View Full Version : Firearms Manufacturers Step up to the Plate
02-16-2013, 07:02 AM
In an article on The Blaze (, appeared the following quote from EFI, LLC – Extreme Firepower (
“We refuse to recognize law enforcement exemptions on gun control. If a product that we manufacture is not legal for a private citizen to own in a jurisdiction, we will not sell that product to a law-enforcement agency in that jurisdiction.”
If more manufacturers would take a stance like this it would be very helpful to the overall problem.
Longitude Zero
02-16-2013, 10:07 AM
How does punishing law enforcement agencies get politicians to mend their ways? LEO agencies have notorius little bargaining power with the political structure. It sounds nice on paper but it really is a hollow so called victory.
When Barrett refused to sell to CA agencies those agencies that wanted his product merely got an out of CA agency to buy it and then transfer the weapon to the CA agency. It really is just that simple. Oh by the way those firms that had pending contracts with the "G" went ahead and will fulfill previously agreed to contracts. They have to or face a breach of contract lawsuit.
mr surveyor
02-16-2013, 01:03 PM
I've noticed all the cheering (and I too applaud these companies that take at least a political stand against idiotic state laws) on the gun boards lately in regards to the manufacturers making statements that they will not do business with states that restrict the rights of the citizens to continue purchasing their products. This really smacks me right in the face and reaffirms my stance on the same issue regarding International commerce. The very same folks that cheer for a home grown manufacturer "taking a stand", are the ones that have no issues buying import commie rifles, and tons of guns made in Brazil. Do you think those "other countries" recognize the rights of their citizens to own those same firearms? Do you think, just possibly, that the purchase of products manufactured in those countries might be propping up their economy...and in a small way allowing them to continue to impose their "will" on their citizens.
We really need to take a good hard look at how we, as individuals, perform before we can be taken serious on the current interstate issues.
just my opinion
Longitude Zero
02-16-2013, 01:36 PM
The very same folks that cheer for a home grown manufacturer "taking a stand", are the ones that have no issues buying import commie rifles, and tons of guns made in Brazil. Do you think those "other countries" recognize the rights of their citizens to own those same firearms? Do you think, just possibly, that the purchase of products manufactured in those countries might be propping up their economy...and in a small way allowing them to continue to impose their "will" on their citizens.
We really need to take a good hard look at how we, as individuals, perform before we can be taken serious on the current interstate issues.
just my opinion
I agree wholeheartedly. Many who are mad at say S&W will buy a non-American made weapon and have no clue as to how citizens in the country of manufacturer are treated.
To complain that US companies should take a stand and then buy overseaes made items is flat out hypocritical.
02-16-2013, 03:29 PM
How does punishing law enforcement agencies get politicians to mend their ways? LEO agencies have notorius little bargaining power with the political structure. It sounds nice on paper but it really is a hollow so called victory.
My point wasn't to encourage "punishing" law enforcement. It was to point out that there are bigger issues at play. I support the 2nd amendment not because I want to have a gun, but because I don't want to see a single one of the original Bill of Rights disappear. To guard against that we must all band together. It would be very easy for the manufacturers to simply try to figure out where their best "most profitable" bet ultimately lies. But to take their stand on principle, and not on profit only, is the best most lasting defense, imo.
mr surveyor
02-16-2013, 03:34 PM
My point wasn't to encourage "punishing" law enforcement. It was to point out that there are bigger issues at play. I support the 2nd amendment not because I want to have a gun, but because I don't want to see a single one of the original Bill of Rights disappear. To guard against that we must all band together. It would be very easy for the manufacturers to simply try to figure out where their best "most profitable" bet ultimately lies. But to take their stand on principle, and not on profit only, is the best most lasting defense, imo.
and.... I do agree with that philosophy. The way I understand the issue in NY is that the idiots didn't exempt LEO from the 7 round mag limit in their ill guided legislation.
Maybe a few manufacturers should stamp out a line of good quality "service designed" weapons and stamp on them "Intended For Civilian Use Only"
Longitude Zero
02-16-2013, 04:15 PM
I understand and support the principle but not the course of action taken. What these manufacturers are doing is like spanking your kids because your wife made you mad. There is no cause vs effect or connection between a symbolic action and forcing politicians to change.
