View Full Version : Olympic Arms takes a stand

02-13-2013, 09:54 PM
Looks like Olympic Arms has decided it will no longer do business in the State of New York. Good for them! I feel bad for the LEOs this may effect, but maybe if all gun manufacturers took the same stance the new law would be repealed. Sooner or later you have to stand for something, otherwise you stand for nothing.


02-13-2013, 10:32 PM
Agree. Good for them. Remington needs to grow a pair and leave New York. Kimber is in NY too aren't they? And isn't our beloved Kahr's HQ in NY? Time to take some action, not that a$$hat Cuomo will care.

02-13-2013, 10:48 PM
Tactical Solutions made this move recently too. It's funny, I agree w/ it. I'm sorry for the NYers that will loose out on the products, but I ran across a thread somewhere (rimfire related) recently and people were screaming bloody murder at Tac Sol for making that decision. People were saying if they were going to do that, whether or not they ever sold/shipped to NY again, they would never buy from them again. It's a bad situation, but ammo and gun companies need to start standing up for what they believe in, and stop dealing w/ states and even federal agencies that are 'infringing'.

It might have been better to just say 'we will no longer sell to gov't agencies period', but unless you are a major player in the AR, shotgun, or service pistol market...it won't make a hill-of-beans difference.

But if enough gun owning progressives and liberals start loosing the ability to buy products, maybe it'll do some good and they'll start voting for better candidates (and that goes for both parties that suck).

02-13-2013, 10:55 PM
Good for them.all those companies should leave

Longitude Zero
02-14-2013, 11:24 AM
IIRC LaRue exempted all military/governemt contracts when they made their statement.