View Full Version : To Arms! To Arms!

02-11-2013, 02:15 AM
Join, Call, Write!

02-11-2013, 07:34 AM

02-11-2013, 05:29 PM
Thought NJ already be one of them there rights stripping places. What more they gonna do? Take away the few still legal arms you can't have decent ammo for and aren't allowed out in public with?

02-13-2013, 04:58 PM
Ok just got home from the hearings of the NJ legislature trying an unheard of 23 bill end run aimed at Legal Gun Owners!
Well they didn't expect the overflow crowds that were 99.7% opposing all of these stupid ill advised potential laws!
The NJ2AS was there, along with the Tea Party, NRA, NJ Gun retail association The Competitive pistol Groups, The NJ Olympic committee and more.
They got their asses handed to them!
We had 2 days to react and React we did!
WE Are Jersey Strong... Don't F with US!

02-13-2013, 05:05 PM
So do you think you made a difference or did they do what they want after every one left?

I'm hoping you stomped em into the ground and they'll never try a shenanigan like that ever again.

02-13-2013, 05:28 PM
This was the committee level... They will forward to the assembly and those guys are all up for re-election they clearly are scrubbing their panties, at this point,to get the stains out!

02-13-2013, 05:29 PM
Some stains don't come out with the hottest water and intensified Tide.

02-13-2013, 05:33 PM
I know they'll still wear them, though!
The NRA Gang was awesome! The NRA leader was Former LEO spoke like a Pro. Pointed out how they all wanted the headlines and were total jackasses submitting un informed stuff. He grilled them on body armor_ they were stunned.... no intelligent answers.

02-13-2013, 05:46 PM
Did he actually use the word jackasses? I think I love that man in a mano mano sort of way and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

02-13-2013, 05:58 PM
There was a great moment when the Tea Party Lady was talking the chairman had a little side conversation w another assemblyman.... She Demanded his respect as she'd given them and ripped their asses with rudeness and disrespect! She was Screamin' Then got a roar of cheers and applause from the crowd! One lady hit them with "the 2A was not there for hunting but to protect US from all of You"... again another roar from the crowd. The State troopers didn't throw anyone out as they were instructed to do if people were rowdy, they were tolerable realizing they had very passionate people there. Privately I think they loved watching these pompous a_holes get their butts kicked!

02-13-2013, 06:09 PM
Super! I wasn't even there and I'm enjoying it immensely. Thank you for sharing it with us.

02-13-2013, 06:34 PM
Hey I knew you were all there in spirit!

02-13-2013, 08:38 PM
Hey I knew you were all there in spirit!


02-21-2013, 01:10 AM
What was the outcome? Is there one yet?

02-21-2013, 02:29 AM
The assembly vote is today..... flip the coin and call it!

These were so stupid i.e. face to face ammo sales or go across the bridge to Pennsy and buy it there! Funny, no on seems to have ammo, except Homeland security.....
ban .50 cal+(There goes Blackpowder re-enactments.)
The politicians are just looking for headlines w no understanding of what they write up.
Stay Tuned...

02-23-2013, 11:06 AM
UPDATE: All passed at 3 in the am. per TTAG http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/02/robert-farago/breaking-new-jersey-house-passes-22-gun-control-bills/

02-23-2013, 01:52 PM
Some of the biggest dumbasses in the country.

02-23-2013, 02:54 PM
The assembly vote is today..... flip the coin and call it!

These were so stupid i.e. face to face ammo sales or go across the bridge to Pennsy and buy it there! Funny, no on seems to have ammo, except Homeland security.....
ban .50 cal+(There goes Blackpowder re-enactments.)
The politicians are just looking for headlines w no understanding of what they write up.
Stay Tuned...

Someone keeps voting these buffoons into office. Sounds like the law abiding gun owners of New Jersey need to get out the message that these stupid laws do not prevent crimes and vote somebody in who has some sense.

02-23-2013, 04:00 PM
Here's some updates....

