View Full Version : Saw this on another sight... Very Disturbing

02-21-2013, 02:37 AM

02-21-2013, 03:10 AM

02-21-2013, 09:22 AM
Law enforcement targets inc.


Have a gander for yourselfs.

Longitude Zero
02-21-2013, 09:24 AM
I can't tell about the little boy but the others all have guns pointed in what most might consider a threatening manner. Point a gun at an LEO the fact you are pregnant won't save you at all. Put a person in fear of their life I don't care who you are or what you look like bang...bang...

02-21-2013, 09:27 AM
These are to desensitize O's minions so that they won't have a problem shooting American citizens.

02-21-2013, 09:52 AM
The avg citizen.... THE NEW FACE OF TERRORISM!!!!!!!

Do YOU wanna be READY?

We have have 24hr shifts going right now.. so get em while the shootins good people..

Protect yourself from a single.mother sleeper cell.

We are now offering bulk pack pricing on our new target line. " no more hesitation" ..... and even a lil boy target for the catholic shooters.

New sales.pitch for l.e. targets inc. Lmfao

02-21-2013, 10:12 AM
If they got any with Pelosi's or Feinstein's pictures on um put me down for a crate...:59:

02-21-2013, 10:31 AM
A few years back, there was an online "shoot/no shoot" exercise where someone did a study showing how racist people were for shooting the black guy, even though he had a cell phone in his hand instead of a gun. Putting aside the racial thing, that was a more useful exercise than shooting a bunch of armed white people targets.

Yogi 117
02-21-2013, 11:33 AM
If they got any with Pelosi's or Feinstein's pictures on um put me down for a crate...:59:
Amen to that! :eek:

02-21-2013, 01:39 PM
Law enforcement targets inc.
Have a gander for yourselfs.

There was no category for DHS targets.
I looked at a few others, did not see any pregnant women, soccer moms, little kids, or grandmas.

There were some women being held hostage by men, but nothing like what is pictured in the infowars link.

I'm not going to spend all day looking. Prove it or it's still bullshit.

02-21-2013, 02:16 PM
Never said it wasnt.... i stood middle ground in that post did i not?

Personally im having a hard time gettin past the sites home page to do some digging.... perhaps it doesnt like mobile devices or im on the no access i.p. list due to personal and political views posted around the net....

02-21-2013, 02:20 PM
I also looked and was only impressed that they offer such a variety. I can understand why they would have targets resembling the scenarios they likely face no matter what agency.

However, my range would gag if one were to hang life like targets. They even stopped the OBL targets when the first appeared. I absolutely don't suggest it, but I imagine they would absolutely flip out over LEO targets. Especially since it is a "Police Training Institute" for LEO's.

What really impressed me on the target site was the numerous overlays of cell phones, guns, etc. They can have the same target with the target holding different objects to teach threat recognition.

02-21-2013, 02:20 PM
Never said it wasnt.... i stood middle ground in that post did i not?

Personally im having a hard time gettin past the sites home page to do some digging.... perhaps it doesnt like mobile devices or im on the no access i.p. list due to personal and political views posted around the net....

Sorry, misinterpreted that. I got to about 7 or 8 sub-pages on that LETargets site. Took them forever to load.

I think it's just societal leeches feeding on the current hysteria to generate advertising revenue on their website. And I participated. I feel dirty. I think I'll go take a shower.

I mean, it's Alex Jones, right? I'll never click another InfoWars link.

02-21-2013, 02:31 PM
No worries scoundrel.....none at all.

Far as a.j. ive kept.my eyes on his stuff for bout 5 yrs now... always with grains of salt and b.s. filters...

However ive gotten much good. Proveable info as i have bunk. Reading or listening between the lines is needed when anyone is goin as far as a.j.

I do my own research. As should all of us ..

f anyone finds something on this true or bunk post up

02-21-2013, 02:35 PM
In my opinion infowars enjoys fear mongering.

In the PD we had targets that involved young females, older men, etc. They had stickers that could replace the hand with a cell phone, gun, etc. Honestly, there is a real possibility of ANYONE being armed, so we shouldn't train police that only a guy in sunglasses and a hoodie could be dangerous. Just because it's not your ideal target, doesn't mean it can't still be a target.....

