View Full Version : Couldn't post it on the Kahr website. Tp9 thoughts?

02-23-2013, 12:07 AM
Out of the box the the gun cleaned up well, I left for the range and heated it up. It's a Kahr arms. It shot terrifically. Accurate, smoother with the longer slide, nice trigger, I had no misfeeds. Really enjoyable to shoot. This is my second tp9. Sadly, I had to let my last one go to get through my last quarter of college. I must say that I do not care for the design changes on the new tp's. the grip has been lengthened for capacity, as has the dust cover on the receiver. The gun has an identity crisis now in my opinion. There is terrific four inch barrel in a slim .9 inch wide slide. But the frame is larger in height than some full size. It's too much to be a good packer. Which is where Kahr is not playing to their strength of easy packing. That's not to say its not good on the range. It comes down to preference and what you need it to do. At least when it was shorter, you could make the length with mags. I wish Kahr could give us the option to get what we want. I might take a hack saw to the grips of this one and use my old mags. But I hate to do that to a good gun.

02-23-2013, 01:34 AM
Dear STARS NO, whimpers in agony

02-23-2013, 01:45 AM
Why do I feel like I was hearing Charlie Brown's teacher talk?

02-23-2013, 02:22 AM
Pipercub: "I wish Kahr could give us the option to get what we want."

Kahr does offer a lot of options... many different models. Dang! You chose one of the largest!:rolleyes: AGAIN!

There's the K9, CW9, P9, PM9, CM9... besides the MK9! There are also some factory "Covert models" and some guys HAVE chopped the grip to make their own "Covert" pistols.


02-23-2013, 07:47 AM
But no K45 :(

02-23-2013, 08:13 AM
If you want a TP with a short handle you have options!

1. Find an old one and buy it
2. Buy a P9 and fit the TP slide and barrel to it - it will fit.
3. Buy a TP9 and a P9, swap top ends and have a long handle very snubby too.
4. Do the manly thing, and get out your Fein MultiMaster (or SuperCut) and trim the handle of your TP9 (which I may do to a TP45 one day)

02-23-2013, 08:29 AM
Welcome to the forum.

Couldn't post it on the Kahr website

If this isn't the Kahr website, what is??

Is there another one I missed?

Tp9 thoughts?

You described a great shooting, competent, well made gun... and then complained about it. I don't get it. Color me confused.

02-23-2013, 09:55 AM
I have a tp40 with the longer grip. I like it and wanted that grip design over the shorter model. I can iwb it but not in my normal 2:10 position. barrel hits my leg when sitting. I had to move back to 3:30 and add some forword cant. I do have a cw9 thats my normal iwb pistol but do enjoy the easier functioning TP model even with the 40sw cartidge.

You could cut the grip down as others have. Also change the bottom of the mags from the plastic bottom with the thin metal plate. That will make a small difference in the length.

02-23-2013, 10:36 AM
I would actually like the reverse. I'd LOVE to have a TP9 8 round grip with a P9 3.5" barrel. Sort of a 'Commander Kahr'. I'd imagine I'm the bigger outlier as many folks really DO like that earlier TP9 design. But I have found the more I carry it and shoot it that I prefer my TP9 to my P9. The P9 almost never leaves the safe anymore these days.

I'm sure given some other recent discussions in another thread, that there are those here (Mckenzie) that'd take that TP9 off your hands in a heartbeat and also some of us that'd love to have a second TP9 and would consider trading for our P9 ;-)

02-23-2013, 11:43 AM
IF I wanted to carry the 9mm, I do have lightweight choices... my PM9 or my P9. They both now sport the metal base plates making the P9 easier to hide:


I usually carry my Mag-na-ported P40.


02-23-2013, 07:30 PM
I wrote this review for kahrs consumer web site. This chat room being for discussion of TP pistols I thought I would put it here for discussion Bought my last TP because it had a nice barrel on a small package. I don't want to argue which is better. I just wish the option was offered. I would take one of each. Asked kahr for the smaller receiver. They said no. They also said they don't make a lot of tp pistols. I think they would sell if they made more. While searching many gun shops asked why anyone would want a single stacked nine that doesn't pack well? It's a fair question. If kahr wants to let the used market and have people mod to their wishes it's fine for them. Not good for sales though.

02-23-2013, 07:55 PM
On another note, bringing this up is a bit like saying the wrong thing at a cult meeting. If I have said anything to upset anyone's sensibilities, pleases except my most sincere apologies. I must also point out that I refuse to describe something as not well built if it misses a matter of my taste. It's not too confusing.