The Mount Laurel Counter-protest to Congressman John Runyan's stand on The Second

When I arrived today, there were a few pro Second Amendment people mulling around on
the sidewalk in front of the office. As I was walking toward the building I saw no
anti-Second Amendment protesters on the sidewalk but noticed a few arriving and
parking their cars. Several of the cars had out of state tags.When I got down to the
group that were there to counter the protesters, the anti Second Amendment group
started taking up their position along the curb. The number of Anti protesters was
approximately 5 or 6 and only grew to approximately 10 to 12 people from my count.
The members from our groups were approximately 10-15 at first, but grew to about 70
people. The entire time was very non confrontational until two anti Second Amendment
protesters interjected themselves into the middle of our group and became loud and a
bit disrespectful. I stepped in and reminded our members not to engage and to be
above their level. I immediately received a sincere apology from one of our Pro
Second Amendment protesters and there was no more words exchanged and I suggested
the Anti return to their original spot with their own group and not look for a
confrontation because it would not happen. The anti people were looking for a fight
and we were not going to give it to them. The vehicles driving past us were honking
for our group predominantly and giving the thumbs up, although there were one or
two who told us we were number one by raising the middle finger to us. The Anti
Second Amendment group started to leave at 4:40 and by 5:05 they had all left and
our group proclaimed it a success for The Right To Keep and Bear Arms and we all
I want to thank the members from NJ2AS and the Tea Party that made the trip to Mt.
Laurel for this counter protest.

02-23-2013, 04:01 PM

One of our members who listened to the broadcast has sent us this interpretation of the interview.

Senate President Steven Sweeney on IQ 106.9 this morning was questioned about the "22 measures going forward in NJ on gun control". Sweeney commented "NJ already has good gun laws". He also mentioned that some things were "common sense", and insinuated that a training requirement to purchase a hand gun was a good idea. Sweeney commented he supported protecting 2A rights, and that NJ already had an "assault weapons" ban that prevented someone from buying a 30 round magazine in NJ. Other comments included "We can't pass a state law that trumps federal law", "there is a hallow point bullet loop hole that needs to be addressed". In closing he stated "some bills will be amended, some bills may be squashed, but were going to look at all of them. April will be the earliest the bills may be discussed in the senate".

Follow up commentary by the radio station rated Senator Sweeney's comments as "luke warm".

02-23-2013, 04:01 PM
Write from across america!



02-23-2013, 04:02 PM
Here's a report from the "Front Lines" in Westfield NJ: by one of our member who was there today, Dave Rosenthal

The Move On crowd was very disappointed that we were there, and WE WERE
STRONG! It started-out about equal in numbers, and then we got more
people to show-up than they did! We out-powered their PA system with
our chanting, we had more people & more signs. We had several Gadston
flags. NBC-4 from NYC was there with a cameraman & Reporter Pat
Battle. She interviewed some of both sides, and brought-up "Assault
Weapons" and how the 2A wasn't intended to be used to defend assault
weapons, to which our responder said that "the Bible is 2K years old, so
do we throw that out too?".

A passerby (unknown to us) drove to Dunkin Donuts and bought us A box of
Joe and a dozen donuts & brought it all back for us to have in the
cold! The Move-On crowd started dissipating only an hour after the
Protest started, but we hung in there and made sure the entire area was
picked-up garbage-wise. NJ2AS was there for at least 3/4 hour longer
than Move-On. A lot of us went in to the Congressman's Office to give
our thanks for his support of the 2A, including myself.

I and several others got a chance to speak with one of the other side's
Protestors. She's from Alabama. We told her about how some of the
proposed laws don't make any sense, and outlined specifics. By the time
we parted ways, she not only saw our side of the story, but agreed with
me that our Politicians in Trenton are either ignorant or just plain
screwing with us, especially in reference to the proposed .50 cal ban
and how it would affect flintlocks and cap locks due to bad wording of
the Bill. When I pointed out that this is the third time "her side" is
trying this BS and since they all make 6 figure incomes & are supposed
to be smart, she got upset at the Politicians and said, "I see what you
mean" & " My brother is a reenactor and uses old black powder guns. Why
would anybody want to ban them?" I told her that the proposed Bills
were deliberately written the way they were as an attempt at
gun-grabbing. She stated she thought she might be "on the wrong side".

