dig deep in my bag of magic tricks to pull that off.

02-07-2013, 09:41 AM
It's scary how much of our savings I put into ammo and magazines, but I figure it's an investment. I don't think that any of it will get less valuable! We can always have a garage sale! The last time I sold some ammo at a garage sale, guys were here before we opened and the first guy and his friend bought all of the ammo. I got all of mine at bargain prices, at least, before things got crazy.
I like to load up a bunch of mags for the range, too, Barth. I use an UPLula and a piece of that anti-skid shelf liner at the kitchen table. When I get to the range, I can just put my target up, put on my ear/eye protection and start shooting. I like to have a bunch of SD mags loaded up, too.
Wifey and I went out last night to eat and I wore Boomer... my P40 still doesn't have NS. I also carried my PowerTac Cadet. We didn't want to wait for the crowds around Valentine's Day.

It's nice that all of my carry pistols... 9mm-.45... fit in the same holster.

If I get the G23C, I'll round that ugly trigger guard off and see if it fits!

It's a lot thicker, but I have 3 HH Mini Tucks now and a little heat might make one fit. I'll definitely check that out.


02-07-2013, 06:12 PM
My mags were mailed Priority today! They should be here by Monday! That's pretty good because I just went to Shooters and bought a Glock 23C, a cheapie Blade-Tech holster, extended slide release, and extended magazine release. I tried the regular ones and can really see the need for extended ones!

Now I need Trijicon HD Night Sights with Orange front outline!

I would like to get the same thing in 9mm for Wifey. She can rack the Glock!

And to repeat some info... Shooters got a TON of S&W 15-22's for $399.99 each.

And the S&W AR15/M4 carbine-like things in .223 for $949.99.

They were refusing to sell a woman 5 because she had already bought THIRTY of the .223 AR's!!


They sell online!

Got to do supper now, but wanted to pass on the two gun deals!


02-07-2013, 06:36 PM
Thanks. I had picked up a couple of extra 19s but was looking for some 17s. Perfect!! Thank you!!

02-07-2013, 08:27 PM
I would still like to get a G19... maybe Gen4 for my wife... and maybe compensated, but not sure they're going to make that from the Internet chatter... a Gen 4 G19C.

I'll be trying for some G19 mags... she CAN rack the G23! Wifey can!


02-07-2013, 08:41 PM

The G19 Gen4 (non-compensated) is very tame, due in part to the double recoil springs. My wife (5 feet tall) is very comfortable shooting it. I would not hesitate to give it a try, even if you can't get a compensated model.

It's the perfect mate to the G23. Same grip, same bore axis, same sight picture, same trigger, same holster. You can't beat it.

02-07-2013, 08:49 PM
Thanks, I'm thinking maybe just a G19 Gen 4 for her. I need to start looking for mags for it now. I really lucked out at Ivanhoe finding the G23 mags for "only" S29.95!

I have MY battle pistols now, but I need to find her one!


02-07-2013, 09:00 PM
If you're interested in getting some extended mags for your G23, check out these guys. (http://www.botachtactical.com/gl40sw2215ma.html)

02-07-2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks, I checked there but 15-rounds isn't much improvement over the 13-rounders, when you have a bunch of those and start with 13 + 1.


02-07-2013, 09:19 PM
Oh come on, Wynn, you can't pass up a bargain. Five bucks cheaper than Ivanhoe, and free shipping!

02-07-2013, 09:49 PM
Dang! I ordered 2 and tried numerous times to make it 3, but wound up with 2. My son might get one when he comes to visit. he has a Glock 22 with only ONE mag!

All of the other mags were not available... 33, 22 rounds and so forth... 9mm or .40.

I can always carry one as a spare! Now I need to order some mag holders form Tactical Kydex! The ones at the store were too freaking HUGE!


02-07-2013, 09:51 PM
Botach is sold out anyways...

I did order some M&P mags from them before this nonsense and had no issues.

02-08-2013, 04:04 AM
All of the other mags were not available... 33, 22 rounds and so forth... 9mm or .40.

Watch the site daily. Stock comes and goes, and doesn't last long. I haven't found anyone to sell Glock mags cheaper than they do. Free shipping is the icing on the cake.

Botach is sold out anyways...

They still had stock at the time of my post. Wynn may have gotten the last two 15rd .40 mags. I suspect that's why the site didn't allow him to place more of them in his shopping cart.

02-08-2013, 04:20 AM
I kind of suspected that. I think my son will be visiting before too long and he'll have at least one more mag when he leaves. He doesn't ever shoot his, but we go at least once to the range while he's here.


02-08-2013, 05:29 AM
Midway has been getting Glock mags in from time to time. Limited two per customer, but they are only $25 ea with $4 shipping.

