View Full Version : Checking a used P9.
02-09-2013, 09:29 PM
Ive been on the hunt for an M&P Shield for a while and yesterday I stumbled across a used P9 black on black. I got told the typical sales pitch, " guy bought it for his wife and she didnt like it" You know, similar to the little old lady who only drove it on sunday spill! The price was right and it looked clean on the outside so I bought it anyway. I was checking the serial number and it looks like this gun is a 2000 model. So much for the "guy bought it for his wife and she didnt like it" speech. It was pretty nasty on the inside, im not sure it had ever been cleaned. It cleaned up real nice and I ran 50 rounds through it this afternoon flawlessly. Since the round count is unknown is there anything I should be checking for wear or replacement? I really like this gun, im still on the list for an M&P at the store but im not sure if im going to want it after buying this p9!
02-09-2013, 10:02 PM
Others will be on with more insight, but you can clean and lube per the stickies on this site. You could replace the outer recoil spring if you like. Many replace that at 1200 to 1500 rounds.
You have a great gun, and they don't seem to wear out. Have fun with it!
02-10-2013, 02:23 AM
I would do a good cleaning... including stripping the slide to get any buildup out of the striker channel... and check the extractor train out and lightly lube those parts before re-assembly. I'm sure that the striker channel hasn't been cleaned with Non-chlorinated brake cleaner and there could be major crud by now. We have plenty of info... pix and instructions on that under Kahr Tech or the New Member area.
Leave the striker channel, striker, and spring dry of lube. I wouldn't replace the recoil spring unless you have trouble... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.:D I would get a spare recoil spring from Wolf. The K9, CW9, and the P9 ?probably? use the same recoil spring. If you get one from Wolff, you might go ahead and get a 5-lb striker spring to cut a pound off the trigger pull. We haven't had any bad reports on 5 vs. 6 pound springs. I bought a 3-pack and then the next order, bought a 10-pack for all 7 of mine and installed them.
I got the used P9(on our Marketplace) for my wife and then a ported barrel while they were on sale. She can't really rack it effectively... Kahrs are ALL tight with strong springs... but she hasn't shot it, yet. I really like it. It's a great size and feels perfect, but weighs about half a pound less than the K9.
I just noticed this is your first post. Welcome to the forum! Here's some info I threw together to help answer questions:
Welcome to the Kahrtalk forum supported by Kahr Arms.
Here are a few essential links and things to do BEFORE you take your new pistol to the range, and ESPECIALLY BEFORE taking it apart and trying to re-assemble it! The Kahr is a different design… 6-7 unique patents cover the Kahrs. I’m not trying to imply that you don’t know anything about guns, but many don’t know anything about the Kahrs and some of the things you can do to damage or cause malfunctions of your new, or new-to-you Kahr pistol.
First, if you don’t have a manual, yet, or one didn’t come with your pistol, you can download the pdf file here:
Impatient? Watch one of these videos FIRST! These videos can point out possible problem areas and emphasize correct procedures!
Take down and re-assembly videos:
T, TP, CW, P, & PM/CM Series: (
MK series: (
K series:
There are many links on fixing problems listed in several places… under the New Member or Kahr Tech sub-forums.
A very handy one is the Kahr Lube Diagram:
Many of your questions can be answered in these areas and you can learn how your Kahr works and not damage it with improper handling.
Frequently asked questions:
There are many helpful members here most of the time who might be able to help you, but as anywhere, there are many opinions and not all are correct. Be mindful of this before doing anything drastic to modify your pistol!
Short Bus
02-10-2013, 04:20 AM
I would get the Wolf 22# recoil spring if it needs it or not, and as cheap as the striker spring is I would get it too. I have both, and would say the recoil spring has more effect on felt recoil than the striker spring does on trigger pull. While it's apart it doesn't heart to polish the internal with mothers mag wheel polish and a drimal.
02-10-2013, 05:46 AM
Welcome to the forum. The P9 is a great pistol. I suggest you read the manual if this is your first Kahr, as they are a bit different in some regards from other brands. If it has a weakness, especially in the early models, as yours is, it's in the method used to secure the slide stop lever spring. A simple plastic "plug" was used at first, followed by a screw and washer to secure the spring. To avoid any trouble, pay attention when puting the gun back together so as to snap the lever back in place under the spring, not above it.
As to the recoil spring, I usually buy a new one on any used gun that calls for replacement after fairly low round counts, as do all Kahrs. Replacement is generally done within a range of 1200 to 2000 rounds, depending on the model. They are cheap and easy to obtain. I also installed the heavier 22# spring in my P9, ( an early model as is yours), and IMHO, it does make the gun easier to shoot, especially with hotter ammo.
As to the question of replacing other parts, my answer would be to inspect them all, but there are no other parts that need routine replacement other than the recoil spring. The slide stop lever spring is a weakpoint, but with care should last a long time. Having a replacement handy is not a bad idea however.
Good luck with your P9, enjoy.
