View Full Version : Hope the republicans don't cave to that Liar!
02-23-2013, 04:17 PM
We need to make him eat his Idea and His forged agreement. He needs to eat a big fat SH*t Sandwich on this one! The Sequestor takes 1/3rd of 1% off the table. The budget calls for a 15Billion Dollar increase. he'll have to do without 85 mill poor bastard!:amflag::32:
02-23-2013, 04:27 PM
agree but the pressure we are seeing is from the 47% er wo don't work,, won't work but want everyone else wo is owrking to pay for them.I hope truly the republicna let this sequester or what eve ri the fokk they want to call it happen. Hell look at it this way the repulican party has approval rating of damn near nuttin, so what have they to loose. Now it is time to take a stance and do the right thing. When u take off and go golfing with the other pr!ck who thinks he is the great thinbg since peanut butter, then to me it shows obummer could give a rats ass about this cuntry. Fokk it let it happen. I am tired of paying for those who won't work, tired of payin for illegals who get better medical care than I do.
cuntrty is going to hell and the pr!ck is leading them through the pass..
02-23-2013, 04:32 PM
Jocko, I knew I could count on you to so eloquently explain it!:D
02-23-2013, 04:41 PM
well,I held back ALOT to. Just sayin
what does eloquently mean???? Just sayin
02-23-2013, 04:56 PM
The word eloquent means fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
02-23-2013, 05:37 PM
That community organizer owns it all. Even the media are slowly realizing his bullpie.
02-23-2013, 05:41 PM
This short video stops all of them in their tracks. Use it, post it everywhere.
02-23-2013, 06:07 PM
Smug Plick! Guy in The video...
02-23-2013, 06:27 PM
It's all just a dog and pony show by both sides. Until we stop spending a trillion dollars a year more than we take in this country will continue it's slide into the abyss. A pox on both of their houses. We've got a bunch of A-holes running this country. (I can be eloquent too, when I want to be.)
02-23-2013, 07:41 PM
"a pox on both houses" would that be like sayin "fokk both houses"?
I have my ol jocko 6 page websters out looking up that word. all I can find is chicken pox and small pox, which house gets which one??? Just sayin.
02-23-2013, 08:41 PM
I hope they shove it right up his arse. Not because it was his idea. I could care less. I want it shoved thru because of all the MISINFORMATION he's spewing now about babies are gonna die in the street and the military is going to fold and the pentagon torn down. Rubbish.
If anyone bothers to look this up and do an ounce of homework they'd realize this cut doesn't CUT anything. It's a reduction in increases. They have built in increases in everything the government does and this is just basically saying they aren't going to spend AS MUCH ADDITIONAL as they were before.
It's smoke and mirrors, politics, and outright lies!
What a tool!
I work in a government house...surrounded by good, dedicated professionals. These "overpaid civil servants" do what they do because they care about their and your country. To a person, they could make more money the private sector. The sequester invented and perpetuated on by our inept political leadership is going to cost them. It's a 20% pay cut beginning in April for however long this goes on. We're going to lose some, I don't blame them a bit, and we're all going to be the worse off for it.
02-23-2013, 10:54 PM
Yeah, as a defence areospace worker I am watching the prep for the Sequester and the layoffs it will bring. Good folks with families will be on the street soon enough. The effort is senseless as the delays and reductions will only boost the overall cost of the program. Fewer aircraft cost the same per unit but all the work for spares, trainning and software upgrading remain fixed and attached to fewer jets.
Make no mistakes here, the F-16s that I built in the 1980s are getting very tired after this many years rotating thru combat tours. even with excellent maintance they are only going to go so far...
Seeing how I just paid my tax bill for the year (of WAAAAAY too much $$) and now I have to watch as good people and good taxpayers are going to the street for what, politics??
Both side need to get their $hit togeather. NOW!
02-23-2013, 11:24 PM
I work in a government house...surrounded by good, dedicated professionals. These "overpaid civil servants" do what they do because they care about their and your country. To a person, they could make more money the private sector. The sequester invented and perpetuated on by our inept political leadership is going to cost them. It's a 20% pay cut beginning in April for however long this goes on. We're going to lose some, I don't blame them a bit, and we're all going to be the worse off for it.
Couple of points.
1. No offense, but for every government worker that cares and takes a govt job to serve I can drop by any government agency and find you 4 that aren't worth a plug nickel and don't give a rats *** about their job, me, or anybody else. The 80/20 rule applies everywhere, every industry, every company, every agency. It's as guaranteed as gravity.
2. By and large, in many white color government jobs, they make more and have better benefits than their private sector counterparts. Most people don't go after a government job for the glory, they go for the benefits, pay, security, and retirement. So that argument can be made either way, depending on the type of job.
The government over spends, over commits, and in the vast majority of situations, over pays. It's government, they have no reason to not.
It's about time government employees feel the pain that the private sector does. Layoffs, pay cuts, and everything else that goes with the current economy is what the rest of the world is experiencing. Why should government employees be exempt from that?
