View Full Version : After 2008 ammo supply

02-18-2013, 08:11 PM
Does anyone remember how long it was after the the 2008 election when ammo got a bit scarce until things somewhat "normalized" before the 2012 election and ammo run? Was it a year? I just cant remember.

I just don't remember it being this bad.

02-18-2013, 08:16 PM
it wasn't that bad compared to now.I would bet u won't see ammositting on shelves withoutsomelimitson them for the restof the year. this pielineisvirtualy empty and it is just gonna take a long time for it to fill up ad for ammo toagainb e just sittin on shelves. Now places like Gander mt.will hve ammo for they are ripping off people with such high rices that manywill just not buy.If it was priced fairandbalanced,they would be sucking hindtit to. I don't even go lookin anymore. If my wal mart doesn't haveit on the shelf, thenI know anywhere else I am gonna get ripped off. Hells it winterhere in Indiana so not a big needformeto be hitting the range either.

02-18-2013, 09:16 PM
I agree, this one is here for awhile. While I seem to be noticing gun prices subsiding a little bit (ARs now down to double instead of triple, Glocks seem to be stabilizing albeit a stupid price, etc), the ammo will continue to be in demand as long time and new gun owners continue to try and create a small stockpile.

I have a friend that recently became a first time (multiple) gun owner and he's now starting his 'stockpile' of ammo. He's having a hard time and its costing him a small fortune. I just have to think there are 10s of thousands in the same boat with all of us long time folks in the mix too.

I'm not paying a premium right now, but I'm buying whatever and whenever I find at normal to slightly inflated prices. I refuse to be caught with my britches down.

mr surveyor
02-18-2013, 09:44 PM
the last "early" prices I remember for something like 9mm was around 2005 when Blazer Aluminim was about $3.49/box and Blazer Brass was $4.49/box. During the same time, Win and Rem was about $4.99/box. Due to increased purchasing demand, if I remember correctly, there was about a 30% increase between 2005 and 2008 (pre-obamination). I wasn't just totally thrilled with that amount of increase but accepted it. But, post-obamanation prices almost instantly doubled at the retail level, which could be in some part attributed to massively increased demand due to (well founded) fears of leftists attacks.

I don't want to even think about re-living the last 4 years of hell.

I try to keep my happy thoughts of going to the hardware store every Saturday morning to buy my box of .22 rounds for Sunday shooting, and having to make the decision of 29 cents for shorts, 39 cents for longs or a whole 49 cents for long rifles. I usually opted for the 39 cent longs, which left me with a nickle for a coke and a nickle for a mr. goodbar out of my 50 cent budget. Besides, my dear old grandpaw gave me a nickle for every one of the stinking bluejays I could shoot off his grapevines. That let me buy long rifles at least once a month:)


02-19-2013, 06:13 PM
It was this bad for some calibers, but depended on what you were looking for. 380 literally fell of the face of the earth for 6 months or more. 380 pocket pistol popularity and short supply really bound things up.

I don't remember the online sellers ever complaining about delayed shipping due to too much business on the last pass. That's a new one on me.

I remember 12 to 18 months before 9mm, 40, and 223 started showing up at Walmart and staying on the shelf for more than a few hours. I guess that's my barometer from the last shortage.

02-19-2013, 08:08 PM
When the P380 was released early 2009(?), .380's just started going and .380 ammo disappeared! I didn't think that I would find any to break the NS version in when I got it. I didn't know that I would be waiting 11 months! I found ammo several times while waiting, but prices really sucked!

I was way ahead of this "shortage" and have everything that I wanted... except a "battle rifle" .308 NATO. Now I'm thinking about a MechTech upper for a Glock .40... maybe! They have stopped taking orders, too, working on present orders.


02-19-2013, 10:44 PM
I think it all depends on if you learned how to play the game the last time around. I picked up 2 boxes of BB 380 FMJ FN and 2 boxes of PDX 357 Sig along with 4 hi cap Glock 357 Sig mags from Midway tonight just by setting up email alerts when stuff arrives. Product notifications are you friend.