View Full Version : Burr on the barrel?

02-08-2013, 05:24 PM
This is my first post. This is my first pistol purchase, got the cm9 for ccw. I read lots and followed break in from this forum, very helpful, and thanks to all.

Any one else had a burr like this? I ended up filling it down with 600 sandpaper before I took the pictures. Oops, I realized as an afterthought I might post about it. I'm pretty sure it appeared after my break in 200 rounds. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/02/09/upu4apan.jpg

I'm not too worried about it, and plan to just keep shooting. Very happy with my purchase, just curious to hear if others encountered the same?

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02-08-2013, 05:33 PM
You did exactly the right thing. Smooth it off a bit. It most likely will not return and should be nothing to worry about.

Welcome aboard, glad you found us.

02-08-2013, 07:58 PM
u did a nice job to. Most all will get that little burr. It is casued byt he casing leavin the gun. That pointed area is a weak area due to no size or strength. Once u get it filed kand smoothed out It normally stops. welcometo the nut house. I wa shired by this forum to keep peace and to keep the guys straight.I don't post often either. I am u sually busy back in the barn with my horses...

02-09-2013, 08:22 AM
Cool, thanks guys. After reading about how to handle some of the other issues I figured this was no biggie and just sand it down.

Jocko, I've read enough posts of yours already to say thank you for all your wisdom and I know your blowing smoke!

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