View Full Version : PM9 Mag question

04-03-2010, 09:53 AM
What mags are the same as the PM9?
I am rather new to Kahr and just wanted to know if any of the other Kahr mags are the same as the PM.

04-03-2010, 12:21 PM
What mags are the same as the PM9?
I am rather new to Kahr and just wanted to know if any of the other Kahr mags are the same as the PM.

MK9 and PM9 Magazine, 6 Rd. (http://www.kahrshop.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.asp?itmid=80)
(Fits P9 Covert, MK9 and PM9)

KAHR ARMS ONLINE SHOP (http://www.kahrshop.com/)

Any Kahr magazine for the 9mm(7rd or more) will fit the PM9(the above will fit flush)