View Full Version : Here's a link to cam&company NEED TO WATCH

02-20-2013, 02:08 PM
Don't know how many of you get sportsman channel, if you don't you don't get cam&company good info on the nra program.Here's a link and you can watch it live from 2-5 EST


02-20-2013, 05:45 PM
Good read!

02-21-2013, 09:55 AM
Come on guys you should really watch this show.Here's another link no waiting this was yesterdays show. Click on link wait to load once loaded click on top left Cam&Company 02/20/13 that will start yesterdays show. I've gotten addicted to watching and hearing all that is said on this show there is no BS on it as far as I can see please check it out


and click on Cam&Company 02/21/13

you can run it in back round and listen while your still on KahrTalk
Please respond back to keep this thread going so others will see it

02-21-2013, 07:03 PM
You've got it, Harrylee. The NRA has a wealth of firearms information available in addition to defending 2A. Everyone who own a gun should join, watch and learn. Never trust anyone who doesn't trust you to own a gun.

02-21-2013, 08:48 PM
Thank you for the reply, I would like to keep this thread alive. I see a lot of views and no replies, this show tells things the way they are no BS it’s the real facts. It probably the best info that we will get, isn’t it ironic that for all this time we as the people have lived with out all this turmoil of the gun culture and those who did not carry .We have become the victim of this government and state witch hunt. We do not know from day to day what state is next to pull what illegal acts they think they can do. So please if anyone looks at this and likes what they see just post back good info to keep this tread up there so others will look and learn. And the end of each show Cam give a armed citizen report and I would have to say probably around 80% of the time the trigger was never pulled we do not get this from the media. So please watch and please post

Thank You

02-23-2013, 11:25 AM
I try to catch the show daily. Good stuff, only thing I don't like, is the short amount of time the guests have, and the fact that he very obviously leads the script so it becomes a "do you think I'm right?" kind of conversation.