View Full Version : 6+1 problem solved

02-26-2013, 10:03 AM
It was as simple as changing the angle on the magazine follower. I added a little material(JB Weld) so as to move the contact area forward a little and then lowered the rear about 3/32". This lowered the gap between the first and second bullet, which put a little more upward pressure on the nose of the first bullet. You could feel a distinct difference between a stock magazine and a modified one.

Ran 20 full magazines loaded 6+1 and not one failure to feed the second shot.


02-26-2013, 10:10 AM
Congratulations, Sam. It's always good when you figure something out and getting it to work as it should. Not all Kahrs are problematic, but some sure take more TLC than others!


02-26-2013, 10:33 AM
That's an interesting fix.

02-26-2013, 12:52 PM
It was as simple as changing the angle on the magazine follower. I added a little material(JB Weld) so as to move the contact area forward a little and then lowered the rear about 3/32". This lowered the gap between the first and second bullet, which put a little more upward pressure on the nose of the first bullet. You could feel a distinct difference between a stock magazine and a modified one.

Ran 20 full magazines loaded 6+1 and not one failure to feed the second shot.


Keep working on that post count and then post some pics...interesting.


02-26-2013, 01:04 PM
Keep a eye on the jb weld I don't think it has great bonding to plastic, if it stays on power to you.You could also cut the angle that you desire on the follower without adding anything.Look up follower mod and you will see how it is cut. At least for now this takes care of your problem.As I said watch that jb weld build up area. It was a good idea hope it stays in place for you

02-26-2013, 01:53 PM
Keep a eye on the jb weld I don't think it has great bonding to plastic, if it stays on power to you.You could also cut the angle that you desire on the follower without adding anything.Look up follower mod and you will see how it is cut. At least for now this takes care of your problem.As I said watch that jb weld build up area. It was a good idea hope it stays in place for you

If the JB Weld lets go, I have some aerospace grade epoxy that I know will stay put. Drys slower and I was in a hurry to try it out, so I used the JB Weld Quick. I did look at the follower mod, and changed the angle, tho not as much as they did, but extending the contact area forward makes more difference than you would think. They took so much material off in the follower mod thread, that they left the plastic very thin at the rear.


02-26-2013, 08:21 PM
It still amazes me that they just don't design a follower that works.We have to make these mods to make things function.Don't get me wrong I really like my cm9 BUT the follower design sucks the round does not have the right angle and the front step makes it teeter and I also think the spring tension is to strong.I have been cutting back my springs and that seems to help.Just Keep putting posts up and you can put some pictures up.Remember aim at the the buckle and pull the trigger the gun always rises.Let us know how you make out

02-26-2013, 08:23 PM
Shouldn't Kahr have resolved this issue by now? It makes no sense that owners have to be this inventive to get their $600 pistols to work.

02-26-2013, 08:27 PM
Shouldn't Kahr have resolved this issue by now? It makes no sense that owners have to be this inventive to get their $600 pistols to work.

That...and that their spare mags are rediculously priced. If they were perfect that would be one thing.

02-26-2013, 11:43 PM
Keep working on that post count and then post some pics...interesting.

Yes, please do (or use an off site host), we like photos:)

If the JB Weld lets go, I have some aerospace grade epoxy that I know will stay put. Drys slower and I was in a hurry to try it out, so I used the JB Weld Quick. I did look at the follower mod, and changed the angle, tho not as much as they did, but extending the contact area forward makes more difference than you would think. They took so much material off in the follower mod thread, that they left the plastic very thin at the rear.

Speaking of photos: conceding that "thin" can be a relative term, I disagree that so much material is taken off in the follower mod threads that "they left the plastic very thin at the rear." Thinner yes, very thin no:

I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your modified follower and welcome to the forums:)


02-27-2013, 06:59 AM
I agree that the ones in your photo do not have too much material removed, but I saw another thread where as much as 3/16 to 1/4 had been removed. That was what I was referring too.


02-27-2013, 10:12 AM
And if someone is concerned, the underside pocket (above the pennies in the pic) could be filled with your personal choice of material like JB Weld, etc.
Where it would not be exposed to the sliding forces of the ammo.

02-27-2013, 11:23 AM
we as a consumer, should NOT have to deal with this at all. Thats Kahrs responsibility.

02-27-2013, 12:31 PM
we as a consumer, should NOT have to deal with this at all. Thats Kahrs responsibility.


02-27-2013, 01:24 PM
As long as we keep buying their guns and resolving the issues ourselves, why should Kahr worry about it?

Some guys like to tinker. It makes 'em feel good to think they've found a solution to Kahr's idiosyncrasies.

02-27-2013, 01:54 PM
we as a consumer, should NOT have to deal with this at all. Thats Kahrs responsibility.

I'm with you on this but the OP decided to attempt a DIY fix, and he has concerns about what "could happen" as a result of "another", more common, mod.
He still could buy another follower to replace the one he modified and then ask Kar for help, as could anyone else.