View Full Version : Domestic use of American troops

02-13-2013, 01:45 PM
I don't know if this is true but what follows is a post from a local gun range"s
face book page.

""Brown Bear Sporting Goods Inc. shared a link.
4 hours ago
"...An unclassified US air force document reported by CBS (pdf) news expands on this unprecedented and unconstitutional step – one that formally brings the military into the role of controlling domestic populations on US soil, which is the bright line that separates a democracy from a military oligarchy..."

Oh dear! How shocking! Say it isn't so!

The coming drone attack on America
Naomi Wolf: Drones on domestic surveillance duties are already deployed by police and corporations. In time, they will likely be weaponised""

I know there is surveillance, and I know the rest is coming but when the mainstream media talks about IT!!!!!!!!

Will our own troops fire on law abiding citizens??

02-13-2013, 02:17 PM
Will our own troops fire on law abiding citizens??

I suspect some of them would if they were ordered too, others may refuse. Morals, values and love for your fellow man aren't what they once were in this country. Today's America is a lot different than it was 50 years ago, in that regard. There is more of an every man for himself mentality today.

02-13-2013, 08:03 PM
There is also the Posse Comitatus Act that "should" ensure that no one in the Armed Services, aside from the Coast Guard and National Guard, would ever fire on citizens. Now, I'm not sure how this act would work if martial law would be enacted over the entire country.