View Full Version : Help! Loose Slide Stop Spring! (PM9)

02-14-2013, 04:34 PM
What do I use to tighten a loose slide stop spring?

02-15-2013, 08:19 AM
What do I use to tighten a loose slide stop spring?

Are you referring to the tiny spring above the slide-stop lever? If so, there should be screw that you can tighten with a screwdriver.

02-15-2013, 10:04 AM
This has been discussed several times in the past. I don't remember the exact answer, but I would try a search in this forum or in the Kahr Tech forum to find the correct answer.

I do know that it is possible to over tighten that screw and either strip the threads or break the spring. Don't remember which, but each leads to a bad outcome.

02-15-2013, 10:33 AM
You need a Torx #6 for the larger Kahrs and a #5 for the P380. Cheap sets of Torx screwdrivers and bits can found at Harbor Freight... $3 to $8.

DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN the screw! You can EASILY STRIP the PLASTIC threads! Kahr's fix is a new frame at user expense if you've over-torqued the screw!

Discussion in many places, but here's one:


Do not use Loctite or similar products like Crazy Glue or Super Glue, as the bonds are stronger than the plastic and will cause greater damage if the screw needs removal OR tightening. The torque and heat requirements to defeat the bonds, exceed the limitations of the plastic:



02-15-2013, 11:16 AM
I thought I read on a previous thread that a dab of fingernail polish works ????????

02-15-2013, 11:32 AM
Fingernail polish contains acetone. Acetone melts plastic. PM9s are made of plastic.

I personally would follow wyntrouts instructions. He's one of the experts here!

02-15-2013, 12:05 PM
Acetone is used to take off nail polish. Nail polish won't harm the polymer kahrs,

02-15-2013, 01:09 PM
Fingernail polish contains acetone. Acetone melts plastic. PM9s are made of plastic.

I personally would follow wyntrouts instructions. He's one of the experts here!

Thanks, Kraz. I don't consider myself an "expert" and I'm no gunsmith, either, but I do try to fix what I can with my polymer Kahrs and K9. I've made my share of mistakes and try to help others as I can. Some of my opinions come from my experience... sometimes the hard way... oopsies!:eek:

I think that watching the take down video for your own Kahr, can keep you from damaging your pistol. A few areas are really easy to screw up... spring orientation and the insertion of the slide lock pin. You really need to KNOW and understand what you're doing and Kahr tries to show you this in the manual and the take down videos.

A lot of people can't wait to get their new "toy" apart and lovingly clean and lube it. There are correct ways to do this and a knowledge of how the Kahr functions and how the parts work, as well as correct procedures for re-assembly can USUALLY ensure that your Kahr works properly. Sometimes there are failures of materials or inadequate machining or finishing... some things that the user can correct with common tools... removing burrs and excess metal or plastic to stop or head off problems.

Kahr will usually send you parts that have failed, and if you send an email with pictures as proof, things are much easier and more quickly taken care of.

I''m confident of being able to do a lot of this stuff myself, but I know enough not to damage the pistol and seek help from more knowledgeable members or Kahr Customer Service. No one should tackle every problem they run across, especially if they have doubts about their handyman skills... risking damage that is not covered by Kahr.