02-08-2013, 01:54 PM
my local guy got in some glock 19 mags yesterday, $24.99 each. I stopped by and picked up 3.

With the 3 GL 17 mags I ordered yesterday from ivanhoe and now 3 GL19s locally, I'll be set on Glock mags for a while.

02-08-2013, 01:54 PM
hubby really wants a couple more M&P 40 mags. no luck so far though.

02-08-2013, 02:34 PM
I might get my mags tomorrow! I'm still trying to find a deal on G19 mags... the 15-round ones! I WAS thinking Gen 4 G19, but a few problems with the slide block online have me thinking maybe I had better just get a G19 Gen 3... when I can. The thought of the slide falling freely to the concrete floor after pulling the trigger before taking the slide off... really sounds terrible!:eek:

If the mags come tomorrow I might get ready for a range trip Monday... after loading 12 magazines! I want to test ammo in the ported barrel... FLASH testing!:D


02-08-2013, 04:56 PM

02-08-2013, 05:21 PM
One of these days I want to spread all of my guns and magazines on our king-sized bed and take photos for insurance inventories. That will be a PITA! I'll have to root through the "hoarder" clutter in our "living room/storage room"... garage sale stuff and everything else I got tired of hauling upstairs and don't have any place else to store!:rolleyes:


02-08-2013, 06:08 PM
I might get my mags tomorrow! I'm still trying to find a deal on G19 mags... the 15-round ones! I WAS thinking Gen 4 G19, but a few problems with the slide block online have me thinking maybe I had better just get a G19 Gen 3... when I can. The thought of the slide falling freely to the concrete floor after pulling the trigger before taking the slide off... really sounds terrible!:eek:

If the mags come tomorrow I might get ready for a range trip Monday... after loading 12 magazines! I want to test ammo in the ported barrel... FLASH testing!:D


Not a deal but in stock. :) Was lucky enough to find someone willing to trade some 10 rounders for 15 too (straight up). He was out of NY.


02-11-2013, 07:19 AM
I might get my mags tomorrow! I'm still trying to find a deal on G19 mags... the 15-round ones! I WAS thinking Gen 4 G19, but a few problems with the slide block online have me thinking maybe I had better just get a G19 Gen 3... when I can. The thought of the slide falling freely to the concrete floor after pulling the trigger before taking the slide off... really sounds terrible!:eek:

If the mags come tomorrow I might get ready for a range trip Monday... after loading 12 magazines! I want to test ammo in the ported barrel... FLASH testing!:D


FWIW, I haven't had any troubles with my Gen 4 GL 19. Love it, it's now my daily carry.

02-11-2013, 08:20 AM
Not a deal but in stock. :) Was lucky enough to find someone willing to trade some 10 rounders for 15 too (straight up). He was out of NY.

Aren't they limited to 7 now?

02-11-2013, 12:46 PM
UPS just delivered my order. Wow, that was fast.

02-11-2013, 02:08 PM
Aren't they limited to 7 now?

I believe the 10s will be grandfathered in for a time if you already have them. You can only load 7 though. Apparently they need to Barney Fife the others?


02-11-2013, 05:59 PM
UPS just delivered my order. Wow, that was fast.

I got mine Saturday... loaded then yesterday and shot them this afternoon... 257 rounds total... NO MALFUNCTIONS in the G23C! Nice!


02-12-2013, 09:23 PM
they got another shipment in :D
G17-145 as of now
G19-81 as of now
G21-50 as of now
G22-43 as of now
G23-22 as of now
G27-11 as of now
G27-22 (LEO) as of now
G29-11 as of now
G33-6 as of now
G36-12 as of now
G37-6 as of now
G38-5 as of now
G39-9 as of now

02-13-2013, 11:20 AM
G22 22-round mags in stock... didn't check others... $44.95 each, stock 100.



02-15-2013, 02:33 PM
Ivanhoe has smoking service! I just got the 2x22-round and 15-round Glock mags a few minutes ago! TWO days from order to receipt... $5 USPS Priority Mail for the whole order!

The 22-rounders don't stick out like the 33-round 9mm, and these would be nice with the carbine adapter uppers.

If you need Glock mags, they have a BOATLOAD of the 4 or so I checked... thousands, but no 33-round 9mm, yet!


02-15-2013, 02:56 PM
Wynn I think you will like my service better :) I gave you free shipping. :)

02-15-2013, 03:05 PM
YES! I'm glad you were there... better deal! It's nice to see some kind of supplies increasing, though!


