View Full Version : Happy in my stupidity.

04-04-2010, 06:10 PM
I`ve always thought of myself as a little dumber than most.Slow on the uptake but affable.I am, after all, a slow-witted southerner and I never did go to college.I watched a lot of people go but I didn`t have the money.Probably would have flunked out anyway,but a conversation I had this afternoon with my next door neighbor has made me realize that I`m not the biggest moron in this cul de sac.He informed me that he was going to get his cc permit.From Florida.His reasoning was that he could do it without taking a class and when he got it,he wouldn`t have to wait to get his carry piece.[He has chosen a .22 magnum but we`ll save that for later.] When I tried to explain to him how flawed his plan was,he got a bit bitchy with me and stormed off.He refused to believe me when I told him that as a resident of North Carolina,he couldn`t use a Florida cc permit to buy a handgun here or in Florida for that matter.But he has a college degree and I`m just ol` dummass me.What a tool.I almost felt intelligent for a moment until I walked back inside the house and my wife brought me back to reality.Bless her,she always reminds me of how ignorant I am.Life is good.I reckon.

04-04-2010, 06:25 PM
The thing is college education and common sense are two different animals entirely. People often assume that since they got a college education they are smart and maybe they are at some things. BUT I'd hazard to say that over 90 percent of the college graduates I know and have met had their common sense actually reduced or removed entirely by the college professors. That is one of the multitude of things that scare me immensely these days, is teachers and professors brainwashing our younguns that it's ok not to come in out of the rain. Alot of times life gets really muddy when you try to apply rocket science to things that can be handled with old fashioned common sense. You being from the south would notice this even more. I found there's a much much higher level of common sense in the south than certainly the NW where I believe it's actually in a rare bird or even protected species status although I don't see anyone rushing to protect me. Your alright Dietrich, be proud that you got thru just fine with out drinking the college Kool Aid.

I`ve always thought of myself as a little dumber than most.Slow on the uptake but affable.I am, after all, a slow-witted southerner and I never did go to college.I watched a lot of people go but I didn`t have the money.Probably would have flunked out anyway,but a conversation I had this afternoon with my next door neighbor has made me realize that I`m not the biggest moron in this cul de sac.He informed me that he was going to get his cc permit.From Florida.His reasoning was that he could do it without taking a class and when he got it,he wouldn`t have to wait to get his carry piece.[He has chosen a .22 magnum but we`ll save that for later.] When I tried to explain to him how flawed his plan was,he got a bit bitchy with me and stormed off.He refused to believe me when I told him that as a resident of North Carolina,he couldn`t use a Florida cc permit to buy a handgun here or in Florida for that matter.But he has a college degree and I`m just ol` dummass me.What a tool.I almost felt intelligent for a moment until I walked back inside the house and my wife brought me back to reality.Bless her,she always reminds me of how ignorant I am.Life is good.I reckon.

04-04-2010, 06:31 PM
So, in NC you need a carry permit just to buy a handgun?

04-04-2010, 06:40 PM
So, in NC you need a carry permit just to buy a handgun?No,you can also get a permit from your county sheriff.Dummy was referring to the fact that it takes about two weeks for a handgun permit to be issued.It`s even longer to actually get your cc permit.He thought that if he got the Florida permit online he wouldn`t have to wait for anything.The waiting period for a purchase permit varies from county to county but it`s around two weeks in the county where we reside.He also thinks that a .22 magnum fires buckshot.I`m not going to tell him any different.

04-04-2010, 06:50 PM
SO, you have to get a permit from the Sheriff in NC. just to buy a gun ?
No,just a handgun.

04-04-2010, 07:06 PM
I am in college now and in class am surrounded by half intelligent people and the other half self-entitled idiots so I can completely understand why this guy is one of the idiots. Oh and just out of curiosity on the handgun permit, do you have to get a new permit for each handgun you buy? If so it seems like that would do some damage to the impulse buy market. I know I have more than once when in to look around and walked out with something I just had to have.

