04-01-2010, 08:35 PM
new to the site and this is first post>
hello to all
Tech question love the cw 45 for off duty concealed wear! was thinking
of the same gun with shorter handle.
what about cutting the butt down to fit the 5 round magazine? the mag indexes like the browning/ 1911 i should be able to use the 5 rounder to make it more compact and carrie the 6 rounders as reloads.
fire away thanks
hello to all
Tech question love the cw 45 for off duty concealed wear! was thinking
of the same gun with shorter handle.
what about cutting the butt down to fit the 5 round magazine? the mag indexes like the browning/ 1911 i should be able to use the 5 rounder to make it more compact and carrie the 6 rounders as reloads.
fire away thanks