View Full Version : CM40 problems

Big bird
02-15-2013, 02:48 PM
I purchased new CM40 about eight months ago and quickly began experiencing feeding problems. It appeared that the gun was very picky as to which ammo it liked. When it did jam, it appeared that the rounds were up against the ramp. It also broke the followers in both of my magazines.

I sent it to Kahr and got it back a few weeks later. I took it to the range a few times with no incidents. This week I went to the range and on the second or third round, the gun would jam. I tried five different types of ammo and the same thing happened on all of them. This time I noticed that the rounds weren't up against the ramp, they just weren't making it into the chamber. I am sending it to Kahr for repair, but now I'm a little afraid to carry it. I've never had a problem with my S&W Bodyguard or my Kel Tek P11. Kind of discouraging...

02-15-2013, 02:52 PM
Man! I hope they pick up the shipping and get it right this time. It might be the extractor needs a bit of tuning this time.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. Be sure and check out the New Member and Kahr Tech areas.


02-15-2013, 02:59 PM
I purchased new CM40 about eight months ago and quickly began experiencing feeding problems. It appeared that the gun was very picky as to which ammo it liked. When it did jam, it appeared that the rounds were up against the ramp. It also broke the followers in both of my magazines.

I sent it to Kahr and got it back a few weeks later. I took it to the range a few times with no incidents. This week I went to the range and on the second or third round, the gun would jam. I tried five different types of ammo and the same thing happened on all of them. This time I noticed that the rounds weren't up against the ramp, they just weren't making it into the chamber. I am sending it to Kahr for repair, but now I'm a little afraid to carry it. I've never had a problem with my S&W Bodyguard or my Kel Tek P11. Kind of discouraging...

u send it back check to see if the follower in the agazine is grabbing on that mag release butotn, u mention 2/3 round where it acted up and that is right where that followers is in the open cutout of the magazine where the mag release button rides.

Look on the proper prepping thread in the kahr tech section and it talks about it there and how to check for it. It is easy to check and takes less than 5 minutes to fix. Not worth sending it back if indeed it is doing that. Might save some headaches down the road to. check it out. before panicking.

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