View Full Version : Painting Tin Foil
mr surveyor
04-02-2010, 12:12 AM
Maybe someone here can answer my questions. First, will common, off the shelf spray paints stick to tin foil? And, second, would the paint decrease the effectiveness of the tin foil to reflect/repel mind altering radio waves?
The reason for the questions is that I happened to see my reflection in the truck window the other night while out patroling the yard and watching for black helicpoters, and noticed the light of the full moon lit my hat up like one of those hang from the ceiling disco balls from the 70's.
Also, while I'm at it, and maybe one of the ladies could answer this one better...... how hard would it be to wash black make-up out of a white beard? That danged full moon made my face look like the South end of a North bound white tail on opening day of deer season.
Thanks for any help.
04-02-2010, 10:34 AM
So glad I found you. Have to keep this short before they home in on my transmission. Stay inside anytime there isn't cloud cover to block their sensors. Hope there's some good answers to your questions. I communicate with the little people out the window via semaphore, to avoid being detected from above.
Save yourself. Good luck
04-02-2010, 08:37 PM
It would probably be best to fashion it as you wish and then use a spray can of automotive primer followed by the FLAT dark color of your choice after the directions' recommended drying period. Don't use that non-stick Reynolds Wrap, though, or don't try to paint the non-stick side if that's all you have. Consider what your background might be in order to be more camouflaged, try to match that.
A low or flat shaped bowl design might reflect less energy back to the source, if you're worried about radar detection. Try to avoid wrinkling or crinkling the tin foil as much as possible. I would suggest the heavy duty version with no design to maximize protection and minimize reflectivity.
Be careful, they're out there.
The gentleman in the previous post is not sufficiently protected, as you can see much of his head. The foil protection should cover the entire cranial cavity and extend down to at least the eyebrows and the bottoms of the ears. For better protection, you could cover the entire head and strategically position slits for vision and hearing. For the ears, a vertical slit the height of the ear can be used with the rear edge slightly pulled out to facilitate and aid hearing. Likewise the eye slits are cut horizontally with the top edge raised a bit allowing you to see out with a protective "awning" to prevent transmissions from above. I hope this is helpful in preventing intrusive transmissions from affecting you.
Wind (not my real name)
04-02-2010, 08:44 PM
It would probably be best to fashion it as you wish and then use a spray can of automotive primer followed by the FLAT dark color of your choice after the directions' recommended drying period. Don't use that non-stick Reynolds Wrap, though, or don't try to paint the non-stick side if that's all you have. Consider what your background might be in order to be more camouflaged, try to match that.
A low or flat shaped bowl design might reflect less energy back to the source, if you're worried about radar detection. Try to avoid wrinkling or crinkling the tin foil as much as possible. I would suggest the heavy duty version with no design to maximize protection and minimize reflectivity.
Be careful, they're out there.
After some testing of my own this afternoon I decided the best solution was to apply the paint directly to the scalp, make sure the scalp is a clean surface, I used alcohol first, Jack Daniels I think. Keep your eyes closed, that stuff really stings. Remember to put your tin foil hat back on immediately after your head dries for protection. They can't see the shiney tin foil, their sensors are tripped up kind of like the film you put on your license plate so big brothers red light cameras can't read it.
Stay safe.
mr surveyor
04-02-2010, 09:40 PM
now I'm really not so worried about "them" seeing the moonlight reflecting off the tin foil, I'm more worried about the neighbors dogs. On another forum, a trusted member responded to the issue of doing a camo-blackout of my white beard and suggested a homebrew concoction of powdered charcoal mixed with lard. Well, on my first attempt, the neighbor dogs smelled the concoction, saw the moonlight glittering off my protective hat, honed in on my position and came running. Which brings up another issue. Now I have claw marks on my upper chest and neck after the dogs climbed up the pockets and seams in my black carhart bibs to lick at my beard camo. The good news is that the camo worked pretty well as the dogs were unable to lick it all off. The bad news is, I can't get it all off either and am hosting the family Easter get together Sunday. The worse news is, I think I need to get a tentus booster as there are funny looking red streaks running up my neck from the dog scratches. My friend on the other forum had suggested the "new" Crisco as an alternative to real lard... maybe it won't be so attractive to the dogs?
Does anyone know where I can get black Carhart "turtleneck" bib overalls?
Thanks for all your help.
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