Everyone was orderly, the Cops were O-K with us and warned us to move
our vehicles if they were parked in an adjacent private lot, which was
nice of them.

02-23-2013, 04:34 PM
Be Aware this guy might be your presidential candidate!

He Talked about NJ and it's ties to the constitution, when he delivered his address at the RNC.... BullShip!

"I'm a little surprised at how quickly they've done it."

In case you missed it, that was Chris Christie's reaction to 22 anti-gun bills passing the New Jersey Assembly yesterday afternoon.

Well gun owners aren't surprised, Governor Christie!

In fact, gun owners like you have been emailing and calling him about this legislation for weeks but so far he hasn’t provided as much as a speed bump to slow down the destruction of your gun rights.

Governor Christie has failed to provide any leadership on gun rights issues in New Jersey. Commenting yesterday Christie said he promised to give the proposals "due consideration if they reach his desk."

That's not leadership, that’s ducking the hard issues.

Where do you stand Governor Christie?

Are you going to stand-up for freedom and the constitutional rights of the citizens of New Jersey?

The presidential aspirations of Governor Christie are not exactly a secret. Does he really think gun owners across the country will support yet another weak-on-gun rights, weak-on-the Constitution, candidate for president?

The governor prides himself on his political courage. It’s time for him to show some courage and stand up for gun owners by vetoing ALL of these anti-gun measures.

Please join me by calling Governor Chris Christie at 609-292-6000. Demand he publicly promise to veto all anti-gun legislation.

Then call your state senator at 609-847-3905 and tell them to vote NO on all anti-gun bills.

Urge them to TAKE A STAND for the constitutional gun rights of the citizens of New Jersey.

02-23-2013, 05:13 PM
Governor Christie is following his plan to become president to a T. I think he will switch and run as a democrat. That's why he is behaving the way he is.

02-28-2013, 06:11 AM

I want to thank everyone for the efforts during our fax campaign
we have had against Gov. Christie and Senator Sweeney. Senator Sweeney
has graciously agreed to meet with NJ2AS President Frank Jack Fiamingo.
We were only able to get this meeting with everyone's help. Let's still keep
the pressure on Governor Christie. Today fax Gov. Christie with the words
Gov. Chris Christie's fax 609-292-5212

02-28-2013, 08:30 AM
I don't like Christy and don't trust Christy. He is too, freakin arrogant and too liberal.

02-28-2013, 08:50 AM
I don't like Christy and don't trust Christy. He is too, freakin arrogant and too liberal.

Well here's your chance to fax him you position on the 2A!

02-28-2013, 09:00 AM
Our President!


03-06-2013, 07:07 AM

Your Legislative Committee Chairman Bob Barush and I had a meeting
Monday afternoon with Senator Steve Sweeney and his staff. The meeting
was very cordial. We had a chance to discuss each bill and explain our reasons
for our opposition. I can say that unlike the Assembly, Senator Sweeney
showed a sincere interest in our/your opinions. We are still providing some
requested information that should help bolster our position on some of the bills,
but I CAN report that you will NOT see the kind of DISRESPECT from the
Senate that we experienced from the Assembly. We do not yet know which bills
will make it to the Law & Public Safety Committee, but Senator Sweeney assure
us that the NJ2AS *WILL* be involved in the process and that we will see any bills
and their amendments before they move on. Obviously this is a HUGE improvement
over the way we were previously treated in the Assembly.

Bob and I will DEFINITELY keep you informed as we learn more about which bills will
move forward, and any significant changes we become aware of. There was a general
agreement that the EMPHASIS in the Senate will be on making a clear distinction between
the law-abiding gun owner (who they do NOT see as the problem) and those areas that
can be tightened up to prevent the criminals and criminally insane from using guns for
violent purposes.

