View Full Version : PM45...successful range session

02-17-2013, 08:47 AM
First post to KahrTalk so I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. I became a Kahr man in mid January of this year. Bought a PM45 over a LC9 because it fit like a glove in my hand (and throws a heck of a piece of lead). Took it out for the first time yesterday day and had absolutely no issues! I read on here to rack the slide 500 times before shooting and I must have done it 1000 times, and it seemed to really pay off. All I read and saw on YouTube was problems with that gun, so I became worried I got a crappy gun. Well needless to say I'm a Kahr man now, couldn't be happy with my purchase and choice of the PM45!

02-17-2013, 09:14 AM
Congratulations and welcome to the forum. My first outing with my dream pistol didn't go so well... didn't have the necessary bevel on the lower leading edge of the breechface to get behind the cartridge, so couldn't chamber a round using the recommended slide release method... didn't try racking the slide... would have worked that way!:D

When I did get a round chambered, the gun shot beautifully... great little .45!

If you haven't seen some of this, here's some helpful links:

Welcome to the Kahrtalk forum supported by Kahr Arms.
Here are a few essential links and things to do BEFORE you take your new pistol to the range, and ESPECIALLY BEFORE taking it apart and trying to re-assemble it! The Kahr is a different design… 6-7 unique patents cover the Kahrs. I’m not trying to imply that you don’t know anything about guns, but many don’t know anything about the Kahrs and some of the things you can do to damage or cause malfunctions of your new, or new-to-you Kahr pistol.
First, if you don’t have a manual, yet, or one didn’t come with your pistol, you can download the pdf file here:
Impatient? Watch one of these videos FIRST! These videos can point out possible problem areas and emphasize correct procedures!
Take down and re-assembly videos:
T, TP, CW, P, & PM/CM Series:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=G2cZgVg_SwA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G2cZgVg_SwA)
MK series:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...mSCnIOaUk#t=0s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zXmSCnIOaUk#t=0s)
K series:
There are many links on fixing problems listed in several places… under the New Member or Kahr Tech sub-forums.
A very handy one is the Kahr Lube Diagram:
Many of your questions can be answered in these areas and you can learn how your Kahr works and not damage it with improper handling.
Frequently asked questions: http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp?

There are many helpful members here most of the time who might be able to help you, but as anywhere, there are many opinions and not all are correct. Be mindful of this before doing anything drastic to modify your pistol!

Aka wyntrout

02-17-2013, 10:32 AM
ive finally gotten around to having the faith to carry my PM45. the first 400 or so rounds were so damn frustrating.....jams of various kinds, had to do a little gunsmithing on it myself.....

i wish i could have gotten it to run correctly right out of the box or within the 200 rounds they suggest for break in.... anyway, it works now so im ok with it.

congrats on your gun, these are indeed a unique piece of hardware.