View Full Version : Thinking of another 9mm
02-12-2013, 10:28 PM
My PM9 is my only 9mm. I have lots of ammo, more than any other pistol caliber since I carry the PM9 most and shoot it every time I go to the range.
So, I got looking at CZ, 75 BD, or SP 01. The p-01 looks nice too. Thought maybe an XDM, an SR9C or maybe just a Cougar to go with my PX4 (that's in .40).
Love all the choices. Don't really want to go over $550, but if I really fall for one...
I do like the metal in the CZ, all steel, although I usually prefer stainless. I'm not in a big hurry.
I'll have to go into the big city to even get to handle many of these. But, that's half the fun.
Am I missing something?
mr surveyor
02-12-2013, 10:30 PM
if you found an SP101 in 9mm for a decent price, you'd better snatch it up. They are bringing a premium.
edit...never mind.... I see you said SP 01....
I wouldn't mind a pristine SP101 in 9mm myself
02-12-2013, 11:05 PM
Not revolvers on this one. I would like a 9mm that I can shoot as well as my 686 though.
How about the MR Baby EagleII? It has metal construction although I don't hear much about it, even here.
02-12-2013, 11:27 PM
I have a S&W M&P9c to go with the CM9. When the weather is cold, I can carry 12 or 17 + rounds of 9mm on board. There is a big trigger difference, but I like the combo of those 2 guns. The 17rd mags are extremely hard to find, but give it a full grip with XGrip extensions. That's what works for me. You may find another that works for you.
02-12-2013, 11:38 PM
If I don't carry my PM9, which is rare, I have several .40 pistols I usually choose from. I'm thinking that is something more of a range toy that is just a joy to shoot. I'm old, and prefer metal guns (although the polymer pistols do seem to shrug off wear better and hold up fine).
Big and heavy are fine. Sort of like long barrel, big revolver. I have a 686 I love at the range. I don't carry it though. That's what got me thinking of a CZ or Beretta 92 to start with. Full size, long sight radius, and maybe, if I squint, I can hit targets out there a little ways.
And, my wife is showing some interest. Other than .22, I don't have any real comfortable to shoot certerfire pistols. A soft shooting, easy to hit things 9mm would be fun for both of us.
02-13-2013, 12:32 AM
I know your saying metal, but the Sig P250 full size is a really fun/nice pistol to shoot. I mostly keep mine in the compact configuration, so a 4" barrel, but I have a 4.7" barrel and slide that goes to the range frequently, and it's got a longer sight radius than a P226. Very soft shooting since it weighs in at around 30oz unloaded. Trigger is incredible if you like DAO. If you are looking for something striker or DAO/SAO, not gonna be the one you want.
02-13-2013, 01:10 AM
I have a S&W M&P9c to go with the CM9.
+1. My S&W M&P 9C was my first semi-automatic pistol. My bride and I bought matching guns with the Crimson Trace laser. Fun to fire, more accurate than my CM9, but a little big for concealed carry in the summer time. With an over shirt, no problem using a Safariland owb holster - but with just a T shirt, my CM9 is by far my favorite EDC.
The 9C's have a special place next to our chairs when watching TV and always go to bed with us on our night stands. My wife is closest the door so she keeps a white washcloth folded over hers so if a BG did enter the room before she could grab it, he wouldn't see it.
02-13-2013, 02:07 AM
I want a Glock 19 for my wife. She could rack my G23C but thought the grip was too big. I don't know if I can find a Gen 4, or if the grip is any smaller than the Gen 3.
02-13-2013, 05:58 AM
I want a Glock 19 for my wife. She could rack my G23C but thought the grip was too big. I don't know if I can find a Gen 4, or if the grip is any smaller than the Gen 3.
You might consider a HK P30 or Walther PPQ.
Both grips are hard to beat for small hands.
I think Walther's new PPX is a DAO hammer fired gun with an MSRP ~$500.
02-13-2013, 06:31 AM
Check out the Browning Hi-Power You won't find one for that price though I doubt.
02-13-2013, 07:30 AM
CZ gets my vote....of course an MK aint bad either ;)
02-13-2013, 07:47 AM
The Beretta 92 requires some big hands.
02-13-2013, 08:03 AM
You may fine a Sig. in a variety of styles in the price range you mentioned. Great guns, parts available if needed, rock solid performer. My W.German 226 would probably be the last firearm I would ever sell. If the government ever asks, it was the first gun I sold years ago, and all the 18 rd mags went with it.
02-13-2013, 08:15 AM
You can't go wrong with the Browning. At least put one in your hand. You can't mistake the great feel of a Hi-Power!7652
02-13-2013, 10:44 AM
For variety, have you considered a 1911-style 9mm? It would be different from what you already have, and most of the 1911s are very nice target guns. Your price point is at the entry-level area for the 1911s. You can get an STI Spartan in 9mm for $635.00 at Dawson Precision. This is an all-metal frame and slide setup. This gun comes in the Officer, Commander, and Government sizes.
02-13-2013, 10:55 AM
My vote would go to a Glock 19. If you can find a Gen 3 you'll probably be looking at just over $500. A Gen 4 is more like $550. You get an extra mag with a Gen 4 and a much better grip texture if you ask me. I love my Gen 4 19.