04-04-2010, 07:39 PM
SO, you have to get a permit from the Sheriff in NC. just to buy a gun ?

I think he means to eliminate the waiting period. Instant delivery with a permit, wait a couple weeks without. That's the way it is here in WA. Thank goodness we don't have a permit for each gun, its just one covers all. What a nightmare that would be.

04-04-2010, 09:19 PM
A wise man once told me, "some people can handle education and some people can't". Too much of anything is NOT good and that includes education. We have a government full of educated idiots who don't have a lick of common sense. Hukt on fonix wrkt fore mie!

04-04-2010, 10:24 PM
A wise man once told me, "some people can handle education and some people can't". Too much of anything is NOT good and that includes education. We have a government full of educated idiots who don't have a lick of common sense. Hukt on fonix wrkt fore mie!

Excellent analogy.

quote. Too bad we don't know who wrote it. I have been looking for a statement that sums up my feelings and this is it.

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” -- Author Unknown

04-04-2010, 11:15 PM
Permit to buy a gun!? Good grief! We can buy a truckload down here in the Sunshine State... no permit. And we can carry any legal weapon concealed. Our CW permit is just that... a permit to carry concealed weapons, not just guns and not just one certain gun or one particular type. We can have a choice of lethal or non-lethal for each occasion. It's nice to have a choice... stun gun for dogs or animals, and PM45 for 2-legged varmints. Sprays, clubs, and knives are just too close and personal.

04-04-2010, 11:22 PM
Permit to buy a gun!? Good grief! We can buy a truckload down here in the Sunshine State... no permit. And we can carry any legal weapon concealed. Our CW permit is just that... a permit to carry concealed weapons, not just guns and not just one certain gun or one particular type. We can have a choice of lethal or non-lethal for each occasion. It's nice to have a choice... stun gun for dogs or animals, and PM45 for 2-legged varmints. Sprays, clubs, and knives are just too close and personal.

Next thing ya know we'll see your picture on the cover of Soldier of Fortune! Our permits use to be that way, covered swords, knives, all that stuff, now they are just guns but any or several guns will do. Don't have to list them or anything stupid like that. We don't need a permit for tasers and all that shocking stuff:eek:

mr surveyor
04-05-2010, 12:38 AM
Like the late, great "Pogo" said....and I might paraphrase a bit......

"I has seen the enemy, and we be him!"

My prayer for the last year and a half has been "Lord, protect us from ourselves as we are our own worst enemy".

And, just to throw my 2 cents in on the "education issue"..... I had enough common sense to leave "higher education" after only three semesters. Couldn't take the brainwashing, even in 1972.


04-05-2010, 03:48 AM
I am in college now and in class am surrounded by half intelligent people and the other half self-entitled idiots so I can completely understand why this guy is one of the idiots. Oh and just out of curiosity on the handgun permit, do you have to get a new permit for each handgun you buy? If so it seems like that would do some damage to the impulse buy market. I know I have more than once when in to look around and walked out with something I just had to have.

In Wake county where I live,you can get up to a maximum of five permits per application.Each permit is valid for five years from issue date and is good for the purchase of one handgun.If you want to buy more than five handguns,you have to go through the process again.It`s really not much of a hassel as most people don`t buy that many handguns but when you get your cc permit from your local sheriff,you don`t need a purchase permit and you may buy as many as you can afford.

04-05-2010, 06:14 AM
The thing is college education and common sense are two different animals entirely. People often assume that since they got a college education they are smart and maybe they are at some things. BUT I'd hazard to say that over 90 percent of the college graduates I know and have met had their common sense actually reduced or removed entirely by the college professors. That is one of the multitude of things that scare me immensely these days, is teachers and professors brainwashing our younguns that it's ok not to come in out of the rain. Alot of times life gets really muddy when you try to apply rocket science to things that can be handled with old fashioned common sense. You being from the south would notice this even more. I found there's a much much higher level of common sense in the south than certainly the NW where I believe it's actually in a rare bird or even protected species status although I don't see anyone rushing to protect me. Your alright Dietrich, be proud that you got thru just fine with out drinking the college Kool Aid.

