View Full Version : Canadian gun confiscation

02-10-2013, 06:33 PM


02-10-2013, 07:02 PM
Yep, our northern neighbors do not enjoy the same freedoms that we do.

02-10-2013, 11:04 PM
And we won't enjoy them either if we don't vote the liberal progressive socialists out of office.

02-10-2013, 11:51 PM
We need to learn from Canada, Australia, and the UK that registration always leads to confiscation. Don't ever quit the fight against the liberal progressives. They will always have protection with armed body guards. So they can spout off whatever they want to push their agenda. Dont fall for any "making society safer" crap they try to push on you!

02-11-2013, 07:25 AM
I copied and pasted the link to that article and sent it to everyone in my address book. The people need to be educated. Say no to universal background checks. Universal background checks will lead to a national gun registry and gun confiscation.

02-11-2013, 10:20 AM
We need to learn from Canada, Australia, and the UK that registration always leads to confiscation.

You can add Germany to that list.


Chief Joseph
02-12-2013, 11:06 AM
We need to learn from Canada, Australia, and the UK that registration always leads to confiscation. Don't ever quit the fight against the liberal progressives. They will always have protection with armed body guards. So they can spout off whatever they want to push their agenda. Dont fall for any "making society safer" crap they try to push on you!

Just saw another poll done on our youth. Unfortunately, the young generation has bought into the government can fix all your problems attitude. We can fight in our lifetimes. But our children are going to grow up in the 4th reich. They've been brainwashed with the unionized public education revision of true history. At least we will be gone and the generation that brought it will have to live with it. It will serve them right.

02-12-2013, 12:37 PM
Just saw another poll done on our youth. Unfortunately, the young generation has bought into the government can fix all your problems attitude. We can fight in our lifetimes. But our children are going to grow up in the 4th reich. They've been brainwashed with the unionized public education revision of true history. At least we will be gone and the generation that brought it will have to live with it. It will serve them right.


02-12-2013, 01:14 PM
Firearms Registration is going to be harder to fight against in the future. Unfortunately the schools and media have scared the crap out of the kids regarding firearms. They expell kids for drawing a gun, using their hand to make a gun or pretending to throw a hand grenade at a pretend target. This create a hysterical response and a feeling of being afraid of firearms in the kids. This carries over as they grow up and will impact how they vote on 2 nd. amendment issues in the future. It looks like the schools and teachers have a 10-15 year headstart on scaring the kids and in another decade will have pretty well brainwashed a large portion of them who did not have parents / grandparents to counteract the school propaganda. We need to make sure to provide alternative information to the children about responsible gun ownership and use not what they see in the movies and on TV.

02-12-2013, 02:09 PM
Firearms Registration is going to be harder to fight against in the future. Unfortunately the schools and media have scared the crap out of the kids regarding firearms. They expell kids for drawing a gun, using their hand to make a gun or pretending to throw a hand grenade at a pretend target. This create a hysterical response and a feeling of being afraid of firearms in the kids. This carries over as they grow up and will impact how they vote on 2 nd. amendment issues in the future. It looks like the schools and teachers have a 10-15 year headstart on scaring the kids and in another decade will have pretty well brainwashed a large portion of them who did not have parents / grandparents to counteract the school propaganda. We need to make sure to provide alternative information to the children about responsible gun ownership and use not what they see in the movies and on TV.

This kind of socialist brainwashing in the schools preceded the confiscation of guns in GB and Australia. They do it ahead of time and wait a few years until those brainwashed students have become the new generation of voters. Then they roll out their socialist policies to a willing electorate.

mr surveyor
02-12-2013, 02:44 PM
This kind of socialist brainwashing in the schools preceded the confiscation of guns in GB and Australia. They do it ahead of time and wait a few years until those brainwashed students have become the new generation of voters. Then they roll out their socialist policies to a willing electorate.

may be, but what percentage of British "youth" run around with pointy knives now, just to poke people with? I don't think the "education" thing took the evil nature out of them.