View Full Version : Are you a CCW holder?

04-01-2010, 01:30 PM
Yes since 1992
What made you take that decision?
Self defense, since funny stuff happen when you are not armed.

04-01-2010, 01:33 PM
Yes since 1992
What make you take that decision?
Self defense, since funny stuff happen when you are not armed.

I got my first in 74, I think you could get em much younger back in those days.

04-01-2010, 01:35 PM
I got my first in 74, I think you could get em much younger back in those days.

Wow that is a long time:eek:, But I think Jocko got you beat.

04-01-2010, 01:51 PM
Wow that is a long time:eek:, But I think Jocko got you beat.

I think Jocko's got everyone beat in several arena's.

Most rounds thru a PM9
Coolest Harley
Smartest man alive
Worst spelling in a forum environment
I could go on........................

04-01-2010, 01:52 PM
I think Jocko's got everyone beat in several arena's.

Most rounds thru a PM9
Coolest Harley
Smartest man alive
Worst spelling in a forum environment
I could go on........................


04-01-2010, 01:57 PM
Yes, since 3/29/07.

Reasons should be obvious to those with common sense :)

04-01-2010, 02:30 PM
My first permit was issued by Maryland (believe it or not) in 1975. That was a real experience in it's own right.:(
I fled the D.R. of M., and now have a Virginia CHL.:D

04-01-2010, 02:39 PM
Yes since 1980. Because I can!

04-01-2010, 02:41 PM
My first permit was issued by Maryland (believe it or not) in 1975. That was a real experience in it's own right.:(
I fled the D.R. of M., and now have a Virginia CHL.:D

Glad you got out alive. This is a good place to interject a little good old day good stuff.
I have a Baby Browning 25 auto, (perfect) in a soft case along with a receipt where my friends dad bought it with a CC at the "Bon Marche" in 1967 if I remember right. It was 37 bucks out the door with the little case.
I don't know if Bon Marche is a nationwide chain, maybe this don't mean nothing if that's the case. I bought my first gun and Pay N Save a department store and another at Ernst Hardware. I sure miss the old days.

04-01-2010, 03:29 PM
I bought my first gun when I was 19 in 1978. A real beauty a Jennings .25 for 60 bucks out the door with a box of 50 of the tiniest center fire shells ever seen included. I still have the gun. I bought to carry as I hitch hiked around the west and south central. Thank goodness I never had to use it because I didn't even think about a permit then. Probably has 200 rounds through it and I clean it and shot it twice a year. Because I like it now.

I have my CCW now. I carry when I am awake because now that I'm older slower and not as strong, i have a wife and daughter, I have precious things of value to protect.

Before I just thought hitch hikers should have a gun. I never even shot it in the first 5 years I owned it. I just loaded the 2 mags put one mag in the gun and one in my back pack and went on my way. I had all the essentials in that pack....matches, Zig Zags, condoms, extra boxers, hammock, 20 bucks, and a .25 cal Saturday night special. Amaxing how far that took me back then never used the gun or the extra underwear.


04-01-2010, 03:31 PM
I got my first CCW back in 1977 when I was still a 1st LT pup in the US Army in Ft. Benning {Benning School for boys}.
I just renewed my Florida CCW for the third time this month. Boy time flys when your having fun....?
I can't speak for others, but carrying a heater is like putting on my britches. I'd feel naked without it. Has come in handy more than once over the years.

04-01-2010, 05:11 PM
First concealed carry permit(s) issued in 1975...NH and Mass.

04-01-2010, 05:37 PM
I first got mine in 2000 after one of the most gentle souls I have ever known was beaten to death while being robbed by two people he had stopped to help.I have never known such hatred as I feel toward those two.I plan to urinate on their graves.

04-01-2010, 06:03 PM
I first got mine in 2000 after one of the most gentle souls I have ever known was beaten to death while being robbed by two people he had stopped to help.I have never known such hatred as I feel toward those two.I plan to urinate on their graves.

Thanks for sharing, sorry to hear, and I hope those two get soon what is coming to them.

04-01-2010, 06:22 PM
Turned 21 in 1979 and have been carrying off and on whenever I can since then.

04-01-2010, 08:00 PM
Yes, I think it was 1974, for all the standard reasons.
Currently have a PA CCP and one for Utah

04-01-2010, 08:01 PM
yes , for about 6 months now
Because my pants fit a little too loose before.

04-01-2010, 08:03 PM
I first got mine in 2000 after one of the most gentle souls I have ever known was beaten to death while being robbed by two people he had stopped to help.I have never known such hatred as I feel toward those two.I plan to urinate on their graves.

Tell me where you live and I'll urinate on their graves with you. Scum bags deserve no less.

04-01-2010, 08:19 PM
My first carry weapon was an HK VP70Z back in 78. Ugly sucker with 16 round mags.
Started legally carrying in 07 after stumbling into a meth lab in the course of work.
As bad as my knees are I figure I'll just stand my ground.

04-01-2010, 08:33 PM
Tell me where you live and I'll urinate on their graves with you. Scum bags deserve no less.

+1 on that. God will certainly arrange for their punishment, wish we could expedite the proceedings.