02-13-2013, 11:55 AM
I've got a few CZ's and my all time favorite is the CZ-PO1. It all started with the 75b and went from there. CZ's are the only brand of pistol I own more than one of. I can't help myself whenever I pick one up that I do not already own I feel like I just have to own it. Talk about an addiction. :ohmy: The CZ82(middle)even though it shoots the 9x18 mak round is probably the best $200 I ever spent on a firearm. I'm slowly going back to my roots of all steel firearms.
02-13-2013, 01:55 PM
Thanks for all the input. I like the Sig 226, Hi Power and HKs (thanks Barth), but something (probably senility) is dragging my interest towards the all steel stuff that is less $ than the Hi Power. The CZ 75BD or SP 01 and Beretta 92s seem to be calling to me first to look at. They should be fun to shoot and pretty good clubs when the ammo runs out. It looks like they borrowed from the Browning design quite a bit.
02-13-2013, 02:07 PM
I've got a few CZ's and my all time favorite is the CZ-PO1. It all started with the 75b and went from there. CZ's are the only brand of pistol I own more than one of. I can't help myself whenever I pick one up that I do not already own I feel like I just have to own it. Talk about an addiction. :ohmy: The CZ82(middle)even though it shoots the 9x18 mak round is probably the best $200 I ever spent on a firearm. I'm slowly going back to my roots of all steel firearms.
Have to agree with the CZ82. Smoothest trigger I have ever felt.
02-13-2013, 02:08 PM
I've been thinking about picking up another 9 myself. I have a Hi Power and the CM9, but I'd really like to get something simple for my wife. She can shoot the Hi Power, but she can only rack the slide if she backs the hammer first. And having a safety to deal with, being SAO, and the hammer is just a little more complicated than she'd like. So I've been thinking about a M&P9c, G19, XDM 3.8 Compact in 9mm, or a Sig P250.
02-13-2013, 02:21 PM
I've been thinking about picking up another 9 myself. I have a Hi Power and the CM9, but I'd really like to get something simple for my wife. She can shoot the Hi Power, but she can only rack the slide if she backs the hammer first. And having a safety to deal with, being SAO, and the hammer is just a little more complicated than she'd like. So I've been thinking about a M&P9c, G19, XDM 3.8 Compact in 9mm, or a Sig P250.
Can't say enough good about my P250. But you can't go wrong w/ the G19 either. That would be more order, P250/G19 tied, then MP9c, then the XDM.
But the P250 is really great for what you are talking about, smooth trigger, not too heavy, but long. Keep it simple and safe. Safety is in the design/mentality of that trigger. I absolutely love the trigger on it. But I'm one of the few and I'm very aware of that. Most people hate it. I don't think I've been to the range yet w/ anyone that liked it. Oh well, more for me :D
02-13-2013, 02:40 PM
I'd love to have CZ-75, that would be high on the list of 9mm if I were looking for one. A Hi-Power would also be nice, but way out of that price range. I have an M&P Pro that I absolutely love but that lists for over $600. The trigger is simply the best DAO stock trigger I've ever used. You take up the slack on it then it breaks crisply much like a SA trigger. I have a Beretta Cougar in .40 that's been flawless. I guess Stoeger makes them now in Turkey, on the original Italian machinery. People say they really can't tell any difference between the Beretta and the Stoeger. A friend has a Ruger SR9 he likes pretty well. My brother likes his Springfield XD pretty well too. I don't think you could go wrong with any of those. Depends what you want, SA/DA, DAO, SA. Trouble is, right now, prices are up, and stock is low, not a good time to be looking.
02-14-2013, 11:16 AM
I'll throw in another idea along with my 2 cents....
What I'm hearing is you want a 9mm all steel range gun for fun shooting and not so much for carry in a $500.00 price range...
So far you like the CZ or the Beretta 92 or perhaps a Hi Power....IMPO here are the pro's and con's and an alternative to think about
The CZ's are fantastic well made guns but the down side to them is 1. availability (Don't see these at the LGS very often) and 2. Cost....he CZ's are high dollar guns, way over $500.00 and you probably won't find a used one...
The Beretta 92's are nice guns and many like them...The cost for a new one will likely be more than $500.00 but used are available...This pistol would make a good choice if you have large hands but if your wife is going to want to shoot it the grip may be too large for her....I have thought about and handled a 92 several times but my hands are just not big enough and it's not comfortable to hold at all for me at least...
The Hi Power's are beautiful pistols but like the CZ's you propably won't find one used, they fly off the shelves and a new one would be expensive...These are fantastic pistols but may not be the right thing for casual fun shooting and the transition from striker fired or SA/DA pistols to SA only can be difficult unless you are used to shooting SA pistols all the time....
Here is my idea, How about a nice used S&W Gen III 9mm like a mod 5906... these are tried and true all steel pistols and you can find them used and in good condition in the $500.00 and under price range....S&W still has parts and will service these pistols under warranty....I sent my mid 80's S&W 4506 back recently for a broken trigger return spring and they fixed it under warranty and had it back to me in 14 days....The Gen III guns are a real value and excellent shooters and I think one would fit the bill just fine for what you are going to use it for...Give it a look....
02-14-2013, 12:04 PM
02-22-2013, 06:26 AM
I picked up a Shield in 9mm & LOVE it, They are still hard to find but what a great gun. Feels great & shoots great & very accurate also.