02-23-2013, 08:36 PM
I agree, I think there are quite a few folks that prefer the older TP9. But then again, Kahr made the move for a reason. They sold (and still sell) a ton of the P/PM series and now w/ the addition of the CW/CM, another pile out there. They have a niche there. But as you heard from the horses mouth, they don't make many TP pistols. Same goes for the T series, and the entire metal line (K/MK). The few that are made are picked up mostly by folks like me that liked the trigger enough to just go buy one whether we needed it or not (for me, it was another 'like a hole in the head' decision). I didn't initially think I'd even use the TP that much, just wanted it. After shooting it and carrying it, I don't find it that much harder to conceal and I prefer the longer grip. I don't think I'd want the earlier design, I find that the extra grip is excellent for drawing IWB and I'm pretty much only carrying my TP now. If I'm going to want a shorter grip and loose a round, I think the P9 is a better choice. I don't give up any accuracy for the purpose of a Kahr (CCW) in a 3.5" barrel.

I don't know that anyone was offended, I wasn't. I know a number of folks have made that same comment on this forum regarding the change in the TP. But I guess Kahr got enough feedback, did enough analysis, to make the call that the TP needed to be the polymer version of the T and that having the P available was not different enough to warrant a 4" version. Dunno, just conjecture.

Anyway, enjoy it, its a fine firearm.

02-23-2013, 09:10 PM
Now we're a cult! You bought the same pistol twice... came here to complain because Kahr doesn't give you any choices and now you call us a cult. You bought the largest 9mm twice... there are plenty of choices, but you came here to complain and be coy about calling our friendly forum a cult! You can go back to that OTHER Kahr site!

Edited by Wynn to remove uncalled for expression.:rolleyes:


02-23-2013, 09:12 PM
All very good points. I just never considered the older model anywhere near full size. Maybe I am still pissed I had to let the old one go. I know kahr is busy pumping out the smaller lines. My collection is growing all the time. The atmosphere in the gun market is not always so hot. I would like to see more options out of quality gunmakers like kahr. Many are using their tp's for home defence. An integrated rail would be nice for that. Well, the list could go on forever. Maybe it's good to stay grounded a bit also. Some gun lines are Barbie dolls for men. Configure and accessorize, I am always happy when they go bang well.

02-23-2013, 09:16 PM
That was a simile, I was trying to lighten the mood. I like your ported p9 I imagine that shoots like a dream. Your friendly chat room is clearly not a cult! I am sorry again.

02-23-2013, 09:45 PM
None of my Kahr's are for home defense. Of all the places I expect to have to use a gun, home is the most probable. For that I use other higher capacity pistols or other firearms. There just aren't really that many car jackings and out-and-about scenarios that happen compared to home invasions. As a result, I'd never make my Kahr a home defense gun for multiple reasons. Capacity being the biggest, rail second.

They could put a rail on, but that's NOT the purpose of a Kahr, even in the T/TP line. They are THIN (thin is sexy marketing ploy) and as such, they are meant and designed to be IWB or super comfortable OWB. They are carry guns, period. No rail needed, no mechanical safeties, marginal benefit w/ night sights, etc, capacity acceptable for the average CCW holder...not that I wouldn't like to have more rounds...but it is what it is...comfortable.

wyntrout, I didn't take his 'cult' comment to be negative...cult just meaning (hopefully) a following of Kahr products here. Which we are.

02-23-2013, 10:02 PM
Look, I didn't call anyone a cult member. I should have used a metaphor instead, like "I farted in church by saying what I did" if I thought people would omit the like from my prior statement. You are all knowledgable about kahr pistols that's why I am here. Can we get back to talking about guns now? I am thinking to get a deeper riding iwb holster for this Tp. I shot it some more I am getting used to it. It being what it is I know I am going to enjoy it. Thanks for the back up and thoughts on that.

02-23-2013, 10:58 PM
.. Can we get back to talking about guns now? ...
I think that's an excellent idea.
Welcome to the forums:)

BTW, for those that are curious, here's a link that has photos showing the differences between the "old" and "new" style TP9:
The older style gun also came in a version (called the "Target 9") with an adjustable MMC rear sight.

02-23-2013, 11:08 PM
Pipercub, dunno if you are into the whole clipless/sticky thing, but I carry my TP9 in a Remora 3C (actually the same one used for the P9). The extra half inch doesn't effect trigger coverage hardly at all, I love it. Plenty of grip available for drawing, and you can ride it as deep or shallow as you like. My TP9 goes everywhere I go, in the Remora.

02-24-2013, 12:53 AM
Thanks for the tip. I never looked at those before. If a paddle holster works that might be better.