I am big fan of Mr. Spock and not the Wall Street crow, because Spock believes in logic and common sense but the Wall Street crow does not, Why you may asked?, simple because there is not money to be made in common sense.:behindsofa:

04-05-2010, 07:25 AM
Actually gentlemen, Florida does offer out of staters to aquire a Florida CCw permit, which would be honored in your home state along with about 38 others who have resiprosity with Florida. While carrying in other states you do have to follw the local jurisdictions laws.
The fly in the ointment is I am not sure if pocessing a Florids CCW will allow him to forgo the special local waiting periods or permission to purchase in your home state of North Carolina.


04-05-2010, 10:37 AM
Actually, Florida does not honor non-resident licensees, except Florida's and there are 34 Reciprocating states, four of whom also don't honor non-resident permits.
FL Reciprocation link:
Concealed Carry Reciprocity - Division of Licensing, FDACS (http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/news/concealed_carry.html)

"QUESTION 5. I have a concealed carry permit from one of the states with which Florida has reciprocity, but I am not a resident of that state. Can I carry legally while visiting a Florida?

No. Florida, like Michigan and New Hampshire, has a residency requirement in its reciprocity law. Florida does not recognize non-resident concealed carry permits from other states."
My note from checking the footnotes (#4):
Colorado and South Carolina also don't recognize non-resident concealed carry permits from other states.


04-05-2010, 10:59 AM
Actually, Florida does not honor non-resident licensees, except Florida's and there are 34 Reciprocating states, four of whom also don't honor non-resident permits.
FL Reciprocation link:
Concealed Carry Reciprocity - Division of Licensing, FDACS (http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/news/concealed_carry.html)

"QUESTION 5. I have a concealed carry permit from one of the states with which Florida has reciprocity, but I am not a resident of that state. Can I carry legally while visiting a Florida?

No. Florida, like Michigan and New Hampshire, has a residency requirement in its reciprocity law. Florida does not recognize non-resident concealed carry permits from other states."
My note from checking the footnotes (#4):
Colorado and South Carolina also don't recognize non-resident concealed carry permits from other states.


Dang, I was gonna come down and visit ya too. Guess that won't happen now till they come out with the national CWL. I'm sure that's at the top of the to do list with that fella in the White House as we speak. Probably figuring out all the details as we speak.

04-05-2010, 11:14 AM
This is interesting, too:
"QUESTION 6. I am planning a trip to Florida shortly. I do not have a permit from my home state nor do I want to obtain a Florida permit. However, I would still like to have a weapon with me for self-protection. What are my options?

Florida law does allow a citizen to transport a weapon in a private vehicle, even if that citizen DOES NOT HAVE a concealed weapon license. Note the following two key provisions in the law:

Section 790.25(5), which deals specifically with possession in a private conveyance states that "it is lawful and is not a violation of s. 790.01 for a person 18 years of age or older to possess a concealed firearm or other weapon for self-defense or other lawful purpose within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm or other weapon is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use. Nothing herein contained prohibits the carrying of a legal firearm other than a handgun anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the carrying of a concealed firearm or other weapon on the person. This subsection shall be liberally construed in favor of the lawful use, ownership, and possession of firearms and other weapons, including lawful self-defense as provided in s. 776.012." (Emphasis added.)

Section 790.001(17) defines the term "securely encased" to mean "in a glove compartment, whether or not locked; snapped in a holster; in a gun case, whether or not locked; in a zippered gun case; or in a closed box or container which requires a lid or cover to be opened for access."

So, while you cannot carry the weapon on your person, you can at least have it nearby in your vehicle while traveling."

The NRA was consulted and helped draft our CCW regs. And, maybe they would consider your chair a vehicle and "liberally construe in favor of" your concealed carry in some way "securely encased".


