View Full Version : First range report - CW9

02-22-2013, 06:06 PM
Finally made it to the range today for first outing with the CW9. I had purchased a Ruger SR22 and the CW9 within about 2 weeks of each other and had not shot either yet. I have about 5K rounds of .22 but have only been able to come up with a box of 50 for the 9 so far. Most of my time was spent with the Ruger- what a fun little gun that is!

Anyway I fired 50 rounds in the CW9 and had no issues at all. All cycled fine with no FTE, FTF etc. Magazines were loaded full with 7 rounds every time.
I prepped her and polished the feed ramp as well. Shots were a little low but I think that is just me getting used to the trigger. I think this will improve with time. So far, I am loving this gun!


02-22-2013, 06:41 PM
nice post...not bad shooting either..

02-22-2013, 07:39 PM
I also have CW9 ...no regrets shoots well! It does take some practice for trigger control.
i was use to a Glock trigger pull ...CW9 is a longer pull / practice, practice, practice ...great little gun.

02-22-2013, 11:59 PM
I think most people that have trouble with the Kahr trigger have not fired revolvers. I have a Ruger GP100 with a very similar trigger. I love the trigger myself.

Short Bus
02-23-2013, 05:03 AM
This was my EDC, so I love the Kahr trigger.


02-23-2013, 09:48 AM
Most of my experience is from a long time ago in the Army. The one thing I love about a Kahr, which I have only fired twice for a grand total of about 100 rds, is the trigger pull. I remember always searching for the trigger with military pistols. With the Kahr I need to just relax and stop searching. I know I will get better with practice once I learn to do that.

02-23-2013, 10:47 AM
The Kahr trigger is something to get used to... you did better than my first time out!

02-23-2013, 01:14 PM
Nice shooting. Can't wait to shoot my new cw9 tom!

02-28-2013, 09:49 AM
Pretty much the same experience you have with the CW9 I just received. Shooting a little low and left. Not quite use to the long trigger pull, but it time and practice I will overcome this I am sure.

As far as FTF or FTE...not one issue after 150 rounds. Very happy with this gun.

02-28-2013, 10:24 AM
First box was Federal American Eagle. Next up is a box of Independence...will see how that goes. Gonna try to get back to the range this weekend.


02-28-2013, 08:06 PM
I just picked up a CW9 and have run about 400 rounds thru it with no malfunctions. The trigger is quite long compared to a Glock, but it has a nice break. Mine shoots high, so I have to hold 6 o'clock on the plate rack at 40 yards.

03-02-2013, 07:36 AM
Finally made it to the range today for first outing with the CW9. I had purchased a Ruger SR22 and the CW9 within about 2 weeks of each other.

I got the same two guns, except I got the CW about two months after the SR. I liked the size of the SR, thought it was the perfect size for CC, but wished it was in a larger caliber. Put the CW over the SR last night - they are almost exactly the same size! Great for my small hands. Have had some problems with the SR (FTF). Picked up the CW two days ago. Taking both to the range today.