04-01-2010, 08:47 PM
I bought my first pistol out in Monterey, Commiefornia back in 1965 (Saw the FIRST Laguna Seca that year and the new Chaparral race car’s first run. The James Bond car from the Dr. No movie was on display… neat!) Oh, also the year of the FIRST Watts Riot. I was 18 and only had to wait five or so days to pick up the cheap .22 revolver. That's about all I remember about it. I think it was under $20. I did say it was cheap… it might have been a Rohm?
We were stationed at the Presidio of Monterey studying Arabic at the Defense Language Institute, West Coast . The Army ran the Post/School and all services studied languages there... and some guys in civvies... could have been diplomats or CIA... or both. It was a fun area but I didn't know the Arabs spoke something besides English. I had 2 years each of French and Spanish in high school, so I knew there were other languages out there, but not so much about them. Do you know they write backwards from right to left , some kind of hen scratch. We had to learn that stuff for a dang year... 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. The Army was crazy. Here we were going to school and they had freaking reveille every dang morning before light… I don’t remember if it was 5 or 6 AM. Overcoats and hats were all some of us wore to the formations and then we scooted back to the barracks for another hour or so of sleep before class.
A buddy and I (both Air Force) were going to Baja California. We were young and pretty dumb about carrying a firearm into Mexico. We figured we needed to practice with that thing in case we had to use it for something. Well, at the top of the hill the Presidio was on, there was an area that looked like woods to us -- dirt road and nothing but trees. So we chose a bank on the side of the "road" and blasted away. When we got through and were leaving, we came upon a police car stuck in a ditch, and being civic minded and wanting to help the officer, we went over and volunteered our services. He asked if we were the ones shooting up there. Well, sure.... It turns out he was trying to find the idiots on top of the mountain shooting in a park. The way the sound travels from the top, it was hard to pinpoint just where the shooting was. We helped him out and then he took us or had us report to the Company Commander and turn ourselves in to him for whatever punishment he wanted to give us. He restricted us to post for that weekend… not too bad and we didn’t get a ticket from the cop, either.
It's a good thing our jointly-purchased-for-the-trip 56 Plymouth Station Wagon ($150) broke down around Santa Maria and all we could do was catch a bus to my Aunt's near L.A. and wait for the car to get fixed...costing about what we paid for the car. Anyhow, we had to go back to the Presidio of Monterey and wait for our next paycheck or pick up one waiting on us. I think we got about $30 or so twice a month and couldn’t whoop it up much on that, and the fact that the age limit out there was 21 for drinking. We usually had enough for a few packs of ciggy butts after we paid our club bills and the little diner just outside the gate our barracks was near. They let us run a tab and we paid our bills first thing every payday.
I eventually bought out my buddy’s share of the Plymouth and I wound up driving it to Texas and our next schools. It was kind of neat with the pushbutton automatic gear shift. I put some decals on the car and some of those "moon" hubcaps. I think I pretended it was a "Woodie"... No, not one of those! A surfer's station wagon that usually had fake wood on the side and they carried their surfboards in or on it.
Dang. My wife's gonna be calling soon and coming home from work. I need to straighten up a bit so it doesn't look like I goofed off all day, sitting here a the computer.... But, Honey, I was about to go over 1,000 posts! And Bawanna' made me do it!:p

Well, I did talk about a gun... and training with it, and just a bit else.:p

04-01-2010, 10:36 PM
Come on Wyn, 7 to make and 8 to break the 1000 mark. You can do it. :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

04-02-2010, 05:19 AM
I bought my first pistol out in Monterey, Commiefornia back in 1965 ...Oh, also the year of the FIRST Watts Riot.

I bought my first handgun from a gun shop in Coral Hills Maryland, (just outside of Washington D.C.), in late March of 1968, and was anxious for the manditory waiting period to expire. In the mean time MLK is killed and Washington D.C. erupts in rioting. I went to pick up my pistol and found the gun shop closed and guarded by two county LEOs.


I hate waiting periods.

04-02-2010, 09:18 AM
I bought my first handgun from a gun shop in Coral Hills Maryland, (just outside of Washington D.C.), in late March of 1968, and was anxious for the manditory waiting period to expire. In the mean time MLK is killed and Washington D.C. erupts in rioting. I went to pick up my pistol and found the gun shop closed and guarded by two county LEOs.


I hate waiting periods.

Oh man, that would be a real pain. Waiting periods have to be the worst time in a persons life, then to have that happen.

04-11-2010, 05:22 PM
Yes, since Nov - 2008. Wife just passed her class and will drop her paperwork to the county/state this week. :)

04-12-2010, 11:33 AM
I got mine when I moved to PA from the Peoples Republik of Maryland eight years ago. I used to teach Tae Kwon Do and have studied several other Martial Arts, but after a bad back injury, I wasn't confident in defending myself, much less my family. As I got older I found out how out of touch I was when I was in better shape. There is always someone who can whoop you and if there is more than one person, you can hang it up. But I feel pretty safe with my CW40.

04-12-2010, 11:52 AM
I think once you decide you want to drive one of these Kahrs you pretty much are ready to conceal.