02-22-2013, 08:05 AM
1. CZ. - I wish I had one. Jeepsters CZ makes me drool.
2. Sig - I'm waiting for a hand me down.
3. Beretta 92 - I have this one and it's never failed but I would have bought a CZ (see item #1) if I could have found one at the time.
I have one metal 9mm for now and it's the beretta.
Dirt doc
02-22-2013, 08:10 AM
You clearly have lots of choices. I have had an XD9 for a long time and it has been very reliable. Technically it belongs to the wife. In all steel, I have a Rock Island FS Tac. They used to run $430 - 450. I don't know what they are running now or if you can find one. The rock is a soft shooter in 9mm. It is the first thing my son and nephew pick up at the range. It has been reliable with 124 grn ammo but not so much with 115. I should send it in but haven't got around to it. Besides it works fine with 124's.
02-22-2013, 09:31 AM
I am working on picking up a CZ. Not sure which one yet, but I like what I've seen so far. Then it's just a matter of finding one, or waiting, with the right price.
02-22-2013, 09:08 PM
You might consider a HK P30 or Walther PPQ.
Both grips are hard to beat for small hands.
I think Walther's new PPX is a DAO hammer fired gun with an MSRP ~$500.
Why are they hard to beat for small hands? The Walther looks like a big gun.
02-23-2013, 02:00 PM
CZ's are great weapons!
Browning HiPower, nuff said
02-23-2013, 06:19 PM
I've had my hi power for around 20 yrs. I bought it brand new for 4 or 5 hundred. I just saw a used one in excellent shape at my lgs for $825.00 I don't think it had night sights either!
You can get them new for under that if you look around, not much under... usually high 700's.
I got three, have had five. Got an oldie - 4 digit serial, pre-WWII. Got a 70's model with a BarSto barrel in it, and got a longslide - and those have a new design magazine disconnect that does not drag the trigger. I used to remove the disconnects, but put 'em all back in. I can shoot 'em either way.
02-23-2013, 07:45 PM
I removed that disconnect in mine too. It helped the mag. Drop free a lot better and I think it lightened up my trigger weight also. I've never held a pistol that felt better in my hand than a Hi power!
02-23-2013, 08:43 PM
You guys are making me want another 9mm. Stop it already. I wanted a second Sig P250 before this thread started. But now I need a (hides head in sand) Glock 19 and maybe a CZ P-01.
Ugh! You guys suck!
02-23-2013, 09:28 PM
I might have to buy them all if this keeps up...
02-23-2013, 09:55 PM
I've had my Hi Power for 12 or so years now. My father bought it new and ended up giving it to me because I liked it so much. My understanding is it's sort of a rare one, in that it is a Mark III with a forged frame instead of a cast frame. Probably my favorite handgun for several reasons.
I fondled a Sig P229 DA/SA 9mm today and I liked it, but then again I don't pick up many handguns that I don't like. It fit my hand really well and felt super nice. I tried to convince the wife she needed it for a belated Valentine's Day gift, but no dice.
02-23-2013, 10:01 PM
You guys are making me want another 9mm. Stop it already. I wanted a second Sig P250 before this thread started. But now I need a (hides head in sand) Glock 19 and maybe a CZ P-01.
Ugh! You guys suck!
Everyone needs a Glock 19! ;). No collection is complete without one.
02-23-2013, 11:28 PM
Everyone needs a Glock 19! ;). No collection is complete without one.
Yea, I know, I know. All the cool kids have one :D. Been on my list for awhile, but I keep discovering other things I want sooner. I also ain't about to pay today's prices for a Glock or a Glock mag. No way, No how. I understand the demand is up, panic buying aside, just can't justify it. My P250 is actually my Glock 19. No particular benefit with it over anything else I own...just would be nice to have at least one.
I've wanted a CZ for quite a while, this thread has just made it worse. And the fact that sootch00 on YouTube just did ANOTHER video on CZs about 2 or 3 weeks ago.
My 'next' 9mm order of purchase at this point is...
1. Second Sig P250 compact
2. 9mm carbine (kel tec 2k or Beretta CX4)
3a. CZ P-01 (the light weight alloy model)
3b. Glock 19
I'm sure I can add a few more. But that should keep my mad money busy for awhile.
02-24-2013, 12:45 AM
A lot of good suggestions in this thread.
I have a few full size 9mm pistols and here's my take on them
CZ75 - Accurate and reliable, I probably shoot this one the most (it also makes a dandy .22 with the Kadet kit).
EAA small frame Witness: CZ75 clone (well made, accurate and reliable), I like it quite a bit and think it a softer shooting pistol than the CZ.
RIA 1911- Accurate and reliable (especially with Metalform 9FR-794 magazines), shoot it the second most. Very soft shooting gun (probably the softest) and quick to get back on target.
Browning Hi Power - Accurate and reliable, a great pistol and I love the ergonomics. I would shoot it more with different sights (mine has the three vertical white posts) so a trip to Novak is in it's future. Note; some early guns may need work to feed hollow points.
SIG P6 - Accurate and reliable, took some warming up to, what really changed it was swapping out the mainspring for a commercial P225 spring. Like it quite a bit now (much more than double stack SIGs). Note: some pre 6/1989 guns may need work to feed hollow points.
Helwan Brigadier - Decent accuracy, frame peened some, but has it been reliable after filing this down (no further peening). It's licensed copy of the Beretta Model 1951 and a fun plinker, but darn if I don't want a Beretta now (anybody remember the Mack Bolan character and his Beretta "Belle"?)
