View Full Version : New PM45 owner

02-26-2013, 07:36 PM
So I finally got myself a PM45. Today I finished cleaning and lubing it, also racked the slide a couple hundred times. I did the same to my P380 and it works perfectly. So everything seems good with the 45 except for the missing bevel in the stripper. I tried loading the rounds with the slide release method and was having issues. Only way it worked was with the slide closed I inserted a full mag then opened and locked the slide and then released it. Thing is, I cant really do a reload cause the round will get stuck under the stripper. So my question is, should I save myself all those rounds at the range and just email kahr and have this thing fixed. Ammo is kind of hard to come by these days. I would really appreciate your comments, especially those who have 45s with the stripper beveled and non beveled. Thank you.

02-26-2013, 08:07 PM
If you have reason to believe the gun is defective, I suggest you direct your questions to Kahr Customer Service.


02-26-2013, 10:43 PM
If it's just missing the bevel, you can fix that easily. The angle of the bevel isn't critical. You can use a file or whetstone.

Even without a bevel a proper rack with a firm grip will chamber a round. Without the bevel, the "stripper" part of the breechface just rests on the rim of the cartridge when the slide is locked back. A full rack gets the stripper behind the case so that the the breechface can push the top round forward and chamber it.

Mine had this problem and I sent it back, but it's an easy fix.

This is Greg's link on many problems with the poly .45's:


and this problem in particular:


Another possible problem is the "notch" where the front part of the recoil guide rod/spring assembly fits into the slide. This is an un-notched one:


And this one is notched fully to allow the recoil spring and guide rod to move a bit as the barrel tilts up and down during firing for unlocking and locking to the slide. This problem has been noted on other pistols, too, the lack of the notch. It's easy to make or widen a bit and smooth with a round file or Dremel type tool.


02-26-2013, 11:02 PM
The bevel....try for about 45 degrees. It allows the top round to slide more easily into position at the bottom front edge of the breech face.

02-27-2013, 08:29 AM
Thanks for the replies, I am able to load a round with a hand rack but its still very stiff, plus this gun doesnt have much to hold onto the slide. But I was thinking of trying to bevel it myself. Thankfully my gun has the notch well made. Once I bevel it and head to the range I will keep an eye out for any other issues common to the 45s, but I am crossing my fingers and hoping she behaves. Thanks again for the feedback.

02-27-2013, 08:49 AM
Kahr are tight and very close-toleranced. The .45's are even more so! It just takes some use to get broken in.

Don't use the "pinch" method of racking. You can get a better grip using the weak hand fingers over the slide(clear of the ejection port), thumb along the slide and pointing to the rear. Use the gun hand to simultaneously and firmly push the gun as you give a vigorous rack with the weak hand and cleanly release the slide as it reaches the rear limit and is "snatched" from the weak hand. This approximates a real rack from firing and beats the slide release method WHEN executed properly. Much more strength can be exerted when this is done closer to the body.

ANY chambering attempt needs to be done with a FIRM grip on the pistol, so that gun movement doesn't absorb some of the needed slide momentum... also known as "limp wristing".

The first part of this video can be helpful:



Dirt doc
02-27-2013, 10:14 AM
Mine is not beveled and I cannot use the slide release to load a round. Like others I can load it from a closed chamber by pulling the slide fully to the rear ( you will feel the round click into place ahead of the stripper bar) and releasing the slide. Or, from a locked back position with mag in place pull the slide fully back and release it.

I had intended to shoot mine for a while to see if there were any other problems and then send it back and let Kahr fix it. However, it didn't have any other problems and I get along fine using those two loading methods so I haven't got around to sending I in yet.

02-27-2013, 10:22 AM
Thanks for the replies, I am able to load a round with a hand rack but its still very stiff, plus this gun doesnt have much to hold onto the slide. But I was thinking of trying to bevel it myself. Thankfully my gun has the notch well made. Once I bevel it and head to the range I will keep an eye out for any other issues common to the 45s, but I am crossing my fingers and hoping she behaves. Thanks again for the feedback.

45's generally don't have issues. Just sayin.

02-27-2013, 10:39 AM
That is a very good video, this is where i learned how to properly rack my P380 and it works for me. I know my PM45 will loosen up with use, and I will definitely bevel that stripper because I am used to releasing the slide to chamber a round from a new mag. I read so much about it with my P380 that is how I do it all the time. Thanks again.

02-27-2013, 11:40 AM
I sold my large S&W 645 last year... just had too many pistols and felt like I needed to get rid of one as I was buying several more and several more this month alone.

The full-sized 1911-ish SA/DA was one of my pre-Kahr favorites and its action seemed sloppy... large everything with single recoil spring... easy to rack, but the Kahrs are just so compact and everything so tight... you have to do your part in holding the pistol firmly so that short action and powerful spring can generate the momentum to push a round into the chamber... and not transfer some of the needed energy in moving the pistol... as in limp wristing!


03-13-2013, 12:59 AM
Had an extremely long.....500 round "breakin period" with mine....now works great!

Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

03-13-2013, 05:05 AM
The bevel is only there for the first round and an open slide. Its there to help insure that the round is placed in front of, and not under the breech face. Thats all it does. Not all pistols need the bevel. Even without the bevel, proper magazine insertion will make sure the round is placed properly.

03-14-2013, 11:29 PM
After A LOT of prepping (cleaning, polishing, hand racking, beveling!), I finally went to the range. I shot close to 80 rounds WWB, only one FTF, and I know it was definitely my fault. I felt myself limp wristing it that time. I am extremely happy and satisfied with my pm45, all that hard work prepping the sh!t out of it really paid off. Cant wait to shoot a couple hundred fmjs and maybe a box of hst and start carrying it.

03-15-2013, 12:40 AM
They are great little pistols, but sometimes they need a little help... like the bevel they missed at the factory. I'm glad that you got yours working okay. It's a powerful little pistol. I carry the K725G... 7-round extended grip magazines for reload/spare, but keep the 5-rounder in the pistol for concealed carry. I do that for all of my Kahrs... carry the "hi-cap" mags.
