View Full Version : Laserlyte reaction targets

02-19-2013, 09:38 PM
With the shortage of ammo I still want to train on a regular basis. So for the price of about a case of ammo I purchased a SIRT and 4 LaserLyte reactionary targets. The cool thing about them is you can either run them in training mode where every time the laser from the SIRT hits it the light lights up. The one that I really like is in reactionary mode. In this mode the lights randomly activate from 3 to 7 seconds and are illuminated for 3 seconds. I activated them in reactionary mode and had a blast!! It is great for trigger control and sight alignment. I love these things!!

02-20-2013, 03:27 AM
Looks like fun but more like a video game...no actual recoil and no bullets used Has it's Positives and the Negs....