P.S. the rest of my 9x19s are smaller guns (though I do have a Gen3 G19 on lay-a-way). I'd rate them in this order:
CW9 - Reliable /accurate, my go to 9mm for carry
S&W Shield and Model 3913 - both are reliable and accurate, no favorite between the two.
Kel Tec P11 - reliable, but I find it difficult to shoot accurately at longer ranges (still, I find it's a handy pistol to have around).
Glock 27 with a G26 top end - Accurate and reliable, I'd rate it up with the Smith and Wessons, but only carry it in it's .40 guise.
02-24-2013, 02:20 AM
The CZ bug bit me almost a year ago and it took me 9 months to find one. I found a 75b from cz customs at a decent price right before Christmas. Can't say enough good things about the gun or cz customs, both are highly recommended. Do yourself a favor. Buy the CZ, if you can find one.
02-24-2013, 07:01 AM
The CZ bug bit me almost a year ago and it took me 9 months to find one. I found a 75b from cz customs at a decent price right before Christmas. Can't say enough good things about the gun or cz customs, both are highly recommended. Do yourself a favor. Buy the CZ, if you can find one.
^^^ This I agree with 100%. I started out with a CZ 75B in the summer of 2011 ,and by Christmes 2012 I owned three. To be honest if I saw another one that I didn't already own at a good price I'd have four. ;)
I had a CZ-75 that came in thru Canada... I think mine was an '83 (as stamped in the little cut out). Great gun. The safety is a mother to get back together right, but its doable if you got steady fingers. Mine broke the screw that holds the trigger spring into the frame. OUCH. I ended up EDMing the screw out and replacing it with a 6-32 stainless steel socket head capscrew. It also got the K-Kote treatment. If anyone sees a CZ out there with a stainless capscrew in the mag well... it was mine!
mr surveyor
02-24-2013, 12:07 PM
I still want an MK9... I still prefer steel
02-24-2013, 03:38 PM
I completely understand a CZ 75b addiction. My journey with 9mm's started nearly 30 years ago. My first 9mm was an HK P7, which later was traded in on a Walther P5. A SIG 228 came and went, another HK P7 and then a Kahr K9. I was issued a Beretta 92 in the service. As a fluke, I asked to handle a CZ 75b while visiting the local dealer. I was hooked. No other 9mm fit my hand that well.
I've owned other handguns such as a Colt Gold Cup, a Kimber CDP II, a Colt Diamondback, S&W 686 SSR, a S&W 60 Pro, a Dan Wesson 744, a S&W 629 and others. Most were eventually sold or traded. But, the CZ 75 PCR and CZ 75b Polished Stainless will never leave. They have been flawless. Out of the box, they have never experienced an FTE or FTF. The only downside is that they are a little harder to find and that accessories (i.e threaded barrels and lasers) are not as common as found for the 1911 and SIG platforms. On the other hand, no other handgun is so egonomically perfect. SIGs, Berettas and the HK P7 are blocky in comparison.
Good luck with your choice. Let us know what you decide.
03-03-2013, 09:36 PM
In the end, I bought two CZs. A 75 SP-01 is on the way and I also bought a 75BD. I liked them both.
The SP-01 is a very sweet pistol, and is an update of the classic. But, something about the 75BD was just very cool to me as well. That one is a decocker, the SP-01 has a regular safety.
Anyway, thanks for the thoughts. I got to pick up a couple hundred rounds of 9mm and .40. I should have a range report soon.
03-03-2013, 09:59 PM
And pictures, don't forget pictures.
03-04-2013, 03:27 AM
And pictures, don't forget pictures.
I carried a friends Tanfoglio CZ clone as my first concealed carry gun years ago in a previous life.
It was a brushed stainless 9mm compact with wood grips.
I loved that gun and have thought of getting a real CZ sometime.
03-04-2013, 01:36 PM
I sold my K9 and bought a stainless CZ75B. All smiles all around. The K9 became someone's first pistol, and I shoot the 75 in league way better than the K9. I'll have another some day, likely.
04-15-2013, 09:10 PM
Finally shot a photo. I have 300 rounds through the SP01 and 400 through the 75BD. I also pulled the trigger in DA another 350 or so times (with an o-ring keeping it from hitting the firing pin).
Really like these pistols. I might not be done acquiring CZs. But, a Kadet adaptor (.22) is probably next on the list. Might have some trigger work done, although both are quite smooth at this point.
I did put Tru Glo night sights on the 75BD.
04-15-2013, 10:47 PM
A couple of fine pistols Alfonse. I just shot my polished 75B yesterday and had no less than 5 people come ask me about it. They are fantastic guns. Every time I shoot mine I have a grin ear to ear. I have my eye on a 75 shadow, but that wont be for a while. Congrats!
04-15-2013, 11:07 PM
Can we see it?
04-15-2013, 11:21 PM
9mm's I have are Beretta 92FS, Springfield XD9 Tactical, Kahr CW9, PM9, and picking up K9 tomorrow. I like them all. The Beretta does have big grips for my medium sized hands, but it's not too bad and I got used to it. It is a very well made pistol. Lately, I prefer shooting the XD at the range. It fits my hands well and points very naturally for me. Not much recoil at all either for a polymer pistol because of the 5" barrel. I can't wait to shoot the K9!
