View Full Version : The Man Who Killed Osama (Usama) Bin Laden - Is Screwed

02-12-2013, 08:50 AM
Great article in Esquire Magazine about the Shooter who put UBL down:


Only issue I would take with the account is the speculation why Obama said he wouldn't let the SEALs surrender. It wasn't because he had their backs so much as prisoners are "messy" to the current POTUS. Witness his disgust at Gitmo. Witness his refusal to capture any more al-Qaeda guys (where you can get more intel and then get more bad guys) and instead he just blasts them from a drone.

But the rest of the 7 pages make for a great read.

02-12-2013, 09:12 AM
Great read, aray..but wrong on many counts. Turns out he is actually insured and also, even if he lost his insurance for some reason, has five years available to him. The MSM sucked us in with lies again, imagine that. To keep the push on for Obamacare.


02-12-2013, 09:23 AM
One aspect I noticed concerning the raid details, is that many of the SEALs put a round into the body. Personally, I have no problem with that, but Marines were recently prosecuted for peeing on Taliban corpses. How is the DOD going to handle the revelation that the vaunted ST6 desecrated a body. Obama has hung his hat on their accomplishment, therefore I predict we'll never hear a word of this. If I were a recently punished Marine, I'd want a new day in court.

Just curious... anyone know what The Shooter used, a 416 or a MP7? Double tap to the forehead is good shooting!

Chief Joseph
02-12-2013, 09:51 AM
Personally, I don't know how anyone could be in the military under a scumbag democRAT. Just like in benghazi, they'll send you in to die then cover their own ass before you're even cold. And if you succeed, they take all the credit. I couldn't do it. If these leftists want something done, make them do it themselves for the first time in their useless lives.

02-12-2013, 10:10 AM
I love you Chief! Your words are wise and meaningful. I feel the same way.

02-12-2013, 10:44 AM
Chief, it was the same under Clinton. (I was there, in fact I remember a little trip to a place that looks much like Bosnia on the map.) More and more I'm reminded of the exchange between 10 bears and Josey Whales in that movie. Those words are starting to ring more true all the time. At least the part about governments not living together, but rather people living together.

02-12-2013, 10:47 AM
This whole thing reminds me a bit of "Saving Private Ryan." A movie in which lot of good men gave their lives to bring one man home from the front. Who should get the credit? All of them. In Osama's case, it doesn't matter who actually pulled the trigger, the entire effort deserves the same level of credit.

02-12-2013, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the info on what was left out re: health care. I can believe the Shooter wasn't informed by whoever was checking him out. But in reading the posts it's clear the author knew that, and clearly should have included that bit in his article.

Double tap to the forehead is good shooting!

Especially wearing night vision goggles!

02-12-2013, 11:36 AM
well first of all, u guys are all dead ass wrong. The seals did not kill OBL. any damn fool should know that Barack did it all, didn't u all listen to his speech the next day. Hell the man is a shooter, we can all see that now . The double taps also came from Pelosie to, she was in on the raid from the git go.

Just wantin to keep things straight here. sure in hell would not give seal team 6 an ounce of credit.

02-12-2013, 11:41 AM
One aspect I noticed concerning the raid details, is that many of the SEALs put a round into the body. Personally, I have no problem with that, but Marines were recently prosecuted for peeing on Taliban corpses. How is the DOD going to handle the revelation that the vaunted ST6 desecrated a body. Obama has hung his hat on their accomplishment, therefore I predict we'll never hear a word of this. If I were a recently punished Marine, I'd want a new day in court.

Just curious... anyone know what The Shooter used, a 416 or a MP7? Double tap to the forehead is good shooting!

on that dead pr!cki. but I would have sure in hell sh!t all over him as if I had a case of diareeha. I wouldhave had him mortally wounded but not dead so he could look up and seeol jocko taking a big squat right over his head. :Amflag2: I would have been part of seal team 6.5, which is the poop team, as they know I can't hit jack sh!t with a gun. Someone has to do it.

Ihave no doubt they government and even the military has kicked this seal team member out the door and he is now on his own to survive. Pure B.S. but maybe some of the publicity now might get sumpin done for him. Obummer owes him that much.:Amflag2:

If they had a fund I would donate to it..

02-12-2013, 12:30 PM
Personally, I don't know how anyone could be in the military under a scumbag democRAT. Just like in benghazi, they'll send you in to die then cover their own ass before you're even cold. And if you succeed, they take all the credit. I couldn't do it. If these leftists want something done, make them do it themselves for the first time in their useless lives.