From LETargets:
No More Hesitation Targets were designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.No More Hesitation faded background enhances the isolation and is meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusal targets for the first time.
Link (http://www.letargets.com/estylez_ps.aspx?searchmode=category&searchcatcontext=%7e010000%7e010100%7e010101.2)
BUT - when you go to Scenario targets (http://www.letargets.com/estylez_ps.aspx?searchmode=category&searchcatcontext=%7e010000%7e010100) I don't see them listed...so who knows.

The police need to train for any situation, not just the ones we find the most pleasing. Women, even pregnant ones, can be a threat. The site lists nothing about DHS, just police. Also, keep in mind part of the DHS role would be to deal with illegals in the countries, in which a pregnant female very well could be a part of the group...or a kid....or any other displeasing target.

02-21-2013, 03:11 PM
Just silly. Someone is obviously trying to start drama. I take this subforum less seriously the more I read from it.

02-21-2013, 04:48 PM
I hope they have one of me!

02-21-2013, 06:53 PM
I don't let stuff like that bother me. I just consider the source. I know a real threat when I see one.

02-21-2013, 07:27 PM

The site seems to be runnin now..

Longitude Zero
02-22-2013, 08:37 AM
In my opinion infowars enjoys fear mongering.

In the PD we had targets that involved young females, older men, etc. They had stickers that could replace the hand with a cell phone, gun, etc. Honestly, there is a real possibility of ANYONE being armed, so we shouldn't train police that only a guy in sunglasses and a hoodie could be dangerous. Just because it's not your ideal target, doesn't mean it can't still be a target.....

From LETargets:
No More Hesitation Targets were designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.No More Hesitation faded background enhances the isolation and is meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusal targets for the first time.
Link (http://www.letargets.com/estylez_ps.aspx?searchmode=category&searchcatcontext=%7e010000%7e010100%7e010101.2)
BUT - when you go to Scenario targets (http://www.letargets.com/estylez_ps.aspx?searchmode=category&searchcatcontext=%7e010000%7e010100) I don't see them listed...so who knows.

The police need to train for any situation, not just the ones we find the most pleasing. Women, even pregnant ones, can be a threat. The site lists nothing about DHS, just police. Also, keep in mind part of the DHS role would be to deal with illegals in the countries, in which a pregnant female very well could be a part of the group...or a kid....or any other displeasing target.


02-22-2013, 09:34 AM
Not arguing whos right.... but using it to see what has happened....

We really NEED to desensitize law enforcement to this level.. ?

How many preg women have any of you leos held at gun point? What threat did they pose to you?

Imho youd see a preg woman with a hand gun only a few scenarios..... and all of them YOU are the perpetrator.. period..

The targets are to get the trainees accustom to what you might come across in the avg illegal unconstitutional home raid. For firearms or.otherwise...

Again you would still be the perp. And the targets are defending themselves and their belongings.

Cant use the immigration card.... sorry.. since the ongoing "flood our country with your people" campaign illegals havent a care in the world save for how to sign up for more freebies

..forgive me as im having a hard time seeing it any other way..

This is a slivver of a larger picture..

Ahh yea the little boy with a pistol.... raise your hand if you think the child is in an offensive mindset or position.

Or is he home alone responding to 4 men dressed in black booting the front door in?

Whos the perp?. . . I guess that depends on how blindly the sheep follow the masters new executive orders huh? ...

Just expressing possibilities here.


02-22-2013, 09:54 AM
I personally HAVE fought a pregnant female to the ground and had to put her in handcuffs....she didn't have a gun at the time, but she did assault two police officers. To think that no pregnant woman would EVER wrongfully point a gun at someone is just ignorant. I'm sure if you went into the inner city of LA or Chicago, any gang banging chick who got knocked up will just give up on her ghetto lifestyle for those 9 months....suuuure...just like the baby daddy will also give up the gang life to get a treal job and be a good father. It COULD happen but in most cases I'd say it won't.....

Once you've worked as a cop, and attempted to arrest a man for beating up his wife, after she called 911, only to then have to get into a fight with her because she don't want her man taken to jail (after he just broke her nose) you can talk about how the only time a disagreeable target points a gun at the police is when they're in the wrong.

As far as the kid goes, the point of those scenarios and targets is to make you identify what the suspect is holding. They are trying to teach you not to look at WHO is pointing something at you, but pay more attention to WHAT they're pointing at you. Even if a kid who has just found a gun and is treating it like a toy has no ill intentions, does that make the gun any less lethal? You would approach the situation differently and try everything in the world to not have to shoot him, but at the end of the day when the 9mm strikes you in the face, does it matter if it was in malice or accidental?

