View Full Version : Bersa BP9cc

02-28-2013, 05:49 PM
So I was in the LGS at lunch and the guy I usually deal with said hey come here and take a look at this...... They had gotten in a Bersa BP9cc and it actually looked pretty good. I played with it for a while and and dry fired it a few times and I have to say it felt pretty darn good.

I have never heard much about the and was curious if any one had any experience at all with the BP9? I currently have a Bersa .380 Thunder and it has been a great firearm so far but the BP9 trigger pull (dare I say it) reminded me slightly of a Kahr.

02-28-2013, 08:14 PM
I was watching this one pretty closely last year, but lost interest by the time they came on the market. I remember reading about some early issues with the trigger, but I'm sure Bersa has that resolved by now.

02-28-2013, 08:35 PM
Bersa is somewhat underated. I own two of the thunder .380's. Guns have very little recoil. and the wife loves hers. The fixed barrel helps with how accurate these are, somewhat of a PPK copy. I also like to shoot them, but just yesterday I took them to my LGS and put them on consignment. sold one of them before I got out of the store. Their is an amusing story behind that sale. I have shot the BP9, and I did it after I bought the Thunder .380, had I done it the other way around I would have owned two BP9's. They are great economy pistols. One of the best bang for the buck out their. I own nothing in 9mm, my take on it if you are going to shoot 9mm, you might as well step up to .40. If you can handle it. 40 is not for everybody, but is a great round if you can shoot it. It is kind of like shooting a .380 in an LCP, a little snappy, but not uncontrolable. Limit your time with it so you don't wear yourself out,. You develope bad habits over doing maximum round shooting. But shoot the largest caliber you feel comfortable with.

03-03-2013, 08:58 AM
I was actually considering the BP9 before I got the CW9, but I was concerned about the light trigger on it with it having no external safety when carrying.

03-03-2013, 06:48 PM
Seems like a nice gun according to some of the reviews, the only thing I dislike is the mag safety. That it what made me select the PM9.