02-10-2013, 08:03 AM
Ive been on the hunt for an M&P Shield for a while and yesterday I stumbled across a used P9 black on black. I got told the typical sales pitch, " guy bought it for his wife and she didnt like it" You know, similar to the little old lady who only drove it on sunday spill! The price was right and it looked clean on the outside so I bought it anyway. I was checking the serial number and it looks like this gun is a 2000 model. So much for the "guy bought it for his wife and she didnt like it" speech. It was pretty nasty on the inside, im not sure it had ever been cleaned. It cleaned up real nice and I ran 50 rounds through it this afternoon flawlessly. Since the round count is unknown is there anything I should be checking for wear or replacement? I really like this gun, im still on the list for an M&P at the store but im not sure if im going to want it after buying this p9!
isnn't a factor for ur P9. It is a super gun, I would do what one of the forum members advised and buy a new recoil spring. IMO uttin esle needs replace, a good tourough cleaning would be recommended especially in thes striker channel. If u go to the kahr tech section and hit on propper prepping of your kahr, it willgive u some dandy ttips on shortcuts to cleaning the striker channel and some thing sto look over as u detail ur gun.
The gun shot OK, . My bet the gun ha snot been fired much either, but again u can't shoot out a kahr. any questions come here and these guys are super.:Amflag2:
02-10-2013, 10:34 AM
Thanks for all the responses guys. I did not completley strip the slide so I will do that soon. Where do I need to order parts? Straight from Kahr?
02-10-2013, 10:37 AM
The gun shot OK, . My bet the gun ha snot been fired much either, but again u can't shoot out a kahr. any questions come here and these guys are super.:Amflag2:
Im starting to think that as well. I know that originally I thought the gun was super dirty, well after shooting a box of cheap target ammo yesterday the gun was almost as dirty. There are no wear marks on the poly frame. The only wear present is on the slide. It is the black slide and it looks like the coating is a little thin at the top where you would rack the slide. I dont think the coating on my slide is the same as the new ones.
02-10-2013, 10:47 AM
yes from kahr. except u canorder that recoil spring from wolffs under the K9 recoil springs, They will fit perfectly and wolffs offers them in different poundages and I thijnk at a lower pirce and while ur at it u might want to look at their 5# striker that they offer that jus dros in all kahrs (except 380) ad really changes niclely the trigger pull poundage but not the trigger travel. Not a hair trigger and really nuttin changes except feel U can also order from wolffs extra mag springs for ur P9 , just order the springs for the mag capacity. They are rated at 5% more strength and this is a nice feature but still no problem to looad the mags either
I would advise going to the kahrt tech section ad hittingon some damn good stickys;
!. Kahr lube chart, simply the best
#2 propper prepping of ur kahr, some good hints and things to checkover to
# cw45 fixes by wyn. this shows a photo of what that little springhy on the side should look like. I am not sure if ur gun has the flat push pin that just holds that little springhy in. If it does, just do not fokk with it. It could als have the newer style small torx screw that holds that springhy in place, again if allis well don't fokk with it either. as that little screw threds into the polymer only, so snug is good. If u are careful in the way u reinstall that slide stop lever u will never have tomess with that little sprghy either. It won't wear out. I tend to put a dab of grease on that springhy and on the slide lock pin to soit slides by easier.
Ine thing u might want to address down the road is getting a new mag releasse button for I am sure theone inurs is polymer with a metal tab insert. It is workingfine, then "if it ain't broke donn't fix it. 985 never gave an ouce of problems and it ain't a cheap part as it does have a metalinsert that makes the contact with the magazinetube, so ur not gonna wear it out.
Ucan down load on the kahr site their manual to, there are some helpful tips and questions asked and answered there to. We have super guyshere who just know their sh!t, so don't be afrain to ask. No question is dumb but some questions are asked by dummy's though. IMO you have a very nice P9. If u only have one magazine, I would say if u ever order parts from kahr order anutter flush fit agazine. all 7 round mags will work in ur P9. U can normaly find um cheaper made bykahr from other sources though.
PM sent
02-10-2013, 11:01 AM
Wolff makes Kahr springs and you can get some stuff there.
Most parts you should buy at
Magazines are cheaper elsewhere. Ivanhoe Warehouse is one of the best, but with the buying frenzy, everything is in short supply.
02-10-2013, 06:23 PM
I ran another 60-70 rounds through it again today. That makes a total of 110-120 rounds ive shot since I picked it up friday. 0 FTF using a mix of PMC and Independence ammo. I need to find a good defence round to try to make sure it will feed hollow points with no issues and ill be good to go:) I will go ahead and buy a new recoil spring for it next week. 1 time I had to bump the bottom of the mag to get the gun to slingshot a round. I see where Kahr doesnt reccomend this and suggests instead to lock the slide and use the slide release to chamber a round. I wonder why that is?
Short Bus
02-10-2013, 07:24 PM
I ran another 60-70 rounds through it again today. That makes a total of 110-120 rounds ive shot since I picked it up friday. 0 FTF using a mix of PMC and Independence ammo. I need to find a good defence round to try to make sure it will feed hollow points with no issues and ill be good to go:) I will go ahead and buy a new recoil spring for it next week. 1 time I had to bump the bottom of the mag to get the gun to slingshot a round. I see where Kahr doesnt reccomend this and suggests instead to lock the slide and use the slide release to chamber a round. I wonder why that is?
To prevent riding the slide while racking.
02-10-2013, 08:13 PM
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but what do you mean "riding the slide"?
02-10-2013, 08:20 PM
That's less than a clean release... best is letting go as you get to the rear of the slide travel... the slide leaves your grip at the rearmost point of travel. You need a firm grip on the pistol and a clean release of the slide from its rearmost position to get the best chance of chambering a round. The Kahrs are tight... close-toleranced... and need un-diminished travel of the slide for a good chance at chambering a round.
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