View Full Version : veterans... criminal firearms ownership

02-22-2013, 08:03 AM
A friend on my sleddin board posted this.. thought id share and see what yall thought.

This must be Barack Obama’s way of thanking our veterans for serving.
US veterans are receiving letters from the government informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both.
This comes on page 2 of the VA letter.


Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D. reported this at Red Flag News.

How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.

What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?

That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me.

SHOCK REPORT — Veterans Receive Letters From VA Prohibiting Ownership or Purchase of Firearms | The Gateway Pundit (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/shock-report-veterans-receive-letters-from-va-prohibiting-ownership-or-purchase-of-firearms/)

02-22-2013, 08:44 AM
Let me say this, I am a Veteran, although an old one. This statement applies to every American weather they are veterans or not.

What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?

Anyone determined to be incompetent should not own firearms.

It's a mental health issue and I agree with it. There have to be limitations to firearm ownership. It is the same thing with felons, no gun ownership.

The other part of the letter is still up for discussion and interpertation. I have not read enough of it yet to make a comment.

02-22-2013, 09:12 AM
I agree however this opens the possibility for them to make a blanket statement over ANY or ALL veterans considering them mentally unfit to own f.a.

If service in the military is a prerequisite for being mentally unfit.

Its fookin shady...... and it shadows the various reports over the last few years .....

This is how you politely disarm the most highly trained domestic threats in the threat pool.

They molded you and used you in their army...... they do not want to face you as a combatant in OUR army..

02-22-2013, 09:17 AM
These things tend to be much ado about nothing. The person who received this might actually be mentally incapacitated and really should be kept away from sharp & dangerous objects. We don't know who received the letter.

02-22-2013, 09:42 AM
I would like to see the whole letter before passing judgement. That may simply be a by-line they've added to remind them that if they were discharged for mental incompetency they can't own a gun.....

As I read this I don't see a problem with it. If a person was discharged and drawing disability money for being too mentally unstable to be in the military/get a normal job and function with everyday life, maybe they shouldn't have a gun?

02-22-2013, 09:42 AM
How about the blanket use of ptsd...?

I got 5$ that all military personnel coming home from abroad will be painted with that broad brush disqualifying every single one from f.a. ownership..

But on the other hand you make good point.. it could just be a letter to a whacko ex whatever.

The miac report however states otherwise. And again shadows this. The.puzzle is large and pieces are scattered..

With patience you WILL see it.

02-22-2013, 09:47 AM
As has been stated before, there are a lot of internet sources that love their fear mongering....

As far as PTSD goes, several of my friends have come back with it....and honestly I don't think they should be allowed to have a gun until they've gotten through it. One guy would just lose it in the middle of the night...or the 4th of July - that night was AWFUL. He was a mile away form home, in his underwear, on his fire department radio (at the time was a reserve) trying to call in an air strike.....honestly, I'm very glad he was not armed.

If you look at the Chris Kyle incident...the guy who shot him probably shouldn't have been running around unsupervised with a gun...obviously even supervised there was a problem.

Now, if they just claim all veterans can't own a gun, we have a problem...but at the same time, if they legitimately have some problems, I can see making them wait until they're cleared before we allow them to get armed....

Longitude Zero
02-22-2013, 01:19 PM
Now, if they just claim all veterans can't own a gun, we have a problem...but at the same time, if they legitimately have some problems, I can see making them wait until they're cleared before we allow them to get armed....

Agreed. I have friends, coworkers, and neighbors that have PTSD and you would not know it as they are normal functioning members of society. I also have friends who have PTSD very bad with flashbacks and all that. These folks should NEVER have a firearm in the possession until they have shown years of symptom free living.

02-22-2013, 10:43 PM
I haven't received my letter yet...

of course, I didn't claim PTSD to increase my disability when I retired.

02-23-2013, 09:07 AM
I would like to know how this was traced to Barak Obama. I am a disabled veteran (physically) and this has been part of the protocol for mental impairment since before Obama was even a senator.

Fair is fair.

02-23-2013, 09:41 AM
While I have always supported "Kook control" over "gun control" I will say I've always worried about the slippery slope that makes for all of us. Who decides who or what is "kooky enough" to be denied firearm ownership?
I'm sure if Mikey Bloomburg was the one deciding the issue we would see alot of "you want to buy a firearm?!? Why thats just NUTS... Denied!"

Longitude Zero
02-23-2013, 09:55 AM
I would like to know how this was traced to Barak Obama. I am a disabled veteran (physically) and this has been part of the protocol for mental impairment since before Obama was even a senator.

Fair is fair.

A neighbor told me the same thing.

02-23-2013, 10:01 AM
i think Obama only wants cops&crooks to have guns and everyone else are victims