04-15-2013, 11:38 PM
For the value, it's hard to beat the SR9c or SR9, I love mine. Thinking about getting an SR40 next. Since you already have the pm9, I'd think you would appreciate a pistol with a longer barrel than the sr9c's 3.4 in barrel. Anyways, I still love my SR9c and I will probably never sell it.
04-16-2013, 12:12 AM
I just took a photo with my phone...
This was a photo from my camera from a while ago...
04-16-2013, 07:59 AM
LorenzoB, what explorer are you using? And how did you post those pics? Most of us are being forced to use Chrome to be able to post at all, and then it is plain text with no ability to add hot links, pictures or even smilies. When we use IE or Firefox and go to post or preview what we have entered, it erases it and says our post is too short.
04-16-2013, 08:40 AM
JFootin, That is a bummer! I didn't realize there was an issue because I mainly use Tapatalk on my iPhone. I hardly ever use a browser on a computer for this forum for a couple of reasons. 1) When I get a free minute to check out KahrTalk, I'm usually not at a computer. 2) KahrTalk is slow because it keeps reloading the header banner ads every page refresh, and that is annoying to me (it wouldn't be so bad if the file sizes were smaller).
04-16-2013, 09:24 AM
Lorenzo, beautiful pistols. I think my favorite would be the inox Beretta. I am partial to stainless. I bet Parabellum's 75B in polished stainless looks sweet too.
And, I thought I must have been doing something wrong I was having so much trouble posting photos. Apparently the issue is known.
04-16-2013, 10:04 AM
Lorenzo, beautiful pistols. I think my favorite would be the inox Beretta. I am partial to stainless. I bet Parabellum's 75B in polished stainless looks sweet too.
And, I thought I must have been doing something wrong I was having so much trouble posting photos. Apparently the issue is known.
I have some polished SS mag baseplates on the way for it. I will post some pics when I get them, assuming I can post pics.
04-16-2013, 12:02 PM
JFootin, That is a bummer! I didn't realize there was an issue because I mainly use Tapatalk on my iPhone. I hardly ever use a browser on a computer for this forum for a couple of reasons. 1) When I get a free minute to check out KahrTalk, I'm usually not at a computer. 2) KahrTalk is slow because it keeps reloading the header banner ads every page refresh, and that is annoying to me (it wouldn't be so bad if the file sizes were smaller).
Oh, you use Tapatalk. Most posts done that way have that footer saying so, but your posts don't. I use AdBlock on my browsers, so the banner ads don't slow me down. It is free, although they appreciate a donation.
04-17-2013, 01:30 PM
I have some polished SS mag baseplates on the way for it. I will post some pics when I get them, assuming I can post pics.
Got my polished mag base plates, but I decided to dress it up with cocobolo cz grips and stainless grip screws too. As soon as the grips and screws arrive I will show it off.
04-17-2013, 02:30 PM
Got my polished mag base plates, but I decided to dress it up with cocobolo cz grips and stainless grip screws too. As soon as the grips and screws arrive I will show it off.
Cannot wait to see that!
I ran across some stainless plates on the CZ forum this weekend that a member there makes. I'm thinking about getting a couple for the 14rd mags on my P-01. That rubber base sucks for carry, shirt sticks to them pretty bad. I don't plan on carrying the P-01 much, but when I do, I think the stainless plates will work better. Probably will duracoat them or something, but there are some pretty slick pictures of the black P-01 w/ wood grips and the polished stainless mag bases. It actually looks pretty awesome.
But...this is what I'd LIKE to have...a CZ Custom + Robar P-01. How freakin' awesome is that. Alas, not $1200 nice for me right now. I wish this guy was my neighbor!!!
MW surveyor
04-17-2013, 04:48 PM
If/when I carry my CZ Phantom I use the 15 round ProMag (hey they do work when you tweak them). Sits nearly flush and no rubber.
04-17-2013, 04:53 PM
Cannot wait to see that!
I ran across some stainless plates on the CZ forum this weekend that a member there makes. I'm thinking about getting a couple for the 14rd mags on my P-01. That rubber base sucks for carry, shirt sticks to them pretty bad. I don't plan on carrying the P-01 much, but when I do, I think the stainless plates will work better. Probably will duracoat them or something, but there are some pretty slick pictures of the black P-01 w/ wood grips and the polished stainless mag bases. It actually looks pretty awesome.
But...this is what I'd LIKE to have...a CZ Custom + Robar P-01. How freakin' awesome is that. Alas, not $1200 nice for me right now. I wish this guy was my neighbor!!!
That's a beauty right there. Very nicely done.
04-17-2013, 04:57 PM
Bawanna, CZ makes .45s too. But be careful, they are as addictive as 1911s.
04-17-2013, 05:04 PM
That's a beauty right there. Very nicely done.
Tell me about it. It's actually not a bad price @ $1200 for that combination of stuff. All metal gun w/ a complete NP3 finish, plus the CZ custom work and the trigger travel screw setup. If my gun fund were not depleted from the recent P-01 purchase and my .22 target rifle, I'd be all over that.
04-17-2013, 05:25 PM
Tell me about it. It's actually not a bad price @ $1200 for that combination of stuff. All metal gun w/ a complete NP3 finish, plus the CZ custom work and the trigger travel screw setup. If my gun fund were not depleted from the recent P-01 purchase and my .22 target rifle, I'd be all over that.
