View Full Version : Crappiest Shooting Ever

02-20-2013, 09:54 AM
:mad:So I took my cw9 to the range for the 3rd or 4th time in the past month. I am trying really hard to make it to the range every 7-10 days. I think Ihave been doing pretty well considering this is my first 9mm. My groupings are not real tight but within 4-5" at 30 feet. You can read about my experiences and see some of my targets here: www.belrockcitygirl.com (http://www.belrockcitygirl.com)

And then yesterday came along. I was so frustrated I left early. I have no idea what was going on. I was actually missing the entire target! really? I have only missed the target ONE TIME with this gun, and that was the very first shot I ever fired out of it. I know it is really hard for anyone to give any advice regarding this, but any comments would be appreciated! There were just a couple of things that were different from my other range time:

1.) russian steel case 124 gr. ammo
2.) new paint job on my gun
3.) added vet wrap on grip (self adhering wrap commonly used on horses
legs or to wrap athletes joints)

I put 50 of the steel casing TulAmmo to start and didnt hit that target more than a few times! I did put about 10 124 gr. brass fmj through it, and 4 147 gr. Hornady hollow points. I did hit the bull a couple of times with the brass ammmo.:confused:

02-20-2013, 10:04 AM
a simple solutio to show what ur doing wrong or what ur doin right.

Buy a half dozen snap caps, throuw them in with 30 rounds, let anutter person load ur mags, so u know not if one, 3 or none arein the magazine. Ican assure u, it will show ur shooting ills fast and then u can start to work on what is causing it.

it ain't the ammo. Kahrs as u know have a very looooong trigger system.It is there by design, but 4-5" at 30 feet IMO is excellent, so what has changed???/YOU THE SHOOTER..

dry firing at home really doesn't show anything, as u know there is no bang thing gonna happen. live fire with dud rounds will show it for sure..

02-20-2013, 11:18 AM
What jocko said first of all, +1 on the snap caps at the range and also some trigger time with them on the couch. Leave out the live rounds on the couch. I think just be super familiar w/ the trigger, thru dry fire at home, is very helpful. I did it ALOT at first. I found it invaluable personally.

Second, if you were shooting 3-4" groups at 10 yards before and now missing entirely. Try one more time, but if you are missing again, first thing I'd consider is checking that rear sight. Way back when, my P9 actually came loose (from the factory) and move enough to be shooting well over 6" to the left. When I cleaned it after that range trip, it actually fell off completely. Readjusted, re-loctited, and back in business at the time. I'd say that's infrequent and unlikely, but it happens.

Keep shooting it. If you were getting groups that size at that distance this quickly, you'll be fine.

02-20-2013, 11:20 AM
good point chrish.

02-20-2013, 11:23 AM
good point chrish.

you mean about leaving out the live rounds when dry firing on the couch? definitely!

mr surveyor
02-20-2013, 11:23 AM
I would also recommend moving the target in to 3-5 yards so you can have a better chance of tracing all the rounds a little better. Being able to see where all, or most of those strays are going will help identify the problem.

MW surveyor
02-20-2013, 11:30 AM
There were just a couple of things that were different from my other range time:

1.) russian steel case 124 gr. ammo
2.) new paint job on my gun
3.) added vet wrap on grip (self adhering wrap commonly used on horses
legs or to wrap athletes joints)

I put 50 of the steel casing TulAmmo to start and didnt hit that target more than a few times! I did put about 10 124 gr. brass fmj through it, and 4 147 gr. Hornady hollow points. I did hit the bull a couple of times with the brass ammmo.:confused:

So you guys don't think its the ammo? Judging by the above paragraph, in my humble opinion, it could be.

Could be loaded hotter or slower than what the gun likes.

02-20-2013, 12:06 PM
So you guys don't think its the ammo? Judging by the above paragraph, in my humble opinion, it could be.

Could be loaded hotter or slower than what the gun likes.

Considering that even with the 14 rounds of brass ammo she still only hit the target a couple of times, I'd say it's not the ammo.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

02-20-2013, 12:08 PM
I don't like tul ammo but I have shot it in my glock kand never found accuracy of that round to be an issue.

MW surveyor
02-20-2013, 01:07 PM
She didn't say she hit the target a few times. She said she hit the bull a few times with the brass cased ammo.

02-20-2013, 01:51 PM
I think it's the gun rejecting the pink paint.


02-20-2013, 03:19 PM
I would start by trying no russian ammo (I have had it fly all over the place in .45 but not that bad) and remove the paint from the crown of the barrel. I wouldn't think that the paint on the crown would be that bad short distance but who knows when you throw in russian ammo.

Just my thoughts

02-20-2013, 04:26 PM
I think it's the gun rejecting the pink paint.