Anybody who thinks the politicians give a tinkers hoot what a few manufacturers do or do not do is saly uninformed of the political process. In actuallity they are falling into a trap. Since they will not sell unless certain conditions are met the politicians keep up the pressure, more comapnies step into this tarpit, more citizens get fewer weapons.
02-17-2013, 01:56 AM
I fail to see how not selling something that govt would deny the citizen is going to deny any citizen that which he can not legally own to begin with.
If I can not legally sell my wares to the citizens of New York why exactly should I sell to govt agencies of New York?
02-17-2013, 06:39 AM
If I can not legally sell my wares to the citizens of New York why exactly should I sell to govt agencies of New York?
Forgive me if I get too religious, but there is actually a biblical principle being applied here ... Jesus said, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no."
Liberals are always trying to divide us up into competing segments. By refusing to sell to law enforcement, the manufacturers are saying we're all one and we should all be treated equally. The "No" to citizens should be a "No". After all, those in law enforcement are citizens, are they not.
02-17-2013, 02:40 PM
Forgive me if I get too religious, but there is actually a biblical principle being applied here ... Jesus said, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no."
Liberals are always trying to divide us up into competing segments. By refusing to sell to law enforcement, the manufacturers are saying we're all one and we should all be treated equally. The "No" to citizens should be a "No". After all, those in law enforcement are citizens, are they not.
This is the principle that Peele stated. I agree completely with it, and while it may hurt LE, this is the cost of upholding our principles. I think that we have all together too often sold out or ignored our principles for the sake of expediency. That nut in CA comes to mind, Waco, etc. Not so long ago, we held our principles above all else. Like I said, I'm good with it, and encourage more to follow suit.
02-18-2013, 08:39 AM
Agreed. I have heard the argument that this just hurts LEOs, but in states like New York, many of the LEOs are supporting the governor. My local Sheriff issued a public statement that he WOULD NOT enforce unconstitutional laws and would arrest any federal agent attempting to to do.
We are at a crossroads where all citizens need to choose their side and draw the line that cannot be crossed. If the LEOs in states like New York take the correct side, they will understand why manufacturers are doing this and will support the decision.
Part of this is also denying the politicians the protection private citizens get from owning guns that they only want LEOs (including their security guards) to have.
Longitude Zero
02-18-2013, 10:08 AM
johnh a point virtually everybody ignores or is unaware of is the difference in attitude between the rank and file officers and the upper administration. The chief/sheriff/agencyy head is a political figure for the most part and will bend with the political/odeological winds that blow. Not all but the majority.
Rank and file officers have no say in the direction and attitude of the departments public stance. So to say all LEO's are on board with the anti-gunners is at best misinformation, at worst????
So everybody please make the distinction between rank/file and administration. In the vast majority of LEO agencies there is a world of difference.
02-20-2013, 09:20 PM
I for one completely agree with the arms manufacturers. At least they have the guts to stand up and fight. Let the politicians go to Russia and buy arms from them. Along with steel jacketed bullets that may even fire. I would like those who are against the manufacturers to come up with what is the "right" way to do this if it is not stand up to them? Sit watching the news on TV, wring out hands and bad mouth the government? It is because people haven't stood up and fought the Marxists have gotten as far as they have.
mr surveyor
02-20-2013, 10:54 PM
johnh a point virtually everybody ignores or is unaware of is the difference in attitude between the rank and file officers and the upper administration. The chief/sheriff/agencyy head is a political figure for the most part and will bend with the political/odeological winds that blow. Not all but the majority.
Rank and file officers have no say in the direction and attitude of the departments public stance. So to say all LEO's are on board with the anti-gunners is at best misinformation, at worst????
So everybody please make the distinction between rank/file and administration. In the vast majority of LEO agencies there is a world of difference.
In Texas, the Sheriff is an elected official, that can be un-elected just as easily. Most of our Sheriffs represent the citizens, unlike the police chiefs (particularly big cities) that are hired employees through the city governments. The only way to vote the police chief out of office is to vote out the city council members that appointed them in most cases. There's a huge difference (here) between the mindset of the SO and the PD.
02-21-2013, 12:37 AM
Does law enforcement really buy from Olympic Arms?
Longitude Zero
02-21-2013, 09:29 AM
Does law enforcement really buy from Olympic Arms?
Not if they are smart. Oly arms does not have a good reputation for justifiable reasons. IMHO.
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