I don't buy into this whole "The government is out to kill all citizens" conspiracy crap. I understand there are those who would disarm us, but there are also those fighting for those same freedoms. I don't think any of the guys I worked on the force with would start kicking down doors to start disarming legal citizens just because Obama said it should be so....

02-22-2013, 11:06 AM
I personally HAVE fought a pregnant female to the ground and had to put her in handcuffs....she didn't have a gun at the time, but she did assault two police officers. To think that no pregnant woman would EVER wrongfully point a gun at someone is just ignorant. I'm sure if you went into the inner city of LA or Chicago, any gang banging chick who got knocked up will just give up on her ghetto lifestyle for those 9 months....suuuure...just like the baby daddy will also give up the gang life to get a treal job and be a good father. It COULD happen but in most cases I'd say it won't.....

Once you've worked as a cop, and attempted to arrest a man for beating up his wife, after she called 911, only to then have to get into a fight with her because she don't want her man taken to jail (after he just broke her nose) you can talk about how the only time a disagreeable target points a gun at the police is when they're in the wrong.

As far as the kid goes, the point of those scenarios and targets is to make you identify what the suspect is holding. They are trying to teach you not to look at WHO is pointing something at you, but pay more attention to WHAT they're pointing at you. Even if a kid who has just found a gun and is treating it like a toy has no ill intentions, does that make the gun any less lethal? You would approach the situation differently and try everything in the world to not have to shoot him, but at the end of the day when the 9mm strikes you in the face, does it matter if it was in malice or accidental?

I don't buy into this whole "The government is out to kill all citizens" conspiracy crap. I understand there are those who would disarm us, but there are also those fighting for those same freedoms. I don't think any of the guys I worked on the force with would start kicking down doors to start disarming legal citizens just because Obama said it should be so....

Good perspective.. thanks for the response.

As far as the"whack all civies" campaign.

I dont give it much credit either. However. Undeniably the preparation is being made for something large scale. ..

We keep our eyes abroad and see shtf all over the place. And in most of those spots we are in the crosshairs as an country.

I lend more credit to.. " looks to be some serious war looming...... odds are it will end up here at home. " and with that comes the need/opportunity to secure the populace...... its just to bad that opens the door for all of the underhanded agendas to be set in motion with absolutely zero chance of resistance....

2 birds one stone. Perhaps.

Maybe were all wrong? ... who knows... but a fight is coming.

02-22-2013, 11:46 AM
There was no category for DHS targets.
I looked at a few others, did not see any pregnant women, soccer moms, little kids, or grandmas.

There were some women being held hostage by men, but nothing like what is pictured in the infowars link.

I'm not going to spend all day looking. Prove it or it's still bullshit.


The sight says" removed due to the offensive nature of the graphics"
They WERE there when I posted this!

02-22-2013, 11:48 AM
Not arguing whos right.... but using it to see what has happened....

We really NEED to desensitize law enforcement to this level.. ?

How many preg women have any of you leos held at gun point? What threat did they pose to you?

Imho youd see a preg woman with a hand gun only a few scenarios..... and all of them YOU are the perpetrator.. period..

The targets are to get the trainees accustom to what you might come across in the avg illegal unconstitutional home raid. For firearms or.otherwise...

Again you would still be the perp. And the targets are defending themselves and their belongings.

Cant use the immigration card.... sorry.. since the ongoing "flood our country with your people" campaign illegals havent a care in the world save for how to sign up for more freebies

..forgive me as im having a hard time seeing it any other way..

This is a slivver of a larger picture..

Ahh yea the little boy with a pistol.... raise your hand if you think the child is in an offensive mindset or position.

Or is he home alone responding to 4 men dressed in black booting the front door in?

Whos the perp?. . . I guess that depends on how blindly the sheep follow the masters new executive orders huh? ...

Just expressing possibilities here.

These were allegedly DHS Targets not the average LEO...

02-22-2013, 12:42 PM
These were allegedly DHS Targets not the average LEO...

Thats where i think some may misunderstand. They were a product line of scenario spilt second decision targets. Any agency can or may have purchased them...

