View Full Version : CW45 stuck striker???

04-03-2010, 11:00 AM
I had fired about 50 rd through my CW45 without any problelms; cleaned the gun and put it away.
About a week later got the gun back out to take to the range; racked the slide to make sure it wasn't loaded and the slide would not return to battery by about 1/2 inch:mad:. Took the slide off to check for a problem and it looked like the striker was pushed all the way back to the back of the slide. I have a CW9 so I took the slide off to check the position of the striker; it was forward and moved very freely with just ligh spring force...

I was able to push the spriker forward but it did not move very freely at all:confused:; used some breakfree at the front and also put some in the hole in slide near the front of the striker and things broke fee and it started to move freely??? Put the gun back together and it seems to work fine; racked the slide and she goes back to battery;dry fired a few times and all seems OK.

I will go to the range next to see if it goes bang:86:. Any ideas about what may have happened: could I have assyembled the gun wrong or could it be just dirt and crud in the striker area???

Let me know what you think; this gun has about 500rd fired without any problems and now this!

04-03-2010, 11:12 AM
probably factory crude in the sriker channel. Try this and it should take care of it. Get a can of good guns spray cleaner, I prefer the a NAPA brand 3M Black can of very high pressure non cholorinated brake cleaner #08880 for about $2.50 per can. I have never used anything better and certainly nothng with as much can pressure as this stuff does. It will not harm polymer or anything on the gun, other than it will clean right down to the bare metal. It just cleans that good.

Now with the spray nozzle in the spray cleaner, insert it in that little hole on the bottom of the slide up by the front by the breech hole. Spray away, and fluids will come out both ends, Now with that nozzle in there yet, just pull back on the striker with your free finger and continue spraying. That really opens up the striker channel even more. Now just put the spray nozzle right at the breech hole and with the strike pulled back, spray away and everything will now come out that clean out hole and WALLA, you have throughly cleaned that striker channel Do not oil that channel.

You just had a very crudy striker channel and that is why we always recommend cleaning that striker channel before going out with the gun.

You might want to refer to the kahr tech section and hit on the thread PROPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR. You seemed to have trouble shot the issue anyway. I think your just wanting additional assurance that nothing is wrong and IMO, NOTHING IS WRONG. Now just shoot it like u stole it..

04-03-2010, 11:35 AM
probably factory crude in the sriker channel. Try this and it should take care of it. Get a can of good guns spray cleaner, I prefer the a NAPA brand 3M Black can of very high pressure non cholorinated brake cleaner #08880 for about $2.50 per can. I have never used anything better and certainly nothng with as much can pressure as this stuff does. It will not harm polymer or anything on the gun, other than it will clean right down to the bare metal. It just cleans that good.

Now with the spray nozzle in the spray cleaner, insert it in that little hole on the bottom of the slide up by the front by the breech hole. Spray away, and fluids will come out both ends, Now with that nozzle in there yet, just pull back on the striker with your free finger and continue spraying. That really opens up the striker channel even more. Now just put the spray nozzle right at the breech hole and with the strike pulled back, spray away and everything will now come out that clean out hole and WALLA, you have throughly cleaned that striker channel Do not oil that channel.

You just had a very crudy striker channel and that is why we always recommend cleaning that striker channel before going out with the gun.

You might want to refer to the kahr tech section and hit on the thread PROPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR. You seemed to have trouble shot the issue anyway. I think your just wanting additional assurance that nothing is wrong and IMO, NOTHING IS WRONG. Now just shoot it like u stole it..
Jocko, are there any pics available on the forum to show where "that little hole on the bottom of the slide up by the front by the breech hole" is. Thanks.

04-03-2010, 11:55 AM
not sure but if you turn the slide upside down, there is ONLY ONE HOLE THERE. It is up front by the breech face. More than likely there are photos around to, I just don't know where but I bet there are some good forum members here that could photo their slide and show it on this forum...

Here u go. Go to the kahr tech section on this forum and hit on KAHR LUBE DIAGRAM. (It is the second STICKY down) ...the photo will show an arrow #9. It is also pointing to that small hole up front. That is the clean out hole..

04-03-2010, 02:37 PM
not sure but if you turn the slide upside down, there is ONLY ONE HOLE THERE. It is up front by the breech face. More than likely there are photos around to, I just don't know where but I bet there are some good forum members here that could photo their slide and show it on this forum...

Here u go. Go to the kahr tech section on this forum and hit on KAHR LUBE DIAGRAM. (It is the second STICKY down) ...the photo will show an arrow #9. It is also pointing to that small hole up front. That is the clean out hole..
Thanks, got it. I actually went to an older thread and saw you discuss in the Kahr prep post. Very valuable stuff to keep us running smoothly.

04-03-2010, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the quick reply on the issue of my stuck striker; I was able to get a can of brake cleaner today to Wally World (not the brand you suggested but it should work). I will give it a good blasting and see how it goes.

I agree with you that the problem could very well be just a lot of crud in the striker channel. Thanks for your input...my CW 45 has been 100% up until now and I am sure it will be once more after a good cleaning.

For those who wanted more info about the location of the "little hole " in the slide. Go to the Kahr site and look at the parts page with the break down of the slide and you will see it there..

04-03-2010, 10:40 PM
Off message input: while I was at Wally World; I saw more ammo in the case than I have seen for a long time...maybe supply won't be the problem it has been for the last year or so...

04-04-2010, 11:51 AM
Went back to the range after cleaning the striker zone of my CW45 per jocko method.
I can report a good result; 50 rd down range without any problems.

I need to be clear here , the gun has never failed to fire; I found the stuck striker when I was getting the gun ready to go to the range. Still a not sure when it got stuck in the first place.

Don't forget to clean the striker channel; we all need to make it part of our mx plan.

jocko; any feel how ofter this should be done???

04-04-2010, 12:29 PM
for me anyhow, every time I clean my gun, barrel and slide etc, It takes about 15 seconds to spray clean that striker channel using that clean out hole. No Oil in the striker channel, leave it dry. all is stainless and that should be part of your cleaning routine. We can see crude in barrels or on slides etc but we can't see the crude inside the striker channel, so if u clean it every time you clean the weapon, it will stay perfectly clean. I just don't think it is necessary to totally disasemble the slide, un less you have a bad striker spinrg or something inside that channel that is broken. Which hardly ever happens...Sounds to me like your gun is now good to go, so enjoy it and just shoot it like u stole it. The kahr 45's seems to be really catching on..

There are some small parts in the upper slide that if one takes it down enough, he best have a very clean and sterile area, for things tend to fly when taking that slide totally down. Again, if it ain't broke don't fix it...