View Full Version : Nobody doing trigger jobs on kahrs?

02-16-2013, 12:15 AM
Not that I would change anything but it seems like a common complaint the long pull untell it breaks. I actually like it alot. But I was wondering if anybody does this or has tried it? Seems like if you just shorten the firing pin cam and lengthen the fpb cam and put a stronger firing pin spring in to the correct resistance you could shorten the trigger pull? What am I missing? Im far from a gunsmith just curious.

02-16-2013, 04:32 AM
It will be interesting to see if any nascent firearm engineers wade into this one. I'm happy with the factory trigger on my CM9, but always willing to look at improvements if they are available.
It has been my experience with firearms, that trigger modification generally requires compromises to be made and accepted. Improvements may be possible. Someone may develop a polishing regimen (for example) beyond what the standard manufacturing process allows due to cost/productivity constraints that would markedly improve the Kahr trigger. On the other hand... For a purely defensive, short-range carry weapon, some of those compromises that would improve the feel of my CM9's trigger pull might not be acceptable.

02-16-2013, 05:27 AM
Ya know, a lot of folks who bought VW beetles in the 50's, 60's and 70's complained that it was sort of tiny. Seems to me, since its rear engine, it would be easy to cut the middle, insert some plate on the bottom and lengthen it a bit, then just fab up the sheet metal on the sides and top and blend it to the existing body. Give it that "saddle shoe" look.


Folks used to "brand G" complain. Folks used to the knock-offs of "brand G" complain.

Folks are so bedazzled by the prevalence of "brand G" that they are blind to whats really going on in the Kahr trigger. The "brand G" crowd have almost mastered shooting the short pull like a single action trigger. Its not, but thats how they treat it. Then they get a Kahr and find its very "double action like" trigger and compare it to what they tried, or are used to... and then the bitching starts. Actually, its more of a kvetch than bitching.

At any rate, if they ever bothered to actually practice and learn to shoot double action triggers, then they'd find the Kahr's to be among the very best double action triggers ever produced.

I saw a guy compete in a 3 gun match once, where you shoot .22, .38/9 and 45. He shot all three with S&W revolvers, and shot all three in slow, timed and rapid fire - double action. And he did very well. Better than me with me in the .22 matches (I didn't do the CF matches). I think I was shooting about 270ish back then and most match winners were shooting 290+, so he was very much "a contender" with his double action shooting.

02-16-2013, 06:39 AM
Most "trigger work" that has been noted with sucess here has involved changing the striker spring. Unless you feel a gritty trigger (I never have in a Kahr) polishing might do as much harm as it might good.
Robar lists a trigger operation "smoothing" as a service here: http://www.robarguns.com/kahr.html
Not sure all thats involved with their service, but $60 bucks sounds like a pretty good deal. Contact them for details if your interested and let us know here.
I am happy with my triggers (P380, CW40 & K9) as they come stock. Not something this old 1911 shooter expected...
Have a good one.

02-16-2013, 06:46 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with CJB. The Kahr trigger is the Kahr trigger. It's unique and it's safe, and it's accurate. It's NOT a single action trigger because of the safeties that would be required. It's the best revolver like trigger system you've ever pulled, installed in a semi auto low recoil platform. In my opinion, perfect for a defense weapon.

02-16-2013, 07:38 AM
Not that I would change anything but it seems like a common complaint the long pull untell it breaks. I actually like it alot. But I was wondering if anybody does this or has tried it? Seems like if you just shorten the firing pin cam and lengthen the fpb cam and put a stronger firing pin spring in to the correct resistance you could shorten the trigger pull? What am I missing? Im far from a gunsmith just curious.

02-16-2013, 08:23 AM
I'm not an engineer, but from what I know about levers wouldn't decreasing the length of pull increase the weight of pull? A curious mind wants to know.

02-16-2013, 08:40 AM
There's a short lever vs fat girl joke there somewhere, but I'm not telling it here.....

02-16-2013, 09:04 AM
This member did one for me..

Steve in Sunny Fla

Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 58
K model trigger mods - any interest?
Hi all - first time posting, but loong time lurking...
I have developed a drop - in part for kahr pistols that will shorten the trigger stroke, lighten pull and give a cleaner break. NOT a SHORT stroke, because that defeats why most of us chose the kahr's in the beginning, but something you'll definitely notice. It's currently with my machinist for pre-production development. I'm wondering what the level of interest is. I don't expect it to be expensive, and the trigger doesn't need to be removed on the steel models to install it. What say you? Thanks, Steve

02-16-2013, 12:26 PM
I say you get used to the Kahr trigger the more you shoot it. When I shoot my m&p340 and then switch over to my mk's the mk's feel light as feathers.

