View Full Version : Ted Nugent Pierce Moron

02-25-2013, 07:13 PM
P Moron seems to have toned his act down a little. I guess the network told him that people threatening to deport him was not good for his public relations and he was disrespectful to U.S citizens

02-25-2013, 07:21 PM
So Morgan got a thrill from shooting. Next thing you know Ted will be taking him hunting. Heck, they might even invite Dick Cheney to go as well. :D

02-25-2013, 07:37 PM
the interview I seen of him and ted, Ted cut him a new A$$HOLE before he was done. Ted somertimes is alittle whacko but he can put Pierce Moron in his place with ease

02-25-2013, 08:14 PM
Isn't Ted suppose to die or leave the country? Either is OK with me.

02-26-2013, 09:22 AM
Isn't Ted suppose to die or leave the country? Either is OK with me.

While Ted can be a bit on the edge, I can take him over Moron any day of the week.

02-26-2013, 09:48 AM
I'd take Ted over the vast majority of the people in this country.

02-26-2013, 11:16 AM
Great idea!!!, Have Ted take Piers deer hunting, give Piers a fur coat and tell him it's a special camo hunting jacket made just for him then give him a white handkerchief to wave if he see's something or gets lost....Problem solved....Sometimes you guys are simply brilliant!!!...:Amflag2:

02-26-2013, 11:20 AM
I'd take Ted over the vast majority of the people in this country.

alsharpton, Jesse Jackson. Pelosie, Feinstein, Cuoma. POh my how couldu let Teddy boy be ahead of these great people???Just sayin:amflag:

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2013, 11:28 AM
In no fan of Piers Morgan, a non-citizen, advocating British perspective on firearms here in the US, but having said that....F*** Ted Nugent! This is the same flag waving, super patriot, pro-gun advocate who when his country wanted to put a firearm in his hands with unlimited amounts of ammo to fight in Vietnam he instead dodged the draft! This coward admitted to showing up without having bathed or brushed his teeth in days AND with sh*t in his pants in an attempt to appear mentally unstable. So like I said before...f*** Ted Nugent! F****** coward!

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02-26-2013, 11:34 AM
In no fan of Piers Morgan, a non-citizen, advocating British perspective on firearms here in the US, but having said that....F*** Ted Nugent! This is the same flag waving, super patriot, pro-gun advocate who when his country wanted to put a firearm in his hands with unlimited amounts of ammo to fight in Vietnam he instead dodged the draft! This coward admitted to showing up without having bathed or brushed his teeth in days AND with sh*t in his pants in an attempt to appear mentally unstable. So like I said before...f*** Ted Nugent! F****** coward!

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I'm not excusing his behavior. But it was 40 years ago. How long you planning on holding that over his head. He's on the right side of the fight now. What did you do when you were 20 that you'd like to be forgiven for now?

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2013, 11:35 AM
I would NEVER have dodged the draft. He's a coward pure and simple. Don't make excuses for him.

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02-26-2013, 11:40 AM

02-26-2013, 11:41 AM
I did not know that about uncle Ted. If true, it would not set well with me. Where did u read this add?

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2013, 11:43 AM
U can google it and you'll see many references to the interview that he gave. Just type Ted nugent Vietnam.

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02-26-2013, 11:44 AM

02-26-2013, 12:01 PM
somewhere there has to be a deferment in his records, 4F our sumpin. NOt defending him either, as I being a bowhunter all my life and Ted is banned in Alaska and California over game violations, does not set well with me and this was in the last 5 years, not as a kid

I did find this on the net:2. Claimed to have avoided the Vietnam draft by stopping all physical hygiene, ingesting nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi, and going to the bathroom in his pants for days prior to his physical. (He later said he was joking about this

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0412/75309.html#ixzz2M1op5gSU

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2013, 12:06 PM
He wasn't. He just regrets admitting to it.