Its the proven facts of mass purchases of ammo that does not conform with the g.c.
The proven facts about dhs claiming WE are the new enemy. WE are the new suspects
followed by the outing of the same dept purchasing white middle class civilian targets
Coincidentally representing the same people outlined in numerous documents by that dept.

So yeah... naturally raises a red flag.

Did l.e.t. make those upon request of DHS? Doubt it.

Did DHS request to purchase select offerings from a new line of targets by l.e.t. ? Ya betcha.

Theres s a preggo chick in the split second series. Le-33 is her model no.

02-22-2013, 12:44 PM

The sight says" removed due to the offensive nature of the graphics"
They WERE there when I posted this!

OK, that actually gives your OP a little more credibility, believe it or not.
So, point conceded, as the existence of those particular target patterns is no longer central to the discussion.

02-22-2013, 12:57 PM
And as far as seperating dhs and leos.

Your local fusion center headed by dhs is who will be feeding intel to the local leos..

The missouri MIAC for instance outlining the modern malitia movement...

Unfortunately 99% of us qualify if we judge based on its outline... and thats back on 2009!!!!!! .

To keep a blind eye to the possible is just as bad as not seein a preggo chick as a threat.

Were on even ground there justin... and as you stated... you doubt your colleagues would play ball .. i also doubt many of our locals would either.... theres actually a pretty good group of officers in our area
im proud to say.

Matter of fact.... fav local gun store proudly displays 2 flags in front window.... both flags highlighted in the miac as malitia insignias... walk inside and tLk to the guys behind the counters
Ex military. Ex law enforcement. Leo in training. Still trips me out. Its contradictory ain't it.

Longitude Zero
02-22-2013, 01:10 PM
Like JustinN I too have fought pregnant females. The last one had a bowie knife that I got away from her only after I broke her arm. A friend with another agency was shot in the belly by an AK wielding 12 year old girl just before he put one between her running lights. It later was discovered that this so called 12 year old child already had several bodies on her timer.

It is weapon/threat identification. I was shooting on my range with targets like this many years ago. Way TOO MANY LEO's are injured and killed because they hesitated to fire based not upon the threat but what the person was. I could not care less what a suspects gender/race/age is. You make me fear for my life I will do what I can to end your threat to me first. Nuff said.

02-22-2013, 03:00 PM
I personally HAVE fought a pregnant female to the ground and had to put her in handcuffs....she didn't have a gun at the time, but she did assault two police officers. To think that no pregnant woman would EVER wrongfully point a gun at someone is just ignorant. I'm sure if you went into the inner city of LA or Chicago, any gang banging chick who got knocked up will just give up on her ghetto lifestyle for those 9 months....suuuure...just like the baby daddy will also give up the gang life to get a treal job and be a good father. It COULD happen but in most cases I'd say it won't.....

Once you've worked as a cop, and attempted to arrest a man for beating up his wife, after she called 911, only to then have to get into a fight with her because she don't want her man taken to jail (after he just broke her nose) you can talk about how the only time a disagreeable target points a gun at the police is when they're in the wrong.

As far as the kid goes, the point of those scenarios and targets is to make you identify what the suspect is holding. They are trying to teach you not to look at WHO is pointing something at you, but pay more attention to WHAT they're pointing at you. Even if a kid who has just found a gun and is treating it like a toy has no ill intentions, does that make the gun any less lethal? You would approach the situation differently and try everything in the world to not have to shoot him, but at the end of the day when the 9mm strikes you in the face, does it matter if it was in malice or accidental?

I don't buy into this whole "The government is out to kill all citizens" conspiracy crap. I understand there are those who would disarm us, but there are also those fighting for those same freedoms. I don't think any of the guys I worked on the force with would start kicking down doors to start disarming legal citizens just because Obama said it should be so....

2 questions
What was the outcome with the preg?

If your door was kicked in (To collect your firearms) or even knocked to say they were here for xyz weapons, what would you do?

02-22-2013, 03:01 PM
Wow lz.... just wow bro...

Again ty for the perspective.

02-22-2013, 03:02 PM
Like JustinN I too have fought pregnant females. The last one had a bowie knife that I got away from her only after I broke her arm. A friend with another agency was shot in the belly by an AK wielding 12 year old girl just before he put one between her running lights. It later was discovered that this so called 12 year old child already had several bodies on her timer.

