View Full Version : Stronger Gun-Control Measures Clear First Votes in the Colorado House

02-18-2013, 10:07 AM
"Two other gun measures put forth by Colorado Democrats also received preliminary approval on Friday by House lawmakers.
One bill would ban concealed weapons on college campuses."

I can virtually guarantee that almost no one with a concealed carry permit has ever shot anyone on a college campus.
I've never heard of a legal permit holder committing 1st degree murder at all.

Generally speaking - Permit holders are more law abiding than non permit holders.
When will these idiots get it?
A homicidal maniac cares not about these ridiculous laws.
If anything it just creates attractive shooting galleries to disarm everyone but the criminals.

The complete lack of common sense.
And unwillingness to see how these efforts have been tried in the past and failed miserably.
Leaves me nearly speechless and very concerned.

02-18-2013, 11:07 AM
The Democrats and Liberals have always been about "feelings" and emotions... not worried about the "real" world and facts. Democrat politicians like to pass laws that makes themselves "feel good"... at that moment, anyhow, without regard to the actual consequences of their actions. It's like the initial outcry of outrage that the NRA would suggest putting armed guards in the Gun Free Zones that they have made of schools!

It's kind of like the people who put up electronic fences in their yards to control their pets... it does nothing to protect the pets or themselves from stray animals that could be rabid or just mean. Laws just don't work on law-breakers... fettering just the law abiding!


02-18-2013, 01:33 PM
They won't ever get it because they don't care about facts. To them guns = bad, and that's all that matters.

02-18-2013, 07:48 PM
West coast liberal Obummer voters invading Colorado. That explains a lot.

02-18-2013, 10:51 PM
Only guns in the hands of the common man are bad. There is no way for the liberal elites to control an armed populous. It isn't about controlling guns. It's about controlling you. That they understand.

02-19-2013, 12:00 AM
Exactly! The Liberal "elites"... that says it all. THEY know what's best for you simple clods... the common man. You're... all of us... just too dumb to know that they're trying to do what they think is best for <non-elite> commoners.


02-19-2013, 04:31 AM
......and we continue to rearrange the deck furniture, as the Titanic goes down!