View Full Version : Ruger sixguns?
02-13-2013, 02:59 PM
Anybody here a fan of these rugged wheelguns?
Bought this Service Six .357 new in 1978. The frame has turned into a nice plum color which is prized by Ruger collectors:
02-13-2013, 03:13 PM
Then there's my SP101 .357 purchased in 1993, which I think is superior to a S&W J-frame, except for being a lot heavier - it's built like a tank:
02-13-2013, 03:15 PM
Of course my unaltered .357 Blackhawk 3-screw, bought it new in 1968:
02-13-2013, 03:17 PM
Lastly, the first Ruger I ever bought - in 1959 - my Single Six .22lr:
02-13-2013, 03:47 PM
That single six is unaltered pre transfer bar as well is it not.
I love Ruger Single actions. I do have an SP101 in 22 for the wife to play with, I'd planned to get her the same gun in 357 but got a Smith instead.
My first gun was also a Single Six with the magnum extra cylinder, sold it but luckily got it back.
Have a couple 44 Super Blackhawks and a 357 Blackhawk I gave my daughter.
I'm seeing some new bawanna slabs for that SP101 in your future.
02-13-2013, 04:27 PM
Yes, that Single Six is unaltered. I lost the box in a move decades ago.
02-13-2013, 04:35 PM
Very nice - I have a sweet shooting 32 H&R Mag and a couple of older single six 22 lr's with 22 mag cylinders. The 32 H&R and 22 mag are under-rated close range self defense rounds and enjoyable to shoot.
02-13-2013, 05:00 PM
Thats a beautiful Ruger family there Armybrat...You can't beat a Ruger six gun for a go to piece that will shoot when everything else fails, even a Block.....I had a pair of .41 magnum sixguns in the mid 70's and one was a nice 4 5/8 barrel Blackhawk in .41 magnum with some stag grips that I had the owners manual script removed and the barrel reblued and was a real fine looking and good shooting pistol and since I also wanted a big bore S&W revolver and a .44 mag couldn't be found anywhere I bought a 4 inch barrel blue model 57 to have matching calibers....
Both were fun to shoot but since I didn't handload way back then the only ammo you could find was full power factory magnum rounds and brother those things were a real handful to shoot but the Ruger was a little easier on the skin but not by much....Elmer Keith must have had nail tough hands to fire off those early +p+ .44 special loads he cooked up for his old Smith...
The boss made me sell my pistols when the babies came along and man I sure do miss both those fine old revolvers built back in the day and I really would like to shoot that old Blackhawk with some easy shooting range handloads...I seem to remember it being dead accurate with factory loads if you could hang on to it....
02-13-2013, 05:11 PM
As a side note to the above post and a testament to Rugers customer service, I had to send the Blackhawk back for service after foolishly letting a local gunsmith who said he knew what he was doing give the Blackhawk a trigger job and when he was through that thing had a HAIR trigger and I was afraid to shoot it like that so I boxed it up and sent it back to Ruger asking for a quote on how much to put it back to factory specs and telling them the trigger had been altered...
Couple weeks later the box shows up and they had fixed the trigger and given it a factory smoothing and all for NO CHARGE....Now thats some good customer service for you and I never will forget that and tell everyone I can about what a good company Ruger is and how they stand behind their guns...
02-13-2013, 05:21 PM
I make a note to share my Ruger story later when I got more time. I've told it before but it's worth repeating.
02-13-2013, 07:18 PM
Anybody here a fan of these rugged wheelguns?
I am.:Amflag2:
I've owned some and traded off a few over the years. Here's what is currently on hand
Speed Six
Security Six (story I got was that this was (once upon a time,) a PA State Trooper gun. I've never felt the need to follow that up, besides the gun has been cleaned up and tricked out some since then.
Single Six (circa 1956)
Bisley Vaquero .44 Mag (oh my, my what a joy to shoot)
Vaquero .45 Colt
New Vaquero .45 Colt
BTW, nice collection Armybrat, that Blackhawk is a gem:)
02-13-2013, 07:31 PM
I've got a Single-Six with both cylinders that I got last year. Don't know the born on date but I do love it. Works great with my natural point of aim without using any sights. Very, very few side arms I've shot can come close.
mr surveyor
02-13-2013, 07:43 PM
my SP101 is also a 1993 model....only about 500 down in the serial number count ... that's the one I bought about three years ago that lured me into reloading. Also have (actually gave it to my son and grandson) a 1972 "3 screw" Single Six convertable (un altered). Had a nice looking Security Six with 4 inch barrel that had two oversized chamber throats and sold it. Have had a 7-1/2" Ruger Super RedHawk (1996 model) for about a year, and loving reloading the .44 mag. Had others over the years.
I'm a big Ruger revolver fan, but don't care squat about their plastic semi-auto line, other than the .22 pistols. I do love my MKII 22/45.
Oh, I do like the M77 line of rifles as well.
02-13-2013, 08:14 PM
Those Vaquero's are drop dead gorgeous Greg. Course it might be the stag grips too, I have an affinity towards stag.
02-13-2013, 08:56 PM
Here's another Ruger
02-13-2013, 10:07 PM
For the birth date of your Rugers, click on the appropriate category:
02-14-2013, 01:24 PM
My 357 Blackhawk
Yogi 117
02-14-2013, 04:03 PM
GP-100 & SP-101 .357's. Great wheel guns! :D
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