02-16-2013, 01:17 PM
Not that I would change anything but it seems like a common complaint the long pull untell it breaks. I actually like it alot. But I was wondering if anybody does this or has tried it? Seems like if you just shorten the firing pin cam and lengthen the fpb cam and put a stronger firing pin spring in to the correct resistance you could shorten the trigger pull? What am I missing? Im far from a gunsmith just curious.

there are no safety's on kahrs, just what is between ur ears. The looooong trigger pull is there by design, 3/8" is not long but compare it to the kimber solo which is realy a single action gun to, then it is long. Compare it to a glock , then it is long. safety of some sort on both guns mentioned to. If u want a shorter stroke, then buy anutter gun and just be happy about it.

Kahr does make today the enhanced trigger system only on their kahrs that have an external safety. Ur not gonna upgrade ur non safety kahr to this enhanced trigger either, but again this enhanced shortens travel only 1/8", so is that a deal breaker even. not for me it isn't...

IMO 95% is never gonna shoot a kahr near as accurate as a 1911 style gun, but try sticking one of those in ur pocked cocked and lock and feel good about it. Some might but most won't. What these old time forum members are telling most who ask, is that IT IS WHAT IT IS. Most of us love it that way to. I think it also goes to say that most who have a complaint about the looong trigger have shoot their wheel guns in the past "single action" and never experieced the challenge of trying to shoot a revolver DA only...

02-16-2013, 02:15 PM
.......I think it also goes to say that most who have a complaint about the looong trigger have shoot their wheel gunsin the ast "single action" and never experieced the challenge of tryig to shoot a revolver DA only...
Guilty as charged, sir! (I did have to use Google Translate to understand that quote though, jocko)

Now that my PM9 has been repaired, I have been working on my DA skill-set. I have found that if I shoot 6-12 rounds DA only through my S&W 66-1 before shooting my PM9, the PM9 shots are more accurate than if I just shoot the PM9.

I never really understood what people meant when they said how smooth the Kahr trigger is until I started shooting the S&W in DA. NOW I GET IT!!!

I also shoot the Kahr much more slowly than I was. This has also helped to improve my DA skills. I no longer shoot my g26 gen4 at the same range outing. The triggers are too different and I wind up shooting the PM9 as fast as the Glock, but with much less accuracy. Now, the Glock gets its own range day.


02-16-2013, 04:23 PM
google is good!! Just sayin

02-16-2013, 05:12 PM
I feel like nobody really read my post and also are trying to make me feel silly for asking a serious question. I said I love my kahr's trigger.. Infact it's my favorite firearm next to guns costing 4 times as much.. And its a pm9. But yea maybe I should buy something else because I dont understand safety and idk, why again? I can shoot my pm9 as well as my 75b sa or my 1911, but maybe it's not for me.. Or maybe I was just wondering why no one offers what seems like such a simple mod and one that seems to be atleast warranted by customers. Thanks for the folks that took my question seriously, for not being wanted that guy in florida sure had some takers..
And I guess it would increase the weight of the trigger due to the longer cam and stronger spring.. Hmmm.. Something to think about. Nothing wrong with having options people gees!! :0

02-16-2013, 05:22 PM
Icertainly didn't see any anomimosity from he forum members.Not sure anyone accused u of anything either. U ask, u got answers, weather u agree with them is ur call to make. We had a fella in the south that did some trigger mods, not sure it ever caught on,for most love it the way it is.Kahr has shortened their enhanced version to an actual 1/4"pull which by my standards is in the glock range but they only make this availalbe with the external safety version kahrs....

02-16-2013, 05:29 PM
Certainly not trying to make you feel silly. The whole point of the Kahr trigger, at least as I understand it, is that the longer trigger pull and long reset is so that the gun doesn't accidentally go off in your pocket if you have a round loaded in the chamber. With no external safety, the possibility of a premature BLAM would increase with the shorter or easier trigger. The Kahr is setup so that it doesn't go BANG unless you absolutely want it to. I would never keep my Glock loaded with a round in the chamber, in my pocket, with the trigger unguarded. The trigger goes off with very little travel or pressure.

Also, I have read discussions regarding trigger jobs and liability in the unfortunate event of justified self defense. Not criminal liability as much as civil liability from the deceased's family. Not a lawyer so I'm not positive about that.


02-16-2013, 06:11 PM
I think you probably just got an indirect answer to your question. I would say that there really isn't a market for Kahr trigger jobs. Most people think they are good as they come when you consider all aspects of a gun made to be carried first.

02-16-2013, 06:59 PM
IMHO, my P380 trigger pull is as mooth as either of my J Frames, both of which have had trigger jobs.