View Full Version : "Wifey's" new Glock 19 at the range

02-21-2013, 05:01 PM
I picked up our new G19 yesterday and took it to the range today for a quick test. I fired a bunch of ammo in a short time:
50 Blazer Aluminum-cased 124-gr FMJ
50 Federal Champion 115-gr FMJ from Walmart
50 Atlanta Arms & Ammo 115-gr TCJ (range ammo-- ONE box to a customer for range use... $14.98 including tax)
95 Craig Remanufactured 124-gr FMJ (The LAST of that ammo!)
19 Speer +P 124-gr GD Short Barrel
264 trouble-free rounds!!

I was the only problem.:D I put our baby back ribs in the oven before leaving for the range, so I had 2 1/2 hours to get back and turn the ribs over. I made it on time... even after a quick stop at Walmart for an ammo check... with no success. I asked the guy there if there was a certain time that shipments came in... "No... erratic deliveries". And you need to be there when it hits the shelves.

My new Trijicon HD Night Sights Orange FS were waiting at the door when I got home. I sent an email to the Glockstore yesterday... no answer... on why I don't have my Sight Pusher and FS Tool yet! I ordered the HD NS off Amazon when Optics Planet failed to ship my order with them. I canceled the OP order and got a message today that they now had them in stock for $149.95! I'll use Amazon again and just stick to IN STOCK stuff... what I THOUGHT I had done with OP by paying $20 extra for 1-3 day shipping instead of 1-3 months for $129.95.

Now I need my danged installation stuff from Glockstore... where they debited my card on the 15th, supposedly meaning they were shipping!!

These sights will go on MY G23C and then Wifey... just arriving home! can choose yellow or orange for hers!


02-21-2013, 05:05 PM
you cant ever go wrong with a glock!!

02-21-2013, 05:18 PM
Apparently we got two good ones... 257 rounds through my G23C and 264 through this G19... pretty quick with NO Drama today! I DID run out of ammo too fast! I got down to my last 5 rounds of the Blazer before remembering to shoot at the larger circles I made on a separate target! I used a Large Gatorade powder can to make circles ... about 5 1/8" inner diameter. At 7 yards the last 5 rounds all went inside the circles going from one to the next of three circles with quick shooting and pointing.:D

The G19 AND the G23C are great shooters... with much greater accuracy possible than with my jerking and anticipation, etc. Every once in a while as I'm crossing the target and squeezing the trigger... the boolit goes exactly where I wanted it to!

I only used 9 15-round magazines and reloaded all at least twice for function testing... no problems!


02-21-2013, 05:48 PM
Got to love those Glocks! I love both my 19 and 23. They are great shooters. Are yours gen4 or 3? I have been trying to get my wife to the range for a few weeks. I know if she goes out and tries it, I may 'have' to buy her a gun.

02-21-2013, 05:54 PM
They are Gen 3, but new. I wanted the old style single-spring recoil system for Wifey... easier to rack. It's not like Gen 4's were very available. After I had all of the mags that I wanted lined up, I didn't worry about the 3rd one you get with Gen 4. I keep ordering more mags... even 4 KCI G17 17-rounders at $15 each. Some day I'll do a photo inventory and see how my pile stacks up against Barth. I'm even thinking about Lone Wolf barrels and Mech Tech uppers... and maybe a full lower Glock... but what cal? .45 or .40?? So many choices... and the money's pretty much gone!:eek:
I'm going to have to prune some of my "safe queens"!

I've always sold stuff that I don't use!


02-21-2013, 06:07 PM
Sweet. My G19 is going on 20 years and its still going strong. Would really like a Gen 3 19 or 17 to add to the collection. The mag thread on glocktalk made it sound like glock mags may get hard to come by real soon here (meaning tougher than they have been).

02-21-2013, 06:08 PM
I like the Gen 3, , over the Gen 4 and I like even more the Gen 2 but never see um around here. I have no use for a rail.

My first poly gun was a G19 when they came out with it. I sold many glocks in my shop back then and I used my G19 as a demo for any person who wanted to take it out and shoot it. I never did a damn thig to the gun either. It just went bang every time.

02-21-2013, 09:04 PM
I started looking for magazines before getting the pistols. I didn't get serious on the pistols until I had the mags for them. I didn't want to be paying $50+ apiece for mags... or worrying about finding them at all.