02-24-2013, 03:46 AM
I hope they shove it right up his arse. Not because it was his idea. I could care less. I want it shoved thru because of all the MISINFORMATION he's spewing now about babies are gonna die in the street and the military is going to fold and the pentagon torn down. Rubbish.
If anyone bothers to look this up and do an ounce of homework they'd realize this cut doesn't CUT anything. It's a reduction in increases. They have built in increases in everything the government does and this is just basically saying they aren't going to spend AS MUCH ADDITIONAL as they were before.
It's smoke and mirrors, politics, and outright lies!
What a tool!
Hear ya go Mr. President
Sequester won't happen. The fat cat defense and government contractors who suck up more government money than the 47 percenters and run the Republican party won't allow it.
02-24-2013, 11:00 AM
I hope they shove it right up his arse. Not because it was his idea. I could care less. I want it shoved thru because of all the MISINFORMATION he's spewing now about babies are gonna die in the street and the military is going to fold and the pentagon torn down. Rubbish.
If anyone bothers to look this up and do an ounce of homework they'd realize this cut doesn't CUT anything. It's a reduction in increases. They have built in increases in everything the government does and this is just basically saying they aren't going to spend AS MUCH ADDITIONAL as they were before.
It's smoke and mirrors, politics, and outright lies!
What a tool!
10-4 on that.If we can't curt 3% off of our budget of trillions of dollars then we are in bit trouble. Pure bull Sh!t and u all know it to. People aredoing it now, so why can't our government???It is bull sh!t and because maybe somewill loose teir jobs (maybe) does this mean we dont try to do sumpin..
wait until obummer5 care kicks in, ur gonna see 3% in industry cuts fast, be it in benefits, layoffs, or both, but it is gonna happen..To many free loaders in this cuntry and I personally am tired of being told I need to pay more and more and more while opur government seems to want to spend more and more and more.Fokk it:Amflag2:
Longitude Zero
02-24-2013, 12:05 PM
I say let the sequester happen in all is pain and lay the blame at Obamas feet. I hope and pray the "R's" do not cave in. I say bring it on as it is the only way to get radicals on both sides of the aisle to come to heal.
02-24-2013, 12:12 PM
"a pox on both houses" would that be like sayin "fokk both houses"?
I have my ol jocko 6 page websters out looking up that word. all I can find is chicken pox and small pox, which house gets which one??? Just sayin.
It's kinda like sayin fokk both houses, but with just a tad of finesse. It doesn't have quite the panache that fokk carries. You can look up panache in for Funk'n Wagnalls. :)
02-24-2013, 12:16 PM
I work in a government house...surrounded by good, dedicated professionals. These "overpaid civil servants" do what they do because they care about their and your country. To a person, they could make more money the private sector. The sequester invented and perpetuated on by our inept political leadership is going to cost them. It's a 20% pay cut beginning in April for however long this goes on. We're going to lose some, I don't blame them a bit, and we're all going to be the worse off for it.
Screw 'em. It's our money. Include their retirement benefits and they make 40% more that the private sector employees.
02-24-2013, 12:26 PM
When Washington raises our taxes I never hear one government employee ask where the public is going to get the money. It's more like pay up or go to jail. It's about time that they learned how to make do with less. Let em find a part time job in the private sector. I worked four part time jobs at one time and was still required to pay my taxes to support the A-holes who refused to get a job. Enough is enough.
02-24-2013, 12:31 PM
Sorry, I ain't drinkin' that lying A wholes kool aid! These sequester cuts are off of HIS 15% increased spending for this year, he hasn't cut a F'ing nickel since he self-anointed himself. If he hangs anyone out to dry by layoffs they probably voted for him. If He took anything away from his ghetto supporters , you'd see the 1967 riots all over again. Either way he needs to eat that big sheet sandwich!
Either way Burn Baby Burn!
02-24-2013, 01:18 PM
Amen brother muggsy, amen brother.
02-24-2013, 11:56 PM
This should encourage them to cut some of the crap they are spending on and move the funds to the things that will be cut by this. The only reason Obumma did this was because he knew it would get peoples attention.
Couple of points.
1. No offense, but for every government worker that cares and takes a govt job to serve I can drop by any government agency and find you 4 that aren't worth a plug nickel and don't give a rats *** about their job, me, or anybody else. The 80/20 rule applies everywhere, every industry, every company, every agency. It's as guaranteed as gravity.
2. By and large, in many white color government jobs, they make more and have better benefits than their private sector counterparts. Most people don't go after a government job for the glory, they go for the benefits, pay, security, and retirement. So that argument can be made either way, depending on the type of job.
The government over spends, over commits, and in the vast majority of situations, over pays. It's government, they have no reason to not.
It's about time government employees feel the pain that the private sector does. Layoffs, pay cuts, and everything else that goes with the current economy is what the rest of the world is experiencing. Why should government employees be exempt from that?
There are better answers than to screw the dedicated worthy. As a, now, private sector government contractor with better pay and benefits than I ever had in government service I escape untouched. How does that set with you/your model?
