View Full Version : Supply of new Kahrs has dried up

02-20-2013, 06:33 PM
Never seen this happen before: There are no Kahrs in stock at Bud's. And only 1 model at GrabAGun.

I know that gun sales have been running at record levels in the past few months, but much of the buying frenzy seems to have been on AR's and most anything with a "high cap" magazine, neither of which would drive demand for Kahr products. But with the exception of AR's, most other manufacturers have been managing to keep at least some new product available.

So I'm not sure what the story is with Kahr ... has the buying frenzy engulfed their products as well; or are we finally seeing the impact of a holiday (Christmas/New Year) extended shutdown that many companies do now; or a component shortage....?

Probably no factual info out there, but I thought it was worth posting the observation.

02-20-2013, 06:50 PM
I stopped at my lgs today and they had about ten new and a couple used kahrs. Ace in Washington pa

02-20-2013, 06:56 PM
There some Kahr's in stock at http://www.palmettostatearmory.com

Everybody is low or out of just about everything. The pipeline is empty, so even if demand went back to pre-craziness levels, we'd still be looking at a half year or so to fill the pipeline back up. One of your few options is to bid on Gunbroker and be prepared to pay "too much" if you expect to win the auction. Other than that...dunno. :(

02-20-2013, 07:06 PM
Things went from a run on all AR/AKs, mags and ammo.
To a run on semi auto handguns, mags and ammo.
My LGS is picked nearly clean of everything.
Except bolt/lever action rifles, shotguns and revolvers.
I've never ever seen anything like this.

Some AR/AKs are starting to come back.
But it's slim pickings.
Ammo is coming back too.
But at ridiculous prices.

It's going to take some time for the market to stabilize.
One more shooting.
Or passage of some crazy new law.
Could set things back in motion in a flash.

02-20-2013, 07:08 PM
I am not worried, I got mine, 2 of them.:D

02-20-2013, 07:10 PM
I deal with three suppliers and none of them have any Kahrs in stock. I asked my rep what he thought and he said they are working on it, but couldn't give me a time table. I told him I wanted to buy 10 of the new CM380s and he said he would let me know wwhen they are available.

02-20-2013, 07:12 PM
Probably no factual info out there, but I thought it was worth posting the observation.

Perhaps you should try other dealers or contact Kahr directly for sales facts. My local gun shop ordered and received my new K9 Elite last month. But it took two weeks to arrive due to the wholesaler being swamped.

02-20-2013, 08:13 PM
not a half year... jobbers orders are there... it would be maybe six weeks till we saw things back on shelves in ok supply on popular stuff. the less popular stuff might be six months tho.

02-22-2013, 07:36 PM
I've seen a few new Kahrs in my area and they're actually selling well. Most of them are the cm or cw series with the occasional p or pm. However, it's been probably 5 years since I saw a new steel Kahr on the shelves at any gun store in my area. The k40 I recently bought was used but it is a covert model which would be impossible to find new as they quit making them in 2001. Polymer Kahrs are easier to sell from what I've seen. I don't think their is enough brand awareness for most people to justify the price tag. If you didn't know anything about Kahrs $700-$800 plus is a lot of money to chance on something that you don't know much about.

02-22-2013, 07:56 PM
Plus if you're looking for a mid or large size pistol most would go wit a double stack mag. For more firepower I would think

02-23-2013, 11:26 AM
Some new Kahrs - mostly PM9's of various types - showed up at Bud's yesterday, replenishing their supply a little bit. This is informative, because it tells me that Kahrs are continuing to become available.

I have noticed the same thing for some other brands, including H&K, FNH and S&W.

Now if more ammo started showing up, I'd be even happier.

02-23-2013, 01:31 PM
I have noticed the supply drying up as well.

02-23-2013, 01:36 PM
Probably or could it be with all the crappy new laws in NY and other places where Kahrs are about the only guns to fit the bill be where a lot of the supply is going as well?

02-23-2013, 05:49 PM
Well, I can't fault our yankee brothers for buying up the hardware that won't land them in those tyrants' jails.

Saw 5 different Kahr models in the display case at McBride's Guns in Austin earlier this week.

02-23-2013, 06:03 PM
I stopped at my lgs today and they had about ten new and a couple used kahrs. Ace in Washington pa

I went down to Ace last weekend looking to see if they had any of the new CW380's or XDS 9mm's but there was none in sight. Did you happen to notice either of the two while you were there?

02-23-2013, 06:13 PM
No I didn't.

