View Full Version : CW45 Price?

04-01-2010, 04:22 PM
At lunch today I found a used CW45 in a local pawn shop. The gun looks almost brand new. Everything is really tight. I noted the serial # and called Kahr with it when I got back to the office. Kahr says it was manufactured in 06/2009. It doesn't look as if it has shoot much at all. anything else I should look at?

It just the pistol with 1 magazine. No box or manual or extra mag or anything. They are asking $469 for it. This pawn shop will deal so I was thinking of offering $425 out the door and go up to $450 if necessary?
What do you think?


04-01-2010, 04:30 PM
Don't base your decision on me but I'd go for it especially if they go for the 425 to 450 deal. There was another thread here recently where they was talking about the CW? I'll see if I can track that down for more solid info.

04-01-2010, 04:31 PM
At lunch today I found a used CW45 in a local pawn shop. The gun looks almost brand new. Everything is really tight. I noted the serial # and called Kahr with it when I got back to the office. Kahr says it was manufactured in 06/2009. It doesn't look as if it has shoot much at all. anything else I should look at?

It just the pistol with 1 magazine. No box or manual or extra mag or anything. They are asking $469 for it. This pawn shop will deal so I was thinking of offering $425 out the door and go up to $450 if necessary?
What do you think?


You can get brand new for $437 (http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/manufacturers_id/244/products_id/52707) Shipped! And you get case and the manual.

04-01-2010, 04:35 PM
I'd get a new one with warranty for about the same price or a little more. Kahr warranty only covers original owner.

04-01-2010, 04:37 PM
You can get brand new for $437 (http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/manufacturers_id/244/products_id/52707) Shipped! And you get case and the manual.

I was not aware of that, thanks for the info! So maybe my offer should be $375 out the door?? Or maybe just go for the new one with warranty and all?

04-01-2010, 04:47 PM
I was not aware of that, thanks for the info! So maybe my offer should be $375 out the door?? Or maybe just go for the new one with warranty and all?

New one should be the best way to go. Warranty only covers original owner as per Kahr website.

Longitude Zero
04-02-2010, 09:05 AM
Go new!!!

04-02-2010, 09:22 AM
I've seen plenty of new ones go for $425-450. Then you have the box, manual and warranty card.

04-02-2010, 10:00 AM
At a local gun show last week end CW's were going for $379 to $499. Definitely don't pay a new price for a used un-warranteed weapon.:eek: $350 to $375 TOPS!

Check out Gunbroker and others online and use their FFL dealer list to find a good cheap deal on an FFL dealer. I did... got a good deal and my FFL dealer charges only $25 out the door -- fee, call, and tax. I now buy some stuff from him. Oh, and no tax on the gun -- saved about $60 there!

04-05-2010, 05:01 PM
Yep...the "No tax" park is a major reason for buying online.

04-10-2010, 08:10 AM
I purchased one new on GunBroker recently for $399 + $25 shipping.
My local gunship is asking $419 plus tax, but they can't get any right now.

04-10-2010, 10:33 AM
Amen on the No Tax part. My local GS with the range had a CW45 a few days ago with $529.95 on it. They had just gotten it. I bought my K9 there 12 years ago, but they are pricey now. That's the shop that wanted $50 to receive a gun for me and $5 for the InstaCheck plus tax on all of that. The FFL dealer I'm using now just charges $25 for the whole deal, including tax. I try to buy other stuff from him just to help make up for his low fee. He said that he does that just to get people in the door.
I'm glad I looked up better deals on Gunbroker... gun and FFL dealers to receive guns. You can find a nearby dealer and shop for best price. too -- very handy.
I like bargains and am always looking for deals... especially ammo online.