Amen, Chief.

02-12-2013, 12:35 PM
didn't thatmedal of homor recipient look excited when the GREAT ONE pinned that medal around him. tey shouldhave had one of the comrades he saved do it or at leat a medal of honor person of his choice. Let a warrior do it not a pr!ck who could care less about our troops...

He is the most dispicable human being I have ever had the pleasure of truly hating and not because of his color either. But does that not tellyou of the people who voted for that pr!ck..

02-12-2013, 01:23 PM
seeol jocko taking a big squat right over his head

mental ... image ... too ... much ...

Longitude Zero
02-12-2013, 01:25 PM
Relative merit comparing Chris Kyle to the magazine whiner. Hands down Chris Kyle. And by the way Chris NEVER asked for "special protection". You could find him out in public. Chris did more for the cause of defeating terrorism than did the OBL shooter. Some may disagree, so be it.

Chris Kyle was more of a hero than the OBL shooter will ever be. May Chris enjoy his reward in Heaven.

02-12-2013, 02:18 PM
maye both hereo's in their own right. Just sayin

It also took alot of balls for those seals to go into that cuntry at night to do what they did. could have been a Jimmy carter fiasco to. Just sayin

02-12-2013, 03:45 PM
First, I thank the shooter for his service. He is a tougher man than I by far.

The story of line of how he is being screwed with no benefits is however, total crap. I was active duty for 27.5 years, and the story is simply full of huge holes.

No servicemember receives a pension for less than 20 years from DoD unless medically retired. Drive a desk, a tank, a plane, or bullets into OBL, it takes 20 years to "retire" at 50% of base pay (and only base pay). A 20 year active duty vet also has Tricare medical for himself, spouse, and kids under 18 (older if in college).

A special ops guy with 16 years service would KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that bailing at 16 years means NO retirement pay and no tricare for family. I don't understand why he didn't choose to serve another 4 years since he was so close. If the ops tempo and experiences wiped him out (it would me), there were options to serve as trainer, planner, desk job etc.

He is also going to be qualified for VA disabilty payments and medical for himself (not family).

I quote: "his body filled with scar tissue, arthritis, tendonitis, eye damage, and blown disks".

He has to fill out VA paper work, then undergo a medical exam by VA doctors and staff. If all those injuries are verified, he will draw a VA compensation of tax free dollars, and also have free medical care at VA faciilties (rated over 20 percent service connected disabilities).

He is choosing to not re-enilst to finsish the 20 years for retirement. It may be PTSD, stress, family matters, or just personal reasons. BUT, he is making the choice or has been rejected for cause. They are not offering a medical discharge to him, which would give a pension. Never the less, the VA system is there for him, for a monetary compensation for injuries on active duty, and for medical care for him.

And, as well, every ***combat veteran*** of the ***Iraq and Afghanistan wars***, is automatically eligible for five years of free healthcare through the Department of Veterans Affairs. So while waiting for the VA to process his disability claim, he is covered for medical care for 5 years. With his list of injuries, he will no doubt be covered for life.

The MSM is distorting the facts - probably to backup Obamacare. As to the warrior himself, I salute the shooter - cream of the crop of military warriors.

02-12-2013, 04:14 PM
on that dead pr!cki. but I would have sure in hell sh!t all over him as if I had a case of diareeha. I wouldhave had him mortally wounded but not dead so he could look up and seeol jocko taking a big squat right over his head. :Amflag2: I would have been part of seal team 6.5, which is the poop team, as they know I can't hit jack sh!t with a gun. Someone has to do it.

Ihave no doubt they government and even the military has kicked this seal team member out the door and he is now on his own to survive. Pure B.S. but maybe some of the publicity now might get sumpin done for him. Obummer owes him that much.:Amflag2:

If they had a fund I would donate to it..
I have 3 thoughts for this Phony!

Longitude Zero
02-12-2013, 04:43 PM
The story of line of how he is being screwed with no benefits is however, total crap. I was active duty for 27.5 years, and the story is simply full of huge holes.


02-12-2013, 06:01 PM
Personally, I don't know how anyone could be in the military under a scumbag democRAT. Just like in benghazi, they'll send you in to die then cover their own ass before you're even cold. And if you succeed, they take all the credit. I couldn't do it. If these leftists want something done, make them do it themselves for the first time in their useless lives.

Different of course, but shades of the rhetoric of 'Nam.

Just like then....we serve/served because that's what we do!