View Full Version : Broken follower

02-19-2013, 07:41 AM
I just noticed the front skirt of the follower on my 7 rnd. Mag. Was missing. I took it apart and found the piece inside. Cleaned it up good and super glued it back together. Guess ill just use that one for the range. I have a total of 4 mags for my pm9 anyway.

02-19-2013, 09:19 AM
I just noticed the front skirt of the follower on my 7 rnd. Mag. Was missing. I took it apart and found the piece inside. Cleaned it up good and super glued it back together. Guess ill just use that one for the range. I have a total of 4 mags for my pm9 anyway.
Well, you get a "A+" for innovation . . . but, if you have been reading here long, you know Kahr will ship you a free replacement follower in a heartbeat.

Email: service@kahr.com Phone: (508)795-3919

02-19-2013, 12:23 PM
I had one break in my PMJ9 same way, never failed either to work. I never even knew it until one day I took my magazine aprt to cleanit and out fell the broken peace. Have no clue how long it might have been broken. It pays to have a spare follower in the parts box.

02-19-2013, 03:02 PM
Mine worked fine too! I inspected it when I thought I heard something rattling around inside it. That's when I noticed it was broken.

02-21-2013, 11:40 AM
Well the super glue didn't work. I ran it about 3 times before she came apart again. So you say kahr will send me one FOC? Do I just email them with a pic. ?

02-21-2013, 11:47 AM
Yes, just send a picture and tell them it broke. They will send you another. If anyone wants to buy a spare follower, they sell a magazine KIT... KIT being the important word... where you can get a follower AND a spring for about $3 more than the spring for $15. Separately, the two parts sell for about $24 something total!


02-21-2013, 12:08 PM
Ok I'll tell them Wynn and Jocko sent me so I get special treatment.... Just kiddin

02-21-2013, 12:15 PM
Well the super glue didn't work. I ran it about 3 times before she came apart again. So you say kahr will send me one FOC? Do I just email them with a pic. ?

That's what I did. I asked them for a spare as well and got 2 followers in about 3 days

02-22-2013, 04:09 PM
Kahr got back to me today. I should be getting 2 new followers on Monday. I hope I don't keep breaking them. Sounds like this is becoming a common problem

02-22-2013, 09:27 PM
Kahr got back to me today. I should be getting 2 new followers on Monday. I hope I don't keep breaking them. Sounds like this is becoming a common problem

Not a common problem. Pretty rare. But we see the problems posted here while 1000s of happy owners never come on the forum. When people have problems, they come here seeking help. I think you will find that a pretty good percentage of forum members showed up here because they had trouble of some kind with their Kahrs, then they stayed because it is a great forum with great people who make you feel at home. :)

02-23-2013, 07:26 AM
10-4 footin

02-23-2013, 09:25 AM
Idk about that. There's also a lot of people who have broken followers that never came on this site. And some don't even know they have broken followers. Something is causing it.

02-23-2013, 09:48 AM

02-24-2013, 05:01 AM
Idk about that. There's also a lot of people who have broken followers that never came on this site. And some don't even know they have broken followers. Something is causing it.

You Sir have hit the proverbial nail right on the head.

Drinking the Kool-Aid does not make the obvious go away.

Just sayin' ;)

02-24-2013, 07:38 AM
Idk about that. There's also a lot of people who have broken followers that never came on this site. And some don't even know they have broken followers. Something is causing it.

know what is causing it, evidently kahr at this time has not come up with a 100% fix yet. rh204,if u feel it is not gonna get better,indeed u should send it back to kahr and let them do what they have to do. It seems once a gun breaks more than one follower, that THAT gun is not gonna get well by itself.

I have experienced one broken followe4 i over 5+_ years. I do't worry about it, but if it did three times ni a short time ,kahr would have it back to make it right.

