View Full Version : Range Report- CW45 vs. 1911 Clone, chronographed

02-16-2013, 08:52 PM
Rules of thumb.

Rules such as losing 50 feet per second per inch of barrel length. Rules of thumb may be fine for thumbs, but when dealing with ballistics, many of the “truths” held up as Gospel don’t apply when actually tested and measured. I’ve learned that dealing with rifles over the years, and have found that bullet weight and powder burn rate affect velocities in ways that can be surprising.

All that said, how does the Kahr CW45 compare to a 1911 clone? I wanted to know, and unless the differences are measured, there’s no way to know.
So I did. I picked a windy, cold day to do it-- but I did.

Today’s range session: Shooting the CW45 alongside my Llama Max I, F1 Chrony at 10 feet.


Loads tested:


L-R: 230 grain RNL, 230 gr Hornady XTP, 200 gr XTP

Load data is in the chart below, but I thought it’d be interesting to have both fast and medium burning powders in the test since my years of rifle shooting have shown the faster powders to close the gap between longer and shorter barrels, all else being equal. The results were not quite what I expected, though that’s the whole point:

To see what is, not what may be imagined.

AA #2 and Bullseye filled in the fast powder niche, and Unique for the medium burning class. Unique is sooty and dirty burning in pistol cartridges, but AA#5 leaves quite a bit of unburned powder in the tests I’ve done with it, so Unique got the nod in this session.

The wind gusts made keeping the chronograph steady a challenge, so a mostly full gallon can of paint was pressed into service-


Cutting to the chase, here’s how the numbers shook out:



1. The smallest difference in average velocity was with the slowest powder. A fly in this ointment may be using WW brass instead of R-P in these loads. That was done because the three loads used in this test were not loaded with this test in mind (I thought of that later) and whatever assorted brass I had on hand is what was used. It could be the WW brass has different tolerances than R-P, I’m not that scientific.

2. Five shot strings were used in this test. 10 shot strings would give a better sample, but I was after an apples-to-apples comparison and 5 shots per load per gun would give me that. Besides, it was cold out there.

3. The recoil of the 200 grain XTP loads was noticeably lighter than the 230 grain loads. Unfortunately, even at 7 yards the 200 grain loads hit 4-5” low. So this CW45’s sights appear to be regulated to 230 grain loads, and even then those still print low. Not a deal-breaker but I may look for adjustable sights for it.

4. For years I have used WLP primers in all pistol rounds using large primers, both standard and magnum. I bought 1000 of the Remington 2 ½ primers a while back when primers could just not be found, and needed to use some up. I doubt the Winchester primers would have shown drastically different results.

5. The CW45 doesn’t give up much at all to the 1911 barrel length—certainly not enough to worry about.

I'd be interested in what anyone else has seen in similar tests, comments welcome.


02-17-2013, 11:34 AM
Rick, very nice test and summary. Thanks.

02-17-2013, 12:28 PM
I was surprised that the significant difference in barrel length didn't result in greater difference velocity.

Thanks for taking the time to do the testing and share the results with us.

02-17-2013, 12:34 PM
The BG will have an equally bad day with either, but the CW45 will probably conceal a tad better. Nice looking 1911 (clone), though.

Just reinforces my P45 carry.


02-17-2013, 01:41 PM
excellent. reinforces my pm45 as well carry....)

02-18-2013, 09:40 AM
Excellent info and very reassuring.

Thank you for your effort & report.

02-21-2013, 01:57 PM
Thanks, gentlemen.

I was surprised at the 200 gr loads point of impact was so low, but pleased to find such a small difference in velocity overall. I may have to wait until after we sell the house and move in the next few weeks to test factory loads (about to pack up all the loading gear), but it'd be interesting to see how different that would be, if any.


02-26-2013, 01:57 PM
impressive numbers for the Kahr. have you done any testing with off the shelf non-boutique factory loaded ammo?

02-26-2013, 06:09 PM

Good question.

I haven't, I just used what I had loaded, figuring it would give a decent cross section for initial tests. If I have a chance to get out again before I have to pack up all my stuff I'd like to test some factory loads. It's hard to find that on the shelves locally right now!


02-26-2013, 10:23 PM
i see youre in Bham. im 2 hours souht down 280 (or "east" as the road designation goes).

keep us up to date on future chrono testing.

02-28-2013, 07:09 AM

Thanks-- we're trying to get the house ready to sell but if I can get a break from that one weekend I'd like to slip out and shoot some more. It would be interesting to see the comparison with factory loads. I'd expect to see similar results to these, but you never know...


04-07-2013, 03:13 AM
I am often surpised by how well the smaller 9mm and 45s (I don't have any 40s) seem to shoot and the velocity doesn't seem to be too hurt either---good info---thanks for posting!