I agree, he's got to have nearly that much into that gun. Durable as all get out and functional and pretty to boot.
Alfonse, I never seen the 45's in person but I'm told they are considerably larger which isn't a bad thing to me really. I'd like to see one in real life sometime. They look really good in pictures.
I kind of like to have a 9 around anyhow so Jocko doesn't pile on all the time ya know. His wicked fast little 9's that go around the world twice before my 45 gets out of the barrel.
04-17-2013, 07:34 PM
Bawanna, CZ makes .45s too. But be careful, they are as addictive as 1911s.
Definitely a thing of beauty! But you need to have BIG hands.
04-17-2013, 08:29 PM
Any of you folks own/shot a Caracal?
04-17-2013, 09:31 PM
I recollect brother jfootin played with one some and was quite enamored with it. I seen one at a gun show but didn't hold it.
04-17-2013, 10:12 PM
Cannot wait to see that!
I ran across some stainless plates on the CZ forum this weekend that a member there makes. I'm thinking about getting a couple for the 14rd mags on my P-01.
Same place I got mine, from Joe (75Plus) on the CZ forum. He does great work and ships fast. $20 and that includes shipping. Pretty reasonable considering it cost me that for the 2 stainless hex screws with shipping from CZ custom. And that's 2 screws! Three if you count them screwing me with $11 s&h ($11 to ship 2 screws? Criminal) I couldn't bare to have the black Phillips on there anymore, it had to be done.
04-17-2013, 10:32 PM
Any of you folks own/shot a Caracal?
I helped a former friend break in his new Caracal C. Out of the box, it has great ergonomics and a super trigger. And the most amazing thing is the absense of felt recoil; it's like shooting a 22! I would love to own one, but they are not well established here and they have had multiple factory recalls. So, I wouldn't buy one, but I wouldn't refuse one if it were given to me.
04-17-2013, 11:00 PM
CZ! I recommend the p01 if you intend to carry. Although my mk9 is still my favorite but it doesn't shoot as well as the CZ. A used mk9 would be in your price range. Guess it depends on what you want.
Good luck
04-17-2013, 11:08 PM
2. Cost....he CZ's are high dollar guns, way over $500.00 and you probably won't find a used one...
No they aren't. List on a new p01 is $608. Check the website.
04-18-2013, 12:21 AM
I have some polished SS mag baseplates on the way for it. I will post some pics when I get them, assuming I can post pics.
Look forward to seeing those photos!
04-18-2013, 12:49 AM
Same place I got mine, from Joe (75Plus) on the CZ forum. He does great work and ships fast. $20 and that includes shipping. Pretty reasonable considering it cost me that for the 2 stainless hex screws with shipping from CZ custom. And that's 2 screws! Three if you count them screwing me with $11 s&h ($11 to ship 2 screws? Criminal) I couldn't bare to have the black Phillips on there anymore, it had to be done.
Cool, figured they may be from him. Sounds like a nice option. The couple of threads over there seem to be good responses from all regarding the quality. Thanks. I'll definitely look into that for my P-01.
2. Cost....he CZ's are high dollar guns, way over $500.00 and you probably won't find a used one...
No they aren't. List on a new p01 is $608. Check the website.
They aren't that cheap right now. In my P-01 search, initially nowhere to be found accept on gunbroker. There, selling for $750 by the time bids closed. I ended up getting 'lucky' as far as finding one locally I could look at first, at Gander. Gander's price was $650. Given the price on gunbroker, the general availability elsewhere, and the $ burning a hole in my pocket, I went for it anyway. Maybe I shouldn't have. But a gun, as anything, is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I was willing to go $650.
What I spent extra on the gun, I saved on mags compared to any other gun out there. Picked up 4 16 round mags for a total of about $75. They are Mec-Gar, but from what I read, that's who makes CZ mags. So, in the end, I'm probably better off that I'd have been running across a Glock 19 or PPQ, which were in the running for my next 9mm.
04-19-2013, 10:32 PM
Chrish Great choice. P.S. the trigger gets smoother the more you shoot it.
04-20-2013, 12:56 AM
I love the way the CZ feels. SR9 is ugly as sin IMO. Looks like a cheesy target 22 to me. If I buy another 9 it will most definitely be a CZ. Or a Beretta. Or both.
04-21-2013, 07:14 PM
Look forward to seeing those photos!
I'm still waiting on the stainless grip screws, but here it is with the SS mag plates and CZ coco grips...
04-21-2013, 07:49 PM
That's a beauty.
04-21-2013, 08:15 PM
That's too cool. At first I thought you had two twins there. That would be super billy bad *** to have two holstered.
Hmmmm...idea? Not my fault :-)
04-22-2013, 09:47 PM
I picked up a Ruger stainless speed six in 9mm. My favorite revolver, and not easy to find in 9mm.....................
04-22-2013, 11:31 PM
I didn't know those were made in 9mm. Do you have a pic?
04-24-2013, 11:39 PM
You guys are making me want another 9mm. Stop it already. I wanted a second Sig P250 before this thread started. But now I need a (hides head in sand) Glock 19 and maybe a CZ P-01.
Ugh! You guys suck!
Actually a good idea... OP could get a sig250 in 9mm then switch it to whatever else he wants later. Price is good too. I think that's moving up on my "next" list. Thanks.