04-05-2010, 11:23 AM
Ok I'll be down in a little bit, right after my nap. Have the PM45 out, anxious to hold her iffen you'll allow that being she's still pretty new and your still in bonding mode.

04-05-2010, 12:59 PM
Most enlisted military can attest to the high degree of dumbness that graduate from college in ROTC. Now some were terrific and brilliant, but just a few made me wonder how they got there.

Then there's me who went to college on the GI Bill after serving - a lot cheaper that way.

04-05-2010, 01:34 PM
As someone from the south I'm offended. Your more of a mideastener. I think the cut off is South Carolina. BTW, as far as our citizenry goes we're F'ed. That's why I carry a gun now. We the people only vote for who looks good on TV, and who the smoothest talker is. It's almost as if we prefer a good Bullshooter over someone that actually gives a bleep. Not that we ever have much to choose from as far as elected officials go. Revolution my friends is the only thing that will ever change anything. Lawyers decide everything, and we keep voting for them. The world as we know it is basically an advertisement. OK, rant over, now back to chasing my cousin around.

04-05-2010, 01:38 PM
As someone from the south I'm offended. Your more of a mideastener. I think the cut off is South Carolina. BTW, as far as our citizenry goes we're F'ed. That's why I carry a gun now. We the people only vote for who looks good on TV, and who the smoothest talker is. It's almost as if we prefer a good Bullshooter over someone that actually gives a bleep. Not that we ever have much to choose from as far as elected officials go. Revolution my friends is the only thing that will ever change anything. Lawyers decide everything, and we keep voting for them. The world as we know it is basically an advertisement. OK, rant over, now back to chasing my cousin around.

Well put. The ones who have tons of money always seem to do best also. More time to stick it to the citizens. I think it's a game to them. Dang I wish we could somehow bring Reagan back.

04-05-2010, 06:24 PM
Actually gentlemen, Florida does offer out of staters to aquire a Florida CCw permit, which would be honored in your home state .............

Colorado will only honor it's own state permits for Colorado residents, since 2003. Up until then, I relied on my long standing NH permit despite the fact I've lived here since 1993.

04-05-2010, 06:56 PM
Colorado Department of Public Safety (http://cbi.state.co.us/ic/Reciprocity.html)


Last updated 10/20/2009

Updates are made only when there is a change to Colorado's permit reciprocity with other states. Regardless of the date of the last update, this information is current.

Pursuant to Colorado law (CRS 18-12-213), the State of Colorado will recognize a valid permit issued in another state IF the permit was issued to a resident of the state issuing the permit, and the permit tee is 21 yrs of age or older, AND the other state recognizes Colorado permits as valid in their state. Hence, a "yes" in the following table also indicates that a valid Colorado permit is recognized in that state, subject to their laws. When traveling with a Colorado permit, it is advisable to contact the state you are visiting to confirm reciprocity and to review that state's firearms laws.

The state of Colorado no longer recognizes the validity of any permit issued by any state to a nonresident of that state (see C.R.S 18-12-213 amended 2007), specifically they must be a resident of the state that issued the concealed handgun permit and must be in possession of a valid drivers license or identification card issued by that same state.

This information is also available to Colorado law enforcement through the CCIC system..


*No permit required in State of Vermont to carry a concealed handgun.


* Colorado Bureau of Investigation
690 Kipling Street #3000
Denver CO 80215 USA
Fax 303.235.0568 Phone 303.239.4201

04-05-2010, 07:22 PM
Uh...."The state of Colorado no longer recognizes the validity of any permit issued by any state to a nonresident of that state (see C.R.S 18-12-213 amended 2007), specifically they must be a resident of the state that issued the concealed handgun permit and must be in possession of a valid drivers license or identification card issued by that same state."...was kinda my point. Is there an issue here?