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02-26-2013, 12:12 PM
So that's what Cat Scratch Fever smells like!!!....:puke:

02-26-2013, 12:16 PM
has to be some draft deferments somewhere, not sure that is privacy info, but again I don't know. There are alot of peole who have no use for Teddy boy and proof is in the puddin , more less.

I just don't know and because I read sumpin on the net any more isn't proof of anything. certainly a 4F deferment might go a long way to say he tried to avoid the draft. Back then he was not quite the rock star as he was in the 70"s and beyond either.

02-26-2013, 12:40 PM
I would NEVER have dodged the draft. He's a coward pure and simple. Don't make excuses for him.

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I didn't. You didn't read. specifically stated not making an excuse. But I'm not about to throw the baby out with the basth water. He is taking the fight to the gun control crowd. A veteran does not a noble person make. I will refer you to John McCain. he didn't dodge the draft and he's a danger to this country now. Would you dodge the draft if they were giving orders to shoot gun owners on sight?

02-26-2013, 12:48 PM
or duke cunningham, who is in prison now over corruption and was our first nam ace who came back a hero and then got elected with no problems only to turn into the crook that he was. I like John McCain and I salute his past indeed bnut IMO he needs to step down and smell the roses add sit on the front porch and view Russia with that gal up north.

I at my age have not been the best person in life either, so I can look past some of teddy's bull sh!t back in the 70's. but I DON'T HAVE TO FORGET. Right now we need all the pro gun people out there fighting for the 2nd amendment,not just my rights but what the 2nd stands for. I do think Teddy boy stands for that, and I just do think that if the anti gun people could slander teddy and make his fairly useless today that sure there is records somewhere as to why he did not serve. Look what the swift boat vets did to Kerry, there was alot of hatred in their vendatta butagain they also remembered when he come hme from nam and turned into the elitest prick that he was.

Now ol billy boy clinton, ,now there is a man who truly loved his CUNTRY. Just sayin

02-26-2013, 12:56 PM
i'll go out on another limb here on this stupid draft thing. it's anti-American. it's anti-Declaration-of-Independence, it's anti-Constitution. i'm probably the last person some of you guys would expect to say that.

would I have gone to Vietnam? you betcha (not old enough). my biggest regret in life is having NOT signed up in '91 and stayed in college at the time. would I have gone to Iraq or Afganistan, you betcha. I'm not a pacifist by any stretch of the imagination, but what I would do and what i'm willing to criticize someone else for doing or not doing are two different things. each person has to live w/ their decision just like those that didn't fight in the revolutionary war or civil war ran the risk of loosing everything for 'staying out of it'. that's your prerogative.

But military conscription flies in the FACE of the founding of this country. You have a Bill of Rights for a reason. If you do not feel compelled to fight for the government or the country, you should have a right to do so w/o having to listen to a bunch of crap from other people about it. If you then get overrun by pinko commies or Islamic terrorists, then so be it...that's your own fault. We won a freakin' war against overwhelming odds w/ volunteers. If we cannot do that now, then maybe we shouldn't be in the fight in the first place.

The selective service and the draft is stupid. Should Nugent have signed up to stop communism and opression, yes. But that's just my opinion, he should NOT have been legally required to do so.

<off soap box>

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2013, 01:11 PM
Here's link from Smokinggun.com detailing 3 deferments this coward received, the last of which indicates a mental deficiency. If you're not familiar with Smokinggun, they are website that specializes in uncovering public documents and records. They have a very good reputation and do not deal in rumors and Internet BS.


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02-26-2013, 01:30 PM
wellol ted is the ne who now has to live with this to. Kinda hard to take back what onme said years ago. Just ask Hanoi Jane.

thanks Jules. I can now form my own opinion.

02-26-2013, 02:14 PM
"My man in inglewood"

Jules is a mushroom cloud layin motherfu**er, motherfu**er

Wheres vinsent?

02-26-2013, 02:16 PM
I think most by now have formed their opinion and as usual I don't give a damn.

I think this cow has been milked.