04-24-2013, 11:50 PM
Actually a good idea... OP could get a sig250 in 9mm then switch it to whatever else he wants later. Price is good too. I think that's moving up on my "next" list. Thanks.
hehe...if you didn't catch it in another of my posts, I dumped my P250. but definitely do as I say though, not as I do. the p250 is a awesome pistol if you ask me. good ergos, excellent dao trigger, the caliber xchange thing, etc. but in the end, I had to dump something to get my CZ and the p250 was low man on the totem 'round here.
04-25-2013, 12:24 AM
Chrish. Check out that ammo thread. +1 to a fellow cz owner.
04-25-2013, 09:03 AM
Sig 226, 228, 229
04-25-2013, 10:33 AM
Chrish. Check out that ammo thread. +1 to a fellow cz owner.
Yea, saw that post. Love my CZ, just need to get it broken in and/or shoot it off to CZ Custom or Cajun. Really itchin' for that double action trigger to be lighter and smoother. Actually pretty content w/ the single action pull. All in all, pretty freakin' impressed w/ it (the CZ). Now just need an SP-01 tactical. That's next for me unless I move to Colorado, start smoking pot, and get some hair-brain idea that I need a Glock again :0)
WHAT was a thinking! Glock Schmlock, I have the CZ now...
Yea, saw that post. Love my CZ, just need to get it broken in and/or shoot it off to CZ Custom or Cajun. Really itchin' for that double action trigger to be lighter and smoother. Actually pretty content w/ the single action pull. All in all, pretty freakin' impressed w/ it (the CZ). Now just need an SP-01 tactical. That's next for me unless I move to Colorado, start smoking pot, and get some hair-brain idea that I need a Glock again :0)
WHAT was a thinking! Glock Schmlock, I have the CZ now...
What's wrong with Glocks? :cool:
04-25-2013, 08:28 PM
What's wrong with Glocks? :cool:
nothing. Excellent pistols. Just being sarcastic. I had narrowed my choices down to the g19, ppq, and the CZ. Just held the CZ and liked it. Plus had a bug for one metal semiauto in the collection.
nothing. Excellent pistols. Just being sarcastic. I had narrowed my choices down to the g19, ppq, and the CZ. Just held the CZ and liked it. Plus had a bug for one metal semiauto in the collection.
Me also....I be from Colorado and just couldn't help it. Glocks are great appliance guns but they have no tact nor soul.
04-25-2013, 10:13 PM
Me also....I be from Colorado and just couldn't help it. Glocks are great appliance guns but they have no tact nor soul.
Yea, I couldn't help it either, with my recent thread about the legalized pot party mixed w/ guns and then the whole anti-Glock thing. No offense to CO folks, but it's a bit nutty out there right now you have to admit.
I have never much cared for the Glock ergos or the triggers. But no argument from me on the reliability/durability and the 'everybody should have one in the collection' argument. I actually like they way they look believe it or not, but they are (compared to a 1911, Kahr, Sig, CZ, M&P) terrible as far as how they fit in my hand. Still, I'd like to have a G19 in the safe w/ everything else. Someday maybe, but now, after the P-01, a SP-01 tactical is 'next' on my 9mm list, then a 9mm carbine of some sort. THEN the G19. Then there is the PPQ. Ugh. I'm becoming one of those 9mm freaks!
04-26-2013, 01:01 AM
Yea, I couldn't help it either, with my recent thread about the legalized pot party mixed w/ guns and then the whole anti-Glock thing. No offense to CO folks, but it's a bit nutty out there right now you have to admit.
I have never much cared for the Glock ergos or the triggers. But no argument from me on the reliability/durability and the 'everybody should have one in the collection' argument. I actually like they way they look believe it or not, but they are (compared to a 1911, Kahr, Sig, CZ, M&P) terrible as far as how they fit in my hand. Still, I'd like to have a G19 in the safe w/ everything else. Someday maybe, but now, after the P-01, a SP-01 tactical is 'next' on my 9mm list, then a 9mm carbine of some sort. THEN the G19. Then there is the PPQ. Ugh. I'm becoming one of those 9mm freaks!
What's wrong with 9mm freaks? :)
I have a G19 and a CZ 75B. While the CZ feels better, looks better, and shoots better (accuracy/recoil wise) than any other gun I have ever owned, if I could only have one gun it would be the G19. The versatility and reliability of it helps me sleep better at night.
04-26-2013, 01:23 AM
What's wrong with 9mm freaks? :)
I have a G19 and a CZ 75B. While the CZ feels better, looks better, and shoots better (accuracy/recoil wise) than any other gun I have ever owned, if I could only have one gun it would be the G19. The versatility and reliability of it helps me sleep better at night.
:D I was, am, and will be a 9mm freak. Its the only semi auto caliber I've ever owned or cared to own.
Shot plenty of .45 and some .40, they just don't do it for me. Nuthin' against them. It's not them, its me. :p
I've been looking around even for a 9mm revolver. Just for grins. But boy are the Smiths expensive and the Taurus...meh. I think maybe at this point (9mm revolver) I should take a step back and do something different. What I REALLY want is the convertible Blackhawk in .357/9mm, but after the accuracy stories I've read, that's probably not gonna happen either.
04-26-2013, 11:00 AM
I sent one of the CZs to CGW for their trigger package. I'll let you know how it comes out. I expect I will do both of them.