02-23-2013, 07:47 PM
At https://www.galleryofguns.com/ CW9s were ALWAYS listed as having 99 in inventory. Since the craziness it has been zero. :confused:

02-23-2013, 10:06 PM
One of the LGSs here that I frequent always has a couple CM9s in the case every time I'm in there. He is having a heck of a time keeping Glocks, especially the G19, and the S&W Shields though. I walked in as he was putting a G19 out the other day and wanted to look at it, so he handed it to me instead of putting it in the case. As he handed it to me, he said he'd had 8 or 10 calls for one that morning and told them it was on the way. While I was looking at it another guy walked in and was pacing the floor thinking he was too late. I led him on for a little while (bad I know) and then thought he was gonna hug me when I handed it to him. Needless to say, that one never made to the display case.

02-24-2013, 12:15 AM
Most of the CW models are gone, except some .40 and .45 models. I talked to a FFL dealer I know and his distributor says no one is promising delivery on anything for 2 YEARS.

My CW9 was stolen out of my truck Wednesday and I went to 2 different gun shows in the Dallas area today to find a replacement... to no avail. I bought the first CM9 I found.

My FFL buddy says the 9mm stuff is on fire, he can't keep it in stock. I thought since the CW9 is a single stack pistol, there should be plenty of them (the fear-mongers going after the double-stack mag guns) but he said no, it's any 9mm.

02-24-2013, 01:09 AM
Two of my local Fred Meyer stores each had about 6 Kahrs. They seem to be stocking four CM9s, one CM40, and one CW45 in each location here.

So I guess it's all about where you are and where the Kahrs are.


02-24-2013, 01:57 AM
Shooters here in Jacksonville has lots of them... dozens at least. They had the usual case full when I got my G23C a few weeks ago.

I didn't think I would find a G19, but one popped up on GunsAmerica and I jumped on it. I was really surprised at the the $529 price, no CC fee, and free shipping! I didn't think long at all on that. I had been thinking about a Gen 4 for Wifey, but the Gen 3 spring is probably lighter and easier for her to rack, as is my G23C.

She really doesn't like the strong-springed Kahrs, but her background is with revolvers from the USAF training.


Rio Vista Slim
02-25-2013, 03:38 PM
My local gun shop has gun casses that pretty much run all four walls of his main display room. This past Friday I stopped in to get a holster, and was appalled to see how many of the normally full cases were either empty or only had a couple of handguns.

No ARs, no AKs, no Ruger Mini-14s, no Glocks, etc..........

I bought my CM9 from them over a year ago, and because of my recommendation, they began carrying Kahrs. Yep, none of those either.

Ammunition? Forget about it!

(Glad I stocked up before this latest round of insane buying.)

02-25-2013, 03:54 PM

02-25-2013, 05:57 PM
What I have never understood was how like on gunbroker and in my local gun store there are usually more Kimbers than Kahrs because I always thought that Kimbers sold more, but apparently not or they just are making a lot of Kimbers.

02-25-2013, 06:09 PM
If the NY SAFE law isn't repeal (much effort being made to see that it is) the PM9 and it's seven round brothers may become much more popular here in the liberal sinkhole.

02-26-2013, 03:26 PM
If the NY SAFE law isn't repeal (much effort being made to see that it is) the PM9 and it's seven round brothers may become much more popular here in the liberal sinkhole.

Sad but probably true ... at least until NY puts yet another set of restrictions in place; things like no barrels longer than 1", all guns must be entirely blaze orange, guns must be equipped with audible warning signals (like back-up alarms), etc. The ideas are endless.

02-26-2013, 03:42 PM
Why would the PM9 become more popular in NY?

02-26-2013, 03:54 PM
My LGS had 4 new ones last Friday.

MW surveyor
02-26-2013, 04:16 PM
Why would the PM9 become more popular in NY?

NY magic number for a magazine fed gun is now 7 rounds.

02-26-2013, 09:20 PM
Aren't most guns 7 rounds like the 1911 couldn't people carry those still in NY?

02-26-2013, 10:50 PM
Yes, a 1911 with a standard 7 round mag would be a good choice for New Yorkers.
I imagine, they'll also be selling a lot of Kahrs, Sheilds, Keltecs and small single stack guns. 7 round mags will probably start appearing for other pistols if the law sticks. Or I suppose you could modify a magazine, cut down the spring and put a block of wood or something in the bottom to limit it to 7 rounds. I wonder if that would pass muster with the Gestapo? I wonder if they consider revolver cylinders as magazines, there are a few 8 shot .357's out there. They should be considered the same thing as going 7+1, but that implies common sense, of which NY lawmakers seem to have little of.
I just checked Galleryofguns.com, and they had 1 1911, 0 .38's or .357 revovlers. Never seen them that low on stock before. It's crazy.