02-18-2013, 08:21 PM
So while I was perusing the Ivanhoe site last night I took a glance at the guns they had for sale. I snagged a "used" Glock G30S with 3 mags and night sights for $480 shipped. Doing the happy dance over here.

02-18-2013, 08:37 PM
Dang! I looked yesterday and today... didn't notice that!

I DID notice that they had raised the price on the G23 mags from the $29.95 that I just bought 10 for, to $34.95!

I wasn't really LOOKING for anything in particular, but I was thinking about another Glock 22 mag or two for my son, but they were out of those.

I emailed Optics Planet to cancel my "special" order with them. I opted for the $149.95 price for 1-3 DAYS shipping... vs. 1-3 MONTHS for $129.95 price on the same Trijicon HD GL101O... the HD NS Orange front sight. They offered me immediate delivery on the Yellow front-sighted ones, but I have those on my XD45... from them... for $129.95 delivered quickly.

This is my email to them late today:

"I have bought Trijicon HD sights before and was pleased by the low price and fast shipping.

I chose the HIGHER listed price for something that I though was in stock and now have been waiting much longer with no end in sight.

I did a quick search and found this item on Amazon.com and bought it with upgraded two-day shipping for a total of $140.40. I will be needing another set as I pick up another pistol tomorrow. I'll be letting my fingers do the walking again with an online search. I would order two, but I want to make sure my wife prefers Orange or the Yellow that I got from you for my XD45.

Please cancel my order# 3756437 Reference 2376172 with your company. I feel that I was mislead by your "two-tiered" pricing and was lead to believe the higher price would get me 1-3 days shipping instead of 1-3 months!


Anyhow... the Amazon-based company will deliver the sights by the 21st! I'm NOT happy with Optics Planet! I buy a lot of stuff online!:rolleyes: And I don't like misrepresentation!

I want to give my wife a chance to see which she prefers and if it's worth even getting her a complete set of night sights! I might get by with just the front sight and the white outline rear sights on the G19 that I'm getting her... for HER "battle pistol".


02-19-2013, 04:37 AM
So while I was perusing the Ivanhoe site last night I took a glance at the guns they had for sale. I snagged a "used" Glock G30S with 3 mags and night sights for $480 shipped. Doing the happy dance over here.

How "used" can it be? Probably was never sold. I'm guessing a T&E gun. Great find, particularly in this market.

02-19-2013, 05:58 AM
So while I was perusing the Ivanhoe site last night I took a glance at the guns they had for sale. I snagged a "used" Glock G30S with 3 mags and night sights for $480 shipped. Doing the happy dance over here.

theye've actually had that gun for over a month, i'm always watching there site & thursday i was at the right place at the right time.
NIB Gen4 22 shipped $460 that was thursday, as of now i'm still waiting for them to ship it.

02-19-2013, 06:03 AM
How "used" can it be? Probably was never sold. I'm guessing a T&E gun. Great find, particularly in this market.
they told me it did show light signs of wear on the slide, they also told me it WAS'NT the 30S i checked into it myself.
so i guess we'll find out when he gets it.

02-19-2013, 08:03 AM
they told me it did show light signs of wear on the slide, they also told me it WAS'NT the 30S i checked into it myself.
so i guess we'll find out when he gets it.

Maybe its a G30SF?? I should have it Thursday or Friday.

02-19-2013, 08:04 AM
theye've actually had that gun for over a month, i'm always watching there site & thursday i was at the right place at the right time.
NIB Gen4 22 shipped $460 that was thursday, as of now i'm still waiting for them to ship it.

That is an awesome grab!!!!

02-19-2013, 12:16 PM
Maybe its a G30SF?? I should have it Thursday or Friday.
when i checked into it a few weeks back, i asked the same questions & the lady i was talking with told me it was a regular G30.
so who knows congrats on your new find.
yeah i think i got a hell of a deal on the g22, i just checked my order status on the g22 & should be at my ffl today. :D

02-19-2013, 12:21 PM
I just checked again at Ivanhoe. All Glock mags over 13-rounds are $34.95 now, including the 400 or so G17 mags they just got in. G21 13-rounders are $39.95, though!


02-20-2013, 05:47 AM
I think they raised prices so they could keep some stock and I'm sure make a few extra bucks.

They must not be able to get many G21 mags.

02-20-2013, 10:05 AM
If you need something, just keep checking back. They get stuff in all of the time. I was going to order a few more G22 15-round mags for my son, but for $5 more than my last order, I'll just give him one or two of the ones I just got. My last order only took 2 days from order to delivery.


02-20-2013, 12:34 PM
Supply and demand. They are demanding more money. :D

I think they raised prices so they could keep some stock and I'm sure make a few extra bucks.

They must not be able to get many G21 mags.