It is weapon/threat identification. I was shooting on my range with targets like this many years ago. Way TOO MANY LEO's are injured and killed because they hesitated to fire based not upon the threat but what the person was. I could not care less what a suspects gender/race/age is. You make me fear for my life I will do what I can to end your threat to me first. Nuff said.

I can see your point of view, that's why police work wasn't for me!

02-22-2013, 03:13 PM
I honestly have no clue on the outcome of the pregnancy, nor was it of my concern.

If my door was kicked down, with what I believed to be real police, I would let them do what they would, and have my day in court, not get myself, and possibly my wife and baby killed in the process. Police do occasionally kick the wrong, on accident. They shouldn't be there, but if you raise a gun and attempt to shoot them, they will take you out, and in the end, you will have been in the wrong. Just like if a police officer tries to put you in handcuffs because you look just like a suspect from a robbery 2 streets over. You KNOW you didn't have anything to do with it, but if you refuse and fight them, that's all going against you...

If they just said "we're here for "xyz" I may try to say "Sorry, I don't have those anymore"...if they have a search warrant, and it's try to fight them and die/go to jail vs surrender my guns....sorry guys, I'm going to be here tomorrow. I have a family that means way more to me than any gun I own. Not saying I want that or support it, but in the end, I'm not going to die over a gun, at least not trying to fight the government in my own home.

02-22-2013, 03:49 PM
Lz and justin lemme thank you for the risks you take/took for the well being of the citizenry .. trust in no way was this to spin anti leo..

Just to discuss the beneath the surface shizz and possibilities therein.

Because it is without a doubt as ted said from bill and teds excellent adventure... "strange things are afoot at the circle k"

All the things that made us proud have been turned into a domerrorist checklist. Liberty patriot sovereignty etc.

Longitude Zero
02-22-2013, 04:48 PM
All the things that made us proud have been turned into a domerrorist checklist. Liberty patriot sovereignty etc.

Thanks Rob and I know neither of us took it that way. Your statement about our entire way of life being perverted is so very true. I never thought I would see happening here that is happening here. Scary really.

02-22-2013, 09:18 PM
knee jerk reaction is that those are weird if they are real but I guess that's what the point of them....so the shock isn't there when it happens. But that seems like propaganda more than anything.

02-23-2013, 01:26 PM
Haha...I'm in for a crate as well.

If they got any with Pelosi's or Feinstein's pictures on um put me down for a crate...:59:

02-24-2013, 11:54 PM
I honestly have no clue on the outcome of the pregnancy, nor was it of my concern.

If my door was kicked down, with what I believed to be real police, I would let them do what they would, and have my day in court, not get myself, and possibly my wife and baby killed in the process. Police do occasionally kick the wrong, on accident. They shouldn't be there, but if you raise a gun and attempt to shoot them, they will take you out, and in the end, you will have been in the wrong. Just like if a police officer tries to put you in handcuffs because you look just like a suspect from a robbery 2 streets over. You KNOW you didn't have anything to do with it, but if you refuse and fight them, that's all going against you...

If they just said "we're here for "xyz" I may try to say "Sorry, I don't have those anymore"...if they have a search warrant, and it's try to fight them and die/go to jail vs surrender my guns....sorry guys, I'm going to be here tomorrow. I have a family that means way more to me than any gun I own. Not saying I want that or support it, but in the end, I'm not going to die over a gun, at least not trying to fight the government in my own home.

Justin, sir, I totally agree. I am not going to die right there in front of my wife and son becase the govt decided to come for my guns. They can have every last one of them.

I say if they come for them today and I had no prior warning I will show them around the house and give them every last one. IF they call me and tell me they are coming by tomorrow to get them I intend to have someone there to video their actions and I will still give them every last one of them. IF they call me and tell me they are coming at a later date I intend to have someone there to video their actions and I will have stashed some of them away for use at a later date. I am not so concerned that I must die when they show up, I intend to fight those who would do such on MY terms not theirs. I KNOW that I can manufacture a firearm of some sort to use if they manage to take all that I currently own, I KNOW that everything I need to make power is right here in my home or yard.

Some plumbing supplies, a piece of lumber, some metal straps, some screws and a rubber band can be fashioned into a working firearm of sorts. I know I can find a rock that will make spark and I KNOW I could fashion a lock and a barrel and a trigger mechanism if it came down to that.

02-25-2013, 01:17 PM

02-26-2013, 11:10 AM
I will just leave this here: