View Full Version : Colorado is at now...

02-14-2013, 08:17 PM

The hypocrisy is pretty evident with MagPul being based in CO. Gotta love what the company has said if this bill becomes law.

02-14-2013, 08:39 PM
Well Colorado voted for Obummer so what could we expect.

I have a friend that grew up there and went back after service in the marines. He lived outside of Denver. About a year ago he got so fed up with the situation there with all the west coast migrants moving in with their liberal ideas. He lost his job and the economy was down. The state then raised his property taxes and that was all it took. He sold his stuff and took a job overseas, carried his family also. He said that there was no future or real opportunity in Colorado anymore.

02-14-2013, 08:45 PM
Crap, CO was on my possibles list too. Well scratch that one off the list, one less thing ya know?

02-14-2013, 11:56 PM
And Magpul is fighting tooth and nail. A post on Facebook by them said something to the effect of "although it would not effect us manufacturing these items, we can't see giving our tax dollars to and living in a state that would do that"

02-15-2013, 11:24 AM
What's scary is to pull back a long way and realize they are herding us onto conservative reservations giving up any chance of winning a national election. Once that happens we have only liberal government that will take away states rights and we loose no matter what. We obviously won't ever get NY & CA back but we have a chance for some swing states and if we had those we might stand a chance.

Maybe if we can get Rubio and Connie to run against Hillary we stand a chance but only if they lie like hell and promise to give away everything to the "poor and illegals." All we need is one really good conservative to disband the federal agencies that are sucking us dry. We've already seen an executive order can eliminate the department of education, Put in a national right to carry by wiping out the enforcement of ATF against guns, change the interstate transportation to open up shipment of arms, Enforce the borders, put in voter ID, have the IRS ensure voter's registrations are legal, make a registration cutoff ahead of Federal elections to ensure every one is validated. I'm just getting started but you get my drift.

02-15-2013, 11:43 AM
Excellent ideas Old Lincoln. I never thought of the conservative reservation thing but your absolutely spot on there too.

We do need to teach our guys to lie if only half as much as the current admin and then just not keep their promises. Heck it works perfectly for them, why not for us.

Course maybe we wouldn't vote for our own guy cause we wouldn't know he was really lieing? Maybe we could rig up a secret signal for during his campaign speeches and debates. You know like when he scratches his nose we know it's a bald face lie just for show.

02-15-2013, 01:02 PM
A lot of things you say makes sense, bit I'm still afraid of a National Right To Carry Law? Do we really want the Federal Government involved in this? What the Fed's give, they can also take away!!!!

02-15-2013, 01:07 PM
Very sad statement of Colorado - used to be a fine state for freedom.

02-15-2013, 01:23 PM
Maybe it was the influx of Hippies and Liberals from Commiefornia!


02-15-2013, 01:54 PM
And Magpul is fighting tooth and nail. A post on Facebook by them said something to the effect of "although it would not effect us manufacturing these items, we can't see giving our tax dollars to and living in a state that would do that"

Good for Magpul1 We need more companies like that!

02-15-2013, 03:08 PM
A lot of things you say makes sense, bit I'm still afraid of a National Right To Carry Law? Do we really want the Federal Government involved in this? What the Fed's give, they can also take away!!!!

Don't think it much matters either way. They already THINK they give us our rights anyway, otherwise we wouldn't even be talking about it. The modern politician totally misses the point and has zero understanding of the Constitution.

02-15-2013, 07:36 PM
Well Colorado voted for Obummer so what could we expect.

I have a friend that grew up there and went back after service in the marines. He lived outside of Denver. About a year ago he got so fed up with the situation there with all the west coast migrants moving in with their liberal ideas. He lost his job and the economy was down. The state then raised his property taxes and that was all it took. He sold his stuff and took a job overseas, carried his family also. He said that there was no future or real opportunity in Colorado anymore.

