View Full Version : I am leaving. Goodbye.
03-01-2013, 06:59 PM
Over the last few months, I have been getting progressively more negative, depressed, and anti-government.
There are a lot of factors in this, but I believe a major factor has been the negative energy on KahrTalk since the re-election.
I have tried very hard to keep a positive attitude, and have even spoken out when I felt that the bullshit was getting too deep.
In one such case, I spoke out against comments, descriptions and photos of the First Family that involved racially motivated hatred. That event resulted in a more or less positive change, and I saw a definite reduction in the hatred after that, but it's still seeping in there with slyly worded phrases designed to avoid blatant expression but still get the point across, so the speaker cannot be called on it.
In another case, my objection to the negativity and hatred resulted in an accusation against me and my voting history, which the accuser had no information about, and which had the potential for a big ol' pile of bullshit being dumped on me if it gained momentum. Fortunately, I worded my response with great care, and people left me the hell alone as requested. But it was still a negative experience - "speak out against the hatred and be vilified for it" is the message that was sent to me that day.
But these are only the most obvious examples. I have tried not to buy into the paranoia and depressing conjecture about societal collapse, economic collapse and anti-government sentiments that are saturating this and other gun forums. But, as my wife told me last night, if you immerse yourself in a particular culture, it affects you. No matter how hard you try to only integrate the good things in that culture into your life, the bad things affect you too.
I tried to scan the thread topics and only click the ones that looked positive or interesting, but it seems that nearly every thread sooner or later gets around to abusing the government, specific members of the government, or society and its impending doom. All it takes is one person making a casual negative comment to start the ball rolling and it gains momentum.
Even if nobody starts the ball rolling intentionally, many people have these negative sentiments in their signatures, so even the most benign, positive, happy comment includes negative energy. Sometimes new users will comment on something in someone's signature or avatar, and off it goes like an avalanche.
I feel that it is necessary for my own mental health to step back from this tsunami of hate, anger, frustration, fear, paranoia, etc that has inundated gun forums. Even now, writing that sentence, I can visualize other forum members replying that by stepping back from it, I am burying my head in the sand, becoming a sheep, shirking my duty to stand up for our gun rights, becoming part of the problem, etc. The scorn is already lashing me before I have even clicked the "submit" button on this post. It has taken hold of me that deeply.
A while back, the admins on this forum said that they were going to let the election hubbub die down, and then start cracking down on the political crap that was overflowing the "Right to Keep and Bear Arms" sub-forum and polluting the rest of the place. But then Sandy Hook happened, ammo dried up, the local and federal gun bans came up, and there is no end in sight. Now even the administrators of this forum are openly participating in the hatred, doom, and gloom. And I simply cannot abide it any longer.
This post will probably spark a fresh wave of negativity, and I would be much surprised if a significant amount of it was not directed at me for posting this. Therefore, I will NOT be subscribing to my own thread. I hope that the admins will shut it down as soon as it starts getting nasty, for everyone's sake - but I won't be looking in on it, so if you're just going to post something mean about me, save your energy for when "they come for your guns".
I still like my guns a lot, and I'd dearly love to participate in a gun forum, talking about cool new guns, results of experiments and mods, helping people figure out problems, and stuff like that. But since I cannot have the good stuff without overwhelming amounts of the most potent vitriolic bad stuff to go with it, I am leaving.
"I know less than half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." - Bilbo Baggins, at the Party Tree, just before donning The One Ring.
Take care.
03-01-2013, 07:11 PM
gonna miss u scroundre.IMO u added alot, but I am probalby one of those who u totally disagree with . I make fun of the obummer and his fat ass wife and I make no bones about it. I totally cannot stand him and what he stands for.
Its a gun forum to and in the past I have stepped back at times to to evualate where I am at and where I am goin. so I understand what ur saying. Its ur choice to leave. I certainly hope the powers to be leave this forum the way it is. When it gets out of hand on some threads it is soon locked. Some undesirables have also been asked to leave and never come back.
Knowing u might not read this and that is ur statement,u can also pull ur name off this forum to . I know there are some that have an auto delete on ol jocko's threads and IMO tha tis what u should have done to eliminate those who u don't want to read anything about period.It works for many.
U have been here a long time,so u have thought about this move to, so I wish you well and for me I like this forum the way it is.I have been on forums where the moderators rule PERIOD. It is there way or the highway and this group of mods give alot of leeway and personally they are also entitled to their opinions also.they certainly put up with alot of my bull sh!t.
U have friends here, even when ur not here..:amflag:
03-01-2013, 07:14 PM
Personally, I think some folks take the internet, and all it offers, much too seriously. It's just a toy to play with IMHO. Never meant to allow others to steal your soul. Have a good life. Come back when your ready.
Truly understand, Scoundrel.
03-01-2013, 07:21 PM
ripley 16 has it right. Internet forums are not life.
03-01-2013, 07:21 PM
Personally, I think some folks take the internet, and all it offers, much too seriously. It's just a toy to play with IMHO. Never meant to allow others to steal your soul. Have a good life. Come back when your ready.
ur right there, I have been told that a few times by PM thatI take thigs to personal:Amflag2:Itotally understandscoundrel,I may not agree with him but this forum is made up of many many personalities, most damn good guys to.
It aint a perfect world and sometimes we all nee dto step away from thesefokking machines andtake a deep breadth. I can't wait for riding seaosn so I can indeed do that:Amflag2:
03-01-2013, 07:24 PM
I have had some folks provoke me at times.
The ignore list is an amazing and powerful tool to filter particularly offensive or combative people.
They can't PM you either.
And you can read threads freely without being offended or provoked.
I felt like a great weight had been lifted off me as a member once the filter was in place.
I would recommend you take advantage of that tool.
And see how much more pleasurable the board can be with a personal filter in place.
Just a thought...
03-01-2013, 07:25 PM
I said a long time ago in another thread that I only come here myself for 2 reasons: to learn things, or to be entertained.
The political rants do neither for me.
I have not reached the point that Scoundrel has, but have considered it.
Old wisdom counsels against talking about politics or religion. Those are popular topics, but not with people whose only reaction is anger. I admit that I have commented on some of the political threads, but always with great trepidation.
I like talking about, and learning about, guns. That's why I am (still) here.
03-01-2013, 07:26 PM
how cume Barth when I tried to deleteur threads they just keep popping up??? HellI even hadsome of ur threads pop up tonight on my calculator and I noticed on my micro wave even the digital part is showingur posts. Fokk ur everywhere. HELP!!
03-01-2013, 07:28 PM
I am new here and never really got to know you but why leave?
People are very understanding for the most part so stick
around and enjoy the fact that you have a place to come to and
share a common interest in shooting off your firearms and your mouth....
Don't be so heavy in your angst that you can't enjoy the simple
joys of comradery of shared interests with others....
You could simply lighten up....
03-01-2013, 07:30 PM
how cume Barth when I tried to deleteur threads they just keep popping up??? HellI even hadsome of ur threads pop up tonight on my calculator and I noticed on my micro wave even the digital part is showingur posts. Fokk ur everywhere. HELP!!
I actually like being able to post a good rant now and then.
It's like venting to friends.
Much cheaper and better than therapy.
03-01-2013, 07:33 PM
I actually like being able to post a good rant now and then.
It's like venting to friends.
Much cheaper and better than therapy.
Sure is better than pumping some scarce ammo into someone
you may disagree with... lol
03-01-2013, 07:39 PM
good point...
I fixed my micro wave. Now I get Bawanna all the time,not sureI gained anything by fixing that either. Just sayin
This is the only gun forum I am on and it will be my last. as for me it is one of the most relaxing forums I have been on.
If I could fix one thing on this fourm it would be those fokking busted followers..
03-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Goodbye and good luck, Scoundrel. This is true freedom and no one can make you stay if you don't want to. Take care. I hope that things get better for all of us. This is kind of like family and best friends... for the most part!
I appreciate those who can express themselves in a thoughtful, coherent manner, even if I don't always agree with them. Scoundrel did that. He provided balance. I will miss that.
03-01-2013, 08:24 PM
I feel your pain Scoundrel. I recently, for multiple reasons, pulled the plug on all social activity on the internet other than KahrTalk and I was finding the same thing in other non-gun social venues that just constantly kept me spun up. There are definintely folks here that I disagree with, some still here, some not. But in the end, it's still a bunch of gun folks and I feel SURE that even w/ our disagreements on political or social issues, I'd still be friends with some of those people in person and totally enjoy a day at the range. Some of my closest friends are moderate liberals and nut-job Libertarians (which I am also some days). We all still get along, for the most part.
I try to ignor as much of the foil hat stuff as possible, but yes, it seeps in and makes you nuts. Your wife is totally right about the overall 'vibe' from a place gradually affecting you and not being able to truly filter part of it out while taking in only the good. It's all in there and it all gets in your head.
Lately, I've deliberately just typed responses to stuff and then deleted it...only occasionally letting go and posting. It lets me vent and then reconsider, before pushing the envelope further. But I'm trying harder to just pass it by and forget it. It's pretty easy to do after awhile. I know I'm right, so why bother arguing. I'm always right :-)
But ripley has it right and that's really where I've been trying to focus lately. The internet and 'social' is not real, its not real relationships regardless of what people want to rationalize and say about it. I've been doing more family, more friends, more LOCAL and STATE politics where you CAN make a difference. And I will be making every effort to stay in those places as my piority and only visting internet social hangouts as a form of entertainment.
03-01-2013, 08:29 PM
Wow! A lot can happen in the half hour it takes me to log of at work and log on at home.
I've thought about bailing many times, more often lately than ever. Most all of us at one time or another have thought about it.
In the early days we actually had a posse to rally and bombard the quiter with PM's and such to convince them to stay. I remember Dietrich bailing several times. Zena, my very first cyber bride even offered him her body if he stuck around which of course he did, not sure if she provided the body or not, a lady never tells.
Jocko, Wyn, several others got fed up at one time or another.
Lot of history here in the short time Kahrtalk has existed. Sadly the times we live in, there's no place to hide. Every post you read has the potential to inform you of another misdeed by man or government.
I've always been labeled a positive guy but in regards to our country it's very hard to maintain any semblance of positive. I truly think we're doomed.
I don't know how to subscribe to a thread so I'm out of here, talk about me all you want, I probably won't read it or maybe I might or not. I got kahrtalk in me blood so probably can't get away if I wanted to or not, or maybe so, where the hell is the scotch anyhow.
Pretty decent day at work today, didn't think I'd need it but guess I was wrong or right depending on how you look at it if you want to look at it and I don't know why you'd not want to look at it although there's really no picture so it's not like it's worth a 1000 words I guess.
Maybe a Kentucky Fried Chicken Pot PIE is in order or not since I just ate, but it was chicken although not in a pot or in a pie, rice too I think but we didn't throw any at the bride, not sure why.
03-01-2013, 08:37 PM
I have had some folks provoke me at times.
The ignore list is an amazing and powerful tool to filter particularly offensive or combative people.
They can't PM you either.
And you can read threads freely without being offended or provoked.
I felt like a great weight had been lifted off me as a member once the filter was in place.
I would recommend you take advantage of that tool.
And see how much more pleasurable the board can be with a personal filter in place.
Just a thought...
I was wondering why no one responds to my posts or private messages. :eek: Goodbye Scoundrel, hope you feel better now that you have gotten all thirteen paragraphs off of your chest.
03-01-2013, 08:38 PM
From Chrishs post"But ripley has it right and that's really where I've been trying to focus lately. The internet and 'social' is not real, its not real relationships regardless of what people want to rationalize and say about it. I've been doing more family, more friends, more LOCAL and STATE politics where you CAN make a difference. And I will be making every effort to stay in those places as my piority and only visting internet social hangouts as a form of entertainment. "
I beg to differ in some respects. This forum and many of the things we talk about here are real, very real. The personal things we discuss about our individual lives and happenings within are everyday real.
Opinions, and discussions maybe so, maybe not, that is indeed internet.
The big thing and I'm sure it's just choice of words is friends. My friends here are truly my friends. Some of my best friends I've never met, I couldn't pick them out of a line up if my life depended on it, but I'd go to the mat for them and in many cases I truly believe they would for me too.
I get stuff and send stuff all the time to FRIENDS here and they are not all 5000 poster friends either, some far less than 100 or even 50.
I offered to drive to North Carolina to help Dietrich in his final days and I truly meant I'd do it and I would have. He honestly wanted to just meet up but said there was nothing I could do.
One just have to sort the wheat from the chafe sometimes, it is internet but there's an awful lot of REAL here too.
Now I'm out of here.
03-01-2013, 08:44 PM
Scoundrel, PM sent. I liked your style.
03-01-2013, 08:47 PM
" Now even the administrators of this forum are openly participating in the hatred, doom, and gloom. And I simply cannot abide it any longer."
It's ok to name me by name, I'm just a moderator, certainly not admin and I'm sure I give JohnH and JustinN ulcers from time to time with my say what I think and lack of Political Correctness attitude, poor as it is too.
I mean no harm and I speak the truth as I see it. We've spent far too many years focusing on PC not offending anyone, let them offend us but don't offend them. It's a big part of why things are the way they are.
I make no apologies for myself or my actions, I have from time to time apologized to the boss so he wouldn't run me off but I've never received any punishment or warnings either, probably thought about it a few thousand times but never sent.
If I've been a detriment or a downfall to kahrtalk or more importantly Kahr in general then I deserve to be horsewhipped and hung. I accept that if such is the case.
Sorry you can't abide by it.
mr surveyor
03-01-2013, 09:03 PM
am I too late to say bye bye?
03-01-2013, 09:30 PM
You'll miss us! :) Take a rest for a while. Get your perspective realligned. You're welcome when you want to join us again.
03-01-2013, 09:30 PM
" Now even the administrators of this forum are openly participating in the hatred, doom, and gloom. And I simply cannot abide it any longer."
It's ok to name me by name, I'm just a moderator, certainly not admin and I'm sure I give JohnH and JustinN ulcers from time to time with my say what I think and lack of Political Correctness attitude, poor as it is too.
I mean no harm and I speak the truth as I see it. We've spent far too many years focusing on PC not offending anyone, let them offend us but don't offend them. It's a big part of why things are the way they are.
I make no apologies for myself or my actions, I have from time to time apologized to the boss so he wouldn't run me off but I've never received any punishment or warnings either, probably thought about it a few thousand times but never sent.
If I've been a detriment or a downfall to kahrtalk or more importantly Kahr in general then I deserve to be horsewhipped and hung. I accept that if such is the case.
Sorry you can't abide by it.
Don't beat yourself up, you have a difficult job to do in wiping the butts
of the babies and drying the eyes of the whinny babies so do the best
you can and don't take it personal... someone has to keep the ship
on the right course and keep it off the rocks.....
I am new here but not new to forums in general so I know
it is difficult to keep the forum a place that people can come to
without feeling like they just joined someones carnival of lost
Rules are good and so are moderators.....
03-01-2013, 09:50 PM
When somebody says they're leaving ... do they leave right then and there ... or do they leave after they've read everybody's response? I'm just asking so I'll know whether to comment or not.
03-01-2013, 09:56 PM
I think it's like the hotel California, no one ever leaves but Scoundrel has more will power then most except for Dairy Queen Blizzards.
03-01-2013, 10:00 PM
We live in desperate and troubling times, no matter what side you're on. Emotions run very high and for good reason, there's alot at stake. Sometimes it's good to step back and take a look from the outside. I've been on numerous gun sites and this is hands down the best I've ever had the privilege of joining. The moderators and admin are top notch as well as fair and compassionate. Any time you have numerous members who are passionate about what they believe there's going to be trouble occasionally. It's no different than having an argument with friends or relatives. Many times we say or do things we wish we could take back immediately after we commit the errors. The big difference is that sometimes we say more because we are on the internet and are not facing the person (s) directly. We can simply shut off the computer and walk away. If we were with each other face to face we probably wouldn't be as rude to each other as we sometimes are. I don't like to see anyone leave even if they don't agree with me. Everyone brings value to this forum (some exceptions do apply). If or when Scoundrel comes back, I hope we all would welcome him.
03-01-2013, 10:09 PM
You gotta do what ya gotta do. I guess I am too old school. I take everything for what it's worth to me. Whether it's my neighbor or the government that attacks me I fight back. Old school as I said. Just won't run.
03-01-2013, 10:16 PM
" Now even the administrators of this forum are openly participating in the hatred, doom, and gloom. And I simply cannot abide it any longer."
It's ok to name me by name, I'm just a moderator, certainly not admin and I'm sure I give JohnH and JustinN ulcers from time to time with my say what I think and lack of Political Correctness attitude, poor as it is too.
I mean no harm and I speak the truth as I see it. We've spent far too many years focusing on PC not offending anyone, let them offend us but don't offend them. It's a big part of why things are the way they are.
I make no apologies for myself or my actions, I have from time to time apologized to the boss so he wouldn't run me off but I've never received any punishment or warnings either, probably thought about it a few thousand times but never sent.
If I've been a detriment or a downfall to kahrtalk or more importantly Kahr in general then I deserve to be horsewhipped and hung. I accept that if such is the case.
Sorry you can't abide by it.
Bawanna, I don't think you need to apologize for anything. You are definitely a peacemaker among war mongers and I include myself in the latter. You have more patience than I could ever hope to have.
That said, I sometimes wonder how some people let others get to them in such a negative way. I belong to quite a few forums and find that opinion takes many forms, some for and some against my own beliefs, but that's always true when you deal with a large cross section of people. If I leave KahrTalk it will be because I was kicked out or I lost interest in firearms. The first is far more likely. However, it certainly won't be because I disagreed with someone or someone disagreed with me or that I got my feelings hurt.
mr surveyor
03-01-2013, 10:17 PM
why do people seem to have a need to announce their plan to leave a virtual world chat board? I just don't get it.
I never considered KahrTalk to be Hotel Kalifornia .... maybe a roach motel. But that would mean you can't just leave if it was a roach motel. Now I'm getting more confuseder.
03-01-2013, 10:18 PM
We live in desperate and troubling times, no matter what side you're on. Emotions run very high and for good reason, there's alot at stake. Sometimes it's good to step back and take a look from the outside. I've been on numerous gun sites and this is hands down the best I've ever had the privilege of joining. The moderators and admin are top notch as well as fair and compassionate. Any time you have numerous members who are passionate about what they believe there's going to be trouble occasionally. It's no different than having an argument with friends or relatives. Many times we say or do things we wish we could take back immediately after we commit the errors. The big difference is that sometimes we say more because we are on the internet and are not facing the person (s) directly. We can simply shut off the computer and walk away. If we were with each other face to face we probably wouldn't be as rude to each other as we sometimes are. I don't like to see anyone leave even if they don't agree with me. Everyone brings value to this forum (some exceptions do apply). If or when Scoundrel comes back, I hope we all would welcome him.
All true esp the part about face to face. I read many comments here that if the poster were not hiding behind his nom de plum his teeth would be on the ground in a face to face situation.
But all in all this forum is a great one and I like Bawanna's take on things while still being a mod. (I do miss his profiling though.) He can be diplomatic when needed too. I think he has shut down threads to help keep me from getting my panties in a bunch, and he knows when that is needed and when to let things run a bit too. All in all the mod/admin is top shelf.
I am going to watch the Opra show and the Life Network channel now.
03-01-2013, 10:30 PM
Bawanna, didn't mean to suggest that each one of us aren't 'real' and that things that are stated here are real feelings or real life crap, real things that people witness, feel, think, comment about.
I just meant, it's not a real relationship that you manage the same way, not something you really go out of your way with, to maintain. Not something that people use as much personal 'filtering' with. People are FAR MORE free to comment, insult, criticize, behave in a way that people have historically not behaved. It's just how it is. Of course, there MIGHT be exceptions like you described where people choose to create something real friendships out of it, hook up, go shooting, visit, etc.
But what I really mean, if the KahrTalk server got a bolt of lightening and whoever the powers that be chose not to bring it back up. Each one of us would move on, find somewhere else to e-hang w/ other e-friends. We might feel some level of withdrawal for awhile. But it's not the same as a relationship that you meet a friend for lunch frequently, visit your parents, grandparents, or have a block party. That's all I was saying. It's just not like real life.
I created, hosted, and maintained a Sony PC forum a gazillion years ago. It met its demise after nearly 10 years of uptime and thousands of members. It just dwindled to nothing in the mid-2000s. Not a clue what happened to all those people. I've had no interest to find them, have no clue who 99.9% of them really are, and I doubt seriuosly any of them are keeping up w/ each other either. You don't typically 'look those folks up' after years to catch up like you do w/ old friends and long lost family. Just sayin'.
03-01-2013, 11:01 PM
I don't get the racially motivated part. It seems to me we heap scorn equally on gun grabbers of any color religion or creed. Obama bears the brunt of it, as he is the current gun-grabber in chief. I think we dislike the actions of Schumer, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid, and all the other gun grabbers as much as those of Obama.
This is a particularly tough time to be apolitical, when lawful gun owners are being assaulted minute to minute from every direction. A time when good decent people are demonized by some parts of society, for owning a certain inanimate object and trying to keep the right to defend ourselves. We are in the midst of the battle of a lifetime, and our 2nd amendment rights hang in the balance. How many times can we discuss which bullet works best, which lube to use or why isn't my Kahr working properly, when if we don't fight to keep our rights, we'll be left to discuss which arrow is the fastest, or what size bat works best, or what size rock to use for various circumstances. I'm probably one of the worst offenders on political stuff, but this is a time like no other in history. Our freedom and way of life is at stake, and I will not apologise for trying to "rally the troops", or for calling attention to those that would leave us at the mercy of thugs who would kill us over whatever money we have in our pocket, or rape our wives and daughters, or otherwise do us whatever harm they want. Yes, it may be a negative message, but these are negative times.
I don't blame Scoundrel from wanting a break from it all. I want a break. I want to be left alone. I want to be able to live without the government telling me I can only have 7 bullets or however many they tell me I can have in my gun, and what weapons I can have, or whatever other nonsense they come up with, that only honest citizens will obey, while the criminals continue to do as they please.
03-01-2013, 11:10 PM
TMan is making some good points. I'll also add that this does end up producing some in-fighting at some level, which is bad too.
In the end, we would all still be here IF people would leave us alone. And we wouldn't even HAVE the need to have these discussions. The issue wouldn't even be there to talk about in the first place. We all WOULD be talking about 9mm vs 45, discussing new bullet designs, helping each other with gun issues. Shopping w/ each other for the next purchase.
So, let's all lay blame where blame belongs. Yes, we can choose to react to it differently, yes... But the problem here is the current landscape, brought on by the anti-gun crowd and both political parties. Both liberal/progressive folks that want stupid limitations or full bans in folks on the right that are either in bed with the former, or laying down and 'compromising' with the former. That is creating the environment for the rest of us to feel we need to make a statement, whether it be with some level of anonymity here, or in a more public venue.
03-02-2013, 02:48 AM
and for some it is alot asier to run than it is to stick and fight.I have been pissed a few times on this forum and bawanna and I talkedabout it many times, but lifeis not a bowl of cherries either.
I have stepped back from this forum a couple of times,partly my fault to as again it is easier to step back then IMO to come forward and call members names and put titles on them that they don't deserve, and then for damn sure you make no friends.I used to be on quite a few gun chats lines, I was never banned but I left um all, and more than likely a day before they were gonna ban me for I was fisty back then. I to have tempered alot. Some posters here I basicaly ignore but I do read um, for even though some might ruffle my feathers, they also add some good sh!t to this forum. We are a forum who really trys to help a person out, we suggest, we point to places to go to read and learn. but what irks me the most is when I or others try to help a poster who at first comes forward and posts his issues and then when someone adds their suggestions and things to look at, their comment back is something like> "well I have been around guns for 40 years, I know how to shoot etc, so it is not me for sure blahblah blah. That is just not the correct answer to give anyone who is trying to help . Not for me anyhow and then people back off of even trying to help that poster and maybe even back off when the next poster comes forward with an issue. No one wants to be told it is shooter error. BUT IT IS A FACT to. and when suggested to a owner, it is just one of many suggestions to eliminate, but this 40 years bull sh!t to me gets old. Hell I have been shootin over 55 years and I can't hit jack sh!t and I learn sumpin damn near every day on this forum, especially about kahrs. I don't shoot 3:" groups at 25 yards either, so I don't profess to do so , just to impress those who truly know what I said was pure bull sh!t and then ones credability is gone.
Scoundrel is gone, he posted his manifesto,I guess he got in the last word. IMO It would have been better had he just left with a small sentence that he was going to take a sebatical and think things over instead of basicaly sounding out members . That IMO makes it alot harder if ever to make a come back. You know we have over 7000 members on this forum. How many actually post???50 maybe at best. We are a family here, not of 7000 members but of the 50 or so who put up with ol jocko's b.s. or Bawanna's coolness in a fire fight or tinmans,getsomes, muggsy, downtown. JFootin photo's that have literally nuttin to do with guns but add a flavor that no forum has or can have. U can't put a price on that sh!t.
Maybe in scoundrels manifesto there is a message for all of us to. We can each decide that to. Sometimes we do need to step away and examine our conscious. but I will still stick with my thoughts that obummer is the lienest mfg-er I have ever seen, and his wife IMO is a fat ass,crucify me if u will. makes zero difference. I totally respect the office of the president but I do not have to respect the person in it. I know I drifted alot here from scoundrels leaving but it is what it is. a month from now or shorter, he will just be a name to me and nothing more. It is the interned as one said.
But I do have some great guys herre that I consider friends from far places.
I will try my best to make this my last post on scoundrels thread. For me it is time to move on from this and to just shoot um like we stole um.
Vi va la Obummer.
I have no doube what so ever , he is reading every post to:amflag:
03-02-2013, 03:49 AM
Scoundrel sorry you're going rehab on us...
I seen this on different forums, some firearm some not, and it's usually the General discussion area where it gets a little rough.
My advise to you and others is stay in the forums that discuss what your interest is in. IE p series, k series etc.
Nobody is forced to read something in the nuthouse, the lounge, loonie-bin or whatever they call 'em.
You see a type bar loaded with Hells Angels, like Jocko, and your going to dinner with your mom.... Do you go in?
I make no excuses I don't like this administration and I didn't like the last (Patriot Act)
I will alway speak up against attacks on Our liberties.
Sorry you are affected by what you read here. But Glad the people here appreciate the freedom to write it in the first place!
03-02-2013, 03:55 AM
I really hesitated chiming in here. Especially since this was supposedly Scoundrel's final post without recourse.
It's what i imagine finding a suicide note would be like. A person is deeply angry about many things and decides to end it and leaves a final angry note about their anger. It may cleanse their soul to say those things but it leaves the survivors shaken, searching for answers, questioning their own behavior, and blaming themselves but in the end it is simply a passive aggressive way to lash out one final time with no fear of rebuttal. In a way (and I mean no ill directly to Scoundrel) it is a bit cowardly.
Perhaps it is good for a community to periodically step back and do a self inspection. Perhaps we can find things to change or do differently. Each of us are the only ones who can answer that. Should this behavior change be legislated by the owners? No, that is a personal decision we each need to make.
This forum was at one time completely apolitical and that was fine for the times. But as things in this country changed, the admins and mods wisely allowed it to seek it's own level and become what we are today. I appreciate that a lot. It is a place where I can vent my frustrations and expose my "smart-ass". I also am a member of a few other forums but this is the one I frequent every day. It fills a need that I have.
We are on uncharted territory in this country with daily assaults on our God-given rights. Being able to vent and report on those assaults is a very healthy thing. Let's face it, being able to verbalize a feeling and receive feedback (positive or negative) is a very good thing. It keeps us balanced and hopefully on course. Of course we're going to upset some folks. Everyone of us comes from a different place with different life experiences. It is what makes us a great nation. The ability to express your opinion without fear of reprisal is the first of our God-given rights. I truly hope this forum is allowed to continue to seek it's own level.
While I do not agree with every post on KahrTalk, I do value most of them. The ones I cannot accept, I simply ignore, disregard and move on.
Should Scoundrel decide to come back, I would welcome that. Would I necessarily agree with everything he says? I doubt it, but it does have value. Would I choose to argue with him? Maybe, likely not.
I honestly would hope he finds the strength and courage to return and continue to share his version of the truth and affect whatever personality this forum takes on.
Chris (tinman)
03-02-2013, 04:28 AM
i dont live on the internet, dont keep a laptop on my lap while im eating or watching t.v., thus i have missed this thread as the title didnt interst me. The same goes for much of the dribble porported as intellegent conversation on many political section message boards
sorry to see a long time member leave because of being upset by postings. my solution is not to read them.
03-02-2013, 06:51 AM
I read this forum to learn about Kahr guns and how to trouble shoot them because I own 2 of them. I can't say that I never joined in on the political or non gun threads but it was very few times. I am addicted to reading this forum about Kahr weapons and I don't know if I could just quit cold turkey.
03-02-2013, 06:51 AM
Good luck. Do what you gotta do; and if that means take care of your mental health
then that should come first.
03-02-2013, 06:59 AM
I really hesitated chiming in here. Especially since this was supposedly Scoundrel's final post without recourse.
We are on uncharted territory in this country with daily assaults on our God-given rights. Being able to vent and report on those assaults is a very healthy thing. Let's face it, being able to verbalize a feeling and receive feedback (positive or negative) is a very good thing. It keeps us balanced and hopefully on course. Of course we're going to upset some folks. Everyone of us comes from a different place with different life experiences. It is what makes us a great nation. The ability to express your opinion without fear of reprisal is the first of our God-given rights. I truly hope this forum is allowed to continue to seek it's own level.
Chris (tinman)
Tinman, That was exactly my point!
This forum is so great because WE get to discuss and voice out opinions. Today guns, gun ownership are under direct attack by this president. There are very ominous signs as to what his intentions are. If we stand by and do nothing, we are no different that Nazi Germany. The Japanese knew better than to attack or homeland as "There will be a gun, behind every Blade of Grass"
The problem is we NEVER would of thought the attackers would come from within! DHS hoarding hollow points, No commitment to sealing our borders
If /when that happens who will stand and fight and who will throw down their weapons and run? (think ARVN) Or worse yet surrender them and turn into a slave....
03-02-2013, 07:01 AM
I would suggest you just take a break from the forum for a while.
And come back later refreshed and with some perspective.
I don't get along with everyone here.
And i'm pretty high profile and opinionated.
Still, this place is like family to me.
I may not agree with everyone, but I do respect their opinions.
The few knuckle heads that have shown up have been shown the door.
And we have a freedom to speak our minds not seen on other forums.
That can't be discounted.
This is a rare and fun place with special people, members and moderators.
Think twice before you move on.
03-02-2013, 08:05 AM
You really had me going there Scoundrel. For a minute I thought you were serious about leaving. Then I realized that no one would leave his best friends over a few comments made about some hack politician who doesn't even know that they exist. Enjoy your vacation and when you get bored with lying in the sun come back to reality. We love ya big guy. :)
03-02-2013, 08:12 AM
Nanana....I'm not leaving....perhaps ya want me to...but i ain't goin nowhere!:19:
03-02-2013, 08:25 AM
Get lost, Jeepster. :D
03-02-2013, 09:00 AM
tinman has hit the nail on the head on every point.
03-02-2013, 09:28 AM
I can understand where Shoundrel is comming from as I've had to take a break from the some of the forums that I visit now and then. Not all of them are gun forums either. Just the fact that we're all from different parts of the country with different experiences,ages, backgrounds,races, education, and income can make getting along on the internet as pleasant as hearding cats. Sometimes what is written on the net in one part of the country in jest,could be taken completely wrong in another part. As they say the written word is easily misunderstood, and often is.
The part that gets me on many forums is that the topics talked about are so often high jacketed they make no sense at all and then arguments start, and then anything goes. Now the whole post was worthless.
Just as and example.
I saw a post recently on another forum that talked about Shotguns and there worth for HD. That post went so far off the original topic it that it created a lot of hard feelings and arguing, that it was nothing short of total insanity. It makes me wonder just how sane some gun owners actually are when the post starts out about Shotguns and can not stay anywhere near on topic. Why a post like that can not just talk about shotgun brands styles, guages and the types of ammo used for HD by Home owners who use shotguns is beyond me. Why do post like this always have to be about AR15's and other riflles or pistols when the original post was about Shotguns. Why can a post like that be left alone to stand on it's own.This goes on all the time on all forums these days. This to me anyway is not the reason these forums were created. In my my mind they were created to learn from one another in a positive and friendly manor. It seems like to many forums have drifted off there original purpose. It seems like many members of these forums feel they need to bash other brands to justify there gun purchases. I'll never undersand that mindset.
I can't remember haveing a bad word to say about Scoundrel or challenging him personally on his beliefs but I can understand why he is not partaking in many gun forums as many are way out of control and the negatives and political nonsense are far out weighing the positives. JMHO...Popeye
03-02-2013, 10:01 AM
Put very well Tinman. I think the sharing on this forum is meant to provide overall benefit to the other members.
I can understand how Scoundrel feels and why he has to do what he has to do. There was a time about 20 years ago when I quit going to the break room at work because of all the whining about how bad the company was and how we were all going to get laid off. I was working 60-70 hours a week then to make ends meet, had 2 kids then that were 5 and under, didn't ask for assistance from anyone, and just didn't need to hear the crap. I worked 2 jobs part of the time back then too so the wife could stay at home with the kids. At least if the lay off happened I could get another job. I eventually left before they shut the place down. Things turned for the better, I kept busting my tail working and have been very blessed for my efforts. I let them continue their whining and I tried to take some positive efforts for my future.
Well I can find another job but I can't find another free country to live in. I want to thank the moderators for allowing some leeway in what's posted on the forum. Information is key for preparation of whatever may come and changing the outcome of our future to something positive. The ability to share (and vent sometimes) about what is happening nation wide with our 2nd Amendment rights as well as the other things that are important in our country is valuable. And like it or not, I fear that if people don't stand up and say what they think we are going to keep heading down a bad road.
In 1994 a senator for my state made a public statement that if the US didn't get control over it's borders and immigration issues that America in 20 years would not be the same place, not that anything was wrong with the people themselves but it was a fact. He was called a racist. Well 20 years later we are not the same place and illegal immigration is out of control. Same thing is going to happen if people don't stand up and demand we get our government house in order.
Thanks again to the moderators for their patience with us all and God Bless the USA.:amflag: :banplease:
03-02-2013, 10:07 AM
OK. I realize I'm new and should probably stay out of this ... but I do have one comment to make
In all honesty, I would never have imagined that someone whose Screenname was "Scroundrel" and whose Avatar was a muzzle pointed at you, would end up being somebody I had to be careful around. If you ask me, they say, "Bring it on!"
03-02-2013, 10:27 AM
I have let the forum drift to be more openly against the current administration. But I am not sure drift is the word. I think all of us in the firearms community have been pushed by that administration and their supporters, federal, state, and local, to take a stand against them. This is not bias, it is simply action, reaction. If the administration stops attacking us, we will likely back down as well. The current state of affairs between supporters of firearms rights and one side of the American political establishment, WAS NOT created by Second Amendment supporters.
03-02-2013, 11:01 AM
I believe the administrators are doing a great job in this climate. You guys have never been in such an hostile anti-gun situation as this and are flying by the seat of your pants as it were.
You can't tailor the forum to keep one person happy, so you do the best you can to keep everyone coming back. I know you like to keep politics to a minimum, but we are having this political situation forced onto us. And I thank you for allowing us to express our concerns and thoughts and reactions to various situations as they crop up. If we don't hang together, we will surely hang separtely. I can see where people who aren't very conservative, might have a problem with many of our posts. But I think you have to look out for the majority of us, and not worry if one of us takes offense and leaves. People leave forums all the time. There is just no way you can please everyone.
03-02-2013, 11:08 AM
I have let the forum drift to be more openly against the current administration. But I am not sure drift is the word. I think all of us in the firearms community have been pushed by that administration and their supporters, federal, state, and local, to take a stand against them. This is not bias, it is simply action, reaction. If the administration stops attacking us, we will likely back down as well. The current state of affairs between supporters of firearms rights and one side of the American political establishment, WAS NOT created by Second Amendment supporters.
Thanks John for not only standing by the 2 amendment but by the 1st!
I don't believe we would have free speech if there was no second amendment.
03-02-2013, 11:52 AM
I think the Mods on this forum are doing a stand up job keeping things civil while still allowing people to discuss their disgust with the current political situation! In times like these we need to unite for the good of our cause instead of dividing. Right now we have a lot of people from the government working to take away our Second Amendment Rights and I am more concerned with those who just ignore it, wanting left alone, thinking that it will work itself out!!
I can get annoyed with the best of them sometimes by things that people say or their response to certain situations however I choose to just ignore it and walk away for a while to calm down. Hopefully after a short break you will realize that to walk away from a situation that is 90% good just to get rid of the 10% you didn't like isn't the best way to deal with it. Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the current political situation will get us no where other than disarmed and subject to someones whims. I for one will try my best to not let it go down that way!
03-02-2013, 12:48 PM
OK, so despite what I said in the OP, I couldn't resist hanging around long enough to see the responses.
And, I was sorely tempted to respond to some things directly, but I won't turn this into a big arm wrestling match.
I appreciate the kind words and understanding expressed by many of you.
Regarding my "manifesto", I intended it to be shorter and lighter, but once I started typing it got away from me. Sorry if your eyes got tired while reading it.
One or two of you don't understand why people announce their departure. For me, it's because when someone just goes poof and disappears, I want to know why, and I think it is a point of consideration to provide a reason.
Some of the responses were quite predictable in a negative way, and to those I offer my thumb, pushing up on the end of my nose.
It was not my intention to "get the last word", and neither is this reply. You may rest assured that I did read your responses, and I'll read your replies to this message too, but I'm not going to change my mind about leaving, and I'm not going to be drawn into big discussions about key points in my post.
My avatar is meant to be in the fashion of a portait, which is why there is an eye, and no hand on the weapon making it menacing. I apologize if anyone feels threatened by it. If you want to know more, search up the thread about avatar meanings.
I was probably too hard on the admins in my post. I understand why it's got to be the way it is, and the forums are the best place for people to voice their frustration and build a community to resist the stripping of our rights.
But with any group like that, there are the reasonable people who are justifiably angry, and there are the nut jobs who take it to the extreme, and there are the ones who repeat themselves over and over until surely they must get tired of their own words repeated again and again, but sadly they never do. And when it works its way into nearly every thread, it is like a small amount of poison consumed every day. At first you don't even notice it. Later you feel bad and don't know why. Much later, you know something is very wrong but not the source. By the time you figure out the source, the damage is done.
There were way more replies than I expected. I did hope to spark a bit of self-navel-examination among the community, and figured some people would take it personally. Nothing could be done about that. I hope that this followup provides a few of you with a better feeling about my intentions. I'm probably missing something else I should have replied to, but "frailty, thy name is human".
That is all.
03-02-2013, 01:19 PM
OK, so despite what I said in the OP, I couldn't resist hanging around long enough to see the responses
I predicted that perfectly. I did not see any animosity towards ur post that u were leaving, from anyone,,, so why apologize for sumnpin u believe in...
Not to sure u sparked any "self-navel examination from most on this forum. Their opinions matter just as much as yours does/did. they are all adults to, so IMO the self-navel exam might work with kids but not with adults who come from all walks of life and from all areas in this cuntry of ours. Not everyone thinks the same as u and I,nor should they.
Just sayin
03-02-2013, 01:52 PM
Hey has anybody heard from MikeyKahr lately? Did he leave too?
I've been lacking appreciation of the negative slant for a while, but occasionally participate anyway. It's really like we know what he is by what he does. Whatever we say isn't going to have any effect so more and more I'm opting to just not reply.
I do wish you well Scoundrel and hope being away from this helps you.
03-02-2013, 02:03 PM
Kahrtalk is one of the more "calm" forums I frequent. It's unfortunate you are choosing to leave but it's understandable. The internet needs to be taken as lightly as possible to not have it drive you crazy.
03-02-2013, 04:15 PM
[QUOTE=OldLincoln;226740]Hey has anybody heard from MikeyKahr lately? Did he leave too?
Page 2 of this thread. ;)
03-02-2013, 07:10 PM
One of the things that I like about this forum the most is that I can login and share my aggravation with the current administration, voice how much I dislike Obama and how little I trust him, along with reading current events that others post which support my feelings. I like interacting with others who feel the same and I certainly don't get any of that from the mainstream media.
03-02-2013, 07:18 PM
normally there are no obummer supporters on gun forums.What few have been on this one seem to temper their comments even so as not to get hammered by all. One is not gonna make alot of friends by being pro obummer on any gun forum.
He does not give a rats ass about gun owners, I really believe that to, so he gets zero from ol jocko. U gotta earn my respect.
03-02-2013, 07:41 PM
I'm right here OldLincoln. RIGHT HERE!!! I'm feeling so lonely, no one is paying any attention to me. :rolleyes:
03-02-2013, 07:43 PM
Your like a ghost writer nephew, you write and everyone reads it but it's like you were never there.
Maybe you need to step on toes more or piss people off so you get noticed more?
03-02-2013, 07:45 PM
like ol jocko does alopt--huh. Just sayin.
Sure is better than pumping some scarce ammo into someone.....
Not really....and there's no scarcity of the deserving.
I'm a charter member of this forum. I walked away for a bit a couple of times for pretty much the same reasons Scoundrel just left. Then I decided to simply not let some of the nuttier and more malignant crap get to me and just speak my mind when I feel like it. I'm a pragmatic, liberal conservative which automatically puts me at odds with a lot folk here. I'm also 70, have a lot of btdt, and have gone armed for most all of my adult life. So, I have opinions....some calcified and some not....and don't suffer fools lightly. Nor do I have a thin skin.
Really wish he wasn't going but I both well understand Scoundrel's decision to leave and also support it.
I'll be harder to get rid of. I'll just mouth off until I get banned.
03-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Hey Scoundrel, to also express my understanding of what you're feeling, I have given up on something too for about 6 months now. THE DAILY NATIONAL NEWS ON TV OR RADIO for the reasons it just ticks me off to see a certain persons face or hear their voice. You can't get "just news" from anywhere either. too much spin. Drives the wife crazier than it does me.
The wife got me started watching the local news only and I listen to a local radio show in the AM which is OK. Keeps me up to what's happening in the city and state.
If there is any big news in the world you will hear about it anyway and can look up that one subject on the net. I do still keep up with 2A stuff though.
03-02-2013, 08:11 PM
I have had some folks provoke me at times.
The ignore list is an amazing and powerful tool to filter particularly offensive or combative people.
I was wondering why no one responds to my posts or private messages. :eek:
Hey has anybody heard from MikeyKahr lately? Did he leave too?
I'm right here OldLincoln. RIGHT HERE!!! I'm feeling so lonely, no one is paying any attention to me. :rolleyes:
Dang somebody told me you were still here so I had to unblock you to see. Yup, you're here! Well... my sense of humor is such I never get invited to comedy central. Of course Obama may let me take a turn at portraying Biden once in a while.
03-02-2013, 08:18 PM
dang somebody told me you were still here so i had to unblock you to see. Yup, you're here! Well... My sense of humor is such i never get invited to comedy central. Of course obama may let me take a turn at portraying biden once in a while.
03-02-2013, 08:37 PM
All this block and unblock stuff. I must need the advanced posting class. All I know how to do is quick reply and quote. that only takes one click. I did learn how to add a pic though.
mr surveyor
03-02-2013, 08:38 PM
o.k. .... I'm back...... anybody miss me?????
dang...gotta go peepee again....
03-02-2013, 08:39 PM
I feel your pain brother, that's about all I know how to do too. Post count don't mean squat.
For a long time I had to have Old Lincoln and a couple others fix my picture posting. I finally got a handle on that but still ain't easy for the ole transplanted Missouri dirt farmer. That's Missouri, not misery although sometimes it's hard to tell.
03-02-2013, 08:44 PM
o.k. .... I'm back...... anybody miss me?????
dang...gotta go peepee again....
I missed you, but not by much. Guess I need more practice. :)
03-02-2013, 08:47 PM
Post count don't mean squat.
And just when I start feeling good about myself you have to go and tell me that. :(
And just when I start feeling good about myself you have to go and tell me that. :(
You need to bond with jocko over that.
03-02-2013, 09:17 PM
For a long time I had to have Old Lincoln and a couple others fix my picture posting. I finally got a handle on that but still ain't easy for the ole transplanted Missouri dirt farmer. That's Missouri, not misery although sometimes it's hard to tell.
Hey, we have something in common! I lived in Missouri for a couple years, St. Louis area, in the late 70's. But I haven't been back in a loooooooooooong time... I never did learn how to pronounce "Missouri" correctly, though, since I am a northerner.
03-02-2013, 09:23 PM
I've been lacking appreciation of the negative slant for a while, but occasionally participate anyway. It's really like we know what he is by what he does. Whatever we say isn't going to have any effect so more and more I'm opting to just not reply.
I'm getting to feel the same way, replying less and less on political threads. Added evidence of my growing aversion to the negative stuff is that I don't like to watch Fox News very much anymore.
I don't resent anyone posting their feelings and opinions on here. I still read most threads. I just don't reply and get involved. I am pretty annoyed with the POTUS and most of the other current denizens of the Capitol. Add quite a few governors and state legislatures. So it's not that I have different views.
I just want to discuss guns, ammo, holsters and legal concealed carry. It has been cold with snow flurries here, so I have stayed in my mancave today. I am pleased to say that I have found very good and comfortable carry solutions for all of my small rotation of pistols. So, all day today I have had all of them a quick draw away! :D Even this late at night, I am still in complete comfort. I have on my Jerry Bissell Gun Belt, my PPQ in the Aholster Belt Holster at 8:30, my CM9 in the Uncle Mike's #3 Pocket Holster in my left front jeans pocket, my J-frame in the Stays-Put Ultra Pocket Holster tucked inside my waistband at 10:30, and my TCP with 2 spare mags constantly in easy reach in it's very special hiding place. I have a pocket mag holder with an extra CM9 mag in my right front jeans pocket. (I don't have a mag holder for my PPQ mags, yet.) I wouldn't, but I could throw an untucked shirt or a jacket on and go out to the store like this and not be made (unless all the weight on the left makes me lean to the right to compensate!:p)
LOL! Guns are fun! :D
Scoundrel, I haven't been on here long and don't know you, don't post much, I read the new posts, except for the politics ones everyday. I understand your leaving, wish you could stay, your words of wisdom will be missed , at least by me. Here's wishing you far winds and following seas ! Rick
03-02-2013, 09:29 PM expecting company?
03-02-2013, 09:35 PM
I know I don't post very often, but I read just about every thread. Scoundrel, I'm sorry the tone of the forum has had a negative affect on you and I wish you well. With that said, I totally agree with what many of the other members have said regarding the current state of affairs in the US. If we as a country continue to ignore the many issues we are facing and the constant removal of our constitutional rights we will certainly be encountering some really bad times. It's not just about our 2nd amendment right either, there is so much more that needs to change in order for those changes to happen we need to talk to openly about the issues. Sorry for the semi rant. Carry on...
03-02-2013, 09:42 PM
Scoundrel will be back. After 1K posts, you need the Kahrtalk fix at least every other day.Its a sickness. Hell I was out of the country and pissed off when I tried to log in but the IP addy was blocked. I will try a work around this with John before my next sortie. After all gun guys spread the love all over the world.
03-02-2013, 09:42 PM
At last a remake of "Taxi Driver" staring Jfootin.
03-02-2013, 09:48 PM
I've been lacking appreciation of the negative slant for a while, but occasionally participate anyway. It's really like we know what he is by what he does. Whatever we say isn't going to have any effect so more and more I'm opting to just not reply.
I'm pretty much with you, Lincoln. Anyone who's been here for a few months knows how I feel about the current political situation, so I seldom reply to the anti post. Except, of course, when the subject is the loss of rights and not about an individual.
03-03-2013, 08:59 AM expecting company?
At last a remake of "Taxi Driver" starring JFootin.
LOL! No, I'm not expecting anyone. Just playing (carefully) with my toys. :D
It is good to practice drawing and reholstering with the holsters in their normal position, especially behind the hip where you don't want to have to be searching for your gun or holster.
Now, come on. I know some of you dress up like this at times. I recall pictures of Barth with two guns and several double stack mags mounted on his belt. And I see pictures of huge collections of guns, mags, knives, holsters and ammo carriers. Surely you guys occasionally arm yourself with a nice selection at the house.
Oh, that reminds me. I also clip my Gerber Fast Draw assisted opening knife at the back corner of my right front jeans pocket. A perfect EDC knife, IMO, and about $25 shipped.
I don't have 6 or 12 EDC knives. The Gerber meets my needs for a folder, and the Cold Steel Roach Belly meets my needs for a non-folder. I really like the shape and size of it. And it came incredibly sharp - sharper than any razor blade! And can be purchased for < $10 including a nice nylon sheath.
Again, I COULD carry my entire arsenal on me at one time, which makes it a pretty modest one, IMO. Each piece serves a unique and important role that is not duplicated. If one piece, or even two, is/are out of commission, I am not totally disarmed. But I don't have so many pieces that I could throw them like rocks at someone and stone them to death, either! :7:
I take my constitutional rights and carrying for self protection very seriously. But I enjoy gun ownership as a hobby, as well. :D
03-03-2013, 09:01 AM
03-03-2013, 01:56 PM
Tinman, you now know what and why the police think about their duty belts. At first the first question that gets asked is how Batman keeps his crap straight.
I really hesitated chiming in here. Especially since this was supposedly Scoundrel's final post without recourse.
It's what i imagine finding a suicide note would be like. A person is deeply angry about many things and decides to end it and leaves a final angry note about their anger. It may cleanse their soul to say those things but it leaves the survivors shaken, searching for answers, questioning their own behavior, and blaming themselves but in the end it is simply a passive aggressive way to lash out one final time with no fear of rebuttal. In a way (and I mean no ill directly to Scoundrel) it is a bit cowardly.
Perhaps it is good for a community to periodically step back and do a self inspection. Perhaps we can find things to change or do differently. Each of us are the only ones who can answer that. Should this behavior change be legislated by the owners? No, that is a personal decision we each need to make.
This forum was at one time completely apolitical and that was fine for the times. But as things in this country changed, the admins and mods wisely allowed it to seek it's own level and become what we are today. I appreciate that a lot. It is a place where I can vent my frustrations and expose my "smart-ass". I also am a member of a few other forums but this is the one I frequent every day. It fills a need that I have.
We are on uncharted territory in this country with daily assaults on our God-given rights. Being able to vent and report on those assaults is a very healthy thing. Let's face it, being able to verbalize a feeling and receive feedback (positive or negative) is a very good thing. It keeps us balanced and hopefully on course. Of course we're going to upset some folks. Everyone of us comes from a different place with different life experiences. It is what makes us a great nation. The ability to express your opinion without fear of reprisal is the first of our God-given rights. I truly hope this forum is allowed to continue to seek it's own level.
While I do not agree with every post on KahrTalk, I do value most of them. The ones I cannot accept, I simply ignore, disregard and move on.
Should Scoundrel decide to come back, I would welcome that. Would I necessarily agree with everything he says? I doubt it, but it does have value. Would I choose to argue with him? Maybe, likely not.
I honestly would hope he finds the strength and courage to return and continue to share his version of the truth and affect whatever personality this forum takes on.
Chris (tinman)
I urge you to go back to your George Costanza avatar. Your posts just don't read the same when I see them under Thomas Jefferson. They seem to lose a certain neurotic appeal
(not that there's anything wrong with that)
03-03-2013, 05:56 PM
indeed ur so right. I miss that avitar. We all know Tinman aqin't no thomas jefferson. I think R. Regan said sumpin like that to some looser in a debate.
we want George, we wqant George, we want George. Just sayin
03-03-2013, 07:15 PM
Often I don't understand a stated position but I respect it. Sometimes an activity is about the friends and relationships part of the activity not only the content. As a new forum member I have found the participants on this forum to ask good questions and others have provided good answers and advice. I have had to step back from a favored activity on occasion and find a new appreciation for it when I "come" back again. Best wishes to all for the upcoming week.
03-04-2013, 01:31 PM
Wow man, I hate to hear Scoundrel is leaving, hope it wasn't me, I've really been taking regular baths, brushing both teeth and everything....Seriously I can understand how the gloom and doom can get you down and it does get a little stale but this is a gun site and most of us are right wing conservative politically in our views and extremely passionate about our guns and our constitutional rights the current administration is working so diligently to strip away from us with all their power and it just stands to reason we are mad about it and need to vent from time to time...
I very much appreciate the mods letting us to continue to have political conversations about this subject and with this being a firearms web site with mostly consertative members it's bound to happen that a few fireworks are going to happen once in a while but that's a good thing and if we all thought and believed the exact same way there wouldn't be much interesting to talk about....
I love guns and talking about them and even will post a little in the political threads but what really keeps me coming back here is the people I consider to be my friends...I like to cut up and read some jokes while poking fun and getting poked back at in a friendly fun way and it just makes my day more fun and interesting....An example is Bawanna talking about Jfootin going all Taxi Driver as Travis Bickle while posing in the mirror "You talkin to me???" (yes I've done it too) just cracked me up and then scrolling down to Tinman's Batman Belt picture really made me spit coffee on my keyboard....THAT's the Kahrtalk I know and love!!!!....I've been here a long time and this place to me is so MUCH more than an internet talk site, it's like family to me and I really mean it when I say there's no place like home and I think of Kahrtalk as my second home and my cyber friends here as my second family...
The day when I signed on and found out that Detrich had died felt just like a brother had passed away to me, I cried and I'm not ashamed of that and I still miss him to this day even though I had never met him before in my life....When another long time member here got his guns stolen in a burglary we as a group with Bawanna's help came together and took up a collection for him....Another long time member was going through a divorce and was having a tough time of things and needed to vent and we were all here to offer support and comfort....This is real stuff and this is a very SPECIAL and unique place we have here and you can look far and wide and never find another like it anywhere...Kahrtalk is the "Cheers" of web sites and I would think long and hard before walking away just because of some political crap.....
Scoundrel if you're still listening we all hope you will reconsider and come back...Maybe take a little break and give it a rest but I think I speak for the whole crazy bunch here when I say you and your opinions were valued here and added much to this site and if you decide not to return you WILL be missed....
P.S. Michelle really does have a big ass any way you look at it!!!...:cool:
03-04-2013, 01:45 PM
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm bawling my eyes out getsome. I luv you man.
The part about the ass being big no matter how you look at it just tore my tear ducts wide open.
03-04-2013, 01:52 PM
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm bawling my eyes out getsome. I luv you man.
The part about the ass being big no matter how you look at it just tore my tear ducts wide open.
03-04-2013, 01:56 PM
It's hard not to get angry and lash out. I hope you stay, and share your calm. We could use more of that.
03-04-2013, 03:15 PM
Like I said I can understand him leaving if the site is not a possitive experience for him. Ok I get that. I'm not sure about the long letter, but If that's what he felt he needed to do at the time, well then that's what he needed to do. Personally I'd have just left,if the site was making me that unhappy.
One has to understand though if your going to voice your opinions on just about any topic then you can't get upset if someone disagrees with your opinions and lets you know about it. One thing about the internet and these forums is your going to run across a cast of characters from everypart of the country and if your going to take everything that is said to seriously or personal you better have some thick skin, or your going to end up with some very bruised feelings. I hope Scoundrel licks his wounds, gets his head back to where it needs to be, and finds his way back and doesn't take things so seriously or personal in the future..Now lets gather up some ammo and go shoot some guns..:D
03-04-2013, 03:29 PM
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm bawling my eyes out getsome. I luv you man.
The part about the ass being big no matter how you look at it just tore my tear ducts wide open.
True story:
When I was working for Georgia-Pacific in Atlanta, our boss took us all to The Beacon, a famous burger joint in downtown Atlanta, for lunch. The kind of place that never changes their cooking oil. As we were waiting in line, there was a group of young black women ahead of us in line. One of them was attractive and if you saw her from the waist up you would think that she was a slim, trim young lady. But from the waist down was a different story. Here hips were so wide (3 1/2 feet?) that she would have to turn sideways to fit through a lot of doors! I'll bet her lower body weighed 4 or 5 times as much as her upper body, on which was not an ounce of fat! Looked like a skinny girl riding an elephant!
Unlike the girl pictured above, she was skinnier up top and her thighs and lower legs were gigantic, too.
Humorous story within a story:
Whenever we visited the Beacon, it was interesting to see whether I or my boss would have to hit the head first when we got back to the office! :bump2:
03-04-2013, 03:35 PM
03-04-2013, 03:43 PM
Shake for me girl I wanna be your back porch man....:eek:
03-04-2013, 04:47 PM
03-04-2013, 05:07 PM
I hate to see someone leave as well over the political talk. I have only been here for about 3 months and I love this site. Sure, some of the talks can get a little heated but everyone has the RIGHT to vent. It does seem like more and more of those rights are being taken away, so we need to enjoy the ones we have.
Sure, I can see where someone would get bitter....but then JFootin posts a pic of a lady like that and I laugh like crazy....helps you relieve a little stress.
I enjoy this light hearted group. I feel like people have treated me with nothing but kindness since I joined. You guys have answered all of my matter how stupid they were. You all made me feel like I fit in.
I guess some people can get offended or a little bitter towards things BUT I HOPE THIS SITE NEVER CHANGES!!!
03-04-2013, 05:08 PM
03-04-2013, 05:09 PM
it won't. to many good people on here for that to happen.
03-04-2013, 05:46 PM
Those pictures can't possibly be real, can they? That just ain't right.
03-04-2013, 05:51 PM
truth be known the fat a$$ in the blue is really Michelle obummer.
03-04-2013, 05:52 PM
I am more amazed at where this seemingly somber farewell post ended up.
Classic KahrTalk!!
03-04-2013, 05:58 PM
well IMO it got better towards the end
03-04-2013, 06:07 PM
Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end. Old Lincoln
03-04-2013, 06:16 PM
Tinman..good to see your old avatar back.. :yo:
03-04-2013, 06:17 PM
Yeah, it feels better. That was my political phase. It doesn't work for me.
03-04-2013, 06:21 PM
yes definitely. I was beginning to think maybe u was gonna clean ur act up somewhat and fokkk the entire forum up to. Next time u THIN about changing ur avitar, u nee dto check witth the forum first. CAPISCE!!
03-04-2013, 06:30 PM
03-04-2013, 06:31 PM
Yeah, it feels better. That was my political phase. It doesn't work for me.
It just showed us how well rounded you are..can be serious and articulate when you want to be ..and yet still have a great sense of humor. But somehow with this avatar makes it feel more like coming home when when I see your posts. Don't often say it but still enjoy them a lot..keep them coming. !!
03-04-2013, 06:35 PM
He's back!!!!
03-04-2013, 06:43 PM (
03-04-2013, 06:45 PM
Did someone say serious and articulate? :confused:
03-04-2013, 06:46 PM
Even I threw up a little in my mouth on that one.
It's interesting that a farewell thread has become the most active thread on this site in quite some time. We've become the KahrTalk Reality Show. :D
03-04-2013, 06:57 PM
but towards the end here it has turned into a reality show. Scoundrel has moved on, I wished him well but the mourning for me is over ,,but this forum is what it is, a bunch of d!cks, who hijack threads, molest threads with ease, and soon we all forget what the original posted thread was. I wouldnot have it any other way
U just can't replace guys like Tinman, where wouldu go to find one like him???Maybe a nut house or ooney bin...
Second chick had a great beer stand butt
03-04-2013, 07:37 PM
Scoundrel has moved on...
Has he really?
Evidence suggests not. Who could resist listening in on what people say about them after they are "gone"?
03-04-2013, 08:40 PM
Have we ever had an entire thread stay on topic? Of course not! Usually the question is answered by about the third post. It is always fun to watch what happens to the threads. It could be one word said or a picture...then it all gets crazy! It really cracks me up.
03-04-2013, 08:49 PM
The day when I signed on and found out that Detrich had died felt just like a brother had passed away to me, I cried and I'm not ashamed of that and I still miss him to this day even though I had never met him before in my life....
I did not know this until I read your post, getsome.:(
I've been away too long, just popping in and out from time to time. I thought he had been "away" for a while as well. Sad news; he was a witty fellow. Godspeed.
I'm sorry for the thread drift.
03-04-2013, 09:31 PM
Can we still bash the French?.....wait, what was the original topic?
mr surveyor
03-04-2013, 09:37 PM
I'm still wondering if I missed the boat?
03-04-2013, 09:42 PM
13 pages because some Liberal is fed up because the average American does not like King bummer and the cow wife.
Good luck finding any gun forum that recognizes the idiot as a Liberal/Progressive God sent here to save us.
mr surveyor
03-04-2013, 09:55 PM
ooooppppssss.... I see a big lock down in the near future
Chief Joseph
03-04-2013, 10:30 PM
I have let the forum drift to be more openly against the current administration. But I am not sure drift is the word. I think all of us in the firearms community have been pushed by that administration and their supporters, federal, state, and local, to take a stand against them. This is not bias, it is simply action, reaction. If the administration stops attacking us, we will likely back down as well. The current state of affairs between supporters of firearms rights and one side of the American political establishment, WAS NOT created by Second Amendment supporters.
AMEN. And it is time we take a stand. If that hurts the feeling of those who lick nobamas boots, so be it.
Chief Joseph
03-04-2013, 10:34 PM
normally there are no obummer supporters on gun forums.What few have been on this one seem to temper their comments even so as not to get hammered by all. One is not gonna make alot of friends by being pro obummer on any gun forum.
He does not give a rats ass about gun owners, I really believe that to, so he gets zero from ol jocko. U gotta earn my respect.
In this current climate, there cannot be a 2nd Amendment AND a democrat supporter. It's just not possible, supporting democrats is supporting the END of the 2nd Amendment.
03-04-2013, 10:38 PM
I still like my guns a lot, and I'd dearly love to participate in a gun forum, talking about cool new guns, results of experiments and mods, helping people figure out problems, and stuff like that. But since I cannot have the good stuff without overwhelming amounts of the most potent vitriolic bad stuff to go with it, I am leaving.
On a serious note - you might want to try the Smith and Wesson forum - they pretty much ban all political talk and try to stay on point re serious S&W collecting, shooting, etc... pineappleshooter
03-05-2013, 12:17 AM
I'm still wondering if I missed the boat?
Boat??!!! There was a boat????? What boat.... where did it go..... dag-nab-it, wife is right, I always seem to miss the danged boat.
03-05-2013, 12:17 AM
I'm getting to feel the same way, replying less and less on political threads. Added evidence of my growing aversion to the negative stuff is that I don't like to watch Fox News very much anymore.
I don't resent anyone posting their feelings and opinions on here. I still read most threads. I just don't reply and get involved. I am pretty annoyed with the POTUS and most of the other current denizens of the Capitol. Add quite a few governors and state legislatures. So it's not that I have different views.
I just want to discuss guns, ammo, holsters and legal concealed carry. It has been cold with snow flurries here, so I have stayed in my mancave today. I am pleased to say that I have found very good and comfortable carry solutions for all of my small rotation of pistols. So, all day today I have had all of them a quick draw away! :D Even this late at night, I am still in complete comfort. I have on my Jerry Bissell Gun Belt, my PPQ in the Aholster Belt Holster at 8:30, my CM9 in the Uncle Mike's #3 Pocket Holster in my left front jeans pocket, my J-frame in the Stays-Put Ultra Pocket Holster tucked inside my waistband at 10:30, and my TCP with 2 spare mags constantly in easy reach in it's very special hiding place. I have a pocket mag holder with an extra CM9 mag in my right front jeans pocket. (I don't have a mag holder for my PPQ mags, yet.) I wouldn't, but I could throw an untucked shirt or a jacket on and go out to the store like this and not be made (unless all the weight on the left makes me lean to the right to compensate!:p)
LOL! Guns are fun! :D
Does it have to be CONCEALED carry?
I mean I have no issue if that is how you choose to carry but it really ticks me off when others denigrate me because I choose to open carry now and again. There are pros and cons to each style and for me neither outweigh the other. Kinda like some carry a spare or two and some see no point in a spare at all as they do not believe they will get the chance to reload if they aint dealt with the issue before that.
03-05-2013, 05:53 AM
Does it have to be CONCEALED carry?
I know for me it does. I do not feel the need to advertise that I'm carrying a gun. As far as how you carry I could care less. I do have a question though. If it brothers you that much about what others think about OC. What made you feel the need to comment or question someone else on there method of CC? Why would you even bring the topic up in the first place? Are you bored? Or are you just trying to start and internet pissing match??
MW surveyor
03-05-2013, 06:00 AM
Here we go, get the popcorn out.
03-05-2013, 06:01 AM
03-05-2013, 06:11 AM
I see the Pissing contest discussion is well in hand. ;)
Reminds me...
03-05-2013, 06:21 AM
03-05-2013, 06:53 AM
Seems like we ran across another member who gets ticked off (his words)because others do not agree with him, and he needs a hug and a little understanding. Good grief. WTF is going on here? Maybe we should start a section for ill feelings, and how they should be addressed, for some of our more sensitive members.
03-05-2013, 07:11 AM
good point there Popeye.
03-05-2013, 07:50 AM
Now I am considering leaving because this post actually got 14 pages of responses...C'mon Kahrtalkians!
03-05-2013, 07:54 AM
03-05-2013, 08:31 AM
...and he needs a hug and a little understanding.
What we need is a big
03-05-2013, 08:43 AM
My brother's ex-wife's sister-in law on her husbands side. I think. Top Shelf don't you think?
MW surveyor
03-05-2013, 08:47 AM
Please for the love of god. Do not post any more big booty photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-05-2013, 08:49 AM
Please for the love of god. Do not post any more big booty photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, I second that!
I will say the sweaty body builders hugging was also kind of
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
03-05-2013, 09:43 AM
So Shiny!!!...:p
03-05-2013, 09:43 AM
My brother's ex-wife's sister-in law on her husbands side. I think. Top Shelf don't you think?
u know this dub b!tch is proud of her a$$ to. wow: stupid is as stupid goes: forrest gump.:Amflag2:
mr surveyor
03-05-2013, 10:04 AM
Daddy....Daddy..... are we there yet?????
mr surveyor
03-05-2013, 10:05 AM
Five more minutes
mr surveyor
03-05-2013, 10:09 AM
long trip
MW surveyor
03-05-2013, 10:59 AM
long trip
So I see what you did there with the post times.
03-05-2013, 11:08 AM
Not the first gal I've seen that needed to go to a tent and awning store to buy skivvies. That can't be real. Tell me thats a Tinman photoshop job.
Hell she could put a grocery sack on her rump and walk around like a pickup truck.
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit AGAIN.
Scoundrel, if you on the air, come back into the fold. I'll close this visual abomination thread and we'll pretend it never happened.
Mooron Able
03-05-2013, 11:16 AM
Hey! Just go to Walmart... or Sam's Club... lots of them... and lots of them riding around in the mobility-challenged electric carts! They're not all dark-skinned, either! Sometimes I just can't believe how big some of these people are... not all WOMEN, either!
03-05-2013, 11:20 AM
I love what Ron White says on one of his comedy CD's "If you find yourself at over 500 pounds just stay home and go for the record"...:eek:
03-05-2013, 11:24 AM
Ya know... I think there's been some "thread creep" here and it's gotten a wee bit off whatever the topic was!:D
03-05-2013, 11:26 AM
Ya think? I think it happened about 14 pages back, not sure what it is but something has definitely shifted.
03-05-2013, 11:28 AM
03-05-2013, 11:33 AM
Hey! Just go to Walmart... or Sam's Club... lots of them... and lots of them riding around in the mobility-challenged electric carts! They're not all dark-skinned, either! Sometimes I just can't believe how big some of these people are... not all WOMEN, either!
Here in Tampa it's fun to go to the malls and check out all the hot girls.
They seem to get dressed up just to parade around the place.
So me and some buddies went to a NASCAR race out of state.
Decided to head to the mall and check out the hotties.
Holy Moly what a shocker!
Ladies in spandex with curlers in their hair?!?!?
"Oh, the humanity!" we ran out of the place...
03-05-2013, 11:42 AM
03-05-2013, 11:44 AM
I guess "drift" is the usual word, but this is like a guy with his pants on fire running off to the side somewhere! This kind of took over the "March Madness...."
We ought to do this more often!
03-05-2013, 11:50 AM
mr surveyor
03-05-2013, 12:04 PM
stop the car...I'm gettin dizzy
03-05-2013, 12:06 PM
Ya think? I think it happened about 14 pages back, not sure what it is but something has definitely shifted.
where, how, u sure. who would chance it on this forum. certainly not Tinman, he has been drifint since birth,every time he thinks he is settled on this forum he again gets pushed out to sea.
I honestly see no drifting here, for the topic (what ever it was) was discussed, some cried, some did not but then it was time to chat about the good thing in life:Amflag2: I just speakiung for ol jocko wold never drift a thread, It is just not ethical. i have only see it once on this forum and that guy was banned immediately. as u all well know or COLONEL does not allow any dirfiting or paraphrasing or talking about any zoo animals that swing from branch to branch.
I wish I could post some of the "art" work that downtown sends to me kbut for soe reason when I hit the send button all goes blank..
03-05-2013, 01:40 PM
I can see where guy with huge hands who can palm a basketball would appreciate gettin' hold of that! Pretty hair. I wonder what the face looks like.
03-05-2013, 02:03 PM
Not me, I don't care what the face looks like. One more little throw up in my mouth and I'm gonna have to see a doctor, might be chronic acid reflux or Coco Bolo poisoning syndrome.
If Scoundrel had any second thoughts about his decision to leave, you guys sealed the deal! :eek:
03-05-2013, 02:19 PM
Who is Scoundrel and what kind of dog does he have?
He's a local guy to me, I'll track him down and get him back. Besides I know he has a ton of 22 in stock, I might have to apply the barter system to get some if things don't improve.
03-05-2013, 02:24 PM
I bet if u posted u wanted some 22 ammo and for that u would ban ol jocko, u would have literally pallets on ur deck the next day.Just sayin
03-05-2013, 02:26 PM
I need some 22 ammo and I'll ban Ol Jocko if the quantity is sufficient either individually or as a group.
Please forward offers asap.
03-05-2013, 02:26 PM
Crap, no offers yet!
03-05-2013, 02:29 PM
I bet if u posted u wanted some 22 ammo and for that u would ban ol jocko, u would have literally pallets on ur deck the next day.Just sayin
There would be pallets.
But they wouldn't be loaded with ammo.
03-05-2013, 02:31 PM
I need some 22 ammo and I'll ban Ol Jocko if the quantity is sufficient either individually or as a group.
Please forward offers asap.
I'm good for 10 bricks of Federal hp. so put me down for that. Just sayin:Amflag2:
I have 3 or 4 bricks that you can have, Bawanna.
The mason left 'em behind when he repaired my chimney. ;)
03-05-2013, 02:55 PM
I'm good for 10 bricks of Federal hp. so put me down for that. Just sayin:Amflag2:
I'm gonna have to check the rule book here, I'm not sure you can contribute to your own cause. Go ahead and send it just to save time.
I don't know that I'd trust me too much though, not sure I could push the button on Ole Jocko, just wouldn't be right ya know.
Take ya out just for another stamp on my plane, not worth it, course a quantity of 22 ammo does sweeten the pot immensely.
03-05-2013, 04:14 PM
I need some 22 ammo and I'll ban Ol Jocko if the quantity is sufficient either individually or as a group.
Please forward offers asap.
What's your address?
03-05-2013, 04:25 PM
I'm gonna have to check the rule book here, I'm not sure you can contribute to your own cause. Go ahead and send it just to save time.
I don't know that I'd trust me too much though, not sure I could push the button on Ole Jocko, just wouldn't be right ya know.
Take ya out just for another stamp on my plane, not worth it, course a quantity of 22 ammo does sweeten the pot immensely.
Jocko is the Perpetual New Guy.
I think if you ban him he just keeps coming back.
03-05-2013, 04:29 PM
Did scoundrel leave,come back, and leave again?
03-05-2013, 04:30 PM
Did scoundrel leave,come back, and leave again?
Who is scoundrel???
03-05-2013, 04:32 PM
Sort of like a hemorrhoid? I don't recollect ever having one but I've heard they aren't great especially for a full time sitter such as myself.
Or maybe like the criminal justice system where you put the bad guy in jail and he's back in town before the cop gets back to the station.
Naw, I ain't banning ol Jocko, I'll figure out another scam to get 22. Maybe my ship will come in and a little old lady will bring in 10 or 12 bricks for disposal.
Happened before. Now would be a good time for it to happen again and I'd share. I really wood. It's would you darn fool wood butcher!:o
03-05-2013, 04:37 PM
Kind of confused..not sure whether to post this here or the other March madness thread..
03-05-2013, 04:37 PM
Unfortunately all I have are 300 rounds of CCI std velocity which is total crap out of an SR22. Works well in the bolt action rifle but that's about it.
I want me some mini-mags or stingers.
03-05-2013, 04:39 PM
Kind of confused..not sure whether to post this here or the other March madness thread..
Not sure if threads can be blended but this one sorta morphed into the March Madness thread.
Anyone seen Scoundrel? I heard a rumor he was bugging out of Kahrtalk.
03-05-2013, 04:42 PM
03-05-2013, 04:43 PM
you're about 12 pages too late with that PULL OUT stuff.
Oooops, sorry, PULL UP
03-05-2013, 04:57 PM
Well, there's one less Socialist Dictator, elected or not... left in the world. I'm sure someone like him will fill his shoes. We still have OUR Wannabe Socialist Tyrant/King or whatever, though. Anyhow, Chavez died and the regime will probably keep going and "enslaving" the people of Venezuela.:(
MW surveyor
03-05-2013, 05:08 PM
Dang Wynn, I just started a thread about Chavez! You beat me to it.
03-05-2013, 05:25 PM
can't be anyomne any worse than he was, so good ridince to bad garbage. Pray for a better one, surely someonein his administration hasto see how he has brought his cuntry down over the past 14 years. Hell who knows, maybe in 4 years obummer can go there and ruin their cuntry for them.
03-05-2013, 05:28 PM
Probably will I think he was born there.
03-05-2013, 05:32 PM
Wow that McD's calendar has some images I will never get out of my head!!LOL
03-05-2013, 05:34 PM
Probably will I think he was born there.
03-05-2013, 05:37 PM
This thread has gotten totally out of hand. I'm leaving, too.
03-05-2013, 05:49 PM
ok scoundrel, oops I mean muggsy..
03-05-2013, 06:15 PM
You all realize if we go off track long enough, eventually we'll end up back at the beginning.
03-05-2013, 06:38 PM (
03-05-2013, 06:59 PM
Is that certificate of live birth or certificate of jive birth?
I was getting bored with this forum, but after finding this thread there is hope!
I'll say one thing, that Osama bin Laden is something else - fathering Barry bin Bama at the tender age of 7 with a woman more than 6 times his age!
03-05-2013, 07:10 PM
You all realize if we go off track long enough, eventually we'll end up back at the beginning.
If this happens, will this mean the end of the world!!!??? Will Kahrtalk explode???
03-05-2013, 07:24 PM
That McDonald's Kalender 2013 brought back memories ... my rather gross college roommate used to buy "Screw" magazine (is that still published?), and one edition had an article called "Too Fat to F***" that almost - almost - drove me to a life of celibacy. It took a while to recover.
03-05-2013, 07:42 PM
WR Monger
03-05-2013, 09:19 PM
03-06-2013, 06:57 AM
This thread is like a death scene in a Greek Tragedy! It goes on and on......
03-06-2013, 07:03 AM
03-06-2013, 09:04 AM
HA!! I like Greek Tragedies ;)
03-06-2013, 09:11 AM
I said to myself I'm done replying to this post,it's just gone to far out of control but I almost pissed myself with this reply. Bawaa,haa,haa,haa.Gigglesnort.
03-06-2013, 09:20 AM
Oh my goodness.
We have been reduced to a caricature by Tinman.
This thread is a classic.
What was it about again?
03-06-2013, 09:22 AM
Thanks! That's my first good laugh of the day!
03-06-2013, 09:48 AM
LOL! :D I feel famous, or maybe infamous! What would you call that group? The Gang of Five? The Inglorious Bastards? The Hole in the Wall Gang? Or the Kahrtalk Supreme Court?
03-06-2013, 09:54 AM
How bout "the Fudge Fart Five"...
MW surveyor
03-06-2013, 11:47 AM
Ray, Scoundrel said he was leaving and asked that we PM him if we wanted to correspond as he wouldn't be reading the posts. I don't think that he was as upset about the politics as he was about how the politics degenerated into racial slurs. I have to agree with him on that count. I judge a man by the content of his character rather than by the color of his skin. Skin color is an accident of birth. Character comes from what you are taught. Obama is short on character, but not because of his race.
Just so you know muggsy, you are not the only one out there.
True story (groan)
Youngest daughter told me one time that I was prejudiced. I replied "I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equally" :ohmy:
03-06-2013, 11:53 AM
Having a gift of profiling abilities I'm also frequently labeled as racist. Not true. I too hate everyone equally until proven otherwise.
The thing that really chaffs my backside is the reverse racism. The pres is really good at that. And anyone that complains or mentions it is labeled a racist.
If anyone can convert me to become a racist he's certainly the guy to do it.
03-06-2013, 12:04 PM
Ihave to agree with the coolonel here. reverse racism is at its highest with this president. Fokk him. How about that??? Do u think I owe the blacks or the Indians today anything for what my ancestros did a 100+ years ago.How much longer do I have to keep payin???? It is time to put that sympthaty sh!t behind them and us and work together. Do u think that a Italian today likes to be called a hunkie, Wop. dago.: Fokk u on that, but it is accepted as well were White and we lost those recial reverse respectable rights from the others out there. Seems we have no remorse about banging Hugh Chevez, what would we call that??
Naw if scondrel left because of that then IMO he was way to thin skinned for any internet conversation. I used to wear my feeling on the end of my sleeve a few years back but after some real counseling from yes, the colonel I realized to that it is the internet and yes it is a gun forum, and neither are life savng for me to exist. When I get ready to leave I will leave, not leave a ol jocko manifresto telling everyone here what I think or don't think about them.
We or at least many that I know seem to sterotype towel heads or scratch offs with a evil eye. We seem to make no quarrels about banging them on this forum, whether it be in jest or sincerity. So to me racism is in the eyes of the beholder. I guess it is fine if a black comedian uses the N word time and time again to humilate his own, but low and behold if a player or white man lets it slip. "out come the gallows, and out of the walls comes ol Jesse and Al Sharpie.Do u honestly think this zimmerman case is not racially motivate. If it was black on white, It might have made page 10 but no Federal prosecutor. IMO I really do feel that most of all are not racists but continue to shove it up our asses day in and day out and u betcha I can hate with the best of them. Obummer has done alot of that to me, for I think he is a racists, not really I. Sorry about this rant but I ain't gonna alibi for anythig that scoundrel did, It was his choice. We have over 7K members here and just how many are active???Maybe 50 at best and then put that 50 all over the u.s. and u just get different thinkin for reasons of their own..Jst sayin
03-06-2013, 12:14 PM
Good one Tinman, needed a good laugh
les strat
03-06-2013, 03:50 PM
I hate to see Scoundrel go. I too have not been as active on the forum (or any gun forum) lately. I also have had to stop listening to conservative radio. Yes, it can be depressing, and it seems like our country's common sense is nowhere to be found.
But I will tell you this, just because you ignore something does not mean that it is not alive and thriving.
That there is just fokkin funny!
03-06-2013, 08:25 PM
Apparently I'm among those who are not famous enough to be pictured. :cool:
But then not everyone got their faces on Mt Rushmore either. :ohmy:
I'll continue being happy with my anonymity, which allows me to appear in public without causing a stir! In fact, I might be outside your house right now. ;)
03-06-2013, 08:32 PM
That's what I do too. I'm the king of low profile and anonymity. Throw on a camo hat and I'm invisible.
mr surveyor
03-06-2013, 08:49 PM
I'm invisible and I like it that way:D
03-07-2013, 05:42 AM
I'm invisible and I like it that way:D
I have issues...
03-07-2013, 06:48 AM
That is what the line "What makes the Hottentot ( so hot?" the Cowardly Lion sign in The Wizard of Oz is talking about. The medical term is steatopygia.
See, who says gun threads can't be educational outside of guns and politics?
03-07-2013, 08:35 AM
I always thought TopoGigio was that lil mouse on the Ed Sullivan show.
03-07-2013, 08:36 AM
What is this thread even about.....?
03-07-2013, 08:43 AM
Hang in there. We're gonna end up back at the beginning soon.
03-07-2013, 09:49 AM
What is this thread even about.....?
I don't know. I truely don't know. Somebody left,somebody else is apparently pissed off about something. It could about the size of there girlfriends bottoms I guess,Or it could be about the five cursing greek tennors, or maybe it's that little Fokker rodent Topo Gigio's fault all along,Those little rodent bastages are like that ya know. or it could just be everybody is just so friggin sick of winter they have nothing else to do.:D
03-07-2013, 09:55 AM
Hang in there. We're gonna end up back at the beginning soon.
sure hope not, just sayin
MW surveyor
03-07-2013, 09:58 AM
sure hope not, just sayin
Yea, then we'd have to start alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over again. :eek:
03-07-2013, 10:10 AM
What's the record for highest number of posts on a single normal thread? We should keep going for the record....:blah:
mr surveyor
03-07-2013, 10:14 AM
sure been a long five more minutes.... I don't think we'll ever get there.
stop the car...I'll get out and walk
now, where are we anyway?
03-07-2013, 10:27 AM
That's one good thing about winter I guess except for the guy with the couch rocket I guess. Guys have time to visit and add to educational threads such as this one.
Summer comes and folks are outside doing stuff and it gets kind of slow and boring around here.
This thread really has run on hasn't it. I think it needs a passport it's been so far out of the country and back so many times.
03-07-2013, 10:31 AM
best thing u jcould do colonel is just lock this thread and let it die ..
03-07-2013, 10:34 AM
Anybody second that? I'll shut er down.
03-07-2013, 10:36 AM
my wife seconds that. Just sayin
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