I was playing around with mine last night... the .40 and 9mm mags. the 9mm won't stay in the .40 mags, but the .40 in the 9mm would feed at least the first couple... using snap caps. All of my G23 mags are Gen 4 and only 3 of the G19 are, so I saved the three Gen 4 9mm mags... put them aside. 9 mags are enough for now. I did order 4 17-rounders... the KCI Korean copies... for the range... from Botach Tactical. I also went ahead and ordered the extended mag release and the extended slide lock release, as well as two more XD45 13-round mags. I don't know when I'll get the 4 I ordered from PCO, but now they are on sale there... $23 something each... about a buck and a half less than the ones I ordered already and don't have... but paid for immediately. I did email them about THAT!!


Yogi 117
02-21-2013, 10:17 PM
Congrats from another Glock owner, a Gen 2.5 G26 & a Gen 3 G30, love 'em both! The G19 is just about as good as it gets for the Mrs. Enjoy! :D

02-24-2013, 12:01 PM
I put a rack of baby back ribs in the oven at 330° so I had limited time. I had 9 15-round mags loaded up, so I only had to reload them once while there.

First picture... some of the participants. 6 of the mags are loaded with the last 95 rounds of the case Craig re-manufactured 124-gr FMJ that I bought over a decade ago. The "AMER C" cases were prone to rupturing just above the base. This problem didn't present itself until around round 850 of 1,000. I culled those and attempted to shoot them up in the K9 which has no sideplate to blow out as the P9 did. #2 of the 5 remaining blew out and my extractor disappeared... which happened with the other two 9mm Kahrs!
The remaining 95 fired without problems... ending that particular episode... finally!
First flash is from the Blazer Aluminum-cased 124-gr FMJ, #2 is the Craig 124-gr FMJ, and #3 is Federal Champion 115-gr FMJ from Wally World, which seems to have more oomph than some of the other FMJ.


First flash from a Blazer Aluminum-cased 124-gr FMJ. Then one of the Craig 124-gr FMJ.

I watched all of the videos from this range trip and it was a lot harder to find flashes for stills... no ports and extra flash. I would be lucky to find one or two flashed in a magazine of 15! I barely saw any "emissions" from most shots.

I'm a hasty shooter... don't take a lot of time to aim and do point a lot after the first few shots... plus my repertoire of trigger yanks, jerks, and ... anticipation... enable me to use a lot of the space on the targets instead of just close to the center.:D But it's fun... especially since I don't have to reload so often!

02-24-2013, 12:23 PM
The range limited me to one box of their AAA ammo for shooting at their range, so I shot a box of that, too, to conserve mine. It's made by a good company Atlanta Arms & Ammo, and for $14.98 including the tax, isn't bad... just 3 and 1/3 magazines! It goes quickly! The "Drivers and Danica" are starting their engines now... just less than 100 miles south of here!

I had so much fun that I ran through all but 5 rounds of my ammo before remembering I had a second cardboard target with larger circles... 5 1/8" instead of 3" ones for multiple targets. I put that up and used my last 5 rounds... the Blazers... as quickly as possible and the fun was over. All hit within the circles. I'll have to play the video and time the five shots.:D

02-24-2013, 01:07 PM
Gee! I've cross-posted several times now... trying to watch the Daytona 500 and post, too!


02-24-2013, 01:27 PM
The Glocks' triggers are sure different... shorter with a definite stop and kind of a double click at break. I don't know that I want to tinker with that, but I'll probably take my 23 to the next gun show and see what the Glock guy has to offer for quick installation while you wait. I want to stay safe!


02-24-2013, 03:06 PM
They are Gen 3, but new. I wanted the old style single-spring recoil system for Wifey... easier to rack. It's not like Gen 4's were very available. After I had all of the mags that I wanted lined up, I didn't worry about the 3rd one you get with Gen 4. I keep ordering more mags... even 4 KCI G17 17-rounders at $15 each. Some day I'll do a photo inventory and see how my pile stacks up against Barth. I'm even thinking about Lone Wolf barrels and Mech Tech uppers... and maybe a full lower Glock... but what cal? .45 or .40?? So many choices... and the money's pretty much gone!:eek:
I'm going to have to prune some of my "safe queens"!

I've always sold stuff that I don't use!


Have you ever tried the Mech Tech setups? I am thinking of getting one for my Glock 20....any feedback? I think the 10mm would kick seroius butt with carbine conversion.:eek:

02-24-2013, 04:54 PM
I'm still thinking about what caliber I would want... 9mm, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP. I was looking at the Ballistics by the Inch data to see what might reach out and have the best power, but keep to the calibers I have. I probably would opt for a separate complete lower, but that's not happening soon. I've been shopping too much for gun stuff... household funds running low! I wouldn't want to tear down either existing Glock.


