View Full Version : Please e-mail your Representives often

02-13-2013, 07:48 AM
The moderator may move this but I will start here because ten times more people read this segment than the RKBA threads. I appologize in advance if I did wrong, but it was intentional.

I live in MN which is a democrat controlled state. We are a clear target in Obama's attempt to control firearms one state at a time.

I have taken the time to individually e-mail each of my State representatives, both in and out of my district. Surprisingly, out of over one hundred e-mails, I have received reply's from well over 50% of them. Both pro and con. Interestingly enough the Democrats seem to like to make everyone use a slightly more complicated form to get to them, but I did it anyway, and got few responses but at least I know they got them.

What I have learned.

Use a title in your e-mail that describes your position. Such as "No new useless firearm laws" They file e-mail by pro vs. con and many times never read any more than the title.

Keep it short. One or two sentences is best. Let them know you are a voter as well as a firearm owner.

Use every different e-mail address you, your wife, kids, or dog has. Quantity counts.

Send one every other day. This part sounds hard but can be done on a mass mailing through at least two sites taking less than one minute per day.



I prefer the NRA site because it lets you write your own note with your own title.

Anybody have more options/ideas?

02-13-2013, 08:01 AM
Join the NRA. Join your State firearms association. There's strength in numbers. Send letters to the editor of your local paper. Participate in a protest. Vote the bastards out of office.

02-13-2013, 07:29 PM
I e-mail mine every day. Our Democrat senator informed me he is a NRA member and has a carry permit. His stance is: "Why pass more laws when they don't enforce the ones they have". He insures me he will protect the 2nd amendment to the fullest. The Republican congressmen say the same. Each one has answered me more than once. Keep the pressure on!!!!!!

02-13-2013, 07:46 PM
two good men.

02-14-2013, 08:36 AM
Be sure to send your thoughts to those that oppose your views. Those may be the most important e-mails you send.

02-14-2013, 06:48 PM
There are many good points raised in this thread.

The current momentum is not in our favor. Apathy and complacency will likely result in the loss of our freedom. Don't sit on your hands. Contact your reps. If you aren't willing to do that, join the NRA.

02-18-2013, 10:18 PM
I mailed them again tonight. I'm making it a Monday ritual. I'm going to keep doing it until they beg me to stop.

02-20-2013, 01:56 PM
Fifty individual e-mails off this morning.

02-21-2013, 12:06 AM
For those that received this NRA poll via US mail and did not send it in yet there is a link online to take the poll. For those that did not receive the poll go to the below link to take the poll. It is a 12 question poll. FYI: Question #12 asks if you will make a special contribution to NRA-ILA to help win the battles ahead and convince your elected officials to stand up for your Second Amendments rights. Please do this whether you donate or not.

NRA-ILA 2013 TAG Poll (http://www.2013tag.org/)