Oh, give me a break. First, this is now just a Dem sponsored bill. Second, Colorado hasn't significantly raised property taxes since 1992....increases been constitutionally limited since then. Third, if you can't make it here, you won't be able to make it anywhere in this country. Guessing that's why your friend moved out.

This place is conservative rural, conservatively liberal urban, and geographically isolated from the serious whackos which suits me just fine.

02-15-2013, 08:35 PM
The wife and I have been thinking seriously about moving to CO, as I was born and raised there and still hunt there every year. The problem with the state IS the Commieforians that have moved to Denver and are spreading out along the front range.

After this past hunting season and finding out one of my cousins is now a liberal, I thought maybe Wyoming would be a better place to live. But then I had a thought...

and it didn't hurt too much either! Perhaps, just perhaps, if/when we do move there I just might be able to talk a little bit of sense to folks that are on the fence. Then, and a much bigger maybe, I could convince a few of those truly on the left to maybe just lean a bit more to the right.

As has been said, rounding us up into reservations isn't going to help us in the least. Just ask the Indians (feather type, not the dot ones). I still love the state and guess I'll do my best to get it back on the right track.

02-15-2013, 08:53 PM
You're not convincing liberals of anything.

02-15-2013, 09:19 PM
I lived in the Denver area in the mid 70s during a military stint. Stayed til 85. Even back then there were lots of liberal ideas flooding the area. It's true that most rural areas of the state are conservative but the populated front range controls things. Colorado should have rolled up the welcome mat years ago. I'm afraid now it's too late.

02-15-2013, 09:57 PM
Went for obummer twice and I read that they were right up there in marijuana dispensaries with CA. Yep, sounds conserve give to me.

02-15-2013, 10:50 PM
Have the same problem in my area. People move in from California, Chicago and NY to "get away from the conditions there". Then why do they then bring their damned liberal ways with them? Before long it is just the same. Then they cry about it!!! I agree with cokeman. If a liberal starts losing the argument or seeing he may be wrong, he talks non-stop and loud. You'll get nowhere.

02-16-2013, 07:02 AM
I cringe whenever i hear about people moving from a mess they made to a place that is free, they will do it again, a few years back we had a couple that moved to town from up north and the "lady" wanted to get on city council to bring and i quote "fresh" and "progressive" ideas from where she was from.....i didn't like the sound of that. needless to say she didn't get voted in.
I think that the biggest threat to freedom is....Big City's, they control what laws are in the state they are in and when you have what goes on in ny, chicago, denver, san fran and others your freedoms will slowly go away.
This is also something that was talked about in the constitution. more people...more problems = less freedom for you and me.

02-16-2013, 07:50 AM
I am so proud of Magpul and the stands they have taken in opposition to pending legislation in CO! It is fascinating to watch the twists and turns of Democratic lawmakers and the waves they are creating in the mad dash against the 2nd Amendment.

02-16-2013, 08:13 AM
Don't think it much matters either way. They already THINK they give us our rights anyway, otherwise we wouldn't even be talking about it. The modern politician totally misses the point and has zero understanding of the Constitution.

Maybe so, but I still believe in "States Rights"!!!:Amflag2:

02-16-2013, 09:08 AM
Crap, CO was on my possibles list too. Well scratch that one off the list, one less thing ya know?

New York is waiting for you.... They want some of those fine guns you have!

02-16-2013, 09:12 AM
Second, Colorado hasn't significantly raised property taxes since 1992....increases been constitutionally limited since then.

Constitutionally limited tax increases? That's the argument that a government hasn't gone too far off the deep end? Wow. Just wow.

If this goes thru, I personally hope MagPul leaves the state and refuses to ship anything back there as well.

02-16-2013, 10:39 AM
For a time I thought that Colorado was a part of the Old West. I didn't realize that it was just a suburb of Chicago. What happened to that Old West spirit?