04-12-2010, 11:54 AM
Got mine shortly after 9-11. I don't remember when, but I am on my second permit card after renewing it in 2007. The card expires in March 2012, and the permit is good for 5 years. So mathematical calculations (solving for X) put it at around the first of 2002...after 9-11.

04-12-2010, 12:04 PM
I bought my first pistol in 1966, a Browning Hi-Power, but at the time, the Navy didn't seem concerned that it wasn't concealed. I've lived in Georgia since 1972, and have had a permit for most of that time.

07-10-2010, 07:04 AM
I was also in the peoples democratic republic of maryland when I graduated from HS. Was going into the USAF and my father purchased my first handguns. A Colt gubament 1911 .45 and a S&W mod 37 (airweight chiefs special) One was too heavy and the other too light thus starting my search for the 'perfect carry gun' that continues to this day. Both guns were purchased from the local hardware store which was owned by the Co. sheriff who knew my dad. After getting married in '83', my wife and I moved to Ga (shes a native peach!) and I got my first permit. I also live in Gwinnett Co. Ga.

07-10-2010, 07:09 AM
I first got mine in 2000 after one of the most gentle souls I have ever known was beaten to death while being robbed by two people he had stopped to help.I have never known such hatred as I feel toward those two.I plan to urinate on their graves.

PISS! Your going to PISS on their graves... A sign of disrespect.
Urination is emptying/relieving the bladder. You name the time and place and I would be honored to stand beside you and contribute.

07-10-2010, 09:28 AM
I could swear I commented here, I remember the thread, but see nothing. Oh well, I started legally carrying around 04-05, I just renewed my CHL this year. I agree there are several graves that need pissin' on. Always kind of wanted to organize a bike run to do just that, kinda like a poker run, but to piss on the graves of the deserving scumbags in the world.

07-11-2010, 03:11 PM
Started carrying in 1977. I've been carrying everyday ever since, both on and off duty.

07-11-2010, 06:31 PM
I could swear I commented here, I remember the thread, but see nothing. Oh well, I started legally carrying around 04-05, I just renewed my CHL this year. I agree there are several graves that need pissin' on. Always kind of wanted to organize a bike run to do just that, kinda like a poker run, but to piss on the graves of the deserving scumbags in the world.

Excellent Idea I have a buncj of ridin buddies that woould gladly spenda weekend on a run like that...


Internet Blohard
07-11-2010, 09:30 PM
I still have my first CHP.

State of Indiana. "Unlimited License to Carry Handgun", Nov 18, 1977. "Not valid on commercial aircraft".

Thumbprint, no photo.

Carried a Smith & Wesson Model 39-2 when just about everyone else was carrying revolvers.

07-12-2010, 06:02 AM
Excellent Idea I have a buncj of ridin buddies that woould gladly spenda weekend on a run like that...


Let's make it happen. We'll start a list of graves that need pissin' on, then we may just have to do it.

11-14-2010, 08:45 PM
Yes,since March of this year.

11-14-2010, 09:24 PM
Yes, got mine in 2007. Wanted to be able to protect myself and family if needed.

11-14-2010, 09:26 PM
Are we still going to make a list of graves that need pissin on? I almost forgot about doing that. I'll start a new thread to make it so if we are.

11-14-2010, 09:28 PM
Carried since '91.
CCW instructor since '04

11-14-2010, 10:45 PM
Are we still going to make a list of graves that need pissin on? I almost forgot about doing that. I'll start a new thread to make it so if we are.

Maybe we could include people that aren't in the grave yet but should be. If we do the force in numbers strategy they can just stand there and get wet.
We could call it preview of coming attractions or something, perhaps even more effective than those already south of the sod.

Talking like a gosh darn vigilante. I'll go cut a switch.

11-15-2010, 06:01 AM
What's wrong with the idea? We could make this happen. No need for switches. As for the ones that aren't part of the landscape well we'll see what we can do.

11-15-2010, 06:18 AM
I've carried off an on since 74.
Just tell us where to meet up at.:rain:

11-18-2010, 10:15 AM
Yes I have my CWC in 3 states, picked specifically because they reciprocate with numerous others in the area I live and travel. I may also pursue other states in the future. I decided to get it because the world is a crazy place. My wife and I travel in our RV and "free men should not have to ask permission to bear arms." "Those who live by the sword have a fighting chance." "If you want peace, prepare for war." Finally, "when seconds count, the cops are just minutes away...." It is another martial art for me...get the picture?

11-18-2010, 07:09 PM
I've had a Kansas CCW permit, reciprocal with 22 states, for a couple of years now. Growing up and living on a farm, I've usually had a .357 and a .22 rifle in the pickup.
I do most of my traveling in the 22 reciprocal states, usually on my Harley.
I got the permit because I'm getting older and the world doesn't seem as safe as it used to be and also because I ride thru some unfamiliar territory and feel a lot safer knowing I have my .44 special and a couple of speed loaders handy. Haven't rode with the Kahr yet, I worry that all the vibration might work something loose on an semi-auto, and prefer to carry a revolver when I ride. Thats probably stupid, since most the motorcycle cops I see are carrying a semi-auto on their hip.