02-24-2013, 05:01 PM
Ok... a short video clip of the last 5 rounds... Blazers at the 3 5 1/8" circles. Danged near ran completely out of ammo before remembering that target! Just over 3 seconds for the 5 shots... no Jerry Miculek!:rolleyes:


And a few frames of 124-grain +P Speer Gold Dots Short Barrel and the 15-round target, shooting quickly and pointing a lot:







02-25-2013, 08:10 AM
Gotta say after picking up a G23 I wouldn't mind shooting a G19! Looks like a really nice gun! Nice shooting!

02-25-2013, 09:59 AM
Shot the glock in 86, hated it. 12 years ago bought a G19, more I shot it the better I liked it, 6 years ago got a G26, year later a G17. Yep, good tools, like the OD green color.

02-25-2013, 10:39 AM
It's fun to shoot the Glocks. I can load up the mags and shoot a while!:) I'm still waiting on some magazines, but I have enough for the home defense role and range use.


02-25-2013, 10:42 AM
Any pointers on where I may be able to find more mags for the G23? I will be keeping this thing so I might as well buy some more mags for it.

Those last two posts make me jealous! Those are some nice looking guns!

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

02-25-2013, 10:51 AM
I bought my G23 mags from Ivanhoe. They had LOTS of magazines and have raised their prices by $5 for some of the models since I got mine for $29.95.

Still $29.95 + $5 fast shipping for the whole order and 100 in stock... just checked:


I ordered 4 17-round G17 mags made by Korean CTI(?) that are reproductions with steel sleeves inside the polymer body. Those are from Botach Tactical for $15 each! I can't go too wrong with the price!


02-25-2013, 01:31 PM
I had never heard of that site......thanks so much for sharing the info! I got a couple of mags ordered and on the way.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

02-25-2013, 01:40 PM
You could get them by Friday or Saturday, if not sooner! I got my last order only about 50 hours after I placed my order! They use USPS Priority Mail and ship quickly. They have all of the Glock mags I've checked, except for the 33-round 9mm and 22-round .40. I did get a few of the 22-rounders from them. I may wind up with a Mech Teck carbine or rifle conversion in the future, so a few large mags would be nice.


02-25-2013, 03:33 PM
CDNN has call in only orders now, but advertising Glock 19 & 20 15-round factory mags and G23 13-rounders for $29.99 CALL 800-588-9500 TO ORDER


02-28-2013, 05:56 PM
I got the two mags I ordered from Ivanhoe this afternoon and just wanted to say thanks for the heads up!

Now get a load of this......I was at the LGS at lunch and the guy I deal with for the most part said he had something for me. He went in the back and came out with two pristine G23 mags loaded with Speer Gold dot. He said that someone had traded in a G23 and with loaded mags and he sold me both mags fully loaded in pristine condition for $40! Yup, I about dropped my wallet three times as I couldn't get it out fast enough to pay him.

02-28-2013, 07:58 PM
WOW! The Gold Dots cost more than that... as does ONE factory magazine! Nice deal!


02-28-2013, 08:22 PM
I know...... My buddy that went to the store with me was ranting about it the whole way back to work....... I told him if he would just sped more money there they might throw him a bone to, lol.

02-28-2013, 09:02 PM
Yep! I TRY to do business at the store/range that I'm a member for range use, but I really can't hack the prices... though their range ammo is reasonable... but rationed... one box a range visit... for use at the range. Atlanta Arms & Ammo 9mm is $14.98 including tax, .40 is about a buck more and .45 is $17 + tax... for Totally Copper Clad bullets... like FMJ. I'm all for using their ammo... can't find any online! I'm most worried about 9mm FMJ, but don't want to pay much more than $12 a box for a case delivered.

Their SD ammo is about double... really... what I pay online for GDSB 124-gr +P 9mm. I bought my first Kahr... a K9 back in early '98 and bought my XD45 Tactical there last year. I'm coming to the end of my third year as a member for the range at $150+tax a year. It's $12+tax per visit... no limit on time or what ammo you use... pistol calibers and rimfire only.


les strat
03-01-2013, 11:15 AM
I think the G19 might be the best (IMO) carry pistol. Decent size and still has great inherent accuracy. I have the lower-profile 26.27 Trijicon night sights on mine.

03-01-2013, 11:25 AM
The 23 is the same size with 2 less bullets, but more power! I got the 19 for Wifey.