02-16-2013, 11:49 AM
Property taxes.... CA put in Prop 13 many years ago so folks wouldn't have to sell their homes and move down. Part of the idea was to keep the gvmt spending in control by restricting revenue. Well that hasn't gone so well for CA so now there are advances on multiple front to attack Prop 13. Since it takes a 2/3 or maybe a 3/4 vote to overturn it they are going after that part first. They have tried propositions a few times but they hardly get out the gate. People in general know we have a spending problem and they resist raising property taxes but are an individually greedy bunch so if promised something for them individually they will do it.

Used to be a saying to "Think locally but act nationally." It was a good thought intended to avoid the stuff we see going on today.

02-16-2013, 02:09 PM
For a time I thought that Colorado was a part of the Old West. I didn't realize that it was just a suburb of Chicago. What happened to that Old West spirit?
The majority of the state is still pretty much the Old West. Get away from I-25 and I-70 and you'll find the real CO.

Problem is, the front range has probably 90% of the state's population and you know how Dems have to live in urban areas. They seem to need to be surrounded, closely, by their own type.

02-16-2013, 05:05 PM
Oh, give me a break. First, this is now just a Dem sponsored bill. Second, Colorado hasn't significantly raised property taxes since 1992....increases been constitutionally limited since then. Third, if you can't make it here, you won't be able to make it anywhere in this country. Guessing that's why your friend moved out.

This place is conservative rural, conservatively liberal urban, and geographically isolated from the serious whackos which suits me just fine.

Hi all, I'm new here and from Colorado. But I must live in a different part of the state than Itxi, because my taxes seem to go up almost every year including this one. Colorado used to be conservative, but there is nothing coservative about Denver and Boulder and is home to the serious wackos.

I love the state itself, but am starting to think seriously about moving.


02-16-2013, 05:06 PM
I have the answer to all these problems. Let's pass a law against murder - and, gosh I don't know - maybe enforce it. No matter how it's done. Somehow if it's with a gun it is horrifying. If it's with a tire iron, 2X4, crowbar, bomb or someone shoved off a roof it just gets passing attention. This is weird!! Sometimes I wish I were a liberal so I could understand things better.

mr surveyor
02-16-2013, 05:53 PM
Hi all, I'm new here and from Colorado. But I must live in a different part of the state than Itxi, because my taxes seem to go up almost every year including this one. Colorado used to be conservative, but there is nothing coservative about Denver and Boulder and is home to the serious wackos.

I love the state itself, but am starting to think seriously about moving.


maybe a "Thank You" to the late John Denver would be in order;)

02-16-2013, 06:09 PM
Constitutionally limited tax increases? That's the argument that a government hasn't gone too far off the deep end? Wow. Just wow.

It was part a grass roots initiative to limit government taxing and spending power that passed in '92. The TABOR Amendment. It was initiated and passed as a constitutional amendment so the legislature couldn't tamper or amend without the people's popular vote. It's had negative issues in the recession and some governmental entities have modified bits of it....but only with consent of the people.

02-16-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi all, I'm new here and from Colorado. But I must live in a different part of the state than Itxi, because my taxes seem to go up almost every year including this one. Colorado used to be conservative, but there is nothing coservative about Denver and Boulder and is home to the serious wackos.

I love the state itself, but am starting to think seriously about moving.


My property taxes get adjusted every two years also. From $1660 in 1993 to about $2300 this year on a now street value maybe $375K to $400K home. Douglas county. Twenty years...I got no complaints.

The real problem causing CA escapees mostly arrived in the mid-late 90's to early 00's. Denver is an issue, I agree. Boulder is useful because of it's strong magnetic attraction for the seriously nut case liberals....better to have them mostly all in one place where they can internally freak out and throw old ladies into jail for dying their poodles pink then have them pollute my neighborhood.

I spent over three decades roaming this country and the world as an adult before settling here. Even lived in New Jersey and CA. So I ain't no innocent.

02-16-2013, 06:39 PM
I have the answer to all these problems. Let's pass a law against murder - and, gosh I don't know - maybe enforce it. No matter how it's done. Somehow if it's with a gun it is horrifying. If it's with a tire iron, 2X4, crowbar, bomb or someone shoved off a roof it just gets passing attention. This is weird!! Sometimes I wish I were a liberal so I could understand things better.

I've only ever killed anyone with a gun. All that whacking, beating, and roof off throwing stuff just seems inhumane. Plus it's more work and I can't the sight of face mashed blood.

02-16-2013, 06:45 PM
It was part a grass roots initiative to limit government taxing and spending power that passed in '92. The TABOR Amendment. It was initiated and passed as a constitutional amendment so the legislature couldn't tamper or amend without the people's popular vote. It's had negative issues in the recession and some governmental entities have modified bits of it....but only with consent of the people.

Yea, on the one hand I'm not knocking it, its better than the alternative I suppose. On the other hand, the place we have arrived across the nation that a governmental body had to consider that necessary in the first place is just staggering to me. I'm glad it's worked for you guys up until know, but you can bet in a heavily liberal area, the popular vote would run over top of everyone else. Popular vote will be the downfall of every locality, state, and ultimately, this country. We switched to popular vote for Senators, people are beginning to expect it for the President. Next it'll be the Supreme Court. Ugh.

Just wait until the Denver population exceeds the rest of the states' conservative population.

02-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Property taxes are at the whim of government, they are a blight on society. You pay based on the 'value' of your house. And who determines the 'value', a tax assessment by the government. Genius if you ask me. And we just bend over and take it. Excellent.

Then they get to control the rate as well. Go figure.

In fact, many 'assessment' processes are based on how much money the government WANTS to spend in the first place. So they want to spend an extra 10 million over the next 5 years, they just divide that across the homes, calculate the percentage needed, raise the value of the homes, and everyone just assumes the value of their home has gone up. It isn't based on the market entirely, it's at least partially based on the financial needs of your local government. So they CHOOSE not to control spending and you get hit with the bill thru an non-market-driven increase in your home value.

lxti, if the market value of your home has gone up 40% in 20 years, then you've gotten a pretty fair shake there. with only a 2% increase in taxes per year, i'd have to say probably so. but otherwise, not so much.

02-16-2013, 06:55 PM
Yea, on the one hand I'm not knocking it, its better than the alternative I suppose. On the other hand, the place we have arrived across the nation that a governmental body had to consider that necessary in the first place is just staggering to me. I'm glad it's worked for you guys up until know, but you can bet in a heavily liberal area, the popular vote would run over top of everyone else. Popular vote will be the downfall of every locality, state, and ultimately, this country. We switched to popular vote for Senators, people are beginning to expect it for the President. Next it'll be the Supreme Court. Ugh.

Just wait until the Denver population exceeds the rest of the states' conservative population.

Last comment on the subject.....the government didn't consider it necessary. The people considered it necessary. If the people choose to overturn, well that then be their choice but at least here they have much control. Local town hall has the famous James Madison ...resides in the people.... quote in foot high letters next to the front door.

02-16-2013, 07:15 PM
Last comment on the subject.....the government didn't consider it necessary. The people considered it necessary. If the people choose to overturn, well that then be their choice but at least here they have much control. Local town hall has the famous James Madison ...resides in the people.... quote in foot high letters next to the front door.

Well that's taking the quote out of context. Madison was pretty clear across the board regarding representative government and I would argue that in quoting 'resides thru the people', he didn't mean popular vote on legislation. He was fairly vocal about popular vote for elections and in fact didn't really like the idea of the EC. So he'd have probably backed direct election of Senators. But I believe he'd draw the line there. He also never tried to undo the EC thru an amendment. That speaks volumes as well. When you start getting into referendums, popular vote, you deviate from the model provided by the US Constitution. Of course, your state/locality is free to do what they want and the minority can pay the price I suppose.

I firmly believe in representative government elected by the people, with some checks and protection for the minority against the popular vote.

02-16-2013, 10:44 PM
My property taxes get adjusted every two years also. From $1660 in 1993 to about $2300 this year on a now street value maybe $375K to $400K home. Douglas county. Twenty years...I got no complaints.

The real problem causing CA escapees mostly arrived in the mid-late 90's to early 00's. Denver is an issue, I agree. Boulder is useful because of it's strong magnetic attraction for the seriously nut case liberals....better to have them mostly all in one place where they can internally freak out and throw old ladies into jail for dying their poodles pink then have them pollute my neighborhood.

I spent over three decades roaming this country and the world as an adult before settling here. Even lived in New Jersey and CA. So I ain't no innocent.

Well I wouldn't complain either, mine have increased that much in about the last 6 to 8 years even when the cost of houses declined drasticly. And the mill levy seems to go up every year. Thats on a house valued much less than yours. And you still can't throw a rock around here without hitting a liberal. :)

02-17-2013, 02:11 AM
And you can still throw rocks around here to hit liberals. :)

I tried to turn a negative into a positive lol. Glass half full, ya know?

02-17-2013, 10:42 AM
Good job. :D

02-17-2013, 04:47 PM
As much as I'd love to move back to CO, WY is looking better and better:


If this passes, I WILL contact the various politicos and let them know WHY I chose not to move back to my home state. I'm sure that will have zero effect on any of them, though.

02-17-2013, 06:34 PM
They'll be happy you didn't move back. They only want sheep that just nod their heads and open their wallets.

02-17-2013, 06:55 PM
I can't move but I like Provo UT at first glance. Weather looks okay, said to be the most conservative city over 100K in the USA. It's a shall issue state that honors all other states carry permits, crime rate relatively low. Cost of living average. Not bad from the internet perspective.

02-17-2013, 07:27 PM
It's full of hot women too. I'm never moving.

02-17-2013, 07:30 PM
Well I wouldn't complain either, mine have increased that much in about the last 6 to 8 years even when the cost of houses declined drasticly. And the mill levy seems to go up every year. Thats on a house valued much less than yours. And you still can't throw a rock around here without hitting a liberal. :)

My taxes went down a bit after the 2010(?) based revaluation. Now back to about where they were or a little above. Except....senior homestead this year brought the cost down to $1478. Parker. Where you be at?

02-17-2013, 07:37 PM
It's full of hot women too. I'm never moving.

I have a wife app for that. So, with the important out of the way......

02-17-2013, 07:47 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSevG98wPpDX2JoLoo2vt7_sm9fT7FwX yagWnrzZ8lF1l-YwL0SSg

02-17-2013, 07:50 PM
There are a few buttons that I don't see. They would fit nicely in that open section at the bottom.

02-17-2013, 07:58 PM
Don't need that any more. Got it right this last time.

02-17-2013, 08:57 PM

02-18-2013, 10:34 AM
My taxes went down a bit after the 2010(?) based revaluation. Now back to about where they were or a little above. Except....senior homestead this year brought the cost down to $1478. Parker. Where you be at?

Fort Collins, my evaluation stayed the same last time. But this years mil levy increased by $100 and I am not elligible for the homestead act till next year. Of course by then they won't have it. They will have to make up for lost revenue from Magpul leaving. :mad:

02-18-2013, 05:59 PM
Fort Collins, my evaluation stayed the same last time. But this years mil levy increased by $100 and I am not elligible for the homestead act till next year. Of course by then they won't have it. They will have to make up for lost revenue from Magpul leaving. :mad:

Got that! I think this is only the first or second year the homestead tax break was allowed since it was invented. For certain the first since I've been age eligible.

02-18-2013, 06:55 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSevG98wPpDX2JoLoo2vt7_sm9fT7FwX yagWnrzZ8lF1l-YwL0SSg

What no sex button?

02-18-2013, 07:15 PM
We already discussed that.

02-18-2013, 07:59 PM

Oh, yeah.

02-18-2013, 09:30 PM

02-21-2013, 01:58 AM
Got this today:

Hello everyone,
Thank you for writing to me about firearms legislation. This week I received over 4,000 emails about the bills introduced February 8. While I would like to write each of you individually, the mere volume of emails I received (and am still receiving!) prevents me from doing this. But please know that I have read your concerns, and I am excited to see so many of you involved in the political process.
Most of you wrote to me in opposition to the universal background check for firearms transfers and the limit on ammunition magazine size. Some of you that receive this email wrote in favor of these bills, but the vast majority did not support these pieces of legislation. Either way, let me explain how I feel about these bills, and why I voted NO against all of them.
I believe that one of the government’s few jobs is to provide safety for all its citizens. This is why we have the police force, fire department, and men and women of our armed forces. Protecting innocent human lives is important. As a former law enforcement official, I experienced first hand the danger that guns can present when in the wrong hands. Criminals have used guns against me, and solely by the grace of God am I here to help craft laws to increase our safety. Guns in the hands of those who wish to do evil can have disastrous consequences on our society, but they also provide safety to those who need to defend themselves when law enforcement cannot help. In all too many situations, the police department cannot get to the scene of a crime before it is tragically too late. Because of this, I believe the government should ensure that citizens have an simple process to acquire weapons for self-protection. Our Nation's Founding Fathers understood this. They knew we have a fundamental need to protect ourselves from two groups — the first group is evil-doers who wish to harm our families. The second group is, in fact, an out of control tyrannical government, just like the one our Founder's fought so valiantly against to give us all freedom and liberty.
House Bill 13-1229, which would require universal background checks on firearms transfers, severely extends the amount of time a person can purchase a gun privately. Now, I understand the opposition’s argument. A criminal can purchase a gun from a law-abiding citizen and commit more crimes. The opposition claims that a universal background check would prevent this. I disagree. Criminals will still avoid the law (by nature of being a criminal) and get access to firearms without a background check. While the drafters of this bill may have good intentions, I think this bill will ultimately harm law abiding citizens and make purchasing a gun for protection more onerous.
House Bill 13-1224 would limit the size of ammunition magazines. I also voted “NO” on this bill. While, again, I believe the sponsors of this bill had good intentions to protect the safety of our citizens, this legislation is misguided at best. Banning large capacity magazines will actually not increase public safety. In fact, it will make us all LESS safe. A practiced criminal can unload a magazine and load a new one in a matter of seconds. For a trained criminal, this bill will not slow the rate of shooting or decrease the devastation caused, but this legislation will make people less able to protect themselves against intruders and assailants against themselves and their families and loved ones - and that is wrong.
The recent tragic shootings are cause for intense concern, no doubt. But rather than legislating to slow the purchase of guns, I believe that allowing our citizens to easily obtain guns for self-protection and the protection of our most valuable asset — our children — is a much better idea. It is also an idea that our Founding Fathers would adhere to as they indicated in the Second Amendment, rights which have recently been upheld and sustained by our United States Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller. I swore an oath to protect and defend our US Constitution and our Colorado Constitution. If I voted any other way but NO on these gun control bills, I would be violating that oath.
For those of you that wrote to me in favor of these bills, I appreciate your input. However, I believe these bills do more harm than good. The public safety of our State and Nation is a discussion we must continue to have and a topic we must act on with certainty. Our action should be focused on the evil-doers, not on just one of the tools they choose to use against us. I hope to continue to offer solutions in the form of better mental health care standards in our state, stricter penalties for violent criminals and better law enforcement response times and stationing in our schools.
Thank you again for writing me. If I can be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact my office.
Representative Jared Wright
Colorado House District 54