03-06-2013, 03:08 PM
We are seeking a Pro 2A candidate for Senator to replace the Cadaver Frank Lautenburg
We've been very aggressive interviewing potential candidates statewide! We're very proactive and seeking more members!

04-22-2013, 07:15 PM
Well we got another and hopefully last hurdle need local support!
The Gov (Christie) doesn't feel that any further restrictions on legal gun owners is needed (That's good) want's mental health, gangs addressed!:amflag:

04-23-2013, 12:57 PM
I am deeply ashamed to have NJ as the state of my birth. I also spent twelve years or so as a resident of NY state to which I am equally ashamed of and will never again acknowledge nor visit ever again.
This is why I have resided in the South for most of my adult life. I now consider myself to be a Southern. Until then, keep your eyes open and keep your powder dry.


04-23-2013, 07:29 PM
Hey, I'm Southern! South Jersey......LOL

05-21-2013, 05:05 PM
Well our illustious Assembly and Senate have come up with their responses to Newtown.
It is now the Govornors call Yes Chris Christie aka I want to seek higher office!
Here's the letter I sent him....
Dear Governor,
NOTHING in either the senate nor the the assembly will address the problems of the gangs that are running around Asbury Camden Newark etc. These laws further complicate the over abundance of existing laws we already have to navigate. NOTHING will stop a Newtown scenario. The only people that will abide by these proposals are the legal law abiding citizens.
As A huge supporter of yours, I can assure you on a national level these actions are viewed as tyranny, and anti constitutional.
You've advised me in the past that you had no control over our archaic gun laws...... NOW you have to take a stance!

My take is he's a dead candidate if he rules anti 2A.

05-21-2013, 05:30 PM
well done Downtownv..

watching this thread closely.

07-27-2013, 11:03 AM
Evan Nappen to appeal "Righ To Carry" case before the NJ Supreme Court!
23 Jul 2013 3:34 PM | Frank Jack Fiamingo (Administrator)

I received a call this afternoon from noted gun ownership rights attorney Evan Nappen. Many of you may know Evan as the author of the New Jersey Gun Law Guide. Evan called to let me know that the NJ Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal of his case involving the denial of an application for a New Jersey permit to carry a handgun, submitted by his client Richard Pantano.
The question before the court is "Does the statutory requirement that an applicant for a permit to carry a handgun demonstrate “a justifiable need to carry a handgun,” N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(d), violate the right to bear arms specified in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution"?

Certification that this case will be heard was granted on June 19, 2013. The significance of this certification is; that it is the first time in 45 years (since Burton v. Sills) that the NJ Supreme Court has agreed to consider an argument based upon the relevance of the Second Amendment to gun ownership rights in New Jersey.

Even though this same question is being considered at the federal level by the third circuit court of appeals in the case originally involving plaintiffs Jeffrey M. Muller, Daniel J. PiszczatoskiI, John M. Drake, Gregory C. Gallaher, Lenny S. Salerno, Finley Fenton,The Second Amendment Foundation, Inc. and the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc., this outcome is extremely important with regard to future challenges that may be brought based on this particular argument, within the borders of New Jersey.

If this challenge is successful, it will set the precedent that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is, indeed, a valid argument against New Jersey's overly restrictive firearms statutes. The ultimate question in this case is 'why should an individual be required to demonstrate a "need" if they desire to exercise a fundamental right, that is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, just because they live in New Jersey.

07-28-2013, 12:27 PM
Downtownv, thanks for your efforts against gun control. We will all benefit from your actions.

07-28-2013, 02:11 PM
We can only hope, we've a lot of lost ground to make-up. With un-informed mush-mouths in Trenton hugging trees. While the gangs of Newark, Camden, Trenton and Asbury Park run armed at will. Our geniuses, aka liberal democrats and our over sized Governor, think their redundant laws, matter. It's simply easier to get the hell outta here, but the fight is winnable taken to the high courts.

07-28-2013, 03:31 PM
We can only hope, we've a lot of lost ground to make-up. With un-informed mush-mouths in Trenton hugging trees. While the gangs of Newark, Camden, Trenton and Asbury Park run armed at will. Our geniuses, aka liberal democrats and our over sized Governor, think their redundant laws, matter. It's simply easier to get the hell outta here, but the fight is winnable taken to the high courts.

Problem is even after all that, you're still stuck in Jersey.

Not being sarcastic.....worked into there, lived there, married a native once. And it be where I picked up my current wife as well, tho I was living in L.A. at the time. Some parts of the state are pretty damn nice.....eastern south of Exit 9. But for the most part it's a been there done that why the hell would I ever want to do that again thing to me. Same as California.

07-30-2013, 04:38 PM
NJ2AS Responds To The Asbury Park Press Article

Like most editors of most papers, facts have little to do with the printed story. I suppose that recognizing their own impending doom, the purveyors of print media must resort to fabrication in a vain attempt to try and delay the inevitable. Shall I say it - FAIL!

The New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) actually supports any legislation that will keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. Well, we will as soon as they actually write some. However that is not the agenda of either our legislators or our so-called mainstream media. Those who run the show in Trenton and within the decaying halls of print media, are merely interested in perception and emotion.

The legislators wish to be PERCEIVED as if they are doing something about violence, but in reality they are incompetent to clean up the gang problem, the drug problem or any other relevant crime problem. Instead, they write laws that affect only the LAW-abiding Jerseyan and all the media cares about is stirring up emotions. We have seen how they are willing to trade on the deaths of innocent children to manufacture the false premise that controlling LEGAL firearms ownership will prevent such violence. It will not.

If the statistics of readership are any indication, I would have to say that the NJ2AS has nothing to fear from the Asbury Park Press or the Star Ledger, and with November coming up fast, the gun bigots and the haters have much more to fear from us than we do from them.

The article can be found by clicking here.

Typical low info "Journalism"

08-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Good luck to youse guys (and gals).

Politicians like those you mentioned are un-American sumbitches, IMO.

08-16-2013, 06:29 PM
I'll take ANY Victory!

NJ2AS has received word that Governor Chris Christie has vetoed the three remaining firearms bills that were on his desk.

The three bills vetoed were:

A3659 - The Fifty Caliber Ban - Flat out veto

S2723 - The "Sweeney" Omnibus bill - Conditional Vetoes

A3797 - Forces state police to breach confidentiality regarding trace data - Conditional Vetoes

Conditional vetoes mean that the legislation is dead, unless the legislature reconvenes to resurrect it through amendments that meet strict conditions imposed by the Governor. Alternatively, the legislature could try to override any veto (conditional or otherwise) by a 2/3 vote of both houses.

The New Jersey Second Amendment Society would like to thank all of our members and supports who called, faxed, and emailed the Governor urging him to veto these bills. Will will be issuing a formal statement and press release on this matter within the next 24 hours.

mr surveyor
08-16-2013, 08:29 PM
please keep Christie in NJ

08-16-2013, 09:59 PM
No kidding. So far, I have heard that the candidates will consist of him and Hillary. I only see one difference between them...the party that they are registered with.

08-17-2013, 05:56 AM
No kidding. So far, I have heard that the candidates will consist of him and Hillary. I only see one difference between them...the party that they are registered with.
And when it comes to the Union support Christi may be better than Hillary in bj's to earn that support!:target::target::cheer2::cheer2:

This November we will be voting for our LT Gov (A woman) since chris crisco already will immediately be running for Pres, after he wins the Gov race....

The LT Gov is a looker.... mrs Chrisco? not so much.....

08-17-2013, 10:57 PM
The LT Gov is a looker


08-18-2013, 03:46 AM

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno the Next Governor of NJ

09-01-2013, 12:40 PM
Bawanna, stains take a set in hot water. Stains are best removed in cold. The stains represented by Downtownv's legislators need to be voted out. You watch how they vote and then you vote accordingly.