You might have sumthin' there.


02-20-2013, 05:13 PM
I think it's the gun rejecting the pink paint.


I suspect it's all those kids! And get rid of that crap ammo!

02-20-2013, 05:52 PM
A laser and some dry fire time might help you out, watch what the laser does while pulling the trigger. These guns have a long pull, you might be dropping the barrel through the trigger pull. Pull the trigger up to the break point, then sight it in and let her rip. See if this helps. I had the same problem shooting low with my S&W .40c. Pulled to the break, sighted then shot cured the problem. I group very tight with the pistol now.

mr surveyor
02-20-2013, 07:13 PM
I was going to say my usual...."commie ammo is for commie guns", but when it's the only availabe projectile on the market there may not be many affordable options. At 3-5 yards it just ain't gonna be that perceptable. My guess is that the OP is anticipating the recoil and "pushing" the round out of the barrel ... and off target.

02-20-2013, 07:39 PM
My guess would be anticipation of the recoil and pushing the gun..... I have been there and done that! Hang a bigger sheet of paper up so you can see where the shots are going. Knowing where you hit it is half the battle to determining the correction. I would also second the snap caps. When I start having issues I go to my wheel gun and load a couple of rounds without looking then spin the cylinder and snap it shut. It will show you if you are anticipating.

02-20-2013, 08:05 PM
First, check the sights to make sure they have not been shifted when you painted the gun. then try ammo that you KNOW has shot well in the past. It sometimes happens that a good gun and good ammo are a poor combination.

Gringo Pistolero
02-20-2013, 09:36 PM
Since no one else has mentioned it... it could also be the vet wrap on the grip. That stuff is pretty grippy and could be changing the way you grip the pistol. Sometimes it is best to only change one thing at a time when tweaking your firearms.

I suspect it was just a bad day though - we've all had them. Keep practicing both dry fire and live fire and things should get better!

02-20-2013, 09:44 PM
Dang! I hate to be the one to bring this topic up, but maybe it's that time of the month deal.:rolleyes:

Hey! Don't shoot the messenger! Jes' joking, anyhow! :behindsofa:

Really, I'm a supporter, BRCG!
I'm just trying to inject a little humor... a pitiful attempt, I know.


02-20-2013, 09:55 PM
3.) added vet wrap on grip (self adhering wrap commonly used on horses
legs or to wrap athletes joints)

Vet wrap is latex based and pretty sticky to the touch. Far stickier than other rubber grips. Cool way to add color though. Pink I presume?

If your grip was incorrect it would likely still feel comfortable but rounds might be inconsistent because you're pulling the trigger left or right depending on your grip.

I'd try it again without the vet wrap.

And also practice with snap caps home and with someone else loading a mag with 1 of them at the range. The idea is you don't know where they are. Any flinch will be obvious when you find the snap cap.

02-21-2013, 12:25 AM
Anybody seeing the irony in a pink weapon shooting tulammo?

02-21-2013, 12:57 AM
I drove my new 1985 bright RED Audi Quattro into East Berlin during the Cold War... before the Wall came down.


02-21-2013, 09:41 AM
Hello BelRockCityGirl and welcome to Kahrtalk....As you see this is a real friendly place with lots of folks ready and willing to help out...

I totally understand the deal about sometimes missing the target and then starting to wonder is it the gun, my grip, the ammo, sun spots or is it just me....It happens to everybody with every sport out there be it golf, tennis, bowling or anything else if we have a particularly bad day we want to start changing things up to the point we tend to forget where we were at when we last had a good performance....

Here's a couple things that helped me with my PM40...First I have medium small hands so I found if I use more trigger finger up to the first joint like revolver guys use I don't tend to drop the shots low and left (I'm a right hander)....Get a good high tight grip with both your shooting hand and the support hand...Concentrate on your breathing and relax, stage the trigger and then really bear down on the front sight and fire....

Now when things really start off bad here's something that helps me....Run the target up real close like 7-10 feet and fire until you hit what you are aiming at then slowly ease it back to more normal distances until you can do the same thing....Its kind of like the moon in the fall that looks very large when it's near the horizon but at it's highest point it looks much smaller...It didn't change size but is just how our eyes perceive it....Same with the bullseye...Try that and see it it helps you...Good luck and let us know....

02-21-2013, 11:23 AM
I think it's the gun rejecting the pink paint.


I have considered that the pink might be bad luck! I am going back to the range on tuesday, I am hoping that I just had a really off day and that I will be back on target next week.

02-21-2013, 01:33 PM
Nah, it's not the paint. Make it yours proudly!
Get used to the gun and try some decent ammo.
Have fun with it