04-11-2010, 12:17 PM
Amen on the No Tax part. My local GS with the range had a CW45 a few days ago with $529.95 on it. They had just gotten it. I bought my K9 there 12 years ago, but they are pricey now. That's the shop that wanted $50 to receive a gun for me and $5 for the InstaCheck plus tax on all of that. The FFL dealer I'm using now just charges $25 for the whole deal, including tax. I try to buy other stuff from him just to help make up for his low fee. He said that he does that just to get people in the door.
I'm glad I looked up better deals on Gunbroker... gun and FFL dealers to receive guns. You can find a nearby dealer and shop for best price. too -- very handy.
I like bargains and am always looking for deals... especially ammo online.

$25 is a low fee? I have two FFLs available. One charges $15, the other $10. All they are doing is receiving the item and holding it for you, plus making a very short phone call to the BATF. $50 to do that is a real ripoff. Look around for another FFL.

04-11-2010, 12:48 PM
$25 is a low fee? I have two FFLs available. One charges $15, the other $10. All they are doing is receiving the item and holding it for you, plus making a very short phone call to the BATF. $50 to do that is a real ripoff. Look around for another FFL.

I did, and I'm happy with $25 out the door. He ought to get something for the paperwork and trouble. He lists $7 as his InstantCheck fee. There were others listed for lower prices but not necessarily total cost, and maybe they didn't have stores or were out of the way... time and gas are costs.
Some stores want to make you pay for the lost sale revenue or penalize you for not buying through them and paying retail and taxes... precisely the reason I buy everything I can off the 'Net. I'm sure Prezbo and Congress are going to end this "tax-free" deal before too long... State AND FEDERAL taxes to be added... soon.:eek:


04-11-2010, 01:58 PM
I did, and I'm happy with $25 out the door. He ought to get something for the paperwork and trouble. He lists $7 as his InstantCheck fee. There were others listed for lower prices but not necessarily total cost, and maybe they didn't have stores or were out of the way... time and gas are costs.
Some stores want to make you pay for the lost sale revenue or penalize you for not buying through them and paying retail and taxes... precisely the reason I buy everything I can off the 'Net. I'm sure Prezbo and Congress are going to end this "tax-free" deal before too long... State AND FEDERAL taxes to be added... soon.:eek:


I just returned from our gunshow and the FFL that I generally used was telling me that one of the other dealers got audited and was required to pay all the taxes he hadn't been collecting for out of state sales. He claims that the law changed 3 years ago and that people just weren't honoring it. News to me. He tried to explain that he was going to start charging tax for guns he receives from out of state for local buyers. I told him at best that was the out of state sellers responsibility, not his. I told him that the first time he did that to me would be the last along with the 40 officers that have stuff sent to him as well. He's just the transfer guy, I have no problem with his 25 dollar charge for the paperwork and nightmare of dealing with the fed. 15 more minutes away is Dem Bart (they make the checkering tools), he does transfers for LE for free. I buy his checkering tools but try to support others with buying stuff or at least the transfers. It's a tangledmess all these gun laws they think up.

04-11-2010, 03:53 PM
Yeah, that sounds like BS. The guy's not selling you anything but his service... he could charge you tax on that, I guess. When the sellers start charging taxes, they are going to lose a lot of business. That's a big attraction with internet sales -- no tax. That "loophole" is going to slam shut one of these days. The new regime hasn't even gotten started yet with all the possible taxes. There are lots of those liberals and progressives coming up with all kinds of ways to get what money you have left after payroll taxes and income taxes.
They figure it's all theirs anyhow, and they are letting you keep too much... for now.
We've been hearing rumors about special taxes on ammo for a long time. That kinda makes you want to maybe buy a bunch and hoard it... if you can find what you need at less than scalpers' prices. The last 17 months a lot of people have obviously decided to do that. I'm just trying to keep enough on hand for shooting practice and enough SD ammo for carry and for defense in case of a lot less than a "short" war. You know, where things are in short supply and a lot of the "grasshoppers" want to share your stuff... forcibly... maybe ALL of your stuff.:eek: But, that's getting off topic a bit. I don't want to get a reputation for stuff like that.:rolleyes: