View Full Version : Ruger service is losing it....

02-14-2013, 05:59 PM
I got those two Bearcats a month ago.

The one has a problem with the transfer bar. Basically its catching on something in the frame (not the base pin or firing pin). Tried Ruger every day for two weeks. Can't get thru.

So... I sent them a note on their online customer service request page. After four days I got a response:

We recommend that you send your complete firearm to Sturm, Ruger & Co. 411 Sunapee St. Newport, NH 03773. Put a detailed letter inside with your firearm stating your request. Include a daytime phone number, return physical address, mailing address, and e-mail. Pack the firearm securely with no writing on the outside of the box, except for the shipping label and the RMA #. Please contact us at 603-865-2442 with your serial number to have an RMA# issued If you need further information, please visit our website at www.ruger.com (http://www.ruger.com) or contact us at: Revolvers, shotguns, rifles, 10/22 Charger Pistol: (603) 865-2442 Pistols: (928) 778-6555 Serial Number History Information: (603) 865-2424 Please note: This e-mail is sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
Sincerely, Ruger Firearms

Well folks, if I could f@(k!ng call them and get thru, I wouldn't be sending the online request now would I?Their website says they're experiencing a lot of service requests. I can imagine. They're probably going three shifts, 24/7 to try and keep up with demand, and quality? Ahem.....

02-14-2013, 08:50 PM
Email them back with your mailing address so they can send you a shipping label.

They will fix it.

02-15-2013, 07:38 AM
The only Rugers I own are the Mark and Standard .22 semi-autos. I love 'em and have several. Over the years, I've had occasion ( although seldom) to send one in to Ruger for one thing or another and have always expected and received great service. However, a couple months ago, I called with a question about a repair on a 1950s' vintage Standard. The person I talked to was nothing but impatient and rude and told me to send it in and they'd see if they could get at it..That's the last time I'll deal with Ruger.

02-18-2013, 05:48 AM
Sorry you are having issues however, I think you have to realize these firearm companies are experiencing record high demand for everything right now which means service is bound to slow down for a bit. Give them a chance and I am sure they will make it right.

02-18-2013, 05:55 AM
I finally got more than a busy signal... stayed on hold for about 40 minutes, and when I did get thru, the kid I spoke to was very helpful. Offered to send me parts, then realized that the parts he wanted to send me are "factory only" parts... so someplace I've got a label coming. Hope its prepaid.

02-18-2013, 09:54 AM
What with their big production expansion in recent months, it's not surprising their QC is suffering, not to mention CS being swamped with all kinds of requests for parts & repair.

Just read a guy's post on a sports forum about the brand new 10/22 takedown he picked up the other day. It wwas missing the grip cap:


He had to wait 20 minutes on hold before getting a CS rep. The rep knew what he was talking about & didn't request a picture. They're sending him a replacement cap, free of charge of course.

Hope they can catch back up with their usual fine standards.

The fellow bought the blue stock instead of the black one because he's a Florida Gator fan.



02-18-2013, 11:48 AM
yup that is sad,kinda hard to miss that I would think before it was ever even put in the box, that should stand out like Nancy Pelosie on Mt.Rushmore.

02-18-2013, 12:53 PM
I'm sure I've told this story before but since it was one of the highlights of my life I'll tell it again for the new folks and those that aren't tired of hearing me type to read my own writing.

Many years ago in an earlier life my constant hunting companion was a Ruger Blackhawk in 45 Colt. It was well worn but much loved, IE:well used but not abused.
Well I read alot of the great gun scribes of the time, one favorite of course being PO Ackerly. He wrote of a 45 Colt carbine that he developed what he called a tri plex load. Me being of sound mind and a sense of adventure I figured it an old carbine could handle it, a modern day tough as nails Blackhawk would have no problem.

So I set about loading a half dozen. Basically 3 types of powder, with a buffer to keep it in place. Followed his recipe to the letter.
Me and a friend took it out to an open area in Eastern Wa and I told him to light it off, well he wasn't having any of that. Fortunately I had forseen this eventuality and brought several bags of shot, a length of string etc.

Propped it up on a 25# sack of shot, with 2 25# sacks of shot on top of the barrel. Tied the string to the trigger and got behind a rock about 10 yards back. My faith in myself still somewhat diminished we decided to add an additional 15 more yards behind yet another even larger rock.

Well I yank the string, very big bang and spy around the rock for any sign of aftershock. Approach the gun and there's shot from here to Idaho and back BUT the gun looks fine. No problem. I knew we were ok!

So now we fight to see who gets to be the first to light it off in hand.

I believe he won the honor and went to shoot, me pondering hiding behind the rock again just in case. But alas the cylinder was bulged. Wouldn't rotate. I could remove the cylinder but decided it wasn't good. You know one time shame on you, two times your an idiot!

So now the good part.

The next working day, this being back in my still able to hear days I call Ruger to see about a new cylinder.

Conversation goes something like this.

Them - Good Morning, Sturm Ruger, Bill Speaking, how may I help you.

Me - Bill Ruger? In a joking manner.

Them - Yes sir.

Me - Yeah right, William Bannerman Ruger?

Them - Yes sir, how may I help you?

Me - Are you serious?

Them - Yes sir.

Me - Sir I'm humbled, you own the joint, are things so bad you have to answer the phone yourself?

Them - I try to spend time in all the departments to see how things are going from time to time. I actually enjoy this part almost as much as the machine and assembly floor.

Me - You gotta be shitting me?

Them - No sir, but I am kind of busy, how can I help you?

Me - So I relate the above story being completely honest, grovelling at my finest and explaining what I had done. Was not seeking warranty, just a cylinder to get me trusty 45 Colt back on line.
Well Mr. Ruger gives me a number and he says put attention his name on the package.

So I did what he said, and shipped it off, much easier in those days and didn't cost near as much as now days.

Well about 10 days or less later my gun arrives back. I know it's my gun cause the serial number matched but he was in a new factory box and it looked like it just left the assembly line. New cylinder of course, fully reblued and apparently polished, even new sights as the corners on the originals were kind of rounded and knocked off. And new grips!

It actually took away all the character and history and at first I was kind of very slightly unhappy.

But reality set in and I thought to myself what a heck of a nice guy.

Total bill. NO CHARGE, with a note from William Bannerman Ruger.

Suggest you avoid PO Ackerly Tri Plex loads.
Regards Bill Ruger.

In the insanity of youth I've lost that letter, I'd give a lot to get it back and framed in a place of honor in my man cave.

I not longer have the gun either, I'm an idiot. Moved to 44 magnum, but while I still have several 44's I'm back with the trusty 45 Colt.

02-18-2013, 01:02 PM
That is one heckuva story!

Have you posted it on any of the Ruger forums?

02-18-2013, 02:02 PM
I've never been on the Ruger forums. I visit a blade forum and surplus rifle forum from time to time but that's about it.

I tried Glocktalk once but I was so skeered I never went back. I was afraid to misspeak.

02-18-2013, 05:11 PM
I just started posting on this one:


Have been on this one for several years (Flatgate is the honcho there):


I've posted a few times at Glock Talk in the past 8 years, but that place ain't all that friendly to non-Glockers.

02-18-2013, 06:08 PM
Oh I got one of those stories too... 357 Blackhawk... sorta fell apart. I think it sheared a screw on the gripframe, and the ejector rod ferrule popped out. Back then, I dunno, I was shooting 110g jacketed stuff cuz those were the cheapest and highest speed. Sort of heavy loads, about like factory stuff.

Anyway I sent the gun in, and asked for an estimate to switch to the steel gripframe, which was about a $70 upcharge for the part, refit, and reblue. Came back just fantastic, like Bawanna's in less than two weeks. Like a deep royal blue that you could reach into and grab yourself in the reflection. Steel gripframe like the Super Blackhawk. Everything just right. Cost - No charge.

That was the day....

02-18-2013, 06:08 PM
And, I got the label today, got 'er printed out nice too. Gonna box up the Bearcat and send 'er in.

02-19-2013, 09:55 PM
I'm sure I've told this story before but since it was one of the highlights of my life I'll tell it again for the new folks and those that aren't tired of hearing me type to read my own writing.

Many years ago in an earlier life my constant hunting companion was a Ruger Blackhawk in 45 Colt. It was well worn but much loved, IE:well used but not abused.
Well I read alot of the great gun scribes of the time, one favorite of course being PO Ackerly. He wrote of a 45 Colt carbine that he developed what he called a tri plex load. Me being of sound mind and a sense of adventure I figured it an old carbine could handle it, a modern day tough as nails Blackhawk would have no problem.

So I set about loading a half dozen. Basically 3 types of powder, with a buffer to keep it in place. Followed his recipe to the letter.
Me and a friend took it out to an open area in Eastern Wa and I told him to light it off, well he wasn't having any of that. Fortunately I had forseen this eventuality and brought several bags of shot, a length of string etc.

Propped it up on a 25# sack of shot, with 2 25# sacks of shot on top of the barrel. Tied the string to the trigger and got behind a rock about 10 yards back. My faith in myself still somewhat diminished we decided to add an additional 15 more yards behind yet another even larger rock.

Well I yank the string, very big bang and spy around the rock for any sign of aftershock. Approach the gun and there's shot from here to Idaho and back BUT the gun looks fine. No problem. I knew we were ok!

So now we fight to see who gets to be the first to light it off in hand.

I believe he won the honor and went to shoot, me pondering hiding behind the rock again just in case. But alas the cylinder was bulged. Wouldn't rotate. I could remove the cylinder but decided it wasn't good. You know one time shame on you, two times your an idiot!

So now the good part.

The next working day, this being back in my still able to hear days I call Ruger to see about a new cylinder.

Conversation goes something like this.

Them - Good Morning, Sturm Ruger, Bill Speaking, how may I help you.

Me - Bill Ruger? In a joking manner.

Them - Yes sir.

Me - Yeah right, William Bannerman Ruger?

Them - Yes sir, how may I help you?

Me - Are you serious?

Them - Yes sir.

Me - Sir I'm humbled, you own the joint, are things so bad you have to answer the phone yourself?

Them - I try to spend time in all the departments to see how things are going from time to time. I actually enjoy this part almost as much as the machine and assembly floor.

Me - You gotta be shitting me?

Them - No sir, but I am kind of busy, how can I help you?

Me - So I relate the above story being completely honest, grovelling at my finest and explaining what I had done. Was not seeking warranty, just a cylinder to get me trusty 45 Colt back on line.
Well Mr. Ruger gives me a number and he says put attention his name on the package.

So I did what he said, and shipped it off, much easier in those days and didn't cost near as much as now days.

Well about 10 days or less later my gun arrives back. I know it's my gun cause the serial number matched but he was in a new factory box and it looked like it just left the assembly line. New cylinder of course, fully reblued and apparently polished, even new sights as the corners on the originals were kind of rounded and knocked off. And new grips!

It actually took away all the character and history and at first I was kind of very slightly unhappy.

But reality set in and I thought to myself what a heck of a nice guy.

Total bill. NO CHARGE, with a note from William Bannerman Ruger.

Suggest you avoid PO Ackerly Tri Plex loads.
Regards Bill Ruger.

In the insanity of youth I've lost that letter, I'd give a lot to get it back and framed in a place of honor in my man cave.

I not longer have the gun either, I'm an idiot. Moved to 44 magnum, but while I still have several 44's I'm back with the trusty 45 Colt.

Great story, Bawanna. As I recall old P.O. liked to live on the edge. A wild wildcatter's wildcatter. I had one of his reloading manuals, but only for show. Lyman's manual was much more conservative.

02-20-2013, 04:43 PM
Great story Bossman, thanks for sharing...

03-01-2013, 08:49 PM
Just an update..... Ruger finally got my Bearcat today... lets see how long it takes, what they do, and how nice it is when it returns.

03-01-2013, 09:42 PM
That's good to hear, CJB. :)

Bawanna, that's a great story! :yo: