View Full Version : This is SCARY
04-05-2010, 09:15 AM
:eek: Representative Hank Johnson thinks Guam may capsize with the addition of 8,000 more troops.
YouTube - Rep. Hank Johnson Fears Guam May Capsize (
04-05-2010, 10:34 AM
Another democrat that voted for health care.:)
04-05-2010, 10:57 AM
We need a mandatory IQ test for Congress. This guy would flunk for sure. From the clip, he can't spell IQ.
04-05-2010, 11:07 AM
We need a mandatory IQ test for Congress. This guy would flunk for sure. From the clip, he can't spell IQ.
What's more frightening is you know he's not the only one in Congress that's stupid. Just one that opened his mouth at the wrong time. How did the Admiral not lose it? Now that's military dicipline.:cool:
04-05-2010, 11:20 AM
What's frightening is all the huddled masses that joyfully elected all these money eating mindless missing links into office in the first place. It's extrememly difficult to see what a person really is when you only have the media to tell you who they are and what they represent and of course we all know the media only spreads facts and true information. At the same time there's folks like a lady I met years ago that said she just couldn't vote for George Bush cause his eyes were too close together, (she was dead serious) so she voted for that other worthless piece of human excrement with the ugly wife to carry on his legacy or dirty dresses and broken promises.
I gotta stay away from these political threads, so much steam coming out of my head it's changing the weather patterns in our area.
ok bye.
04-05-2010, 11:35 AM
To think that this is one of the elected officials who helps to make the laws in this country scares me so badly that I threw up a little in my mouth.What is even more scary is the people who voted him into office.
04-05-2010, 11:53 AM
I salute the grace the Admiral displayed. He could have easily humiliated the man but instead actually answered the question and then expanded on the answer enough to give the moron time to compose himself.
Votes count. This moron replaced McKinney, another loon.
04-05-2010, 01:34 PM
Ok all the fat guys stay on the thin part of the island and all the skinny guys stay on the wide part so this thing will stay afloat.....I hope he was hammered when he said that, man what an idiot.........Rep. Johnson is from Dekalb County Ga in which I live and believe me he is only one of many in the corrupt county and state government here...We currently have no Dekalb county police chief cause the last one, Terrell Bolton is under indictment for stealing money from the police impound property room, using county funds for expensive vacations and driving in a stolen Land Rover....The previous county CEO (as Vernon Jordan required being called) was involved in a sex scandal and later found drunk in a gay bar, He recently had to stand trial in a racial discrimination law suit filed by 4 white county employees who were fired after Vernon said he wanted a darker shade of employees in county government jobs, the county lost and must pay 1.5 million dollars (The county is broke by the way) ....A former Dekalb sheriff, Sidney Dorsey is serving life in prison for having the new sheriff elect, Derwin Brown murdered...Then we have the famous Cynthia McKinney, also from Dekalb County...Last I heard she was in trouble for trying to get a ship load of materals to the Palestinians in defiance of the Israeli blockade...Then we have Congressman John Lewis from (you guessed it) the Dekalb district....What a fat bag of hot air whose only claim to fame was to being around M.L. King back in the day....You can bet that anytime the race card comes up you will find John Lewis, The Rev Jessie Jackson and The Rev. Al Sharpton in the same bag together....This is what happens when people vote by color and not by qualifications.......Dekalb county is a majority black county as is the City of Atlanta one county over and basically in the same situation...No Atlanta police chief, the last one was forced to resign because of gross incompetence and for cheating on the crime stats to make his department look better, things like changing an armed robery into shoplifting...Former Atlanta mayor, Bill Campbell recently got out of federal prison for tax evasion..... The last Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin was a huge disappointment and did basically nothing after making all the right promises during her campain (sound familiar)....She did make several overseas trips on the city's cuff (The city is also broke) supposedly to promote Atlanta....(yea right!!!)...I could go on and on about this issue....I am not a racist and have many black friends who are good hard working people like myself but when it comes to Dekalb county and City of Atlanta government I have to call it like I and many others here see it....
04-05-2010, 02:47 PM
:eek: Representative Hank Johnson thinks Guam may capsize with the addition of 8,000 more troops.
YouTube - Rep. Hank Johnson Fears Guam May Capsize (
ship allthe politicians and their state politicians over the Guam to test out his theory. At best, we could loose an island that we don't need and for sure 8000 politicians to.
Would save us big bucks in paying these worthless a-holes plus our tremendous expense of occupying Guam. If it ain't there, then nobody should care.
Course would that mean that if 8000 sank guan and a couple later on was eatch by the fishes, would that Island then reappear:blah::blah: so we would nee dto add a couple hundred of the politicans wives to the group to keep it under for sure..
04-05-2010, 03:01 PM
ship allthe politicians and their state politicians over the Guam to test out his theory. At best, we could loose an island that we don't need and for sure 8000 politicians to.
Would save us big bucks in paying these worthless a-holes plus our tremendous expense of occupying Guam. If it ain't there, then nobody should care.
Course would that mean that if 8000 sank guan and a couple later on was eatch by the fishes, would that Island then reappear:blah::blah: so we would nee dto add a couple hundred of the politicans wives to the group to keep it under for sure..
Excellent plan, execute immediately and please please please start at the very top. Take the mut too, all that dog hair in a hysterical landmark.
04-05-2010, 03:16 PM
Wonder what the bottom of an island looks like when it capsizes???....:p
04-05-2010, 05:37 PM
Ok all the fat guys stay on the thin part of the island and all the skinny guys stay on the wide part so this thing will stay afloat.....I hope he was hammered when he said that, man what an idiot.........Rep. Johnson is from Dekalb County Ga in which I live and believe me he is only one of many in the corrupt county and state government here...We currently have no Dekalb county police chief cause the last one, Terrell Bolton is under indictment for stealing money from the police impound property room, using county funds for expensive vacations and driving in a stolen Land Rover....The previous county CEO (as Vernon Jordan required being called) was involved in a sex scandal and later found drunk in a gay bar, He recently had to stand trial in a racial discrimination law suit filed by 4 white county employees who were fired after Vernon said he wanted a darker shade of employees in county government jobs, the county lost and must pay 1.5 million dollars (The county is broke by the way) ....A former Dekalb sheriff, Sidney Dorsey is serving life in prison for having the new sheriff elect, Derwin Brown murdered...Then we have the famous Cynthia McKinney, also from Dekalb County...Last I heard she was in trouble for trying to get a ship load of materals to the Palestinians in defiance of the Israeli blockade...Then we have Congressman John Lewis from (you guessed it) the Dekalb district....What a fat bag of hot air whose only claim to fame was to being around M.L. King back in the day....You can bet that anytime the race card comes up you will find John Lewis, The Rev Jessie Jackson and The Rev. Al Sharpton in the same bag together....This is what happens when people vote by color and not by qualifications.......Dekalb county is a majority black county as is the City of Atlanta one county over and basically in the same situation...No Atlanta police chief, the last one was forced to resign because of gross incompetence and for cheating on the crime stats to make his department look better, things like changing an armed robery into shoplifting...Former Atlanta mayor, Bill Campbell recently got out of federal prison for tax evasion..... The last Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin was a huge disappointment and did basically nothing after making all the right promises during her campain (sound familiar)....She did make several overseas trips on the city's cuff (The city is also broke) supposedly to promote Atlanta....(yea right!!!)...I could go on and on about this issue....I am not a racist and have many black friends who are good hard working people like myself but when it comes to Dekalb county and City of Atlanta government I have to call it like I and many others here see it....
WOW! It's alot worse than I could have imagined. You just can't make this stuff up. If someone made a movie of the politics in GA, it would be deemed unbelievable.:eek:
Wonder what the bottom of an island looks like when it capsizes???....:p
wet dirt? OMG!
04-06-2010, 11:05 AM
And the beat goes on......Everything in my previous post is true, hard to believe maybe but true....But wait, there's more!!!....:mad: The Dekalb county school superintendent, Crawford Lewis is being asked to resign....He is under indictment for taking kick back bribes for school construction jobs and for using county maintenance employees to do work on his house and charging the county for the time and materials...Recently in one day he charged $160.00 worth of gas for three different vehicles on his county credit card...He said it was for school business trips....Now this guy makes $255.000 a year, he gets a new car every two years, a $2500.00 monthly expense account (not sure what for) and $1250.00 a month into a retirement account..The school system currently has a $115 million dollar budget deficit and the system has some of the lowest SAT scores in the country...Dekalb county is having to close 10 schools to try and stay in operation for now....The previous superintendent, Johnny Mack Brown lasted all of two years and was fired due to total incomptence and was paid $410.000 just to leave...If Crawford Lewis is fired he will get 4 years salary or $765.000 all for being a crook....Mr. Crawford's personal assistant, Rachandra Tyson who's salary is $165.500 (for doing basically nothing) has agreed to take over until the county can hire another overpaid idiot to continue screwing the system....Makes me want to :puke:
04-06-2010, 06:01 PM
I'll tell you what, pay me $240,000(immediate savings), I'll keep the expense account and retirement account, I'll keep the car and I'll guarantee higher test scores, lower expenses and if I don't deliver, you can fire me with no future pay. Deal? Send all inquiries to
04-06-2010, 06:06 PM
I'll tell you what, pay me $240,000(immediate savings), I'll keep the expense account and retirement account, I'll keep the car and I'll guarantee higher test scores, lower expenses and if I don't deliver, you can fire me with no future pay. Deal? Send all inquiries to
Darn you fella's are fast! Why didn't I think of that?
04-06-2010, 06:24 PM
I just want some of whatever his pharmacist is handing out.:p
04-06-2010, 07:20 PM
Talk about scary; that crap goes on all over the country!:eek:
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