View Full Version : MK9 Holstser Question

02-11-2013, 05:41 PM
Hello to the forum.

I was asked to make a holster for a Kahr MK9. The person is out of state.

I have a PM9 dummy gun. If I use it to make the holster, will the MK9 be a good fit?

I looked at detailed pictures of the two guns and although there are differences, it didn't look like it would affect holster fit.

Any help would be appreciated.

02-11-2013, 07:07 PM
I have a MK9 and a CM9. The holsters are interchangable between both as well as magazines too. CM9 and Pm9 are the same size.

02-11-2013, 08:19 PM
Thanks. That was what I suspected, but I needed a second opinion.

02-11-2013, 09:21 PM
FWIW, bought a stoner holster for an MK40 because it fit my CM9. A friend's P9 slide in nicely as well (only slightly hanging past the end).

02-12-2013, 01:32 PM
The only possible difference would be at the holster mouth where, if the MK9 sits deep enough and has the wider wood grips, a little clearance for the top front edges of the grips might be needed. And using a PM9 would not do that.

If the holster is not overly detail molded, this won't be a concern.