I personally like cool aid, but I don't drink it with this follower thing. I have stated it before THAT FOLLOWERS SHOULD NOT BREAK Kahr knows that to. I don't think they are turning their backs on this either, . It took them awhile to get the busted magazines issue almost gone. We hardly read of that anymore and if we do it normaly is the older models.

Send it back, Clearances on thise kahrs we know are tight andi n ur case maybe ur clearance is just not gonna get better either. Evidently mine got better and many others have also. I think Wyn had to have an entire new lower before his issue went away.that in itself kinda tells me it is a clearance issue. I think the feed ramp could indeed be shortened to eliminate thhis.

I seen this years ago on the kel tek forum where busted followers were the norm until the RAMPECTOMY was discovered by one of the members. Was not a good thing for a novice to do but it did solve the issue. .It took kel tek a few years to get it right but it eventullayy went away:Amflag2:

We cannot make it go away.

02-24-2013, 09:28 AM
Well stated Jocko, I only have one broken follower so far and it's on the 7 rnd. One. Since 80% of the time I run the 6rnd. Mag. Because I like to practice with the one I carry in it, I figured that one would brake first. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, I don't want to send her away.

02-24-2013, 11:12 AM
Well I ain't defending kahr on this , I hopoe u know that, but again we can vent allthe fokk we want on this forum bu the place to vent is to kahr by email. It ain't defective followers either. I feel it is definitely related tothe small size of these guns which just doesnt allow much room for error but again that is nopt the buyers fault. I also know that u don't fix this sh!t over night or over months either, I have no clue as to wy the 7 round mag broke andnot the six, my thought are at the time that 7 round follower broke, ha du had the 6 round magin thereit wold have broken also. It seems on some guns that after some rounds are out of the gun things change with the gun and it just goes away. Why did I break only one follower in over 32K rounds and over 5 years of use??I have no clue other than at that particular timee all the stars were in perfect alignment and it just happened.

If a person can tolerate maybe two or more followers breaking and it doesn't get wellon its own, then IT NEEDS TO GO BACK FOR SURE.I have always felt that the 40 calkahrs were more suseptablle to this happening due tothe tremendopus bang the 40 produces. I would bet that gun does some contorsion that we cannot see either. Just my 2 cents on that..

rhd04, u just need to keep a close eye on those followers for awhile. If itr goes away chances are it will stay away. If its gonna bust um, it will happen sooner than later IMO. Just replacing followers is not the answer to an owner.

02-25-2013, 04:05 PM
I have a brand new MK40 and I was breaking either a 5rd or 6rd follower every time I went to the range. When I broke the first one, Kahr sent me a replacement. After the second one they said if it happens again, I need to send the gun in. It happened again so I sent it in, Kahr fixed it and replaced all broken followers for no cost. It has not reoccurred after they repaired the gun.

If it continues to happen, I would send the gun in for repair. Kahr did a good job addressing the problem.

02-26-2013, 07:18 AM
So, after reading and considering the many comments on the issue of broken followers and should a pistol go back or not to Kahr for service, I sent an email to Ian in CS and explained my PM9 breaking three followers.

I gave him the time line and the number of rounds fired thru my PM9 after replacing the followers with no other follower issues.

I asked if he thought my PM9 should be sent in for inspection and service if required.

Unusual as it seems, I have not heard back from Ian as of yet.

02-26-2013, 03:17 PM
Well I got my followers from kahr today. I'm very pleased with kahrs customer support. I put another 100 rnds. Through it today without any problems. Hopefully I'm lucky like Jocko and it will only be the one follower. Just thought I'd give an update. Still waiting on my xs big dots. Who knows when I'll get them. Last I heard they were waiting on the rear sight from trijicon.

03-02-2013, 02:48 PM
Picked up a brand new CM40 yesterday and took it to the range today. After the 40th round, my magazine follower broke as well. I sent Kahr an emal, I'm sure they will just send me a couple followers for now. We'll see what happens.

03-02-2013, 02:54 PM
From what I've read those 40's break them a lot more!