View Full Version : Vanguard trigger guard cover for Kahr poly frames
02-09-2013, 02:38 AM
No luck with my forum search, so let me ask if you gents have tried the Raven Vanguard trigger guard cover.
I don't particularly like carrying my Kahr CW9 in C1 with a pocket holster or a belt holster, so I'm looking for a way to calm my safety sensitivity. I discovered the Vanguard trigger guard cover for carrying a Glock in Condition 1, and now I find that Vanguard makes them for Kahr poly frame pistols, too.
Has using the Vaguard for Kahr pocket carry come up before? Do they work well?
02-09-2013, 08:36 AM
The manufacturer doesn't provide much information on the website. I would think that you would have to be extremely careful re-holstering your gun with this set up and I'm a bit concerned about retention. I'd have to see one in person to give you a good evaluation of the product.
02-09-2013, 02:27 PM
The manufacturer doesn't provide much information on the website. I would think that you would have to be extremely careful re-holstering your gun with this set up and I'm a bit concerned about retention. I'd have to see one in person to give you a good evaluation of the product.
They're pretty simple. The polymer guard is molded to fit securely over a pistols trigger guard; its just flexible enough to snap tightly over the trigger guard for the obvious purpose of preventing unintentional operation of the trigger. No other part of the pistol is covered.
The polymer trigger guard has a short paracord lanyard to grasp for removal from the pistol. Removal requires a firm tug.
I'm interested in this device for pocket or briefcase carry or console transport without a holster. The pistol can be carried in a Remora or DeSantis holster with the trigger guard in place.
I am one who is extremely conservative (cautious) regarding Condition 1 carry without a manual safety. The Vanguard, in my opinion, provides safer pocket carry than a holster. I prefer to carry in C3, but the inability to chamber a Kahr by racking the slide requires C1 for SD.
I thought someone here might have some experience using Vanguard with a Kahr.
02-09-2013, 02:39 PM
doesn't do anything for me after reading of those who ownone.the principal at first sounds OK but some of the posts that I have read were not to flattering..
Actually before this thread I had never heardof this system..
02-09-2013, 02:53 PM
It sounds like another way for Murphy to intervene and make you look silly with your trigger blocked!
Good grief! Get some kind of holster so you can cover the trigger and draw the pistol one-handed. Anything that can possibly go wrong, will... at the worst possible time!
02-09-2013, 03:27 PM
it certainly would print less in a desantis or uncle mikes..
02-09-2013, 03:58 PM
It sounds like another way for Murphy to intervene and make you look silly with your trigger blocked!
Good grief! Get some kind of holster so you can cover the trigger and draw the pistol one-handed. Anything that can possibly go wrong, will... at the worst possible time!
Thanks. I have high quality, leather belt holsters for my CW9, but I often prefer pocket carry or transport in my brief case.
C1 without a manual safety is problematic with pocket or brief case carry or transport in my console. C3 would suit me fine, but inability to chamber quickly by racking the slide is, well, a disadvantage.
My lifestyle is quite safe and uneventful, but I like having a gun on board sometimes that could be deployed in case a bad situation arises. Long driving trips on the interstate with occasional rest area stops, for example, represent risks that justify being armed. I see the Vanguard as a 'surrogate' manual safety that isn't designed for quick draw situations.
I know this kind of device isn't popular with concealed carry 'experts', but I'm more concerned with safety than expertise in SD techniques. Having a ND that harms someone would be much more serious, in my case, than looking silly or being out-performed by a bad guy.
02-09-2013, 04:28 PM
I understand. I use an old Uncle Mike's Sidekick for my PM45 for covering the trigger when it's lying in its defensive position. It's not a retention holster, but I can grab the grip and slide it out without dragging the holster along. I would use some kind of restraining/retention holster arrangement that allowed drawing the pistol without the holster coming along in the way.
I do the same with my P380 around the house. I wear its UM holster or lay the holstered pistol near me where I can grab the pistol without the UM following along, either.
02-09-2013, 05:39 PM
Keep in mind that the Kahr pistols are not really condition 1 with one in the chamber. They are Double Action Only and as such the striker is backed and released as you pull the trigger back. Just like it would be with a double action revolver. Condition 1 is hammer back, safety on, one in the chamber.
Personally, I think the Kahr is the perfect pocket pistol because of this and the looong trigger pull. I feel much safer with it in my pocket with one in the chamber than I would with a single action pistol that has a safety in true condition 1. But that's just me.
Also, keep in mind that even though Kahr recommends not to rack the slide to load their pistols, you can do it without issue, if that's the way you want to carry it. It's all in the technique and I haven't had a single issue racking the slide to chamber a round on my CM9, from day 1.
02-09-2013, 05:49 PM
They only advise that because too many people ride the slide. If you do a proper overhand rack with clean release, it will almost ALWAYS work. The "secret" is not holding the pistol loosely and allowing the pistol to move and soak up some of the momentum needed for the slide to chamber a round fully! It's EASY to limp-wrist a slide lock release, too, with a wussie grip on the pistol! Use a firm grip!
Short Bus
02-09-2013, 06:06 PM
I would put it in a Foxx Trapp so all you need to do is smack the clip with your palm if it's not on your side and it'll be quick to put on for IWB.
Bill K
02-09-2013, 06:17 PM
If your going to use it for pocket carry I suggest you have the cord kept as short as possible. It just could be that you need to point and shoot as soon as the muzzle clears your pocket.
02-09-2013, 07:03 PM
They only advise that because too many people ride the slide. If you do a proper overhand rack with clean release, it will almost ALWAYS work. The "secret" is not holding the pistol loosely and allowing the pistol to move and soak up some of the momentum needed for the slide to chamber a round fully! It's EASY to limp-wrist a slide lock release, too, with a wussie grip on the pistol! Use a firm grip!
Does the ammo make much of a difference in clambering cleanly by racking the slide? Round nose chamber easier than JHP?
If the racking technique is most important with a Kahr, what I've been doing for years with Glocks should work just fine.
Reloads wont be a problem with the slide release.
02-09-2013, 08:09 PM
it sholdn't if done right. kahrs recoil springs are stout, kahrs are small by some gun standards, so the combination just takes practice.I own a G19 and my dog can rack that slide it is just that easy. Not so with any of my kahrs, but after awhile it becomes second nature to. I know whenI have my kahr in my hands it takes good control and with the G19 just seems like a peace of cake. Ican slowly hand rack my G19 and it feeds perfectly. try thatwith most kahrs and ur gonna jam it. Not an issue once u get used to it...
02-09-2013, 08:28 PM
The more vigorous rack with CLEAN release and firm grip will always work... like firing with a firm grip. A loose grip allows the pistol's movement to absorb some of the force of the slide going forward. The Kahrs are tight and use strong springs. Any "limp-wristing" loses some of the slide's force and allows the top cartridge to USUALLY dive and jam against the right side of the feed ramp and HANG! THEN, you might have to drop the magazine, get the "loose" round out of the way, and re-insert the mag and try again to CHAMBER a round!:eek:
Meanwhile, your "timeout" has probably run out! double:eek:
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