View Full Version : Shot my new G30 SF Yesterday - First Time

02-09-2013, 04:45 PM
Picked up my new G30 SF Thursday and shot 120rds through it Friday. Shot well but has BIF pretty bad. Put one mag through it pointing at the target but looking at ejection. It was like a blender with the top off, going every which way. I will say the bullets went where they were supposed to and I know that's what counts. I'll add this one to my CCW next week.

I'm down to about 1K target rounds so I need to get back on the bench. 3500 cases are ready for inspection and I have powder, primers and a fair amount of bullets.

I know one or two who actually read my posts will wonder "Didn't he just get a G30 SF? Yes I did. I'm selling the PM9 and accessories to go all .45 with one holster, one ammo set up, half the practice. I shoot the G30 better anyway.

02-09-2013, 04:48 PM
I love the 30sf. Congrats on the new purchase. You wouldn't by chance want to sell any 9mm reloading supplies, would you? :)

02-09-2013, 04:55 PM
I got my mags from Ivanhoe today... fast! I might go to the range Monday and test the G23C... more "flash testing". I can load up my range ammo and SD testing mags and get under way quickly. I think the proper term is "under weigh" for you swabbies out there. I did study some marine stuff... quite a bit with the US Power Squadron when I got my first boat.

I hope that UPS delivers my .40 Bonded Rem Golden Sabers early in the day. I want to try that, too.

I never wanted to have a .40, but now that caliber has become my EDC.

I do carry my PM45 for night... has night sights. I still don't have want I want on the P40, but I did order some for the G23... Trijicon HD NS Orange front sight.


02-09-2013, 05:54 PM
I know one or two who actually read my posts will wonder "Didn't he just get a G30 SF? Yes I did. I'm selling the PM9 and accessories to go all .45 with one holster, one ammo set up, half the practice. I shoot the G30 better anyway.

So this is your 2nd G30SF? Does the first also eject erratically? What generation are they?

02-09-2013, 07:08 PM
They are identical with the first out the factory a little before the latest. They both deliver brass to the face but the latest with greater determination. The extractor feels like it hits a rough spot when I push it open. I took it down and cleaned both the extractor & ejector channels which were mostly clean. I will shoot them both more to see if it smooths out before I try the "fixes" I've seen. I understand Glock will replace the extractors so I might try that first.

02-09-2013, 07:14 PM
I love the 30sf. Congrats on the new purchase. You wouldn't by chance want to sell any 9mm reloading supplies, would you? :)
I intend to sell all my stuff for 9mm but think I may have a local buyer. I promised him first shot. I'm trying to do a package sale rather then piece meal. Already sold all my target ammo and all but 1 box of HST. If I don't come back to sell it bump me cause I simply forget a lot of stuff lately.

02-09-2013, 07:44 PM
were not gonna loose u as a kahr owner though are we?????

02-09-2013, 11:14 PM
Gulp..... Welllll..... Yeah, I gotta sell my only Kahr to pay for the new G30. But I'll still be family if'n you'll still have me. I just couldn't see the need for two different guns and insisted on a second gun in case something happened to the first.

I still really like Kahr, but the short frame in the G30 fills my hand instead of my hand wrapping completely around it. I instinctively shoot much better, not fighting the gun but just raise and shoot even at 30' with 21' & 10' proportionally better.

So, just for me, I had to make a choice. It's not cool aid, just a better fit.

02-10-2013, 03:16 AM
Dang, you won't have to leave. I just stepped over to the dark side and got the G23C and am looking for a G19 for wifey, but for the higher capacity... and the easier rack for Wifey. My Kahrs are my EDC's, though. I got a crappy plastic IWB Holster... only $24.99... by Blade Tech... just to have something before I left the store, just as I got the extended mag catch and slide release, too. It's hard, unyielding plastic, though, and uncomfortable. I guess the thicker size for the Glock doesn't help, either!


02-10-2013, 07:48 AM
Another move to the darkside...

DO NOT be a stranger here. It's okay to continue to be strange, just not a strange-er.:rolleyes:

02-10-2013, 11:10 AM
Thanks, I'll stick around if y'all will have me.

02-10-2013, 11:18 AM
Ok, up for vote. Old Lincoln gets to stay or we vote him off the island.

I vote he stays........................................

02-10-2013, 11:19 AM
Shoot... that's all that counts... er, unless John says otherwise. I don't think you have to be a Kahr owner, but we don't cotton to no Kahr-bashers. Know whut ah mean?

He's another one of the "high-posters" or contributors! I vote yes, too!