02-24-2013, 01:31 AM
Pardon me for the name calling. I was thinking that you were trying to be a troll.

I had always thought that a TP series upper and a P series lower would make more sense... the longer barrel and the slightly shorter grip could be just right, but the PM series grip is a bit short for all of that slide and barrel... to me anyhow. I think the K/P/CW size is just right... balanced and natural pointing... Which is why I have so many of that size... K9, P9, and P40. I prefer the really flush metal bases plates, though, especially the blackened ones now offered by Kahr. I wish they had those for the PM45.


02-24-2013, 07:29 AM
We're not a cult. Glocktalk is a cult. :p

02-24-2013, 07:33 AM

02-24-2013, 11:26 AM
When I was looking for Glocks... went over there and finally "joined"... had to grit my teeth... I've read their "rules" and they don't let you even THINK bad words... it seems... plus, they really limit your actions when new AND there are tons of ads! I could NOT access firearms for sale by members... went elsewhere and have two new glocks! It's their loss... UNFRIENDLY... we are FRIENDLY and helpful! Well, I usually am. I do get ticked sometimes.:rolleyes: XDTalk isn't bad... LARGER, but not friendlier than KahrTalk!



03-23-2013, 08:52 AM
Out of the box the the gun cleaned up well, I left for the range and heated it up. It's a Kahr arms. It shot terrifically. Accurate, smoother with the longer slide, nice trigger, I had no misfeeds. Really enjoyable to shoot. This is my second tp9. Sadly, I had to let my last one go to get through my last quarter of college. I must say that I do not care for the design changes on the new tp's. the grip has been lengthened for capacity, as has the dust cover on the receiver. The gun has an identity crisis now in my opinion. There is terrific four inch barrel in a slim .9 inch wide slide. But the frame is larger in height than some full size. It's too much to be a good packer. Which is where Kahr is not playing to their strength of easy packing. That's not to say its not good on the range. It comes down to preference and what you need it to do. At least when it was shorter, you could make the length with mags. I wish Kahr could give us the option to get what we want. I might take a hack saw to the grips of this one and use my old mags. But I hate to do that to a good gun.

I agree with you, it was "STUPID" of Kahr to mess with a great design that wasn't broken and near PERFECT for conceal carry!

I got a K9 when they first came out and loved it seeing it was the same size and weight as my Walther PPK/s but was able to fire the more potent 9mm Luger verses the 9mm Kurz and even stated in the manual to use the Plus P rounds. The biggest complaint that I had with the gun was that the machining was so sharp that I literlly cut my fingers on the edges of the trigger guard and lower edge of the slide. Of course that was taken care of by having a gunsmith dehorn all the edges.

Anyway, even with the weight (23.1oz unloaded) and the pistol sitting lower in my hand the muzzle flip was worst then the S&W 3913 that I owned. One day I was in my local gun shop and notice a new Kahr that I had never seen before, the TP9. I wasn't a big fan of the "Tactical Tupperware" craze that was sweeping the gun world at the time but I had to admit that the little pistol grab my attention.

The saleman behind the counter handed me the TP and after fondling it for several minutes I decided that I could part with my much beloved K9 and never look back. Since that day I have never had a regret on that decision. The TP9 is so much superior to my old K9 it isn't funny. Longer sight picture, less muzzle flip, lighter, lower maintainance (the original K9s were steel not SS and would start to rust just by looking at them), etc...

The biggest plus is that the grip size was the same size as my K9 making it easily concealable even though it had a longer slide/barrel (anyone that has conceal carry for awhile knows that it's not the barrel length that is the problem but the grip size!). But of course Kahr screw that up by lengthing the grip to mimic the Stainless T9 size, IDIOTS! :crazy:


03-24-2013, 09:53 AM
Clance, that's a nice looking pistol. The grips are just right, but I personally don't like the plastic base plates on the magazines. They add just a tad too much for concealment for me. I got the steel base plate kits... and then the black kits to trim a bit of length, and then added an O-ring (3/32" by 3/4" inner diameter to stop the pinching on my P40. I did the same to my P9 and added the 4" ported barrel, thinking of a carry gun for my wife.



03-24-2013, 01:22 PM
Clance, that's a nice looking pistol. The grips are just right, but I personally don't like the plastic base plates on the magazines. They add just a tad too much for concealment for me. I got the steel base plate kits... and then the black kits to trim a bit of length, and then added an O-ring (3/32" by 3/4" inner diameter to stop the pinching on my P40. I did the same to my P9 and added the 4" ported barrel, thinking of a carry gun for my wife.