02-25-2013, 09:51 PM
There are better answers than to screw the dedicated worthy. As a, now, private sector government contractor with better pay and benefits than I ever had in government service I escape untouched. How does that set with you/your model?
I agree, cut government spending. That's the solution. You don't have to screw people to do that. This is ALL a farce. There are not any significant cuts here. It's al smoke and mirrors. The cuts could easily be made that do not impact people if this jerk wad of a president would make the effort to find them. But he wants to play politics w/ it so he can look good. Furthermore, the cuts are not cuts, they are reductions in automatic budgetary increases. So we are talking about people not getting raises, or given raises and having to lay other people off to give them. Either way, its the administrations choice and then they use it to try and make the other side look bad. He's a liar, period, end of story.
Second, regardless of your story and how your job scene has turned out, that is NOT a model, that's anecdotal evidence and it means nothing statistically. It may mean something to you personally, better job, better pay, etc...and that's great. But there are thousands, no tens of thousands, of stories that produce plenty of empirical evidence that the federal government, then state governments, then local (in that order of waste) are a vacuum of financial ineptitude and waste. Fact.
Again, take it the wrong way if you like, not my intention. Just shedding light on the discussion. As a government contractor, one really cannot claim to be free of the government as far as pay and claiming that you make more in the private sector than a gov't employee. That's apples and oranges. If you can make MORE money in your profession completely outside of government (i.e. not as a gov't employee and not as a gov't contractor) then you are the exception to the rule. Most positions in the gov't pay more than their private sector equivalents and the gov't almost always pays contractors more than that same contractor would make in the private sector. If the contractor isn't making it, their employer or an in between vendor is. I know whereof I speak.
02-25-2013, 10:17 PM
Well I hope all those annocing the cuts as BS know of what they speak. I work near and am freinds with many of our HR folks out at the airplane factory. They relate the "hit list" for the layoffs is finally finished based on what funding is to be slashed. If this ain't fixed by Friday then the pinkslips go out Monday morning...
Those are very real people who'll be getting them.
02-25-2013, 10:58 PM
It's most definitely BS, but it won't be sold that way because the liar-in-chief wants it to turn out bad. He could care less that he's gonna dump on people just to take a shot at republicans.
the actual amount of these cuts are half of what is being reported. 85 billion is the amount of possible increase that has to be whacked. The CBO itself has stated this is in reality only 40 billion in actual cuts on what has been/will be spent by the Pentagon.
So, 16 trillion debt, God knows how much tax revenue already flagged to go to the same depts/agencies impacted by the 85 billion limit cut, 40 billion real dollar cuts...and they can't find 40 billion?
Nah! It's crap of the n-th degree. Liars, every last one of them.
02-26-2013, 04:15 AM
And let's not forget these famous words!
F' ing LIAR!
There is nothing out of his mouth you can believe, NOTHING
And it's permeated itself all the way down in his administration.
02-26-2013, 08:02 AM
I'm practicing my greek, everyone repeat after me...
είμαστε βιδώνονται
Translation: We're screwed
02-26-2013, 08:30 AM
I'm practicing my greek, everyone repeat after me...
είμαστε βιδώνονται
Translation: We're screwed.
Yasou! Just like they are in Athens! Kala!
(only if you don't have ammo and clean drinking water!)
I agree, cut government spending. That's the solution. You don't have to screw people to do that. This is ALL a farce. There are not any significant cuts here. It's al smoke and mirrors. The cuts could easily be made that do not impact people if this jerk wad of a president would make the effort to find them. But he wants to play politics w/ it so he can look good. Furthermore, the cuts are not cuts, they are reductions in automatic budgetary increases. So we are talking about people not getting raises, or given raises and having to lay other people off to give them. Either way, its the administrations choice and then they use it to try and make the other side look bad. He's a liar, period, end of story.
Second, regardless of your story and how your job scene has turned out, that is NOT a model, that's anecdotal evidence and it means nothing statistically. It may mean something to you personally, better job, better pay, etc...and that's great. But there are thousands, no tens of thousands, of stories that produce plenty of empirical evidence that the federal government, then state governments, then local (in that order of waste) are a vacuum of financial ineptitude and waste. Fact.
Again, take it the wrong way if you like, not my intention. Just shedding light on the discussion. As a government contractor, one really cannot claim to be free of the government as far as pay and claiming that you make more in the private sector than a gov't employee. That's apples and oranges. If you can make MORE money in your profession completely outside of government (i.e. not as a gov't employee and not as a gov't contractor) then you are the exception to the rule. Most positions in the gov't pay more than their private sector equivalents and the gov't almost always pays contractors more than that same contractor would make in the private sector. If the contractor isn't making it, their employer or an in between vendor is. I know whereof I speak.
As with my government masters, I make less than I could elsewhere....out of this business. Truth be, at an independent 70 I don't need nor do I want a job. I'm doing this because.... And I'm really tired of people picking on those who care and are covering our national asses just because they work for the gov't. Done here.
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