02-10-2013, 11:35 AM
I intend to sell all my stuff for 9mm but think I may have a local buyer. I promised him first shot. I'm trying to do a package sale rather then piece meal. Already sold all my target ammo and all but 1 box of HST. If I don't come back to sell it bump me cause I simply forget a lot of stuff lately.

You got it, and I understand. Local is always easier. Unless you happen to live near Colorado Springs. :) Seriously though, I'll hit you back up to make sure your buyer came through. I would be interested in buying everything as a package deal too.

02-10-2013, 06:10 PM
Ok, up for vote. Old Lincoln gets to stay or we vote him off the island.

I vote he stays........................................

I'm not sure my vote counts for much around here.
But I vote he stays.
And I don't even know what transgression has happened that
brings removal as a member to the table? LOL!

You've got to really suck to get banned from this place.

Ah I see you sold your Kahr.
This has come up before.
Non Kahr owners are welcome and always have been.
It's a place for good gun folks.
If you have a Kahr? That's better, but certainly no requirement.

I will never sell my MK40 Elite.
Having it is why I became a member.
But I post more about general gun stuff than Kahrs specifically.
And for some of us - this place is a little more than just a gun forum.

02-10-2013, 07:47 PM
Well, gosh fellas. thanks for your votes. The Kahr isn't sold yet, I can't find the guy's phone number. And I wouldn't sell it if weren't a sell one to buy one kind of thing.

02-10-2013, 08:00 PM
Well, gosh fellas. thanks for your votes. The Kahr isn't sold yet, I can't find the guy's phone number. And I wouldn't sell it if weren't a sell one to buy one kind of thing.

I've only sold one handgun in my lifetime.
A HK stainless USP 45 Compact.

I don't' sell a good gun anymore.
Guess that's why I own Fourteen now - LOL!

But I totally understand those that do.
Melissa would need a warehouse if she didn't swap weapons.

Yogi 117
02-10-2013, 08:38 PM
Another G30 owner votes to let OldLincoln stay! Have fun with all those .45's! :D :59:

02-10-2013, 09:02 PM
As far as I'm concerned, he stays. I like to think of this place like Mayberry, with an edge. He fits right in.

02-11-2013, 09:04 AM
Yeah, OldBuddy, you've got a home here among friends. :yo:

02-11-2013, 09:28 AM

You better not disappear. There's so little sanity here as it is.

02-11-2013, 11:31 AM
It's all of you that makes this place home. Thanks for inviting me to stay.

02-11-2013, 11:42 AM
Ol' Lincoln stays, but he has to change his name to Old Glockin'. :D

You know what they say about a man with only one gun - he really knows how to use it. You stated some pretty good reasons to consolidate.

02-11-2013, 11:51 AM
Old Glockenspiel?

I have a perfect Avatar for you


02-11-2013, 02:32 PM
Now you guys are getting downright nasty! Are you sitting too close to the pot belly stove?

MW surveyor
02-11-2013, 04:35 PM
I vote he stays.


02-11-2013, 04:46 PM
I say as long as he keeps Dad's Colt he's ok. I suspect we'll be in good company for quite a long spell.

02-11-2013, 05:56 PM
Dad's Colt is what started all this to begin with. No way was I going to carry that one, too special and it is securely put away and will never leave the family. That on my word and my son's.

02-11-2013, 06:19 PM
Any chance of adoption? I'm totally up for grabs.

02-12-2013, 12:36 PM
Ol' Lincoln stays, but he has to change his name to Old Glockin'. :D

He's always been OldBuddy to me. :)

02-18-2013, 02:32 PM
ALL of my 9mm stuff has sold.

I love the 30sf. Congrats on the new purchase. You wouldn't by chance want to sell any 9mm reloading supplies, would you? :)
My local buyer backed out, he had warned he was already in trouble and didn't know how he was going to justify ANOTHER gun. So now my entire 9mm setup is for sale.

Remember I said I have to sell a gun to buy a gun and the numbers are running tight so while I believe it's still a good price, I wish I could have donated some of it.

For reloading, I have the following and really prefer it to go to one buyer. Shipping is not included but I suspect it will be the if it fits thing. Whatever it is I'll not add a penny, and my word is gold.

Lee 3 die set
Lee Factory Crimp Die
2500 cases, ready to prime (very shiny)
240 X-Treme copper plated bullets 115gn
Total $155 plus shipping

broham25 spoke up first so he gets first shot. If he turns it down then it opens to the rest & I'll post it in the marketplace forum.