Nice looking pair of Kahrs' you got there Wynn.

I haven't found any problem concealing with the add length of the plastic base plates, but I don't know how you carry. I generally just tuck the pistol in the waist band of my pants covering it with a sweat shirt or just leave the shirt untuck.

Several years ago I work for a security company where we provided personal protection for individuals (aka. bodyguards). The company would send a number of us to different schools for training on everything from defensive driving, etiquette, training on being a personal protection agent, etc... which we would then bring back to the others taking what we thought was realistic and practical then work out our own training program.

One of the schools I went to was put on by the detail leader; Ron Fleming, of the then major of Detroit; Coleman Young protection team. It was a combination of all the different aspects of the knowledge that a personal protection agent needed to know, but one class lesson suck in my mind.

It was the first day of a 2-1/2 day class on weapons. The instructor was the Range Master; Michael Blout which he inform us what he thought of pistols with porting. As we stood around him at the firingline, he inform us that most encounters would be up close and personal, the chances were that we could be injuried by our own weapon's muzzle blast. That is when he took a raw chicken drumstick holding the thing a inch or two over another student's ported Glock and removed most of the meat off the bone. :eek:

Haven't had a ported handgun since.

03-24-2013, 03:27 PM
When I was looking for Glocks... went over there and finally "joined"... had to grit my teeth... I've read their "rules" and they don't let you even THINK bad words... it seems... plus, they really limit your actions when new AND there are tons of ads! I could NOT access firearms for sale by members... went elsewhere and have two new glocks! It's their loss... UNFRIENDLY... we are FRIENDLY and helpful! Well, I usually am. I do get ticked sometimes.:rolleyes: XDTalk isn't bad... LARGER, but not friendlier than KahrTalk!



You make it sound like I was lucky to be banned from GT several years ago.

03-24-2013, 03:33 PM
Oh I did u one better, I was never banned, they just would never let me o their forum. Great bunch of elitest there that is for sure.

03-24-2013, 07:36 PM
When I had a couple glocks I to tried to become a member there. Never excepted. Oh well, life goes on.

I do like the new design TP series. But I never had one of the older designs to try.

03-24-2013, 07:41 PM
a very strange forum indeed.bunch of pre madonna's over there. I think u gotta swear some kind of oath even, like never to speak ill of a glock no matter how many issues ur glock has, u must admit it is u the owners fault. A some talk about the kool aid on this forum. they bottle and sell their's. Just sayin

could be just rumor, but I was told that if u drink enough of the glock talk kool-aid that Nancy Pegosie and Diane Einstein photos will get one sexually excited:Amflag2: Being the "semper volgare" person thatI am , I drank 3 quarts of it and it did nadda for me, although i did have a nice effortless colonosphy that next day:Amflag2:

03-24-2013, 08:00 PM

Glock is supposed to be CAPITALIZED!

03-24-2013, 08:44 PM
Who needs a stinking Glock when you've got a Kahr! :amflag:

03-25-2013, 01:04 AM
I carried my G23C for the first time Saturday to go to the gun show. I thought I might get some goodies for it. Did get a holster customized for it from Deadeye Luke. That's at least the third one I've gotten from him. We had a really good talk while he adjusted my holster. He liked the MDJ holster I was wearing... $35 + about $4 shipping.


I won't be carrying that much, though, if I bend forward at all, the rig prints. It's just too thick... a block! But, yeah, it holds 13+1 and I have a 15-round reload on the other side... G22 mag. The 22-rounders are a bit taller and I haven't tried them, yet.


03-25-2013, 01:33 AM
I carried my G23C for the first time Saturday to go to the gun show. I thought I might get some goodies for it. Did get a holster customized for it from Deadeye Luke. That's at least the third one I've gotten from him. We had a really good talk while he adjusted my holster. He liked the MDJ holster I was wearing... $35 + about $4 shipping.


I won't be carrying that much, though, if I bend forward at all, the rig prints. It's just too thick... a block! But, yeah, it holds 13+1 and I have a 15-round reload on the other side... G22 mag. The 22-rounders are a bit taller and I haven't tried them, yet.


That holster looks just like a Kholster. I bought a couple of them five or six years ago, one for a CW9 and one for a SIG. I never wore them because the leather 'squeaked'.

03-25-2013, 10:54 AM
I hadn't noticed that. I would treat it with something if it did that. Mink oil or saddlesoap. I have three different IWB holsters now and none of them makes the Block "smaller". Actually I have 4 if I count the one-size-fits-all OWB nylon holster for my 2" belt rig... battle pistol rig!