04-26-2013, 03:00 PM
:D I was, am, and will be a 9mm freak. Its the only semi auto caliber I've ever owned or cared to own.
Shot plenty of .45 and some .40, they just don't do it for me. Nuthin' against them. It's not them, its me. :p
I've been looking around even for a 9mm revolver. Just for grins. But boy are the Smiths expensive and the Taurus...meh. I think maybe at this point (9mm revolver) I should take a step back and do something different. What I REALLY want is the convertible Blackhawk in .357/9mm, but after the accuracy stories I've read, that's probably not gonna happen either.
just get one of the rugers chambered specifically in 357. It's only the 9mm/357 conversion that has accuracy issues as I recall... I have a 357sp101 that shoots pretty accurate for a snubbie. The sights on a Blackhawk should have you shootin' fine.
04-26-2013, 03:04 PM
I sent one of the CZs to CGW for their trigger package. I'll let you know how it comes out. I expect I will do both of them.
I've been blessed with a CZ custom P01 --- you are gonna love that trigger. Takes the grit and hitch out of the DA and the SA rivals the best 1911's. The guy at the shop just said; "here, dry fire this". Next thing I know my checking acct was empty... :D money well spent.
04-26-2013, 03:05 PM
:D I was, am, and will be a 9mm freak. Its the only semi auto caliber I've ever owned or cared to own.
Shot plenty of .45 and some .40, they just don't do it for me. Nuthin' against them. It's not them, its me. :p
I've been looking around even for a 9mm revolver. Just for grins. But boy are the Smiths expensive and the Taurus...meh. I think maybe at this point (9mm revolver) I should take a step back and do something different. What I REALLY want is the convertible Blackhawk in .357/9mm, but after the accuracy stories I've read, that's probably not gonna happen either.
a 9mm owner is not a freak. He is a very wise person, now u can't explain that to some of these 45 owners, who think bigger is better and slower than snail poop is good to. No sir ur a very wise person:amflag:
04-26-2013, 03:22 PM
just get one of the rugers chambered specifically in 357. It's only the 9mm/357 conversion that has accuracy issues as I recall... I have a 357sp101 that shoots pretty accurate for a snubbie. The sights on a Blackhawk should have you shootin' fine.
Yep, that's one way. But my whole thought was to have the conversion capability or a pure 9mm revolver, to shoot 9mm w/ it. I'd like to have a Blackhawk. I've shot the Vaquero before, in 357, loved it. But w/ the fixed notch sights, its more of a novelty than what I'd like to be shooting extensively at the range. Don't get me wrong, love me sum cowboy guns, but my next revolver purchase will be something range/target friendly, aka, Blackhawk.
Yea, I couldn't help it either, with my recent thread about the legalized pot party mixed w/ guns and then the whole anti-Glock thing. No offense to CO folks, but it's a bit nutty out there right now you have to admit.
I have never much cared for the Glock ergos or the triggers. But no argument from me on the reliability/durability and the 'everybody should have one in the collection' argument. I actually like they way they look believe it or not, but they are (compared to a 1911, Kahr, Sig, CZ, M&P) terrible as far as how they fit in my hand. Still, I'd like to have a G19 in the safe w/ everything else. Someday maybe, but now, after the P-01, a SP-01 tactical is 'next' on my 9mm list, then a 9mm carbine of some sort. THEN the G19. Then there is the PPQ. Ugh. I'm becoming one of those 9mm freaks!
I had a terrible time adapting to/accepting the Glock grip angle. One reason I don't have more. I have a Gen 2 G23 I'm now most comfortable with after forever. I also have a G27 that after forever I still can't shoot worth crap and will soon be going on sale as I thin the herd.
04-26-2013, 07:55 PM
Walther PPS's are nice.
04-27-2013, 01:07 PM
I think my next 9 will be a sig 226 or a carbine. Unless a CZ 75 Shadow talks me out of it :)
04-27-2013, 05:34 PM
I think my next 9 will be a sig 226 or a carbine. Unless a CZ 75 Shadow talks me out of it :)
I was thinking a CX4 might be nice to go with my PX4. But, I already have a Ruger PC4 to go with my P94, so I may be going a bit over the top there.
Glock Holiday
05-07-2013, 07:55 PM
Might I suggest a Sig P6 pistol? I have a couple and they are great 9mm handguns if you don't demand a double stacked high capacity magazine. Right now Wideners has a great price on these former German Polizei pistols.|1012|1026
05-25-2013, 10:26 AM
Own a Ruger speed six ss in 9mm...........if you can find one, it's a keeper!!!!!!!!!
mr surveyor
05-25-2013, 10:38 AM
Might I suggest a Sig P6 pistol? I have a couple and they are great 9mm handguns if you don't demand a double stacked high capacity magazine. Right now Wideners has a great price on these former German Polizei pistols.|1012|1026
ditto the quality and serviceability of the P6. If you find one, be sure and track down the "parts kit" and store one or two in reserve. I seem to remember several years ago, some of the parts were getting hard to find.
05-25-2013, 12:19 PM
Own a Ruger speed six ss in 9mm...........if you can find one, it's a keeper!!!!!!!!!
+1, the Speed Six in any caliber is a keeper:)
05-25-2013, 12:32 PM
nice grips, sorta make sthe gun even nicer.
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