04-05-2010, 07:27 PM
Uh...."The state of Colorado no longer recognizes the validity of any permit issued by any state to a nonresident of that state (see C.R.S 18-12-213 amended 2007), specifically they must be a resident of the state that issued the concealed handgun permit and must be in possession of a valid drivers license or identification card issued by that same state."...was kinda my point. Is there an issue here?

Gosh darn I hope not. I hate issues. Thats the beauty of laws written by lawyer types that don't even understand what they created in the first place. The meaning of the law is interpreted by which lawyer reads it. Hence it could mean 14 different things.
Look what they are doing to the constitution. It was written in plain understandable "ENGLISH" yet now everyone wants to debate and argue over what they really meant when they wrote it.
You think I have issues?:der:

04-05-2010, 07:49 PM
I just posted what was on the Colorado site with the date of the change, which seemed to be 2007. Unless you're military and stationed in a state with a residency elsewhere, most states have requirements that you get state licenses and surrender the other state's licenses after a certain period of time and it isn't years. The whole concept of residency hinges on where you legally reside and work.

04-05-2010, 07:58 PM
Well, until 2003, CO law was interpreted to allow recognition of carry permits issued out of state for state residents. Since then, CO residents must have CO permits. Otherwise as far as I know, CO reciprocity respects all usual and customary residency boundaries.

04-05-2010, 08:18 PM
Itxi, you said "Colorado will only honor it's own state permits for Colorado residents, since 2003. Up until then, I relied on my long standing NH permit despite the fact I've lived here since 1993. "
It just seemed to me at some point this becomes extra-legal, when you were residing in the state of Colorado and still being permitted by another state... half the continent away... for a decade.
Anyhow, that's no concern of mine and I'm going to take a nap until my wife calls on her way home from work in under an hour. It's hard to stay awake and run the DVR for her... she keeps waking me up and I have to go back later and watch what I missed. I got up earlier than normal to drive my 77-year-old widow neighbor to a doctors appointment for a treatment that she had to take "happy pills" for before leaving home, requiring a driver there and back.
I always stay up late and don't get much sleep, anyhow.

04-05-2010, 08:43 PM
I used to live in NC both when the Commandant told me that was where I would live, and for a short period after that. I had a TX CHL when I had made the move the second time, I do know how screwy (and backwards) many of the laws are there. Like Dietrich said if you live there then it is far easier to get a license to carry a concealed weapon than to wait for the local sheriff (Wake, Durham, Orange and Foresythe counties are notoriously anti-gun). Since I had a license in both states, I can say that in NC the requirements are less than challenging, but I ramble... Glad I moved back to a more friendly state, though here in TX we have more stringent requirements that must be met (the devil is in the details between the two States).

04-06-2010, 12:04 AM
Uh...."The state of Colorado no longer recognizes the validity of any permit issued by any state to a nonresident of that state (see C.R.S 18-12-213 amended 2007), specifically they must be a resident of the state that issued the concealed handgun permit and must be in possession of a valid drivers license or identification card issued by that same state."...was kinda my point. Is there an issue here?

If you live in NC and have a FL permit, it is not honored in CO.
You are not a resident of the state which issued the permit.

If you live in NC and have a NC permit, it is honored in CO.
You are a resident of the state which issued the permit.

My 2¢ worth.

04-06-2010, 01:19 AM
I used to live in NC both when the Commandant told me that was where I would live, and for a short period after that. I had a TX CHL when I had made the move the second time, I do know how screwy (and backwards) many of the laws are there. Like Dietrich said if you live there then it is far easier to get a license to carry a concealed weapon than to wait for the local sheriff (Wake, Durham, Orange and Foresythe counties are notoriously anti-gun). Since I had a license in both states, I can say that in NC the requirements are less than challenging, but I ramble... Glad I moved back to a more friendly state, though here in TX we have more stringent requirements that must be met (the devil is in the details between the two States).
Wake County is much better now since Donnie Harrelson was elected sheriff.He is a vast improvement over John Baker in many ways.